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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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Sucks when a roomate makes your legacy name while you're afk.


homeless legacy here


This is exactly the problem... I have nothing but sympathy for you sir.


I like the idea of a shared legacy system for all my characters, but yeah, the idea that they're all related and/or all have the same last name doesn't work. I'll have 3 or 4 characters that are related or connected in some way, but my Bounty Hunter is simply not related to my Jedi Knight.


And you know what? Maybe I want to anonymity - maybe I don't want a guild member recognizing my legacy name while I'm on an alt I play when I don't want to be social... just saying.

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I have no problem with being able to change your surname. Though because it is unique I do feel that it may be best to have to pay some real money to change it, like you would in some other MMOs if you want to change your character's name.




I think the whole single surname idea for the Legacy system should be scrapped entirely. It doesn't make sens if you play both factions, much less different races on the same faction. Make a surname option unlockable, but limiting us to a single one is just a waste.


I have to agree with Kaphik. I loathe the surname feature in its current form. Why it was implemented like this I will never understand, but it was a completely stupid idea. I have no problem with a unique legacy title, that would be just fine with me, but it should not be linked to surnames. It should simply remain a title.

I don't want all of my characters to have the same surname, that's simply absurd. I know that some people do and that's fine, more power to them, but I don't. I don't want my Twi'lek Smuggler to seem like he's somehow related to my Sith Pureblood Inquisitor. That makes no sense to me. I want to be able to give all of my characters a different surname.

What I would much prefer to see is the ability to give all of our characters a different non-unique surname. If the surname isn't unique that lets people choose to give multiple characters the same last name to make them seem "related", and even lets their family and friends use the same surname to create a sort of in-game "family". But we should also be able to give each of our characters a different surname, plain and simple. Surnames should not be linked to legacy in any way, shape or form.


It's too late to add a surname option to the character creator, unless Bioware lets us add a surname to our existing characters, but here's a solution that I wouldn't mind seeing...


1. Add in an NPC "registrar" (for lack of a better name) to the fleet space station for both factions. At this NPC the player would pay around 1000 credits to give one of their characters a surname.

2. This surname would not be unique, and it would serve no other purpose other than role play.

3. The surname would be displayed along with the character's original name. Private messages would work the same was that they do now, they would be sent to the character's unique first name, the surname would not be included in the /whisper command. In effect, the surname would pretty much just be a cosmetic addition.

4. The player could change their character's surname at any time via the registrar NPC, but at an increasing price. Each time the player changes the surname the more expensive it becomes to do so.

5. Every character of the player can have a different, non-unique surname, but each one would have to pay the credit fee at the registrar NPC.

6. The legacy name would only be shown as a title, not a surname. Or if this isn't changed and the legacy name can still be shown as a surname, the surname given by the registrar will not appear. This means that a character can only display a combination of the character name/legacy surname, character name/purchased surname, or character name/purchased surname/legacy title.


So basically, it would look like something like this (if the legacy title was being shown as a title)...

(Title) (Character name) (Purchased surname)

<Legacy title>



For example...

Princess Leia Organa

<Skywalker Legacy>

<Rebel Alliance>

Edited by Blue_Leader
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I have no problem with being able to change your surname. Though because it is unique I do feel that it may be best to have to pay some real money to change it, like you would in some other MMOs if you want to change your character's name.






I have to agree with Kaphik. I loathe the surname feature in its current form. Why it was implemented like this I will never understand, but it was a completely stupid idea. I have no problem with a unique legacy title, that would be just fine with me, but it should not be linked to surnames. It should simply remain a title.

I don't want all of my characters to have the same surname, that's simply absurd. I know that some people do and that's fine, more power to them, but I don't. I don't want my Twi'lek Smuggler to seem like he's somehow related to my Sith Pureblood Inquisitor. That makes no sense to me. I want to be able to give all of my characters a different surname.

What I would much prefer to see is the ability to give all of our characters a different non-unique surname. If the surname isn't unique that lets people choose to give multiple characters the same last name to make them seem "related", and even lets their family and friends use the same surname to create a sort of in-game "family". But we should also be able to give each of our characters a different surname, plain and simple. Surnames should not be linked to legacy in any way, shape or form.


It's too late to add a surname option to the character creator, unless Bioware lets us add a surname to our existing characters, but here's a solution that I wouldn't mind seeing...


1. Add in an NPC "registrar" (for lack of a better name) to the fleet space station for both factions. At this NPC the player would pay around 1000 credits to give one of their characters a surname.

2. This surname would not be unique, and it would serve no other purpose other than role play.

3. The surname would be displayed along with the character's original name. Private messages would work the same was that they do now, they would be sent to the character's unique first name, the surname would not be included in the /whisper command. In effect, the surname would pretty much just be a cosmetic addition.

4. The player could change their character's surname at any time via the registrar NPC, but at an increasing price. Each time the player changes the surname the more expensive it becomes to do so.

5. Every character of the player can have a different, non-unique surname, but each one would have to pay the credit fee at the registrar NPC.

6. The legacy name would only be shown as a title, not a surname. Or if this isn't changed and the legacy name can still be shown as a surname, the surname given by the registrar will not appear. This means that a character can only display a combination of the character name/legacy surname, character name/purchased surname, or character name/purchased surname/legacy title.


So basically, it would look like something like this (if the legacy title was being shown as a title)...

(Title) (Character name) (Purchased surname)

<Legacy title>



For example...

Princess Leia Organa

<Skywalker Legacy>

<Rebel Alliance>


I agree and you did your homework and then some

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Most MMOs have name changes available at some point, you usually have to pay for them and they're an extra source of income for the game. I'm sure they'll have that in TOR eventually, especially considering how they've already shown that charging us for extra stuff is not beneath them.
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Forcing players to pick up a name that will be attached to all characters on realm is very bad move actually. Seriously misleading.


I can choose nice surname for my agent, but it will not fit for my inquisitor.. and even if I come up with some kind of a neutral name which would suit every char now - I am not able to change what I've done - not knowing of such absurd bounds...


The best thing Bioware could do now, actually, is to remove that legacy embryo from game and to think it all over once again. Because now it's the finest example of one badly implemented idea sploiling the game for many players... :(

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When I first chose my surname I thought it was only linked to that character. I found it quite disturbing when I chose the surname of "Rashere" and when I created my Jedi Knight and named him Aeshir he has to now be Aeshir Rashere which sounds pretty dopey.


Please make it so that you can change surnames.

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There is hope for this after all. I sent a ticket a few days ago and got this response


I am Protocol Droid W4-Z4 of Human-Cyborg Relations.


Thank you for contacting us with your request to change your legacy name.


At this time, we are unable to change a character’s legacy name. However, we are actively working towards being able to offer this service to our players in the future.


Please keep an eye on our website at http://www.swtor.com, for any future announcements on this matter.

We do appreciate that as your legacy name is shared across all characters on a server, having a typographical error in the name, or having chosen a name that you now regret can be a source of frustration.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your patience while we work towards a resolution.


If you have any more questions about this, or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact us again.


Galactic Support is our Specialty….



I dont know about you guys what i got from the third paragraph is that it WILL be implemented into the game in the future.


Also, I will sign too.

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how about this:


In the legacy system...you have seperate surnames you can choose for each of your characters and YOU get to pick what characters are named and related. Like...when you click on the legacy tab in game...and tree comes up of all your characters on that server...and you can choose which ones to relate...which ones to not and the ones you choose will have the surname of the first one you selected. That way...even if you are on Empire side..you don't HAVE to be connected to the Republic in any way shape or form whatsoever.


How bout that for an idea? :)

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There is hope for this after all. I sent a ticket a few days ago and got this response


I am Protocol Droid W4-Z4 of Human-Cyborg Relations.


Thank you for contacting us with your request to change your legacy name.


At this time, we are unable to change a character’s legacy name. However, we are actively working towards being able to offer this service to our players in the future.


Please keep an eye on our website at http://www.swtor.com, for any future announcements on this matter.

We do appreciate that as your legacy name is shared across all characters on a server, having a typographical error in the name, or having chosen a name that you now regret can be a source of frustration.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your patience while we work towards a resolution.


If you have any more questions about this, or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact us again.


Galactic Support is our Specialty….



I dont know about you guys what i got from the third paragraph is that it WILL be implemented into the game in the future.


Also, I will sign too.



This is a pretty good indication that it WILL be implemented in the future. The legacy system is being implemented in the next major patch in March. They officially announced this. The current choose a name thing is really just to hype the fact that it will actually do something later. I know this thread is actually pretty old but since I saw it bumped to the first page today I though I would give future people reading this the correct information. Specifically people that do not read the patch notes/Bioware announcements like this person who posted this yesterday after they announced this:



Being told it was permanent was one thing. Not being told it affects all your characters on the same server permanetly is a big problem. Regardless, the reason it is a big issue is because if anyone makes any kind of mistake (just read previous ones, from typos, to roomate naming the character, RP players, to UI problems etc), they should be allowed to fix that if they open a ticket immediatly, which Bioware does not allow. The only people that get to fix their Legacy name are those that used an inappropiate name. So, long story short, if you were childish, you get a freebie, if you played by the rules, your stuck. I dunno. That doesnt seem right to me. Whatever the mistake was is that own persons business. What really puzzles me are the people (granted, they are a vast minority) who are against the name change. They dont pay for that persons sub, they dont know how that person wants to play their character, why do they care if they are allowed to change their name since it doesnt affect them in the slightest of ways? Name changes wont give anyone advantages in the game, they wont access a new set of powers, it would just help a person play the character the way they want to play their character. Its their money, it should be their option. Dont get me wrong, I like the Legacy idea, it just needs some serious fine tooning. And, being a loyalist to the game or not, are you really not even the slighest bit concerned that this thread is now 64 pages long and not one member of Bioware has made any attempt to respond? Sorry, but that gets me very concerned. If they are willing to ignore the fan base on this, what else are they willing to ignore as the game goes on?


I would also like to point out from a software developer point of view changing a legacy name is currently possible. A dev could manually run the database command to do so. Bioware has simply not yet provided the GMs and CS reps with a tool to easily do this.

Edited by Nexvir
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I like the system, I do not look at it as a surname though. I look at it as a legacy, a title of an era or a series of events that my characters are a part of.


It's basically like a novel series.


You have your Star Wars novel that takes place in specific canonical time. You have an event the entire series evolves around, you have sith, jedi etc. all part of this event, this era, this legacy.


I agree with this. I for one am also VERY happy with the Legacy name I chose. I would not under any circumstances want to lose it.

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I still remember the wiped poll that was 70% against tacking the surnames and legacy name system together.


It still irritates me to no end.


I'm happy with my Legacy name I picked, but it really only fits one or two of my characters, yet I'd support people being able to change them if there are free ones they'd rather have. That harms no one.


However, I'd prefer fully customizable surnames entirely separate from the Legacy sytem.


Starwalker is great for my Jedi, but doesn't go for my Sith at all!

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My Legacy surname has a capital letter in the middle (it being of French origin). Yet it didn't show up after submitting it and now it's a broken name. Either fix the input method (so you see what you get when you hit submit) or allow more capital letters. If not, a way to change your Legacy name would be nice as well.
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I think the whole single surname idea for the Legacy system should be scrapped entirely. It doesn't make sens if you play both factions, much less different races on the same faction. Make a surname option unlockable, but limiting us to a single one is just a waste.


How doesn't it? They are not always your DIRECT relative, like some characters can be cousins or born in other sectors of the galaxy thus influencing their faction opinion.



  • You have 30ish levels to think of a good name, Think of a FEW
  • Make sure to take into consideration that it will be for both factions.
  • Don't put 'Doom'-anything into you're name, you look like a goof.


I picked something simple for my name, I picked a few location named such as:








Ended up choosing Vale, as it sounded nicest.

Edited by Ameenachan
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How doesn't it? They are not always your DIRECT relative, like some characters can be cousins or born in other sectors of the galaxy thus influencing their faction opinion.


And if all of them are from totally different species, factions, and sectors of the galaxy, I assume your response is going to be maybe they are all adopted non-blood relatives of a non-close, freaky galaxy and faction spanning family?


I hope you realize how silly that sounds.

Edited by Drakonnen
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In LOTRO you could change your surname any time you wanted, as many times as you wanted, for free.


And it didn't have to be unique to the server. Any number of people could choose the same name.


It was awesome.


Yeah I don't see whats wrong with more customization. On Roleplay servers in particular, characters may join clans (separate from guilds), marry etc., and should be able to change their surnames on the fly to reflect that.

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Like a lot of people I didn't know what it was when it showed up (there is absolutly no explanation when they ask you to give it a name in the game) so I gave it a random name (well, my nickname of the forum, but it doesn't fit as a family name for my charaters)


and so now like a lot of people I have to hide the Legacy thing :( too bad!

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