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Why I'm leaving Qyzen to freeze on Hoth


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So you're saying you were able to kill 1 Jagga target per minute, when most of them are more than a minute apart and have ~15 minute respawns....


I've managed it in a little less than 25 minutes on an imperial character (quick travel points help), but you need to know exactly where the spawn points are and have the luck of nobody else hunting in your instance. In most cases it took me like 35 - 50 minutes though.

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Because I ain't got time for that. Seed more Jaggernath trophy creatures and make them easier to find.


And before you tell me to group up and hit the world bosses, firstly, why should I have to? Secondly, already tried, no one is interested.


So Qyzen gets to freeze. Kthxbai


What server are you on?


On Harbinger almost every planet is fill with people inviting players to kill world bosses for Qyzen.

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Because I ain't got time for that. Seed more Jaggernath trophy creatures and make them easier to find.


And before you tell me to group up and hit the world bosses, firstly, why should I have to? Secondly, already tried, no one is interested.


So Qyzen gets to freeze. Kthxbai

Then you will never get Lokin because you get that mission once you get Qyzen and as of this post if you want to get Lokin you basicly have 3 days till the Rakghoul event ends then you have to wait to get Lokin for something like 3 to 6 months or when ever the next Rakghoul event is,,, But as for getting Qyzen here is what I did soon as you port to Hoth, mean clicking him to get there go strait ahead from where Qyzen is standing, between some crashed ship and a few npc's follow the rig to the left of you,,,


As you go that way you will find about 5 or so "worthy targets" then when you finish that area just flip instances and repeat, All you need is 20 of those it took me about 30 or so minutes per character to do and if your lucky while you hunting maybe a group will form for a WB, one WB knocks out 7 of those "worthy pelts" so Hope this helps...


Don't forget, to get Lokin you must first do Qyzen and then you must do Lokin while the Rakghoul event is on or you will have to wait till the event comes back....

Edited by Legolose
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Then you will never get Lokin because you get that mission once you get Qyzen and as of this post if you want to get Lokin you basicly have 3 days till the Rakghoul event ends then you have to wait to get Lokin for something like 3 to 6 months or when ever the next Rakghoul event is,,, But as for getting Qyzen here is what I did soon as you port to Hoth, mean clicking him to get there go strait ahead from where Qyzen is standing, between some crashed ship and a few npc's follow the rig to the left of you,,,


As you go that way you will find about 5 or so "worthy targets" then when you finish that area just flip instances and repeat, All you need is 20 of those it took me about 30 or so minutes per character to do and if your lucky while you hunting maybe a group will form for a WB, one WB knocks out 7 of those "worthy pelts" so Hope this helps...


Don't forget, to get Lokin you must first do Qyzen and then you must do Lokin while the Rakghoul event is on or you will have to wait till the event comes back....


So what you're saying is that those of us who haven't started KotFA yet have to wait 3 to 6 months to get any other companion besides Qyzen since they are gated by Lokin? What the hell?

Edited by Cedia
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you basicly have 3 days till the Rakghoul event ends then you have to wait to get Lokin for something like 3 to 6 months or when ever the next Rakghoul event is,.


This is misinformation...


From Dulfy...


Once you reach Influence rank 10 with Lokin, he will ask you to head to the Rakghoul tunnels, which is only active during the Rakghoul event (Nov 10, Dec 15 and Jan 12 are the dates of the next 3 Rakghoul events)

Edited by dlcman
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Getting Qyzen was so easy for me, I can't believe I'm reading a post about giving up on getting Qyzen as a companion / follower...


It's probably been mentioned... Look on Duffy. You know what? Let me hold your hand and give you the link. If you scroll down, you'll see the quest line, Stalking The Score. Read that. LOOK AT THE MAPS. Then pick your hunting grounds, and hunt.


It took me a couple of hours. I hunted, logged to another toon, did some chores, then logged back on and hunted again.



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My Sith Marauder has no interest in Qyzen. I tell him no I don't want to go on his quest but instead of closing the questline as a rejection of Qyzen it annoyingly hangs there. abandoning the quest simply takes it back to the notification from the guy at base it's impossible to just get rid of.
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I knocked out qyzen and pierce at the same time, queued up for a WZ in the spot where 2-3 trophy creatures would spawn close together about half the time the warzone ended I would pop back in and some trophys where up :) just kept rinsing and repeating. It sucked but at least it was more productive than normal lol.
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Getting Qyzen was so easy for me, I can't believe I'm reading a post about giving up on getting Qyzen as a companion / follower...


It's probably been mentioned... Look on Duffy. You know what? Let me hold your hand and give you the link. If you scroll down, you'll see the quest line, Stalking The Score. Read that. LOOK AT THE MAPS. Then pick your hunting grounds, and hunt.


It took me a couple of hours. I hunted, logged to another toon, did some chores, then logged back on and hunted again.



THIS, a thousand times THIS!

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I've done this quest twice now -- just find a nice quiet spawn place (look at Dulfy's help page -- it's great )

go there and just log on and off several times a day;

the things spawn slowly, but if you're not online all the time, who cares or notices ? -- you'll get the 20 trophies easy, and no one will b.... at you for "camping" -- because you're really not

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Because I ain't got time for that. Seed more Jaggernath trophy creatures and make them easier to find.


And before you tell me to group up and hit the world bosses, firstly, why should I have to? Secondly, already tried, no one is interested.


So Qyzen gets to freeze. Kthxbai


LOL! I leveled Qyzen up to 18 through Jaggernath creatures and world bosses (given I had a group that did a bunch of world bosses at the end haha). But it was rather easy to find that many creatures, it's hardly a grind! There's a little blue "clickable" thing on the holoterminal that tells you where to find them. It's pretty easy to find them if you just go around those areas. If that info is too general for you, then you can go online to find spawn points for these creatures, and easily knock them all out in less than an hour.


So QQ MOAR cuz this is too EZY

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I'd leave Qyzen locked in a cage on Tython if I had the choice, my Sage hasn't even bothered talking to him. It would be annoying if Qyzen and Lokin (another one I don't want to have) are required to get Blizz - I want that Jawa! It's not even the quest that puts me off both of them - I'd hunt world bosses quite happily to get my BFF Kira back, but not for Qyzen no way.
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I wish gathering this alliance resonated via gameplay somehow. Besides the gotta catch em all - aspect, none of them matter or add anything new in any major way. It is clear only the half a dozen of the " main companions" will have some major part to play in terms of any dialog after recruitment, or to storyline as whole. Rest are achievement fodder and by standers. Besides that, it is utterly irrelevant if you collect them or not. Edited by Stradlin
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The first time in a long time we actually have an excuse to build a group of people to take down world bosses, and people complain. People get "asked/forced" to do PvP for a comp, complain. Weird how all the content that involves socializing has been the most miss with people in an MMO. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I wonder why people even play an MMO if they don't want to ever group up. I mean, yeah, I like flying solo most of the time, but when a team comes together and everything goes right, or you just squeek by with a tight win?


Yeah, sometimes it goes pants, but when it goes right? That's an amazing feeling, people, and having those companions proves to everyone that you stuck it out and did it.

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I also had a group try to do snowblind and he cant be found. This whole quest has been frustrating and stupid. I've looked everywhere and the worthy jaganath mobs cannot be found.


Odd ran into him few times just doing heroics lol. Wonder if he paths around or something.

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IDK, I've ground out the 20 Worthy Jagganath Trophies on two different toons, only needing 2-3 evenings to get them all, then helped a friend get all 20 of his in a single 2-3 hours session.


I think during that first week, yeah, it was probably insane, but I think it's pretty reasonable now that the rush has died down. Try to hunt during off-peak times, be willing to switch instances, and don't bother camping.

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I've done the companions many times. Qyzen's quest I did 7 times, the 8th time my consular didn't have to do anything but say hiya to him. I got Pierce on my Sith Warrior just saying hi and did 20 matches on one toon to get him on her, and I got M1-4X on my trooper easily. So only 5 people have to do 20 matches. I'll do them cause well right now I'm not doing anything else in the game but my alliance recruiting. Lokin I got on 8 people. Only had to run to the Rakghoul tunnels for my agent and for the others I scrapped together all of my own mats and bought some from the gtn. Used Barnicles and whatever else I had on hand. Did the Star Fortress recruiting on one person, the other 7 are waiting until I get their companion to rank 50, especially after the Comp nerfs.


I've gotten Pierce to rank 50. I waited to get Nico in the story, got a hidden achievement.


Sooooo far, the requirements aren't TOO bad. I'm wondering what they'll be for any of the other companions we have to rerecruit/recruit. Guess it's a good thing we didn't get chapter 10 right away.

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I've only run KOTFE on one character so far, but that's because I want to cap out their alliance influence before I move on to the next one. Figure it'll be easier to keep track of that way. As for Lokin, I just farmed yavin for 20 minutes and got everything I needed. Didn't take long at all. Same for Qyzen, just 3 world bosses (Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa are almost always being killed on my server).


All in all, not bad.

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