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Give it a month or 2 and subs will drop over 50%


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Seeing as you can access the game without paying a sub, you are extremely incorrect.


yeah you can but unless you spend Real money on CCs or a lot a credits to buy all the needed unlocks to make the F2p game bearable spending $15 is better in the long run.


That kinda gets into a debate over PoV. If you sub anyway the yes it's free sorta. But if the only reason you sub is to get the expansion then no it's not really free, again sorta.


True but I don't sub because I wanted to expac I sub because I truly enjoy the game and have no intention of leaving until they shut the servers down.

Edited by Anaesha
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Wrong but keep wearing the fanboi goggles, ignorance is bliss.


Says the king of the ignorant masses.


You get an add that says something is Free but you got to pay shipping and handling that is an item that is "Free" yet not free as you got to spend your money to get it sent to you this Expac requires you to pay no more then you were ALREADY paying as a sub.

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yeah you can but unless you spend Real money on CCs or a lot a credits to buy all the needed unlocks to make the F2p game bearable spending $15 is better in the long run.


This is kind of counter to what you're saying. You're basically saying you have to pay for it to be free. I'm not giving you $15 for a free T-shirt. You're assuming that because you are getting something else with the content that it makes it free, which is untrue. It can only truly be classified as free if you could get it with absolutely no payment.


It's simply a concept used in marketing to make something more appealing. If I sold T-shirts for $10 dollars you might buy one. You could then have a sale where T-shirts were $5 each if you buy 2 or you buy one shirt and get one free. Both are the same numerically, but the free portion triggers many people to purchasing more because they're "free". But if I don't buy the first shirt, I don't get the free shirt, thus I have to pay $10 even if it's a better value than I was getting before.

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Wrong but keep wearing the fanboi goggles, ignorance is bliss.


Well he/she does have a point. The monthly sub rate is for greater access to the game, not just the expansion. They just consider it a benefit. Now to perfectly honest, I wasn't even aware it is limited to subscribers. That does seem a bit odd, did they do this will other major content pushes?

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Well he/she does have a point. The monthly sub rate is for greater access to the game, not just the expansion. They just consider it a benefit. Now to perfectly honest, I wasn't even aware it is limited to subscribers. That does seem a bit odd, did they do this will other major content pushes?


No, other xpacs were a one time purchase at launch and incorporated for free eventually.

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Well he/she does have a point. The monthly sub rate is for greater access to the game, not just the expansion. They just consider it a benefit. Now to perfectly honest, I wasn't even aware it is limited to subscribers. That does seem a bit odd, did they do this will other major content pushes?


They're changing sub models. They charged a set price for previous expansions for everyone.

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Actually you and some others fail to realize that the new content does cost something. It costs a subscription in order to get it so yes you have to pay to get it.


So nothing hat requires internet is free then because we have to pay for our internet usage?

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This so called expansion if that's what you want to call it will be the final straw for most people. There really is no reason to stay as a subscriber to this game. So many bad decisions by the devs in this game have sunk it for good this time around imo. I have a feeling this was a last chance at a money grab by them to make people subscribe to view the new content knowing it was one of the worst content patches to date.


I remember this post. I saw it when Rise of the Hutt Cartel was released. I saw it when Galactic Starfighter was released. I saw it when Strongholds was released. I saw it when Shadow of Revan was released. Knights of the Fallen Empire was released, and here it is again!


There seems to be a powerful correlation between releasing expansions and people making phony threats about cancelling their subscriptions. You're not going anywhere, honey, and you're not fooling anyone either.

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I'm pretty sure that i had a lot of fun yesterday, so I'll be sticking around.


However, if there's some sort of mass exodus of trolls and people prone to throwing tantrums and threatening to leave over x/y/z instead of being calm, I can't say I'll be sorry to see them go. Yeah, there are some bugs and a few issues atm, but on the whole, I've liked what I've seen thus far.

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I'm def. sticking around. I enjoyed the content so far, but.. it was darn short. I guess I was expecting more, but the expansion came with no additional cost, so I'm not complaining. I'm going to try it on my second character soon with some different choices, see where it leads to. And hell no, the subs won't drop by 50%. Especially not with Episode 7 coming in december.
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I'm pretty sure that i had a lot of fun yesterday, so I'll be sticking around.


However, if there's some sort of mass exodus of trolls and people prone to throwing tantrums and threatening to leave over x/y/z instead of being calm, I can't say I'll be sorry to see them go. Yeah, there are some bugs and a few issues atm, but on the whole, I've liked what I've seen thus far.



Sadly, the trolls will likely stay (many have been here a very long time, despite being almost universally despised), but the people posting they're gonna leave will probably go.


A lot of people like to blow hot air in the vein of 'don't let the door hit you on the way out' but when subs actually do dip (and they will, if only from people who sub just to get the stuff and then unsub again right away), the company does put pressure on devs to 'correct' that downturn. If they can't, less development money comes down to make new features, and that hurts everyone.

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LMAO the people posting they are going to leave is only a good thing. As most of them are so negative that it would be a breath of fresh air in the forums.


I look forward to this great cleansing.


I could not agree more.

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How? Did you sleep all day? There's no way you couldn't have finished it if you took off the day to play...I worked all day yesterday and I still finished it.


The story was freaking brilliant...captivated me the entire time. I'm the first to admit that I spacebar through almost every one of the class quests that so many of you fawn over because...they really aren't that goodl...some parts are, but largely I've found them to be boring...but this story was phenomenal.


i happen to like the stories. (agent story makes me sad in a good way)


but yeah, i agree with what you said about the new content. it is a definite return to form for BioWare and I think they deserve a few accolades.

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I must be slow because this is my second evening ... about 3 hours per session ... and I'm only on chapter 5. So far, the story is fantastic and most of the time I feel like I'm in a movie, and the movie is good! This blows the class storyline to pieces.


MMORPG's are all about the long haul and since I can start over from level 1, play every quest and explore the galaxy on both sides, I will have tons to do in this game for a very long while.

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So I play wow pvp it has millions of subs x server queues the works and I still wait 20 mins for a battle ground

I play pvp in swtor on the bastion a dead pvp server in a "dying game" no cross server etc and I'm waiting 20mins for a

Warzone. Somehow I think we'll be OK.

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This so called expansion if that's what you want to call it will be the final straw for most people. There really is no reason to stay as a subscriber to this game. So many bad decisions by the devs in this game have sunk it for good this time around imo. I have a feeling this was a last chance at a money grab by them to make people subscribe to view the new content knowing it was one of the worst content patches to date.




You really should get a new account or something. So people can't see the threads you've started.


Like, oh, this one from 2012.

This game is a flop

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