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Everything posted by tareg_imaru

  1. Nope. They did not fix it. I can't find Anodyne Extract by name, for example. Don't know what's wrong with this name. But I can find another items which could not be found yesterday. It seem the bug was shifted to another set of names somehow.
  2. Well, earlier I soloed one SF with my most well geared character (inquisitor tank). Now I tried to do the same Belsavis SF (buffed of course) with my consular tank. His gear is mostly 208, couple of pieces is 216 and one relic is 178, no augments. His influence with alliance specialist is 5 so he can't use alliance gadgets (turret, probe, etc.). He has 20lvl Leyta as a healer. This run was boring and tedious all the way and very painful in the end. First rooms were not difficult but it took quite a time to clear them, especially paladins. It took about 40 min to clear everything down to Ephemeris room. But real troubles started in third generator room. Leyta constantly stopped her healing and wasted precious time just standing there doing nothing and I had to switch her on passive mode and back again running around like crazy trying to hold aggro, to not die without healing, to switch those companion modes, to do everything at once. And of course my companion preferred to heal herself all the time with little exceptions. Boss fight was just ridiculous. It took 4 tries to kill him. - first try. At about half of boss HP companion stopped using any healing abilities except one channeled ability which was not enough. Then she somehow took aggro on herself and held it long enough to die no matter what I was doing. When she died I kept running around trying to hold long enough to kill the boss but eventually died. - second try. Everything was relatively smooth then companion took some damage and started to heal herself instead of me (without any visible success) and after a short time got one-shotted by the boss. I did some desperate running and damaging but eventually died. - third try. It finally works! Companion healed me without any bugs and my HP never went below 70%. Sadly I got too close to smashed window and got kicked out of the platform. My bad, I am not the perfectly flawless player . - fourth try. Well, it works again, companion didn't stop healing and she used all her abilities without bugs and finally we are victorious. Conclusion: Сompanion behavior needs some serious fixes. All those bugs are not new but previously they were smoothed up by high healing output and now they are game breaking for average geared players.
  3. I've just soloed one with my inquisitor tank (Belsavis, all buffs, alliance turret, healing probe, force focus). I started with lvl 17 K'krohl, tried lvl31 Veeroa Dens and then switched to lvl20 Rokuss. My gear is 208-216-220, and 216- 220 pieces are augmented with blue augments. It was doable but there are some issues which could ruin the fight. 1) Melee healing companions take too much damage. This was not an issue before but now they just can't heal all incoming damage. Verroa Dens was half dead most of the time where ranged companions were fine and healthy. There should be an option to switch off any companion activity except healing (like EQ2 mercs, they have passive mode when they only heal and every other activity stopped, even auto-attacks.) 2) Annoying bug when companion stops healing and must be manually switched to passive mode and back to get active. This bug was not significant before but now it could cause the wipe. I was nearly dead in third generator room because Rokuss stopped healing, and it took some time to return him to his senses and it took some efforts not to die then because I took too much damage. 3) Healing priorities. Companions always consider themselves as highest priority to heal up. This is very annoying now because they can't fully heal all incoming damage on themselves and just lose time trying to do the impossible. There must me an option to manually switch healing priorities. All those issues are not new but they became critical now because reduced healing output can't smooth them up anymore.
  4. Yes there are two most important rules: 1) Don't try Voss exarch. 2) All aggro must be yours. Voss exarch is the hardest because of his self healing. I did my achievement on Alderaanian one. And one more thing: you must be the one who delivers the final blow or the achievement won't register. This is the hardest part actually. When Exarch is about 5% of health you should put your companion on passive mode and make sure Exarch don't get any damage other than yours (mind those red squares with sun damage, if Exarch get killed there you may not get "one for all" ).
  5. I agree about purchased companions but I am not so sure about others. I think any of them could be taken for some episodic content and never return then So I think purchasable companions are safest.
  6. Oh, I can tell you. He is not our follower and he will never be. Which means our choices (if there are any) are just cosmetic and never have real impact on the story. Characters who are meant to be in our active list will be there. Characters who are meant to be put out of the story will be put out of the story no matter what. We can choose red or blue but our choices doesn't matter overall. Which means I'll never invest my time into grinding influence with any of those new companions. I'll never sink credits and gift into some pets who I can't keep. Also this means the easy choices in next chapters. If someone tells me "sacrifice yourself or your lover will die" it will be easy because followers fate is already sealed so I won't bother with heavy thoughts there.
  7. I'd rather sacrificed all other crew members than one HK-55. But I have a feeling all un-customizable companions will be sacrificed in the future chapters and maybe return to us in a form of some Cartel Market tokens. I am just upset they picked most fun and charismatic characters first. Why they did not start their sacrificing routine with new Lana, she is extremely boring anyway.
  8. I am trying to finish Voss bonus series and I am at the point where I need to "Complete "Asserting Regional Authority" for the Mission terminal". But I can't find any terminals with this quest. Only terminals with heroic missions are there and some terminals are just missing. I can't find this quest and can't finish the bonus series but I don't know if it's just me or the whole planet are bugged now.
  9. San Diego Comic-con Cantina http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/2uxb4w Gamescom Cantina http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/2uxb4x
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