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4.0 Assassin feedback


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Hi all, a returning player here, who wants to grasp shadow pvp once more. And so far it hasnt been a good experience. I'm playing an infiltration shadow.

I'm geared accordin to Krea's guides., iLVL 204 items, earpirlece implants abn relics are 208, all augments are 208 power.

Trying to grind out full 208 before going ranked. And I got tremendous difficulties. Up to the point that I'm considering to reroll sorc or pt or merc.

Firstly i feel that ranged classes are OP in this game, having over 9000 diffeeent ways to kite me and having insane survivability - mostly sorcs. They also do ****ton more burst damage than I do - mercenaries and sorcs. I almost always find myself in a situation when I'm being kited to death.

Life as melee is way to difficult - juggs and maras seem to be stronger 1v1 and when trying to engage ranged dps, I am being focused and kited to death by 2+ ppl.

Defensive cooldowns help, but I,m out of them after 20 seconds, and then I die.

I do laughable burst comparing to pt and snipers. My overall damage seems much worse than sorc and merc.

And pvping as a Rep on Tomb of Freedon Nadd has been the worst pvp experience for me so far - reps lose around 8/10 games.


So I got 2 questions - is 8v8 just bad for sins? Should I roll imp for a better experience or maybe change the server?

Edited by hungryewok
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Hi all, a returning player here, who wants to grasp shadow pvp once more. And so far it hasnt been a good experience. I'm playing an infiltration shadow.

I'm geared accordin to Krea's guides., iLVL 204 items, earpirlece implants abn relics are 208, all augments are 208 power.

Trying to grind out full 208 before going ranked. And I got tremendous difficulties. Up to the point that I'm considering to reroll sorc or pt or merc.

Firstly i feel that ranged classes are OP in this game, having over 9000 diffeeent ways to kite me and having insane survivability - mostly sorcs. They also do ****ton more burst damage than I do - mercenaries and sorcs. I almost always find myself in a situation when I'm being kited to death.

Life as melee is way to difficult - juggs and maras seem to be stronger 1v1 and when trying to engage ranged dps, I am being focused and kited to death by 2+ ppl.

Defensive cooldowns help, but I,m out of them after 20 seconds, and then I die.

I do laughable burst comparing to pt and snipers. My overall damage seems much worse than sorc and merc.

And pvping as a Rep on Tomb of Freedon Nadd has been the worst pvp experience for me so far - reps lose around 8/10 games.


So I got 2 questions - is 8v8 just bad for sins? Should I roll imp for a better experience or maybe change the server?


You have to cycle through your mobility and anti kiting tools better. For example:


I go to open on a sorc. I do NOT use Force Speed out the gates, 25 seconds is a long time to wait for it to come back, and i'm already in stealth which is a method of closing a gap anyway. So anyway, I stealth to the sorc and open. He turns around and uses Knockback root. This is when I use Force Speed. If he then Force Speeds, I use my Hard stun, this requires decent reaction time. If necessary, use Force Slow. If they hard stun me, I know they only have 1 stun, so I CC break it (Assuming a 1v1). Not many sorcs even take the instalift utility anymore due to other options in the heroic tier, so you're more than likely safe. If they Phase Walk, I will have tried to place my own over top of theirs so that I can follow them. If I haven't got one down, then I will run within 30m, Low Slash, then continue to run to them. When you get them low and they barrier, wait until it ends, then use instalift (you should have this as Deception) to lift them for the duration of Enduring Bastion, since you won't do any damage to them while it's up anyway. Rinse and repeat.


Sorc is the best kiting class in my opinion, we have all the tools to deal with them. If you can deal with a sorc kiting, you can deal with anyone kiting. It's just a matter of not blowing everything at the same time. Notice too, you can do all of that without even using Phantom Stride. Throw Phantom Stride in there and it's even easier to mitigate a sorc's kiting.

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I`m frustrated with our choices for utilities as PVE tanks. All I take are utilities that increase my mobility, which was severely nerfed with the force speed cd increase. Did they nerf force speed to force us to waste utilities on mobility increases? Not to mention, our heroic tier choices are absolute garbage, and I avoid them completely. Am I doing this wrong, or do they all just suck?


I've bolded what I consider mandatory on all fights.



Avoidance (mobility)

Obfuscation (mobility)

1 of Lambaste or Shapeless Spirit or Insulation? (depending on fight)



Disjunction (mobility and shroud)

Emersion (mobility)

Speed Surge? (mobility) [mandatory?]





Assassin's shelter? (I don't take this ever but could it be worth it?)

Edited by Simmerr
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Ok, just came back after a long exit due to work (I believe 2.3 was my last playing). So what I am looking for is some help with 4.0. A little about me, I only do PvE, and I have a full set of 186 gear.


Im looking for in 4.0 what is better, Deception or Hatred for DPS. I have the new expansion and just a couple more levels to get to 60.


I mostly play solo (70%) and sometimes one of my friends (PT Bounty Hunter) when he is on.


Any help and advice (talents, rotations, stats (I know Accuracy from reading this thread is a must) is appreciated. I tried getting through all of this, but it didnt really tell me which of the two specs was more viable for my play style.

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Ok, just came back after a long exit due to work (I believe 2.3 was my last playing). So what I am looking for is some help with 4.0. A little about me, I only do PvE, and I have a full set of 186 gear.


Im looking for in 4.0 what is better, Deception or Hatred for DPS. I have the new expansion and just a couple more levels to get to 60.


I mostly play solo (70%) and sometimes one of my friends (PT Bounty Hunter) when he is on.


Any help and advice (talents, rotations, stats (I know Accuracy from reading this thread is a must) is appreciated. I tried getting through all of this, but it didnt really tell me which of the two specs was more viable for my play style.


Well what is your play style?

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I`m frustrated with our choices for utilities as PVE tanks. All I take are utilities that increase my mobility, which was severely nerfed with the force speed cd increase. Did they nerf force speed to force us to waste utilities on mobility increases? Not to mention, our heroic tier choices are absolute garbage, and I avoid them completely. Am I doing this wrong, or do they all just suck?


I've bolded what I consider mandatory on all fights.



Avoidance (mobility)

Obfuscation (mobility)

1 of Lambaste or Shapeless Spirit or Insulation? (depending on fight)



Disjunction (mobility and shroud)

Emersion (mobility)

Speed Surge? (mobility) [mandatory?]





Assassin's shelter? (I don't take this ever but could it be worth it?)


No, you've pretty much got it. That's been Assassin tanking in a nutshell, though Commanders gets its own utility set, since stuff can actually be CC'd. Most of Assassin tank utilities were about getting extra movement or Shroud time to handle mechanics better.

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Well what is your play style?


I like steady attacks, and good crits...not really the DoT type of player, but I have played that before. We just like getting through mobs, we like the story. Currently I am playing a Deception, but I dont think I have a good rotation down and I need more strategy around taking on some of the newer bosses (not Tactical or Nightmare level).

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You have to cycle through your mobility and anti kiting tools better. For example:


I go to open on a sorc. I do NOT use Force Speed out the gates, 25 seconds is a long time to wait for it to come back, and i'm already in stealth which is a method of closing a gap anyway. So anyway, I stealth to the sorc and open. He turns around and uses Knockback root. This is when I use Force Speed. If he then Force Speeds, I use my Hard stun, this requires decent reaction time. If necessary, use Force Slow. If they hard stun me, I know they only have 1 stun, so I CC break it (Assuming a 1v1). Not many sorcs even take the instalift utility anymore due to other options in the heroic tier, so you're more than likely safe. If they Phase Walk, I will have tried to place my own over top of theirs so that I can follow them. If I haven't got one down, then I will run within 30m, Low Slash, then continue to run to them. When you get them low and they barrier, wait until it ends, then use instalift (you should have this as Deception) to lift them for the duration of Enduring Bastion, since you won't do any damage to them while it's up anyway. Rinse and repeat.


Sorc is the best kiting class in my opinion, we have all the tools to deal with them. If you can deal with a sorc kiting, you can deal with anyone kiting. It's just a matter of not blowing everything at the same time. Notice too, you can do all of that without even using Phantom Stride. Throw Phantom Stride in there and it's even easier to mitigate a sorc's kiting.


Can you list something like this when fighting against snipers 1v1?


I mean, the ones that know what they are doing (entrench, leg shot , covered escape, kb on cover pulse and rapid shot, not sure but low range ambush might have this as well with the right utility - or it was changed on rapid shot? heck, haven't done my homework -, evasion, flash bang and other dmg reduction effects and slows). I'm not talking about a specific spec, but if you've got ideas about all, please let me know. I'll be glad to get some insight into the new 4.0 fights against sniper now that FS is at 25-30 seconds and Phantom Stride can't be used in cover, also snipers can reset their dcds.


In the past I was usually going for smart positioning between closer by walls and the sniper's position, and with smart use of shroud and force speed (for movement impairing and gap closer) I could usually stay on them and get them down sort of easy, but those times have changed. So I'd like to hear your approach for those kind of battles.

Edited by DarenLoot
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Can you list something like this when fighting against snipers 1v1?


I mean, the ones that know what they are doing (entrench, leg shot , covered escape, kb on cover pulse and rapid shot, not sure but low range ambush might have this as well with the right utility - or it was changed on rapid shot, heck, haven't done my homework, evasion, flash bang and other dmg reduction effects and slows). I'm not talking about a specific spec, but if you've got ideas about all, please let me know. I'll be glad to get some insight into the new 4.0 fights against sniper now that FS is at 25-30 seconds and Phantom Stride can't be used in cover, also snipers can reset their dcds.


In the past I was usually going for smart positioning between closer by walls and the sniper's position, and with smart use of shroud and force speed (for movement impairing and gap closer) I could usually stay on them and get them down sort of easy, but those times have changed. So I'd like to hear your approach for those kind of battles.


You don't. You make them come for you. THEY are the ones that need line of sight. You don't. You just attack in waves when you have cooldowns and stuff. If they want to hurt you, they WILL come for you behind walls and whatnot.

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You don't. You make them come for you. THEY are the ones that need line of sight. You don't. You just attack in waves when you have cooldowns and stuff. If they want to hurt you, they WILL come for you behind walls and whatnot.


As much as I like to consider a hide and seek stalemate we both know in a real (wz or arena - not 1v1) situation that's not an option and also as much as my cds reset, their cds reset too. not sure an assassin has any advantage related to dcds against a class that, if it comes down to it can reset them. Also for the "attack in waves" thing, this it's advantageous for those with better burst in a short period of time, think you can compete as deception with a sniper on that one?

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As much as I like to consider a hide and seek stalemate we both know in a real (wz or arena - not 1v1) situation that's not an option and also as much as my cds reset, their cds reset too. not sure an assassin has any advantage related to dcds against a class that, if it comes down to it can reset them. Also for the "attack in waves" thing, this it's advantageous for those with better burst in a short period of time, think you can compete as deception with a sniper on that one?


Sure. Snipers burst works a bit differently from ours :)

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Sure. Snipers burst works a bit differently from ours :)


Might be. Since the good snipers are not too common in pvp (at least on my server, or yet) I guess it's just me lacking exercise against them. Also I've experimented a bit with the new utility tree and I think I've came over something that works better for me. Might have been the utility built too. One time I was like trying to stay on my target and couldn't do anything. It's true i was in the middle of the battle so the sniper opened on me and also they had some off heals from some of their team heals, but I felt so useless in that Voidstar match.

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Might be. Since the good snipers are not too common in pvp (at least on my server, or yet) I guess it's just me lacking exercise against them. Also I've experimented a bit with the new utility tree and I think I've came over something that works better for me. Might have been the utility built too. One time I was like trying to stay on my target and couldn't do anything. It's true i was in the middle of the battle so the sniper opened on me and also they had some off heals from some of their team heals, but I felt so useless in that Voidstar match.


Youll never win from a sniper if you don't break line of sight, it's pointless to even try

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Youll never win from a sniper if you don't break line of sight, it's pointless to even try


This is at least when deflection comes in handy. Though that's more for marksmanship. I think force shroud doesn't work on engineering, or maybe it's a weapon slow (instead of a tech slow), not sure.


But yeah, best to just lock down a sniper with your initial burst, then ****, unless if you have all your CDs or teammates in bound.

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This is at least when deflection comes in handy. Though that's more for marksmanship. I think force shroud doesn't work on engineering, or maybe it's a weapon slow (instead of a tech slow), not sure.


But yeah, best to just lock down a sniper with your initial burst, then ****, unless if you have all your CDs or teammates in bound.


Locking down snipers works for those who don't know the basic of kiting, i know, most of them are bad. But there are ways to kite on a sniper, with the roll and keeping your enemy rooted and slowed, or mezzed and running away with 50% increase.

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Youll never win from a sniper if you don't break line of sight, it's pointless to even try


Even if you break line of site, it's not like you have dot's on the sniper and doing so you get any dmg on them. you migh not get hit by the big hitters like ambush (if it's not instant or 1s cast), but you won't be able to do much dmg yourself if all you do is line of site. deflection might work for a bit while you can burst them down... but their entrench and other dr abilities + 20% defense from just crouching won't give much success either.


Well, i guess you might be able to mind trap and heal to full when they are off entrench end your health is low... this might work.

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Locking down snipers works for those who don't know the basic of kiting, i know, most of them are bad. But there are ways to kite on a sniper, with the roll and keeping your enemy rooted and slowed, or mezzed and running away with 50% increase.


Yeah, dueling a guildmate with no area of kiting available, I was pretty much at his mercy, especially if I missed using a DCD in time if he stunned me or what have you. At least fighting a sniper can go either way. I hate fighting jugg tanks though, having to go through all their DCDs just to do minimal damage...

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