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Attention all players and Devs - 4.0 most complained about new feature. LEVEL SYNC


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I have read through a lot of the comments since this update has been sent out, and through all the posts I must say one thing seems to bother people the most: Level Sync.


I too am completely turned off by this game because of its "improvements". Though my chief worry is with Planet scaling. I am a solo player, so I enjoy leveling up a character to max and then go back and complete a lot of content I skipped because it required a group. Now every time I want to do anything on a lower level planet that requires a group I must sit and wait to find a group. This completely removes the immersion and makes it so you waste time finding groups. Also when it comes to smaller less populated servers, it becomes almost impossible to do certain things because instead of overpowering a quest, or world boss, you must wait and wait to find someone who wants to help, and makes it so a higher level on a lower level planet cannot help players complete tasks that were otherwise impossible without a full group.


It also almost removes the need for a level system, you gaint new passives and things for leveling and are able to use new gear, but you could just as easily make everything same level and just dish out points for skills and passives, and make higher "level" content just drop stronger gear.


This feature should be purely choice based, if you want to play with friends new to the game or want to redo content with the challenge of synced levels then go ahead, if not then you will have the option to play your character at the level you earned. The only part of this game that makes it seem useful is in World PVP, which unless your on a PVP server then you have the choice to disable PVP and you need not worry about running into a higher level on a lower planet. On PVP servers, you accept the chance of running into enemy players, and you know the risk and accept it. I am sure there could be other merits to this system, but in truth many players would probably prefer it being choice based. SWTOR and BioWare have always listened to people and have enabled us much freedom in the way we play, and I feel this is just another choice that should be allowed to the players themselves.


But this change should come by choice as well, many players in fleet and in guild chats are complaining about this feature the most, many feel that a lot of the luster of having a strong character they have spent time and effort to become a powerful avatar for the Star Wars universe.


I feel that if you agree with this you should leave a reply, say I agree, or leave a comment. If this is something everyone feels should be changed then we should show that we care about the change, of no one does then so be it.

Edited by xlDaemonlx
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Oh give it a rest already. It's here, it's not going anywhere, we can stop pretending this is a democracy.


There have been many times in the past when changes have occurred that the majority of players disagree with and if enough voice their opinion then it can happen, it has happened. This can easily be something that can be added, and it makes it an equal medium if it choice based.

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There have been many times in the past when changes have occurred that the majority of players disagree with and if enough voice their opinion then it can happen, it has happened. This can easily be something that can be added, and it makes it an equal medium if it choice based.


I believe the company stealth killing most of the anti-level synch threads sent the very clear message that this change is here to stay and any nay sayers beware. They may retweak the system to adjust balance every so often, but you're kidding yourself if you think it's ever going anywhere. Might as well conserve that energy and just learn to deal.

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I believe the company stealth killing most of the anti-level synch threads sent the very clear message that this change is here to stay and any nay sayers beware. They may retweak the system to adjust balance every so often, but you're kidding yourself if you think it's ever going anywhere. Might as well conserve that energy and just learn to deal.


No, I still don't like it. So:


Vote NO for every level sync stuff.

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Look what happened to World of Warcraft when they made changes players didn't like and added things players didn't like. I for one have been super excited waiting for these changes and I think these were a hugely greater disappointment then the Prequel films.


I was hoping to be able to play with a wider range of players not have the uniqueness of my companions removed virtually completely. Apparently the only reason to pick my companion and their outfit is totally based on appearance? WOW. I waited all this time and nothing I've read excites me in the slightest. I'm only 30$ a month but developers really don't want to disappoint nearly as many people as they motivate to play.

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Look what happened to World of Warcraft when they made changes players didn't like and added things players didn't like. I for one have been super excited waiting for these changes and I think these were a hugely greater disappointment then the Prequel films.


I was hoping to be able to play with a wider range of players not have the uniqueness of my companions removed virtually completely. Apparently the only reason to pick my companion and their outfit is totally based on appearance? WOW. I waited all this time and nothing I've read excites me in the slightest. I'm only 30$ a month but developers really don't want to disappoint nearly as many people as they motivate to play.


This is right, we may individually be only a small subscription, but if 100, 200, or 300 players stop playing because they no longer feel the need to level a player because everyone is now on equal term, plus many of the other features that have been changed.


I do ask that people replying keep it to the topic though, there can be separate threads for different issues so that its clear what should and needs to be changed based on the player base.

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New to the game and really thinking of leaving. Don't like the level sync at all. IMO the only place there should be level sync is on neutral planets. I have been walking around exploring as a level 30 just to get killed by a level 50+. I like going back to planets I have already been on to explore, completing legacy achievements without worry of aggro.
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My question is simply this: why when down-leveled am I seeing far less HP than when I was on-level at level caps? 34k on CZ-198? I used to be 42k at 55 prior to SoR. 22k on Ilum down-leveled to 52? I used to sit 25+k at level 50. Feels a bit like a step backwards MORE than the step backwards I knew was coming.
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If they were smart, they would take a page from FFXIV's level sync system and make it OPTIONAL so when you are helping low level friends in a jam and they need XP, you sync down so they can get points, but if you don't, you can go through and one shot things.


Level syncing becomes a HUGE problem on PVP servers when a fully geared 60+ can get his *** handed to him by two or three lvl 30 f2p gankers. Yeah both in terms of immersion AND in terms of gameplay, that shouldn't even BEGIN to make sense. Yet there it is due to the sync.



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Yes, to everything people have said. With companions changing, losing out on gear, custimization and many other options this game used to give, taking away from a character people and subscribers have spent time and money....REAL money developing, its almost a slap in the face to go "Yea..... you just need to lose out on all of that, and deal with feeling weak and average."


I mean now people are even getting upset because with new companion system and new scaling, going back they are weaker than when they were on the planet to begin with and now thier companions are carrying most of the fights..... This game has always been great about making the Player avatar the heroes of the game, now to go grid stuff before, its all about your OP companion.


This game is pulling more and more away from the model so many player enjoyed: Create a Star Wars universe character, who becomes one of the most powerful people in the Galaxy, have a companion that helps you if need be. Now more and more I feel like my companions have more power than myself, that I NEED a group of other people just to do something? Whats wrong with having strength and being able to use it?

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I don't help players for the exp level gain but to get them to progress further through a heroic maybe I have a solution which could benefit both the player and biowares pocket how about a token for the heroic dungeon that can be brought for say 5 dollars for free to play and subscribers get one free thus making more want to subscribe this making more money in the long run for bioware bit hey they wont read this so their loss.

I forgot to add the token would keep the higher lvl player at their current lvl only for the instance once walking out it expires.

Edited by Skullncross
need to edit it missed something out
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I don't help players for the exp level gain but to get them to progress further through a heroic maybe I have a solution which could benefit both the player and biowares pocket how about a token for the heroic dungeon that can be brought for say 5 dollars for free to play and subscribers get one free thus making more want to subscribe this making more money in the long run for bioware bit hey they wont read this so their loss.

I forgot to add the token would keep the higher lvl player at their current lvl only for the instance once walking out it expires.


I think it could easily be made into a social option, either that or if Bioware wants money then make it a feature free to subscribers and you need to buy a token if your not.


Personally I feel the Social option would be best, but if they want to drain us of money so be it, as long as they make it optional.

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I can get behind the companion changes, not happy with the money lost but now that all of them can tank, heal or dps, I'm calling it a plus. Of course the economy is going to be hosed for the time being as demand for items on the GTN just went down by 85% overnight. As for the other major change...




Hate it, hate it, hate it. I'm mostly a solo player and it feels like half the game has been cut off to me. That crap system need an OFF button. Untill then you're going to have a huge spam problem in the chat with people begging and pleading and panhandling like you're driving through the slums that once was SWTOR in a Mercedes and catching every red light.

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I really really hate level scaling i would seriously pay more money not to have it. It destroys any fun with feeling you are actually powerful, you are Darth Lord and yet you have the same power as an acolyte, what a joke! It's like saying padawan's in the Star Wars movies could defeat Yoda or the emperor, what a mess!


Like many here is saying we like to play alone and not sitting waiting for players that may or may not join... Did i buy a game to sit and wait for having fun, NO!


BTW when you are max level you are not going around for XP, i have played every singel map and quest i don't need to do that crap over and over. If i want to help someone complete mission i want to do it fast not to use 30-60min for lvl 20 missions!


Group finder is now also filled with n00b's that have not played enough and i'm stuck with having to wait for them just completing simple tasks. You have to EARN the right to play in higher levels later in the game not getting dropped into mission and have no clue on what you should do. I got killed extremely many times on missions because people cannot complete their role's and all enemies aggro me.


This option has to be optional or i am unsubscribing my account!

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well after downloading the expansion and doing the storyline were i'm at the moment I can send my companion into quite a few mobs he does all the fighting I just stand there reaping the rewards my gear doesn't get damaged so no repairs which will save me a lot and will make more BOTTERs rife way to go nice mechanic wereas before I was fighting and having my companion as a weak support was a pain but now you've make all my dreams come true I can walk away to kitchen knowing my companion can solo everything that comes near my toon if im making a coffee or food etc I like this new mechanic any chance of two companions that we can deploy and I can be sitting drinking margaritas on a sunny tatooine?
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well after downloading the expansion and doing the storyline were i'm at the moment I can send my companion into quite a few mobs he does all the fighting I just stand there reaping the rewards my gear doesn't get damaged so no repairs which will save me a lot and will make more BOTTERs rife way to go nice mechanic wereas before I was fighting and having my companion as a weak support was a pain but now you've make all my dreams come true I can walk away to kitchen knowing my companion can solo everything that comes near my toon if im making a coffee or food etc I like this new mechanic any chance of two companions that we can deploy and I can be sitting drinking margaritas on a sunny tatooine?


God for all of our sakes I hope this is sarcasm :p

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well after downloading the expansion and doing the storyline were i'm at the moment I can send my companion into quite a few mobs he does all the fighting I just stand there reaping the rewards my gear doesn't get damaged so no repairs which will save me a lot and will make more BOTTERs rife way to go nice mechanic wereas before I was fighting and having my companion as a weak support was a pain but now you've make all my dreams come true I can walk away to kitchen knowing my companion can solo everything that comes near my toon if im making a coffee or food etc I like this new mechanic any chance of two companions that we can deploy and I can be sitting drinking margaritas on a sunny tatooine?


Making our companion's GOD mode is not something i would consider a good thing. It proves my point with YOU'R, MY character is Darth Lord and still your main character is weaker then your companion, what a joke! How can Bioware fail so miserably with this update!?

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I actually don't mind the level sync that much, but think it needs a tweak. Those of us who solo a lot would like to be able to do things without a group. How about if you hit max level the level sync puts you 3-5 levels above where it does now? Enough where you could solo things, even Heroic 4s but not so high where everything ignores you and you just walk through.
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I actually don't mind the level sync that much, but think it needs a tweak. Those of us who solo a lot would like to be able to do things without a group. How about if you hit max level the level sync puts you 3-5 levels above where it does now? Enough where you could solo things, even Heroic 4s but not so high where everything ignores you and you just walk through.


Thats why making this feature optional would be best, if you want to take advantage of it, its there, but if you need to go solo things because of time or lack of allies, then you can also over power it with your level and gear. Lets keep this post alive, and hopefully more people will post an agree.

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Thats why making this feature optional would be best, if you want to take advantage of it, its there, but if you need to go solo things because of time or lack of allies, then you can also over power it with your level and gear. Lets keep this post alive, and hopefully more people will post an agree.


Making level sync optional would go a long way of keep me and a lot of other players as subscribers. I would expect Bioware to be able to do this and please both sides.

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