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  1. In another MMO, which shall remain unnamed, they gave you an unlimited sized backpack that all of your crafting mats went into. I am uncertain why this addition has not been implemented thus far.
  2. Nothing wrong with keeping the ideas fresh in their minds.
  3. I am a subscriber so I usually just mail credits from one character to another. It was just an addendum to my original suggestion. With the introduction of Prefabs and now with the updated crafting changes it gets a little tedious to have to figure out what mats to clog my storage with. My big suggestion was the legacy crafting storage tab.
  4. I have always wondered why you cannot decorate your ship like you can your stronghold. You spend mandatory time on your ship but you have to go out of your way to get to the stronghold.
  5. Agreed They had an item you could buy for 0 credits to get rid of the exp bonus.
  6. Also, make credits legacy wide. There is no point in anyone having to mail credits to another character of their own.
  7. I have been playing since launch and I have always been frustrated with the fact that half of my inventory, storage bay, and legacy storage is filled with crafting materials from each of my crafters. Is there any way to get a separate tab in storage that automatically holds all crafting materials so we can free up some space? I hate having to run to the bay and dump all of my mats just so I can have more room before I go somewhere else. It should also be legacy wide because having to figure out what each skill needs for a certain schematic is very time consuming and boring. Thank you,
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