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Hk-55 ** huge spoilers **


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I hope they do let us get him repaired. He's the only new companion I actually want. Lana and Theron can stay on the ship for all I care, Nico Okarr is about 6 months from needing a walker (not the Imperial kind), and Koth would get assigned to airlock cleaning duty if I was allowed to space unwanted companions. Like an Evocii giver they take back the good companion they gave us, but the steaming pile in the pilot's seat we get to keep. And they wonder why all they ever hear us do is complain.
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Best part of the entire expansion by far when that annoying droid that think it's funny with its dumb retarded humor and high pitched super-annoying voice FINALLY kicked the bucket!


Good riddance and it would have been awesome if he would have taken HK-51 right with him to the grave!

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Best part of the entire expansion by far when that annoying droid that think it's funny with its dumb retarded humor and high pitched super-annoying voice FINALLY kicked the bucket!


Good riddance and it would have been awesome if he would have taken HK-51 right with him to the grave!


Go away, dude! This is the place for grief and sorrow not for demonstration of your lack of sensitivity.


I am not serious, of course, say what you want, your game - your rules. But speaking about dogs superiority in the threads about cats is a bad tone and looks more like a trolling.


Anyway, I was so happy to get a letter from Lana about sacrifices right after HK death, hoped to read something about "we found a memory cheep of our brave self-sacrificer, it's not all HK personality but most of it" - and BW killed me second time when it turned out to be just a regular letter about Lana's feelings.

Edited by Mirandel
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I'd rather sacrificed all other crew members than one HK-55. But I have a feeling all un-customizable companions will be sacrificed in the future chapters and maybe return to us in a form of some Cartel Market tokens. I am just upset they picked most fun and charismatic characters first. Why they did not start their sacrificing routine with new Lana, she is extremely boring anyway.
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I'd rather get rid of the rest of the team, Niko/Koth/Lana/whatever. HK-55 was funny, and not annoying, and I already miss him.


Seriously, I don't see why they'd upset so many customers with his death: KOTFE is a very family-friendly venture, I can just picture crying kids.

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i agree...Yes its sad and im like HK-55 much too. But in realy good RPGs die characters you like sometimes. I like that swtor go that way and hope HK-55 never comes back. His death is a part of the Story, bring him back would be a bad joke. This Booring crap that you can save always all your friends is mah...I hope swtor adds more Situations like this, but with Options for Players to choose. Would be cool see some Players with Crewman i lost forever and vise versa.


The Story up to Chapter IX is very short for 9 Chapters. The new Levels and Planets are very small that is a Part i found very sad. I hope swtor ads later real Planets like Balmora or Voss e.g.

Edited by RaginNordwin
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Ok. I was doing the heroics on DK to get those supplies? And I happened to see someone on DK doing the same heroics, level 65, with HK55 as his companion. If I am correct, you have to finish those missions to get access to Odessen, (sp) and even though he was on DK, when my HK 55 was alive I couldn't call him on ANY Planet (I tried).


So how the heck did he do that? Is it possible to get through that without him dying? If so, I'm gonna be devastated.... I'd kill off everyone else just to have him back, he was awesome.

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Ok. I was doing the heroics on DK to get those supplies? And I happened to see someone on DK doing the same heroics, level 65, with HK55 as his companion. If I am correct, you have to finish those missions to get access to Odessen, (sp) and even though he was on DK, when my HK 55 was alive I couldn't call him on ANY Planet (I tried).


So how the heck did he do that? Is it possible to get through that without him dying? If so, I'm gonna be devastated.... I'd kill off everyone else just to have him back, he was awesome.


I believe when you complete Chapter 7 it says he is now a companion. Could be wrong.

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Ok. I was doing the heroics on DK to get those supplies? And I happened to see someone on DK doing the same heroics, level 65, with HK55 as his companion. If I am correct, you have to finish those missions to get access to Odessen, (sp) and even though he was on DK, when my HK 55 was alive I couldn't call him on ANY Planet (I tried).


So how the heck did he do that? Is it possible to get through that without him dying? If so, I'm gonna be devastated.... I'd kill off everyone else just to have him back, he was awesome.


Could it have been HK-51?

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whats i don't understand is if they are dead then why delegate a tab to them meaning even though marr and 55 are dead they now appear in the companion list under main characters why take the time to write code to place dead characters on the list of companions do i really need to be reminded who died if I have no chance to get them back why not just add them as a codex entry ? so that might be a sign at some point we will have access to them again at some point otherwise why would i want to be reminded of companions i cannot use & may of liked everytime i open my companion box.
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I'm just counting the days when I can kill that whiny new guy that flys the ship, Gawd I hate him so much I don't even remember his name.


Yeah the walking talking stereotype. I have met several people in my life that are carbon copies of him. I can't STAND them. It is literally impossible to make him more of a stereotype than what he is right now. Maybe someone thought he would be funny ha-ha in the game, but in real life these people do exist and having to deal with them is INFURIATING! So no, it isn't his ship. I don't owe him any ships. I didn't say his crew could come aboard MY ship. The second we got out of harms way I would have left Koth and Senya in a locked room and Senya could let me know when she's done.


"choices that MATTER" yeah let me kill off Koth. Otherwise it's just all smoke/mirrors like usual. Let me ACTUALLY do something that MATTERS. This is a game, there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to get rid of characters we don't like. I thought that was the whole point. Instead we get MORE CHARACTERS WE DON'T LIKE! And cannot get rid of them.


And yes I could have

carried HK55 back no problem. Him and my HK51 were going to be the bestest best friends. Severely irritating. Character I like, gone. Character I hate, forced on me every time I turn around. Typical bioware.


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Loved my HK-55 so much...used every gift that dropped to raise my influence, went to the Fleet and grabbed a whole stack of gifts that appealed to him, had my influence higher on him than any other companion. Go to the last boss fight and Bioware kills him off?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!.............man this blows. :mad:
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One of the dumber writing decisions. You finally make the HK we wanted to replace the disappointment that was HK-51, arguably the most interesting of the new companions to me at least, and then you kill him. Not only that but you hype that Decisions Matter! Then the companion you kill doesn't involve any choices on your part. Just... wow.


I hope you're planning to have him repaired by someone and he returns, because otherwise, this was just dumb.

Pretty much agree, beside the "bring him back". I don't want him back, but for HK-51 to grow a edgy perosnality. Killig some dear companions is a good thing for the story.

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