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Welcome to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - Knights of the Fallen Empire Early Access!


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It is my pleasure to welcome you to Early Access for Knights of the Fallen Empire Digital Expansion.


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Hey BIOware I was a subscriber on all the dates of the early access rewards but I ran out 31st of September and wasnt subbed till like the 4-5th of October but I still was subbed on the day of the Swoop bike.

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i find what they did with the companions to be kind of dumb like for examples they can all tank heal and dps they no longer have anything special for crafting also the bugged out treek merged with C2N2.


One thing cool now for Artifice can now many relics for low level character one bad thing is no hilts for level 60+ that can be crafted which personally i always enjoyed crafting my own gear before the ops/raiding gear.

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the early access conditions were very poorly written.


i see now you had to be a sub from aug 10. the way it was written, i thought it was be a sub anytime from aug 10 to now.


just another example of bw being ******


Actually it is common sense really and if you didn't understand it then it is your fault and not bw fault really.

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the early access conditions were very poorly written.


i see now you had to be a sub from aug 10. the way it was written, i thought it was be a sub anytime from aug 10 to now.


just another example of bw being ******


Yea extreamly poorly written they really really should have reworded that

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Hey there.

Im having issues with the download of fallen empire. I used to be able to download with 5 Mb/s and literally any game i download is done in 20 mins. Now with the new patcher or at least with this update i download with 200 kb/s. Anybody else have these issues? Has the new patcher caused an confliction with firewalls etc? Anyways thx for the help otherwise i have to download 2 days to be able to play which then again makes the entire early access kind of useless.



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Actually it is common sense really and if you didn't understand it then it is your fault and not bw fault really.


It's not his own fault.

I'm of opinion that the description on the first Main Site of KoTFE was done by EA intentionally.

Looking at SWTOR Dev team previous practices, they are never transparent with any new content and plans, as well most thing regarding money.

So it could had been intended to intercepted both ways, so that people think you can subscribe at any point and still receive the Early Acess.


"Early Access

AUG 10 - OCT 19

Choose to be a Subscriber from August 10 to October 19 to receive the Early Access Bonus Reward!"


You could easily interpreted this both ways. To be subscribed anytime between or all the time from til the end of.



Since only in Terms and Conditions and FAQ for KOTFE could you find out that you had to be subscribed throughout all the reward checkpoints to receive Early Acess.

Technically its not a mis(leading)-advertising since it was written in Terms and FAQ.

Yes, people could read that etc...

But average person would not bother reading terms etc... Especially when they are hidden from sight, taking that into consideration.

It's just means that it was done so intentionally. Since if they would want people to know for sure they could include that information somewhere easier to notice or instead of that description in the box.

SO some fanboys now says its those people own fault. Well this is an anti-consumer practice which should be not happening. It just shows how EA is not transparent and wants to milk money from people.

All their games and DLC shows that.


Just stating that, because it been the case with this game since its beginning.

The Devs are just on disppatch from EA.

I didn't had the problem, always read the terms for rewards etc... especially from EA.

Edited by ProKsnNwk
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So ive got to ask when will you buy some internet Bioware ? I mean 700 kbs dowload speed Rly ? Waiting 4 h for 5 giga patch is like stoneage all over again. (ive got 250 MB/s internet speed)


I feel ya m8 , I seriously do. Since the Update has been available,I been sitting here (well,not literally ^^) waiting for the DL to Finish. (90% atm ....) I understand that the Server is Filled (since EVERYONE can dl it) ....but lol,7-8 Hours for a 7-8GB Patch ? lol.

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2nd. To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates @ Terms


Nuff said.

Edited by ahzecklawd
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Everything works for me perfectly, I had all items in my mail today BUT I cannot see an option to create lvl 60 out of my newly created lvl 10 Jugg. There is an option to create a fresh lvl 60, and as my char has only 20 min game time :) that's not a biog deal BUT (again) she will have to have another name...

So my q is : is there such option present in game or not yet?

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Everything works for me perfectly, I had all items in my mail today BUT I cannot see an option to create lvl 60 out of my newly created lvl 10 Jugg. There is an option to create a fresh lvl 60, and as my char has only 20 min game time :) that's not a biog deal BUT (again) she will have to have another name...

So my q is : is there such option present in game or not yet?


It has to be a NEW! Toon,since the 60 Option is related to the 'Create a New Character'-Window. So if you want a 60 Jugg,delete your old one and re-make him.

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It has to be a NEW! Toon,since the 60 Option is related to the 'Create a New Character'-Window. So if you want a 60 Jugg,delete your old one and re-make him.



I was sort of affraid that the proper answer will sound like this... which gave me something to think over my choice.

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I never received an email about gaining Early Access, so started looking at emails and billing dates.


2015/10/16 1:02 AM SWTOR 30 Day Subscription CLOSED $ 14.99 $ 1.03 $ 16.02 1001709727701

2015/09/16 1:02 AM SWTOR 30 Day Subscription CLOSED $ 14.99 $ 1.03 $ 16.02 1001646327701

2015/08/17 1:02 AM SWTOR 30 Day Subscription CLOSED $ 14.99 $ 1.03 $ 16.02 1001599727701

2015/06/17 3:26 AM STAR WARS: The Old Republic60-Day Game Time CLOSED $ 29.99 $ 2.06 $ 32.05 1001520927701


It looks like I'm hosed on Early Access due to the overlap of the Game Time and the start of my Subscription. I changed my sub on July 29th thinking I'd get the Early Access; doesn't appear that that worked since it appears they're basing it off of when the Subscription starts/renews. :(

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so early access for KOTFE is a joke. Wasn't able to get my sub back until after August 31 and now no early access. what a load of crap why am i even paying for this. Had a sub before August lost it when bills got tight after having a baby, got it back on September 1 st. Been waiting oh so patiently for early access to not get it and be a subscriber has me mad as hell. thanks again for another disappointment.
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*shrugs* this still gives me more time to go and do the other end game stuff, since im a slow player. I missed a week due to being broke at the end of Aug, so. guess ill have to wait. All I know is i hit all but the 2nd time mark to get the rewards so, hopefully those are in my mail box
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Ok so for those being in the same bout as me - I was subbed since before August 10th until today and still keep on going. I had no Early Access, nor any rewards given.

I read the comments here and also called the customer support by phone. The guy on the other end said that I did qualify for the Early Access, and doesn't see how I didn't get it. Sadly he was unable to fix it straight away, so I believe in getting in a little later than others.

Still, guys don't get mad, things like that do happen, so write your tickets or grab your phones, and see what can be done :D

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