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HARBY DOWN!!! Replace hamsters ASAP


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It is patently ridiculous that I can't log in and play this right now. You've known for over a year that this server has issues and you've done nothing...NOTHING...to solve those issues. You're content to let it crash over and over again without doing anything substantial to permanently fix this recurring issue.



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It is patently ridiculous that I can't log in and play this right now. You've known for over a year that this server has issues and you've done nothing...NOTHING...to solve those issues. You're content to let it crash over and over again without doing anything substantial to permanently fix this recurring issue.




DEEP BREATH. Seriously, you'll hyperventilate.


Getting all shouty isn't going to bring the server back any sooner. You'll bust a blood vessel or something.

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Sure would be nice to finish all these cutscenes in chapter 2 so I can move on. I finally started KOTFE tonight and sure enough, Harbinger goes down.


I'm just spitballing here, but it seems harbinger's had these issues for as long as the game's been up. How many more years will it take to fix it 100%? Aren't you running out of band-aids yet?

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While I respect your dedication and love for the game, maybe- you know what? Not gonna judge.


People have put millions and millions into this game, so believe me, BioWare and EA care about it going strong. Just maybe not enough, and that won't change no matter how many dollars an individual person puts in.


Hey they reversed course and turned this back into a story focused game, they got the message that we didn't want WoW with Lightsabers (and a terrible engine). Now we have a story game built on top of a wannabe WoW clone engine like two Star Wars action figures atop a stale Warcraft themed wedding cake. =)


Loving all the new cut scenes, it's just a shame we'll forever be married to the hero engine.

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It is patently ridiculous that I can't log in and play this right now. You've known for over a year that this server has issues and you've done nothing...NOTHING...to solve those issues. You're content to let it crash over and over again without doing anything substantial to permanently fix this recurring issue.



The Impatience is strong with this one!


Note: i wonder how BW would take to us making jawa movie titles on the forums to pass the time? "wink Wink"

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Oh I understand. They use their resources for Cheetos and beer, I use mine to play a game. I don't drink, use drugs, break rules, and I have spent my life doing live in home health care, taking care of people who couldn't stay in their homes otherwise. So go ahead, treat me like crap for spending money on something other than booze and dope.
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It is patently ridiculous that I can't log in and play this right now. You've known for over a year that this server has issues and you've done nothing...NOTHING...to solve those issues. You're content to let it crash over and over again without doing anything substantial to permanently fix this recurring issue.




You definitely gave them what-for, dude!

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Oh I understand. They use their resources for Cheetos and beer, I use mine to play a game. I don't drink, use drugs, break rules, and I have spent my life doing live in home health care, taking care of people who couldn't stay in their homes otherwise. So go ahead, treat me like crap for spending money on something other than booze and dope.


So..... the rest of us are all alcoholic drug addicts? You really went there?

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