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I bought the lvl 60 character token from the cartel market,

and made a sith warrior and stuff, but I don't seem to find out how to start my Knights Of the Fallen Empire adventure. I'm basically just wandering around in the empire fleet. how do I start this game??

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I bought the lvl 60 character token from the cartel market,

and made a sith warrior and stuff, but I don't seem to find out how to start my Knights Of the Fallen Empire adventure. I'm basically just wandering around in the empire fleet. how do I start this game??


The token itself does not start the expansion. You need to have it enabled first.


My guess is that you start the expansion in a few days, then you can enjoy the level 60s.

Edited by Icestar
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I bought the lvl 60 character token from the cartel market,

and made a sith warrior and stuff, but I don't seem to find out how to start my Knights Of the Fallen Empire adventure. I'm basically just wandering around in the empire fleet. how do I start this game??


to be able to play kotfe early access, you need to be a sub from 10 august to 19 october.

if you were, you just go to your ship and accept the mission

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Okaaaay... I sincerely apologise for half of my words at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8527487#post8527487 -- half, because it seems I was required to wait until Chapter 8 for a truly epic story start.


But... Chapters 8, 9 -- truly good. Now I can say about nice work.




Though now I am not only missing Marr, but HK-55 too. HK pulled up Chapters 1-6 alone...






And that KotOR-style dialogues.... With unvoiced character and full conversation statements. o_O O_o O_O

Nostalgic, but I've lost ability to translate-in-time the conversations...



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Happens to me every time there is a patch, on this occasion it got to 50% reasonably fast and since then has managed to go 5% in a couple of hours


Hello there..It's been the exactthe same way for me and I have played since day 1. Ok, here's why, when you start the download/update, it first updates either the game first, or the (English)/Language Dialogue for the update, then any extra assets. And you do unfortunately have to wait for it to complete to hit PLAY. Bummer yes, but so would playing or jumping into a half-patched game haha. Enjoy KOTFE on the 27th/or Early Access on the 20th, Friend!

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I have a question


When you advertise for this expansion you stated that it would follow the same way as a class mission, in that you could group and your boyfriend, friends, etc can go with you but yet this is not true on the first 3 chapters.


You made it where if you want to do the story you are forced to do the first three chapters solo and in none of my class stories, was my boyfriend barred from coming .


When we traveled to different ships he could go with me as long as he was on my ship, same with SOR and Ziost but in this mission we are forced to do this without each other and therefore you have taken part of the reason we play away. Sure it is the first three chapters but this shouldn't have been done.

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Hi bioWare team.=)

I have a question about the New expansion. I just leveled to level 60 yesterday on my main and still in rishi.

My question is if I get early access for being a subscriber will it ruin my current story be forcing me to do the new expansion right away or will it be like Rise of the hutta cartel or Shadow of Raven you have to talk to the quest console in your ship and click on the quest to trigger it?


I really hope im not forced into the Expansion when I want to finish shadow of raven and Ziost First before I trigger any story on the new expansion. =)


No, it will not ruin your current story and you are not forced to do the new expansion right away. Instead, you have to talk to the quest console on your ship, accept the quest, and then press Play button in your quest log.

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Hello. Can someone please help me. After installing the new patch which I believe was the knights of the fallen empire I cannot play the game. Whenever I press play on the launcher I get the loading screen and then I get booted to the desktop and recieve an error message telling me to contact customer support. Can someone please help???
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I just wanted to provide my personal feedback on this expansion, since im very fast to criticise when something impacts me negatively aswell.


I loved it.

The story you gave us was like playing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 3.


The companions changes will finaly allow me to customise them as i see fit (I even buy certain sets just because i think fit their personality, like having Gault on Calo Ord suit), and team up with my favorites without having the penalty of having to self recover my health.


I felt sorry that some events of the story hapened, in 2 ocasions (just so you can guess wich without revealing any spoiler), but thats also a part of what makes those stories good, and umpredictable.


The level designs are well inspired, I do hope we get a chance to do more on Odesse later on, though I think you could have been less generous when placing the mobs - in my opinion they are a bit too much, but I didnt mind.


You gave me a good scare and I was frawning like hell when I tried to use the companions terminal, and it didnt work. Yes I do like the new companions, but I "love" the old ones too. Dont you dare take away my apprentice! ;)


I also loved the new Flashpoint and the fact that decorations do drop also on solo mode. Big Kudos for that.


On a negative note, I heard (but havent tried yet) that the story is the same weather Republic or Imperial. I hope I got that wrong - though truth be told, you somehow managed to make repeating the shadow of revan and following bits not dull for me at all. Unlike what happens with Makeb (wich I loved at first, but desliked the turn of the shields bit a lot) or Illum (sigh).


Also on a meh note, I didnt like the alliance talk model you used, just like i didnt like the daily missions model you used on Yavin 4. My sith warrior has a very sexy voice, so dont you go mute him. I dont mind paying a bit for the voice over feature, ok?


So after saying this, I just wanted to thank the Bioware team for the good work. This latest contents have more the Bioware signature then before. And I really do love your art to create new stories and new worlds.


Thank you Bioware.

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Love the expansion so much. You really won me over to shared content by making it so great, immersive, in-depth and well acted. I'm not going to have any problem playing this repeatedly with different characters. Everything about it is really fun and I love the fact that I feel like I have a real reason to to the 'daily' content in character. So many kudos!


Also, thank you for the big new area of our own on base. Not only will it come in very handy, but it really helps with immersion in the story.


I get why the companions are so powerful and the average mobs not that challenging. You've made it so new players can do this too, which is great, and they're not going to be fully Ops min/maxed like I am. Solo'd the heroic fp last night and I really saw why they needed their strength for me, too, lol.


About the only thing I would ask Is that we have a way to adjust their effectiveness not that we can't do it with gear, so we have a way to make average encounters more challenging if we wish, but honestly, that's a small thing in comparison to what a fantastic job you've done with this.

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just like to start off by saying im very disgruntled . ive been here playing since the game started I must say its on the boarder off being ruined . first thing that bugs me is im lvl 65 I go to lower lvl planet and ability lvl is knocked down to the planets lvl .... screw that action I didn't fight all this way to get it takin away ..the other thing is in the new areas and planets it very not necessary to have enemy bots every 40 meters ...I used to love runnin my jug half way through it all I was sick of playing it .I really hate these quests you gotta finish in a group or some op or fp they usually set in quest log for months while try to get up a group let alone 1 that can do it ... I could go on but it would all fall n deaf ears anyway so why bother ...just feel cheated and screwd by what they did to the game ..thinkin its time to move on to another game
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Hey there. Not sure who I can get help from as I've been told by CSRs that my issue is in the "highest priority" for fixing. Since Tuesday I keep being told that my lack of early access will be fixed soon, yet here I set at level 60 with no option to access the subscriber benefits nor the early access. I'm exhausted calling in daily and being told the issue will be fixed soon. Last time I called in the CSR said they were considering some form of compensation. I'm really not after compensation, I'm more after just getting to play the new stuff. Please help.
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The token itself does not start the expansion. You need to have it enabled first.


My guess is that you start the expansion in a few days, then you can enjoy the level 60s.


Ahh - so just because I resubscribed, doesn't mean that I have early access - which means although I could create a lvl 60, I don't have access to the expansion yet?

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Hey there. Not sure who I can get help from as I've been told by CSRs that my issue is in the "highest priority" for fixing. Since Tuesday I keep being told that my lack of early access will be fixed soon, yet here I set at level 60 with no option to access the subscriber benefits nor the early access. I'm exhausted calling in daily and being told the issue will be fixed soon. Last time I called in the CSR said they were considering some form of compensation. I'm really not after compensation, I'm more after just getting to play the new stuff. Please help.


Crickets . . .

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Bioware/evil EA overlords,

It's always been my tradition to give your new content a passing or failing grade. So, brace yourself because here comes my critique. SPOILER WARNING for the rest of you.......



  • The story that I've played through so far has been amazing! I've finished everything on at least one Pub toon, minus some of the fetch quests at the end. It feels very cinematic in nature, but I question how much replayablty may be there on another romp though. However, the overall feel & tone is amazing....this is how story should be going forward in this game.
  • The new characters are very likable & pleasant, & I'm looking forward to seeing more of them as time goes forward. I do enjoy the slap-stick humor you've snuck in where appropriate.....we need more of that so not to get bogged down in the heavy stuff.
  • All the teleport options to quests & objectives are very nice, moreover, I'm a busy guy & this frees up time for me to play the game.
  • Thank you for FINALLY including HK-51 & Treek in the story line -- it's about time. I was tickled pink when I seen them, however, I would have liked to of known how they got there. I was kinda left to assume that they had been working with Theron Shawn & came in on my ship......but I would have liked to at least seen them get off the ship. I know not everyone has them, but given that I BOUGHT them they should be included as extra content -- a premium. I'm not expecting anything big, maybe just a cut scene here & there --- again thank you. These kind of cameos make a big deal to me, & enrich my experience.



  • Replayabilty, I can't speak too much to this given I've only done one real play though, but I have my concerns. The story we have is amazing, but I'm wondering what will be left after people burn though it in a month or so. Yes raids, heroics, & flash-points have all been improved....BUT it's all old content. What's to keep people around to play it? Beyond that, I play on POT5 & it was a ghost town prior to KotFE.......& I see it going back to being that way in the near future. Even if all the content is more accessible, it doesn't help at all if there isn't anyone to play it with -- merge the PvP servers. I think the lack of new end game content will become a HUGE mistake.....new gear & class balancing isn't new content.....a new raid or PvP map would have been nice. I think what you'll see, is that a lot of folks will burn through the new content, log out....& not log back in again until a new chapter is released. I hope I'm wrong, but we'll see.
  • So, where the heck were all my old companions in KotFE? Are they going to have a bigger role to play after I find them after chapter 9? I was lead to believe that the story I had going with my old companions would matter, & that the choices I had made with them would have consequences in KotFE. I have not found that to be the case so far. If the old companions do not have a bigger role to play in the upcoming content....it's going to make the whole thing very same-ish. Don't take a short-cut, & make that the difference between the various classes when you play though. I'm expecting a very touching reunion when I run into my old flames, provided I've been faithful anyway -- don't disappoint me please.
  • Speaking of companions, the new classic conversations suck. It really takes me out of the new vibe & tone of the expansion -- kills immersion. This seems like a blatant way to cut development costs, don't be lazy going forward please.


**Overall Impressions**

  • What is here is REALLY good & gripping, but I feel like it's not quite perfect yet. You have a good foundation & have built something really special with KotFE. I haven't been impressed with you guys for a while now, but you did good this time. Don't rest on your laurels, you've got work to do if you want to keep this afloat -- OVERALL GRADE B.

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As a primarily solo player, I've *LOVED* the new content. Finally felt like a game that I could genuinely enjoy again. I've completed the new chapters, but still have a lot more stuff to go through. I'm quite happy so far.


The KotOR-style dialog system is a mixed blessing. The difference between that and the regular dialog system is a bit distracting, and I end up missing the PC's voiceover for the dialog options.


I was skeptical about most of the system changes, but so far I'm OK with them. Not being able to acquire all necessary supplies for my crafting skills with my supplemental skills is a bit irritating, though. Since I've never had slicing on any toon, I'd have to buy sliced tech parts in order to craft high-level purple armor mods. Weak.


Haven't tried any Heroics yet. Glad that I'll still have the option to do them solo.


One amusing side-effect of the new Influence system, is that all of the conversation options opened up for the companions of my other high-level characters, and I was able to finish them all off. Hooray for presence bonuses!


But again, overall I've just been enjoying the more immersive, story-driven content. So much of SWTOR has felt transparently "scripted", if you know what I mean. The consequences of your choices were always either painfully obvious or utterly irrelevant. Nice to feel relevant to the story again. So far, a VERY nice SWTOR/KotOR hybrid, IMO.

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Why hello there Bioware i would love to know why i just created a character which was meant to be level 60 but instead i just spawned as a level 1 character on the fleet!! I'm more than displeased because it has use my free level 60 so i can't even try again to make another one!! fix this please :mad: :mad:
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