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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

KOTFE Level 60 character creation is bugged


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Adding my name to the list.


Made a Level 60 Character on Red Eclipse. It started at Level 1 on the Fleet.


Deleted it and token was refunded.


Made it again. It started Level 1 on the fleet.


Deleted it and token was refunded.


Made it again. Level 1. Fleet.


No token refund.




A lvl 1 WITH an AC? I had a lvl 1 Guardian lol

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Pro tip for those starting at Level 1 on the fleet: DO NOT SKIP CUTSCENE. Let the scrolling introduction and let the full cutscene play out and the game will drop you at the beginning of Eternal empire sequence


In other news, I too am having trouble with this bug. I lost my free character token upon my 2nd deletion and I paid for one from the Cartel Market, consumed it and have not acquired the ability to create another level 60 yet...


Another tip, do not submit your in-game ticket to Bug Report, as it will be "forwarded to Quality Assurance" and they will not respond to you.


I created my 60 turned lvl 1 got the prelude intro for the origin storyline, skipped it and deleted char, lost token so now idea if it'll work for me as I only had one chance.

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I created a lvl 60 character after paying Bioware like 40 bucks on their game to be subscribed and when I created my lvl 60 character, I spawned on the fleet at lvl 1. This needs to be fixed. And when I deleted that character my free token was gone. I demand to be reemboursed ASAP because I am not spending 2000 CC on a token that was stolen from me from this stupid bug. I demand an explanation and would like to know if this has happened to any1 else?
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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


We wanted to get some information out about the issue you are experiencing. First off, there is a bug that can occur when you make a level 60 character, it instead creates it as a level 1 and places you on the fleet. Without going too technical, basically the game is moving faster than your account is, which is creating the issue. Here are a few important notes to be aware of:

  • Go slow – When going through the character creation process take your time, watch the Sacrifice trailer that starts your level 60 character. This can give time for your account to recognize the start at 60 character and to potentially avoid the level 1 issue.
  • If you end up in the game as a level 1 when using a token, you can delete that character to have the token returned to you. After you have deleted the character, give it some time, you will see that token restored. At this point you can try to create a level 60, but once again please take your time.


With a lot of level 60s being made, there is an element of a bottleneck occurring. But do not worry, even if you experience the bug, the start at level 60 token is in no way lost. It may take some time to be restored but it will happen. Know that if you continue to make / delete characters without waiting for your account to catch up, you can exacerbate the issue.


We are working to correct this as soon as possible, but the information above can work to potentially avoid it, or work around it. Thanks everyone.



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Hey folks,


We wanted to get some information out about the issue you are experiencing. First off, there is a bug that can occur when you make a level 60 character, it instead creates it as a level 1 and places you on the fleet. Without going too technical, basically the game is moving faster than your account is, which is creating the issue. Here are a few important notes to be aware of:

  • Go slow – When going through the character creation process take your time, watch the Sacrifice trailer that starts your level 60 character. This can give time for your account to recognize the start at 60 character and to potentially avoid the level 1 issue.
  • If you end up in the game as a level 1 when using a token, you can delete that character to have the token returned to you. After you have deleted the character, give it some time, you will see that token restored. At this point you can try to create a level 60, but once again please take your time.


With a lot of level 60s being made, there is an element of a bottleneck occurring. But do not worry, even if you experience the bug, the start at level 60 token is in no way lost. It may take some time to be restored but it will happen. Know that if you continue to make / delete characters without waiting for your account to catch up, you can exacerbate the issue.


We are working to correct this as soon as possible, but the information above can work to potentially avoid it, or work around it. Thanks everyone.




That doesnt work if your Token is GONE!!!! GONE!!! Man dont u Guys understand that? We dont get the Token BACK!!!!

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That doesnt work if your Token is GONE!!!! GONE!!! Man dont u Guys understand that? We dont get the Token BACK!!!!


It says that it reappears after some time though. So we just gotta wait I guess for it to pop back up =/.

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That doesnt work if your Token is GONE!!!! GONE!!! Man dont u Guys understand that? We dont get the Token BACK!!!!


What Eric is saying is that the account takes awhile to update and while that certainly makes some sense and that if it came back after like 30mins-1hour or a re log that would be annoying, but playable. As it's now been almost 2 days for me, I don't really think more time will help.

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At least we will definitely get our tokens back.


My main question would be if there was an approximate time range on when those tokens would be returned? Are there any options if our tokens are not automatically returned with a few days time?

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Hey folks,


We wanted to get some information out about the issue you are experiencing. First off, there is a bug that can occur when you make a level 60 character, it instead creates it as a level 1 and places you on the fleet. Without going too technical, basically the game is moving faster than your account is, which is creating the issue. Here are a few important notes to be aware of:

  • Go slow – When going through the character creation process take your time, watch the Sacrifice trailer that starts your level 60 character. This can give time for your account to recognize the start at 60 character and to potentially avoid the level 1 issue.
  • If you end up in the game as a level 1 when using a token, you can delete that character to have the token returned to you. After you have deleted the character, give it some time, you will see that token restored. At this point you can try to create a level 60, but once again please take your time.


With a lot of level 60s being made, there is an element of a bottleneck occurring. But do not worry, even if you experience the bug, the start at level 60 token is in no way lost. It may take some time to be restored but it will happen. Know that if you continue to make / delete characters without waiting for your account to catch up, you can exacerbate the issue.


We are working to correct this as soon as possible, but the information above can work to potentially avoid it, or work around it. Thanks everyone.




That is nice and all, but what about Tokens that simply vanished? Or in my case, I bought another token last week and after redeeming it I didn't even get the unlock for a Level 60 character. I *SHOULD* have 4 Level 60 characters at my disposal now, but now I have NONE.

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Hey folks,


We wanted to get some information out about the issue you are experiencing. First off, there is a bug that can occur when you make a level 60 character, it instead creates it as a level 1 and places you on the fleet. Without going too technical, basically the game is moving faster than your account is, which is creating the issue. Here are a few important notes to be aware of:

  • Go slow – When going through the character creation process take your time, watch the Sacrifice trailer that starts your level 60 character. This can give time for your account to recognize the start at 60 character and to potentially avoid the level 1 issue.
  • If you end up in the game as a level 1 when using a token, you can delete that character to have the token returned to you. After you have deleted the character, give it some time, you will see that token restored. At this point you can try to create a level 60, but once again please take your time.


With a lot of level 60s being made, there is an element of a bottleneck occurring. But do not worry, even if you experience the bug, the start at level 60 token is in no way lost. It may take some time to be restored but it will happen. Know that if you continue to make / delete characters without waiting for your account to catch up, you can exacerbate the issue.


We are working to correct this as soon as possible, but the information above can work to potentially avoid it, or work around it. Thanks everyone.




Sadly this does not appear to be correct.


Watching the trailer and waiting for the game to do its thing still leads to a level 1 character, and deleting said character and recreating leads to another level 1, not a level 60.


And while the token may appear to be still available, allowing an endless creation of level 1s through the level 60 character creator, upon swapping servers or logging out of the game, the available level 60s count on the character creation screen goes to zero, and the count never recovers even after 24 hours time.


Also this does not address the issue of players deleting level 60s to recreate and also losing tokens (probably the same bug with the level 1s and the token disappearing), nor the issue of using the level 60 CM consumable item and no token appearing in the character creator.


So while it is good to see a response, the fact that the response fails to address several of the problems and seems to suggest things will somehow magically fix themselves if players just go slow, and given players have lost tokens which have not been returned for days, I'd say Bioware needs to step up a bit more on this issue and providing service to those who have lost their level 60 tokens.


I certainly don't believe mine which have been lost for some time now are going to just reappear as the game catches up.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Click, click, click, skip intro movie.

Spawn on Fleet, character is level 1.


This is terrible.... I submitted a ticket in-game as well, but will repost my questons here:


Should I keep the bugged level 1 character?

Should I erase the bugged character in preparation for a reroll?

Will you guys hand out a token for free as solution once this problem is fixed?


Basically it's been a "download the patch, log in, get busted" experience.

This is not a happy way to begin playing the game again. I've kept my sub current, and all the other in-game rewards are there, only this 60 character is a total shambles it seems.


Happened to me. deleted remade same thing, deleted remade, same thing. Opened an in game ticket no reply. Then logged out came back and now I'm getting a NODESPECCACHE error that crashes the game completely and I do not have my freebie level 60 slot even though that slot has been deleted. :mad:


Cant get in game now without the NODESPECCACHE crash occurring.


Prophecy of Five Server

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Hey folks,


We wanted to get some information out about the issue you are experiencing. First off, there is a bug that can occur when you make a level 60 character, it instead creates it as a level 1 and places you on the fleet. Without going too technical, basically the game is moving faster than your account is, which is creating the issue. Here are a few important notes to be aware of:

  • Go slow – When going through the character creation process take your time, watch the Sacrifice trailer that starts your level 60 character. This can give time for your account to recognize the start at 60 character and to potentially avoid the level 1 issue.
  • If you end up in the game as a level 1 when using a token, you can delete that character to have the token returned to you. After you have deleted the character, give it some time, you will see that token restored. At this point you can try to create a level 60, but once again please take your time.


With a lot of level 60s being made, there is an element of a bottleneck occurring. But do not worry, even if you experience the bug, the start at level 60 token is in no way lost. It may take some time to be restored but it will happen. Know that if you continue to make / delete characters without waiting for your account to catch up, you can exacerbate the issue.


We are working to correct this as soon as possible, but the information above can work to potentially avoid it, or work around it. Thanks everyone.




The Sacrifice trailer doesn't even play when it bugs. The class prologue does.


Also, how many DAYS/WEEKS until those tokens reappear? I've been waiting some time now...

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B] Know that if you continue to make / delete characters without waiting for your account to catch up, you can exacerbate the issue.


Yes, this information seems like it should be added to the launcher.


I like that you can add Important Info to the new launcher, please add this.

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My token hasn't reappeared - granted, it's been only a day, but how much catching up does the account need? And with the patch in between (there was a token before the patch but none after the patch), I'm worried that the game won't recognize that it swallowed my token but I never got to make my level 60.
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Hey folks,


We wanted to get some information out about the issue you are experiencing. First off, there is a bug that can occur when you make a level 60 character, it instead creates it as a level 1 and places you on the fleet. Without going too technical, basically the game is moving faster than your account is, which is creating the issue. Here are a few important notes to be aware of:

  • Go slow – When going through the character creation process take your time, watch the Sacrifice trailer that starts your level 60 character. This can give time for your account to recognize the start at 60 character and to potentially avoid the level 1 issue.
  • If you end up in the game as a level 1 when using a token, you can delete that character to have the token returned to you. After you have deleted the character, give it some time, you will see that token restored. At this point you can try to create a level 60, but once again please take your time.


With a lot of level 60s being made, there is an element of a bottleneck occurring. But do not worry, even if you experience the bug, the start at level 60 token is in no way lost. It may take some time to be restored but it will happen. Know that if you continue to make / delete characters without waiting for your account to catch up, you can exacerbate the issue.


We are working to correct this as soon as possible, but the information above can work to potentially avoid it, or work around it. Thanks everyone.




How long will it take to restore the token? Is this something that you are thinking should happen automatically? Because if so I think you are misinformed.

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Joining the ever growing club of "My token was used up yet didn't work and wasn't returned."

To be more specific, I "bought" (Using RaF CC and sub grant) two tokens this evening and at first none worked. I got fed up, deleted the lvl 1 characters and returned on my main.

When I returned to Character Creation, a miracle happened and IT WORKED! Once. Despite buying two tokens.

So far, the second one hasn't been restored.

To note: The second lvl 60 character can not be created but the associated character slot (25th in my case) has been properly added.

Will wait & see but it's annoying.

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Hey folks,


We wanted to get some information out about the issue you are experiencing. First off, there is a bug that can occur when you make a level 60 character, it instead creates it as a level 1 and places you on the fleet. Without going too technical, basically the game is moving faster than your account is, which is creating the issue. Here are a few important notes to be aware of:

  • Go slow – When going through the character creation process take your time, watch the Sacrifice trailer that starts your level 60 character. This can give time for your account to recognize the start at 60 character and to potentially avoid the level 1 issue.
  • If you end up in the game as a level 1 when using a token, you can delete that character to have the token returned to you. After you have deleted the character, give it some time, you will see that token restored. At this point you can try to create a level 60, but once again please take your time.


With a lot of level 60s being made, there is an element of a bottleneck occurring. But do not worry, even if you experience the bug, the start at level 60 token is in no way lost. It may take some time to be restored but it will happen. Know that if you continue to make / delete characters without waiting for your account to catch up, you can exacerbate the issue.


We are working to correct this as soon as possible, but the information above can work to potentially avoid it, or work around it. Thanks everyone.




I deleted it 4 days ago but i still dont get my token back..

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How long will it take to restore the token? Is this something that you are thinking should happen automatically? Because if so I think you are misinformed.


I second this also, this problem happened to me last night and as of now i still don't have the free 60 and YES i deleted then bugged out lvl 1 AC'ed toon.

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