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How is the story so far?


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I wanted to like this story. I really did. And I also did like the start of the story, but as soon as I got to chapter 4 or 5, I had so many unanswered questions, and I realized that they weren't going to get answered, that it just left a huge mess, making my head ready to explode from nonsense.


The sad fact of the story, is that you can split it in two parts: The Emperor, and the rest. That's it. And remove the Emperor from the story, what you are left with is just a boring hit and run story, that fails to keep your interest over a longer period of time. The Emperor part however? That's the only saving grace, but also the story's biggest problem. Since it's basically a huge plot-twist, but also makes zero sense and opens up so many questions and problems that I'm not even gonna bother starting to mentioning them.


One of the biggest problems with the story is that the more you think about these things, the less sense it makes. confusing motives, 1-dimensional villains, no consequences, no sense and a whole lot of "tell, don't show" and the story just loses my interest past chapter 4. Combine all that with the fact that the villains are suppose to be really dangerous and that you can actually go afk, take a ****, make some coffee and then come back 10 mins later, and still be at 100% hp, just makes it all really lame and unbelievable. There's no connection between what you are being told, and what the world feels like when you play.


I've played through the story twice so far, and I can tell now: Nothing matters so far. NOTHING. Light side? Dark Side? Loyal to the Republic or Empire? Freelance? Mass-murdering psychopath, or moral righteous defender? Doesn't matter. Same people die, same people live. There's no consequence, no difference, no changes AT ALL. If the story isn't going to keep me interested, why should I be invested? Why should I care about anything that happens?


I can already hear people's responses: "But just wait for the remaining chapters etc etc etc", but no. BioWare has been comparing this story to a series on Netflix, but if you watch the first few seasons of a series, and you think it's a bad story, would you watch the rest of the series? No, of course not. We have already over half of the story, and if the first half of the story is bad and don't get you invested, why should you "watch" the rest? They have already introduced so many confusing and contradicting events, motives and dialogues from the villains that no matter what they do, it's unsaveable. It's not making any sense now, and it's not gonna make any sense by the end of the story.


All in all, I had really high hopes for the story, and was impressed in the beginning, but I'm really, really disappointed now, sadly. And for me it really feels like they are throwing to much nonsense at you, that they are gonna be pulling a ME3 ending, where they are gonna explain all the bs with even more bs.


It's actually gone to the point that I want to make a video explaining my frustrating with the story, because it falls under bad storytelling 101.


Also, why would they introduce new characters, only to kill them off a few chapters later? And without giving us any way of saving them, no less? If you have to do that, can't you do it with a Jar Jar Binks-like character, that everyone hates, instead of someone who's actually likable?

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I keep seeing people argue nothing changes based on decisions and I don't get the logic. Maybe they haven't played far enough. People can die based on dark side choices, live based on light side choices. Both companions and people of Zakul. The way people respond to you and you respond to people varies by class and choices. There are consequences to who you romance if you abandon your old love interest. There are effects and choices all around but maybe they need to play further.


I think the story is a little shorter than I like but it is a great story and I enjoyed it a bunch. I played a LS and A Ds char diff classes and it was vastly different conversations, choices and results. Now there is not a mega change to the fact you form an alliance but there are plenty of story and dialogue changes. Even changes on whether you avoid fights or not.

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Honestly I hate how they jumped forward five years in time, rebooted the entire setting while keeping a few characters instead of building on what they already had. The level 1-60 class storylines are/were the best part of this game but Bioware proved they are incapable of writing a follow up to a old story without tossing half of the old plot out of the window.


I must admit Lana and Theon were an interesting addition to the game and a semi-nice solution to making only one story for two factions but now they gone and remove the factions almost entirely. I honestly don't care about Zakuul, Arcann or anyone from this new Empire, instead I want the old one back.


At least when I did Makeb, Rishi, Manaan and yavin 4 there was enough unique dialog and options available to keep up the illusion that my character was still the freelancing Imperial Agent or a member of the dark council but now we are basically nothing but the "Outlander" for Zakuul. I'm pretty disappointed with how all this turned out and the chapters so far is some of Bioware's weakest writing to me.

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I keep seeing people argue nothing changes based on decisions and I don't get the logic. Maybe they haven't played far enough. People can die based on dark side choices, live based on light side choices. Both companions and people of Zakul. The way people respond to you and you respond to people varies by class and choices. There are consequences to who you romance if you abandon your old love interest. There are effects and choices all around but maybe they need to play further.


Nothing DOES change: I've played the entire released story twice, as I said above. One light side BH and one Dark side Jugg. By the end of the day, the same characters are dead and alive. You get the option to use the emperor's power to save Lana: if you do, she lives. If you don't: she lives. In other words: the option was COMPLETELY pointless. It's basically like someone putting a gun with no bullets to your face, and then pulls the trigger: What's the point? Later, you get the option to either stop Lana from killing a knight or not. You meet his partner later. If you didn't stop Lana, he'll say something about vengeance. If you did stop her, he'll just say something about getting credit for killing the outlander etc. I actually expected him to join you, or at the very least leave you. Nothing signifigant changes.


And I wouldn't make such a big deal out of it, if it wasn't for the fact that, that was kinda the whole selling point of the expansion: the story and all it's consequences. Yet, there's no consequences except a few dialogues that changes. I can count all the dialogue that changes from a completely evil playthrough, to a completely good playthrough, on one hand! That's not good enough, BioWare!


I think the story is a little shorter than I like but it is a great story and I enjoyed it a bunch. I played a LS and A Ds char diff classes and it was vastly different conversations, choices and results. Now there is not a mega change to the fact you form an alliance but there are plenty of story and dialogue changes. Even changes on whether you avoid fights or not.


"Vastly"? Really? Please point to a single signifigant result that happened because of a LS or DS choice you made. And no, you don't avoid fights at all. What fights did you avoid? I'd like to point to the Lana and the knight example I mentioned again. Why did he attack me? I spared his friend!

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Honestly I hate how they jumped forward five years in time, rebooted the entire setting while keeping a few characters instead of building on what they already had. The level 1-60 class storylines are/were the best part of this game but Bioware proved they are incapable of writing a follow up to a old story without tossing half of the old plot out of the window.


I must admit Lana and Theon were an interesting addition to the game and a semi-nice solution to making only one story for two factions but now they gone and remove the factions almost entirely. I honestly don't care about Zakuul, Arcann or anyone from this new Empire, instead I want the old one back.


At least when I did Makeb, Rishi, Manaan and yavin 4 there was enough unique dialog and options available to keep up the illusion that my character was still the freelancing Imperial Agent or a member of the dark council but now we are basically nothing but the "Outlander" for Zakuul. I'm pretty disappointed with how all this turned out and the chapters so far is some of Bioware's weakest writing to me.


I completely agree. It all just feels empty. And they somehow shoe-horn in the story of Arcann allowing the reps and imps to keep their fleets just so they didn't have to make new "capitals" for the factions. It just feels cheap, guys. There's not even any changes made to the Fleets. They look exactly the same!


For me, the prime of the story is the class story from 1 to 50. Beyond that it's all just very generic and plain. Just a clean slate made for all classes, and only very few dialogue changes addressing your class. Beyond that, it doesn't feel impactful at all in any way. Not Makeb, Revan nor KotFE.

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I'm on chapter 6, and from what I've seen so far, it's all quite dull. The twist near the beginning is good, and you actually get excited...until you realize the villains are completely dull. They're bad guys because the story tells us they're bad guys. I was hoping for some kind of drama between Arcann and Vaylin, and maybe that's coming, but so far they're just a dull brother/sister set. No intriguing interactions, no drama, no jockeying for power...nothing to add spice to the villains.


Koth is pure, pure annoying. He's such a standard rogue. Absolutely nothing to like about him. The tension between he and Senya feels forced. HK-55 is okay, but proof that the HK character may need to be retired for a while. HK is the definition of diminishing returns. Lana's the only companion I care about.


The questing is so empty. At one point, I get a choice to go with Lana or Koth. I pick Lana, and we do a quest. I come back, then discover I have to do Koth's quest, too. As in, it wasn't really a choice. On top of that, I have to go right back out into the EXACT SAME AREA as Lana's quest, only now I'm grabbing Koth's items. There's a superweapon ship, which confronts a fleet of hundreds of other ships, and somehow manages to escape into hyperspace. I get that the ship has a Big Gun, but really? It destroyed what, like 2% of the Eternal Fleet and somehow, with dozens and dozens of capital ships unloading turbolasers on its butt, the ship is able to escape. Riiiight.


The story just seems lazy. I really hope something juicy's coming down the pipe in the next few chapters, because all of it just seems so...done before. Unoriginal. Standard stuff for a Star Wars story.

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Here are some things that change


You can kill certain companions you meet or spare them. Your choice

When you choose to take Senya or Koth there are different fights and in one instance no fight

If you accept emperors offer in one instance you kill several bystanders

Early on if you let the reactor blow Koth is quite upset and will bring it up several times and leave during a conversation

How companions react when you meet them varies on if your class had recruited them before

There are romance letters depending on who you romanced.

There are 2 missions with different paths depending on your choice.


Those are a handful that vary based on choice, class, and alignment. The Galaxy doesn't warp after every mission but to say there are no choices with any consequence in my view is not accurate. It may not be as much choice or consequence as you want but it is there.

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Not sure if it was just lack of flirt options or not, but my SI who married Revel then moved on to Lana, may have been forgotten about by Lana. My Consular felt like that wasn't forgotten, but maybe it was the LS choices she made, my SI on the other had went with both DS choices with Lana.


Haven't played my Warrior yet, who romanced Theron, to see if there's any differences there.

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Here are some things that change


You can kill certain companions you meet or spare them. Your choice


In the main story? Who? Lana? no. Koth? no. HK? no. Senya? no. Theron? no. NO ONE! what companions are you talking about? I couldn't even kill Lana when i tried to, by not asking for the emperor's help in ch 4 or whatever.


When you choose to take Senya or Koth there are different fights and in one instance no fight


woopti *********** doo. so what? one fight more or less. i was expecting a bit more...


If you accept emperors offer in one instance you kill several bystanders


bystanders that no one knows, are never mentioned again, and no one cares about. EXACTLY the kind of changes have been in the game since day one and that bioware said was gonna be signifigant in this expansion. gotcha.


Early on if you let the reactor blow Koth is quite upset and will bring it up several times and leave during a conversation


he mentions it once of twice. thats it. again: woopti *********** doo. i'd imagine killing about 5000 people would have far greater consequences, but might just me lol.


How companions react when you meet them varies on if your class had recruited them before


again: this is not a major feature, but pretty much just the bare minimum. if i was just greeted with a "hello" i'd be pretty pissed. bioware said that this expansion was gonna be different, yet it's not.


There are romance letters depending on who you romanced.


letters from npcs? never seen that before. really new and exciting. zzzzz


There are 2 missions with different paths depending on your choice.


what missions are those?


Those are a handful that vary based on choice, class, and alignment. The Galaxy doesn't warp after every mission but to say there are no choices with any consequence in my view is not accurate. It may not be as much choice or consequence as you want but it is there.


And you've mentioned pretty much nothing. I still stand by everything I originally said. The impact you do is insignifigant compared to what bioware made us believe we would have. they said there were gonna be long term consequences. real consequences. not just some pointless comment from a companion. we have had that **** for years and the point of this expansion was to actually move beyond that.

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I'm on chapter 6, and from what I've seen so far, it's all quite dull. The twist near the beginning is good, and you actually get excited...until you realize the villains are completely dull. They're bad guys because the story tells us they're bad guys. I was hoping for some kind of drama between Arcann and Vaylin, and maybe that's coming, but so far they're just a dull brother/sister set. No intriguing interactions, no drama, no jockeying for power...nothing to add spice to the villains.


Koth is pure, pure annoying. He's such a standard rogue. Absolutely nothing to like about him. The tension between he and Senya feels forced. HK-55 is okay, but proof that the HK character may need to be retired for a while. HK is the definition of diminishing returns. Lana's the only companion I care about.


The questing is so empty. At one point, I get a choice to go with Lana or Koth. I pick Lana, and we do a quest. I come back, then discover I have to do Koth's quest, too. As in, it wasn't really a choice. On top of that, I have to go right back out into the EXACT SAME AREA as Lana's quest, only now I'm grabbing Koth's items. There's a superweapon ship, which confronts a fleet of hundreds of other ships, and somehow manages to escape into hyperspace. I get that the ship has a Big Gun, but really? It destroyed what, like 2% of the Eternal Fleet and somehow, with dozens and dozens of capital ships unloading turbolasers on its butt, the ship is able to escape. Riiiight.


The story just seems lazy. I really hope something juicy's coming down the pipe in the next few chapters, because all of it just seems so...done before. Unoriginal. Standard stuff for a Star Wars story.


100% spot on.


Also, for me, Koth is just a Theron Shan clone. The standard boring male rogue. The complaining, sarcastic smart-mouth you've met in every single rpg since whenever. zzzzz

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I enjoyed it - pretty fun overall. I liked the story and the new characters (found them interesting and not at all boring, unlike some people here), and I liked the humorous dialogue/scenes. Some of the ambient conversations are entertaining, and there was one scene in particular with HK-55 that had me laughing - HK was trying to exterminate a bunch of alien bugs (I guess they're bugs anyway) and started chasing them around as more or them popped up. You just kind of have to see it for yourself - heh


And I believe that it's probably the first time ever that I actually ended up recruiting a companion by mixing a drink for them (btw, don't forget the little umbrella!). For some reason, it amused me - now if only I could have brought all the booze onto my ship - I have no doubt that my JK Sentinel could use a couple of drinks after spending the last five years in carbonite.

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100% spot on.


Also, for me, Koth is just a Theron Shan clone. The standard boring male rogue. The complaining, sarcastic smart-mouth you've met in every single rpg since whenever. zzzzz


I thought Shan was better (that may be what you're saying) if for no other reason than he wasn't "trying." He just did his thing. I'd prefer just a standard, serious character (a bit like Lana, really) over a "trying" character any day. And that's what's so obvious with Koth. The writers are "trying" to make him this lovable rogue, and for me at least, it just comes across as annoying.


On the Gravestone, Lana and my guy were starting to get romantic when Koth knocks some stuff over to get our attention and obviously stop the mood. I mean, a suave, cool character would never, ever do that. The action made Koth come across as the whiny, jealous "other" guy who has to spoil it for the two kids about to do a little kiss-y kiss kiss since he can't get a girl himself. Now, his action may not have meant to be interpreted that way, but that's sure what it looked like.


The suave guy would A. already have the girl or B. move on.


Oh and the part where he says, "I guess I'll go fix the ship by myself..." loudly and stalks out. I'm thinking, uh, well, you're the ship guy. I'm the Jedi, Lana's a Sith, Seyna's a Zakuul knight and HK is a droid. So, um, yeah, you should shut up and do your part and go fix the **** ship. Han Solo did not whine about Luke, Leia, the droids or Obi Wan fixing the Falcon. He just went and FIXED THE FALCON, because he knows about ships and how they work.


Sorry, a bit of a rant but Koth has to be one of the most annoying companions I've seen in a Bioware game (or any game) in a very long time. About on the level as Corso.

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I thought Shan was better (that may be what you're saying) if for no other reason than he wasn't "trying." He just did his thing. I'd prefer just a standard, serious character (a bit like Lana, really) over a "trying" character any day. And that's what's so obvious with Koth. The writers are "trying" to make him this lovable rogue, and for me at least, it just comes across as annoying.


On the Gravestone, Lana and my guy were starting to get romantic when Koth knocks some stuff over to get our attention and obviously stop the mood. I mean, a suave, cool character would never, ever do that. The action made Koth come across as the whiny, jealous "other" guy who has to spoil it for the two kids about to do a little kiss-y kiss kiss since he can't get a girl himself. Now, his action may not have meant to be interpreted that way, but that's sure what it looked like.


The suave guy would A. already have the girl or B. move on.


Oh and the part where he says, "I guess I'll go fix the ship by myself..." loudly and stalks out. I'm thinking, uh, well, you're the ship guy. I'm the Jedi, Lana's a Sith, Seyna's a Zakuul knight and HK is a droid. So, um, yeah, you should shut up and do your part and go fix the **** ship. Han Solo did not whine about Luke, Leia, the droids or Obi Wan fixing the Falcon. He just went and FIXED THE FALCON, because he knows about ships and how they work.


Sorry, a bit of a rant but Koth has to be one of the most annoying companions I've seen in a Bioware game (or any game) in a very long time. About on the level as Corso.


I think thought that part was supposed to be a moment where you're supposed to wonder if Koth and Lana had something while you were in carbonite. I know it left my Consular wondering that. :p

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I think thought that part was supposed to be a moment where you're supposed to wonder if Koth and Lana had something while you were in carbonite. I know it left my Consular wondering that. :p


Yes that was my thought as well. Or at least Koth has a thing for Lana.


For the OP story is great, consequences are marginal there is no branching but I never expected that.

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Honestly I hate how they jumped forward five years in time, rebooted the entire setting while keeping a few characters instead of building on what they already had. The level 1-60 class storylines are/were the best part of this game but Bioware proved they are incapable of writing a follow up to a old story without tossing half of the old plot out of the window.


I must admit Lana and Theon were an interesting addition to the game and a semi-nice solution to making only one story for two factions but now they gone and remove the factions almost entirely. I honestly don't care about Zakuul, Arcann or anyone from this new Empire, instead I want the old one back.


At least when I did Makeb, Rishi, Manaan and yavin 4 there was enough unique dialog and options available to keep up the illusion that my character was still the freelancing Imperial Agent or a member of the dark council but now we are basically nothing but the "Outlander" for Zakuul. I'm pretty disappointed with how all this turned out and the chapters so far is some of Bioware's weakest writing to me.


Very well said, and I completely agree, though I likely feel more extremely. Maybe it's just a temporary emotional response, but right now I feel like the game has been ruined for me.


This is STAR WARS! I want to see Sith vs. Jedi! Empire vs. Republic! Light Side vs. the Dark Side with the hearts and minds of the galaxy at stake! You know.... basically the plot of SWTOR thus far...? Sure there were some third parties thrown in (The Hutts, Revan, etc.) but they were never the central power in the Galaxy, they instead dwelled within the greater context of Sith vs. Jedi conflict, the Republic vs. Empire conflict, etc..


Instead of an epic continuation of this conflict that not only has held the main thrust of SWTOR to date, but has been a basis for practically all major Star Wars stories ever, we get.... this. "Generic Empire who's never been established in the lore invade the galaxy and in a few years render everything that has been made relevant through several years of SWTOR storytelling irrelevant." Jedi, defeated. Republic, defeated. Sith, defeated. Your character and all of their allies, connections, powerbases, (you know, everything that has been made unique to your character throughout years of gameplay) have been made irrelevant.


You are now Generic Hero (aka Outlander). Fight against Generic Empire that came out of nowhere and conquered all of Star Wars.


I didn't play this game for the rather generic MMO combat. I didn't play this game for really any of the generic MMO game play features. Hell, I didn't even play this game for the merits of the story and writing alone. I played it because it was a STAR WARS story. I enjoy watching my Sith Warrior hunt down a Jedi through the snows of Hoth. I enjoy watching my Trooper stock-strike a Sith Lord he just harpooned out of mid air. I love seeing my Imperial Agent try to play double agent among Republic scum all while battling mind control!


And while I've come to grips years ago with the fact that more class-specific story content was likely never coming, I still played and enjoyed the game because at least the new story content, even if it was the same for each class, was set in the Star Wars setting I know and love, and I could still carry my character's uniquenesses through it. Now... it doesn't feel right. No more Jedi, Sith, Republic, Empire. Just the Generic Outlander, a couple of vaguely Star Wars-y characters, and a new, incredibly random and sudden galactic power. The flavor and uniqueness of my character (My companions, relationships, profession, title, role in the galaxy at large, unique powers/abilities, most any acknowledgement of my history, etc.) and the setting (Jedi vs. Sith, Empire vs. Republic, Light Side vs. Dark Side, the Senate, the Dark Council, etc.) around him/her has been erased. There goes everything I've invested in this game over the years, and my interest and entertainment with it.


I'll still stick around, since I've put too much time and money to give up on the game so suddenly, but I really, really hope this whole "Eternal Empire" plot gets over with ASAP, my characters shed their boring "Outlander" title and go back to what made them unique, and the story returns to the Empire vs. Republic story that has made up the mind, body, and soul of the Story of SWTOR to date.



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With the new system, I really can't imagine them going back to Rep vs Imp. Especially if the idea is one story fits all. Which is likely the reason for this new Empire.


Personally, I don't think it's that bad. I think even in the EU after RotJ, the old Empire and Rep join up and become a new Galactic Republic.


Then it starts all over with an enemy group that comes out of no where all big and huge and threatening.


What I don't care for, is if they're going this route, why can't they give full crossovers. Reps who start to feel more in line with the Empire and Imperials who feel more in line with the Republic. Give us "betrayal" if this is the route they want to take.

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With the new system, I really can't imagine them going back to Rep vs Imp. Especially if the idea is one story fits all. Which is likely the reason for this new Empire.


Personally, I don't think it's that bad. I think even in the EU after RotJ, the old Empire and Rep join up and become a new Galactic Republic.


Then it starts all over with an enemy group that comes out of no where all big and huge and threatening.


What I don't care for, is if they're going this route, why can't they give full crossovers. Reps who start to feel more in line with the Empire and Imperials who feel more in line with the Republic. Give us "betrayal" if this is the route they want to take.


You know, I don't even mind a Big New Bad Guy coming down the pipe, but I felt like the Zakuul Empire was just a lazily re-written Sith Empire, gold and white instead of black and grey. There's absolutely nothing remarkable about them. They have a bunch of neat looking capital ships that...just look neat then get blown up by the Gravestone.


Arcann and Vaylin are so generic they might as well be in a B-movie. Vaylin aping the whole "I kill my minions because I'm evil hahaha" is done so badly it's laughable. She even says at one point, "I killed another because I'd killed three and I hate odd numbers." I'm like, really?

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You know, I don't even mind a Big New Bad Guy coming down the pipe, but I felt like the Zakuul Empire was just a lazily re-written Sith Empire, gold and white instead of black and grey. There's absolutely nothing remarkable about them. They have a bunch of neat looking capital ships that...just look neat then get blown up by the Gravestone.


Arcann and Vaylin are so generic they might as well be in a B-movie. Vaylin aping the whole "I kill my minions because I'm evil hahaha" is done so badly it's laughable. She even says at one point, "I killed another because I'd killed three and I hate odd numbers." I'm like, really?


The odd number comment made me giggle (at least the first time, we'll see on the second).


I think they did what the movies do, keep to the original trilogy. You have the leader, and then the powerful force user second in command who kills basically on the whim. We even have one of the older and wiser mentor/ally dying.


Figure when Force Awakens arrives, Luke will die at some point to the powerful baddie and have to be revenged some how. Through death or redemption or both!

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The odd number comment made me giggle (at least the first time, we'll see on the second).


I think they did what the movies do, keep to the original trilogy. You have the leader, and then the powerful force user second in command who kills basically on the whim. We even have one of the older and wiser mentor/ally dying.


Figure when Force Awakens arrives, Luke will die at some point to the powerful baddie and have to be revenged some how. Through death or redemption or both!


You think? Is it a requirement for them to have as little personality as possible at the same time? And will we ever get told why they act like they do? Why are they evil? Why do they kill their minions? Right now, they just seem like 1-dimensional villains with zero personality except that they are bat **** crazy.


And on top of that, how dumb do these minions have to be, to after so many years still come up to Arcann & Vaylin and then be like "I screwed up", when every single person before him who did it, has died. Like, he might as well have said "Hello. Please kill me" *facepalm*


This story is so amazingly written!



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Guys did some of the class story choices light/dark carry over to Kotfe?


I have not noticed anything related to it. I have only done KOTFE with my main character who is all darkside, but the most it may have cause was some opening remarks by some of the new companions, which might as well have been result of me simply being a SW. (the characters mentioned their distrust toward me) Koth has one piece of dialog where he is angry with me and "wont forget what Ive done" but that refers to the sun generator incident during chapter 3 I believe.


There might be more when I get in touch with the old companions. So far Ive only got Pierce. His opening line? "Made me wait long enough, my lord." :D The cheek of it.


ps. I think complaints about how stereotypical the new characters are, are misplaced in my opinion. You wont ever get anything else in a space opera.


And will we ever get told why they act like they do? Why are they evil? Why do they kill their minions? Right now, they just seem like 1-dimensional villains with zero personality except that they are bat **** crazy.


Valkorion actually did tell something about Arcann. Valkie said "You dont have ambition, only jealousy". Arcann wanted his fathers approval so bad, he got into a point of trying to murder his father when he didn't get it (killed his brother instead). Im not sure of all the other options available during chapter 1, but Arcann wanted the throne BAD, and now he wants to eradicate all memory of his father and his "favorites" that were placed above him, ie. the outlander. Arcann envies the outlander for Valkorions attention.


Vaylin does seem like a stereotype, but I dont mind it, as I like all classic Sith stuff myself.

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