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Why is there so little Star Wars music in a Star Wars game?


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This is Star Wars the OLD Republic. Set long before the Star Wars we know today. For example, listen to rock and roll music of the 60's and the rock and roll music of today. Nothing alike. Music changes over time. The music in SWTOR should not be the same as the music of today's Star Wars.


The musical score the player listens to is NOT the same as the in-game music (that the character hears) which was ~3000 years before the Battle of Yavin.

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I use WinAmp for music, I have all the music from the original Star Wars movies, depending on which toon I work on, determines which music I load in, when I'm leveling or just messing around. I keep my music off when in Ops, groups or in voice chat....when I was playing STO on the Klingon side, they have WinAmp in their interface, the Klingon March was a powerful piece. lol
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While true that the exact composition wasn't in the prequels, subtle elements in Ep I, stronger elements in Ep II, and huge chunks of recognizable portions were incorporated into Ep III. What he (the OP) is asking for is quite reasonable.


And besides, there cannot be too much Imperial March. :D


Well, I always saw that as the song evolving into Imperial March as the Republic evolves into the Empire.

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Idk but maybe there are licensing issues?


Maybe Lucasfilm/Disney doesn't allow for inclusion of iconic music and Jedi robes into a Star Wars game for whatever reason?


Original music is amazing, no denial here but the abuse of EP 1-3 tracks and neglection of 4-6 ones is sometimes annoying.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I've heard more iconic Star Wars music in 1 hour of Battlefront (the beta!) than I have in weeks and weeks of gameplay in SWTOR.


Well, maybe if you were a real Star Wars fan you'd know more than just the Imperial March and recognize the boatloads of Star Wars music that is in this game.

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I've heard more iconic Star Wars music in 1 hour of Battlefront (the beta!) than I have in weeks and weeks of gameplay in SWTOR.

1. You obviously don't know SW music and sounds as well as you think you do, it is all through out SWTOR.


2. You cant compare Battlefront, which is set during the trilogy time period, with SWTOR, set over 3 thousand years before it.


SWTOR though being SW is it's own thing and it should have it's own identity, even with music. I do like hearing the music and sounds of the trilogies but I also enjoy hearing those that are unique to SWTOR, it gives a different feel to it that lets you know your in a different time period.

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It must be a licensing issue of some kind, because the composer for the OT and PT is the same; that is, John Williams (who is also doing the new trilogy's music as well). TOR, for whatever reason, uses almost exclusively prequel-trilogy music (except the boss-combat music from the Explosive Conflict is from Return of the Jedi).


The most egregious omission is of course that at no point ever does the Imperial March ever play, except under very very particular circumstances: only male Inquisitors that romance Ashara ever hear it, and even then they have to pick a specific dialogue option or she won't hum it after sleeping with you.

Edited by Diviciacus
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Well, maybe if you were a real Star Wars fan you'd know more than just the Imperial March and recognize the boatloads of Star Wars music that is in this game.


Congrats on failing reading comprehension


I mentioned Imperial March by name because it's arguably the most recognized track ... however if you go back and read my post instead of cherry pick 2 words, you will notice I mentioned how UNDER UTILIZED the ICONIC STAR WARS THEMES are.


Did I say that the game is completely devoid of Star Wars music as a whole? Please show me that quote.

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1. You obviously don't know SW music and sounds as well as you think you do, it is all through out SWTOR.


2. You cant compare Battlefront, which is set during the trilogy time period, with SWTOR, set over 3 thousand years before it.


SWTOR though being SW is it's own thing and it should have it's own identity, even with music. I do like hearing the music and sounds of the trilogies but I also enjoy hearing those that are unique to SWTOR, it gives a different feel to it that lets you know your in a different time period.


Please tell me what relevance the TIME PERIOD has to do with iconic musical tracks most associated with the Star Wars franchise?


Please explain why the Cantina music that we all know and associate with A New Hope in Mos Aisley is then present in this game... Wow that track SURE WITHSTOOD THE TEST OF TIME HUH?


I guess Luke and Obi Wan wandered into that Cantina during an oldies night?


Give me a break. It's not like it's Grand Theft Auto and I'm turning the radio on in my car, and the music I'm hearing is supposed to be reflective of the world around me.


It's GAME MUSIC in a Star Wars GAME. None of the music during the movies except for the Cantina piece or perhaps the Ewok themes are ever "heard" by the actual characters in the movies ... Therefore this whole "time frame" argument is just hilarious and baseless.



There are quite a few tracks, from both A New Hope and the Empire Strikes back that would fit certain action sequences absolutely perfectly....yet in many cases there's nothing at all.


Again, I made specific mention of ICONIC Star Wars Themes... not tracks in games like KOTOR or other spin off inspired by the original Trilogy.


I guess it really is a money thing then, huh? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

Edited by RavageXX
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Replying in the same tone and fashion of which I've been replied to.


first time on a message board?


Just because someone was a dick to you doesn't mean you should be a dick right back. Be the better anonymous forum-goer.


Instead, you speak to me in a derisive, dismissive tone. My point, unfortunately, sailed so far over your head it crashed into a Star Destroyer.

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-snip- ... Therefore this whole "time frame" argument is just hilarious and baseless. -snip-


Except it's not, because the whole point of a soundtrack is to be evocative, not merely nostalgia-inducing. You may dislike the music for this game, but it is, while being in the SW style, it's own thing and rightly so since it is the soundtrack for Star Wars: The Old Republic, not the OT.


Please explain why the Cantina music that we all know and associate with A New Hope in Mos Aisley is then present in this game... Wow that track SURE WITHSTOOD THE TEST OF TIME HUH?


Ah yes, because the song that I believe it literally only available ingame via a rare drop Cartel Market mount emote as a bit of fun is completely representative of the game's music as a whole :rolleyes:


Again, I made specific mention of ICONIC Star Wars Themes... not tracks in games like KOTOR or other spin off inspired by the original Trilogy.


If you want to listen to the OT OST, listen to the OT OST - calling back to KotOR in a game that directly follows from that narrative and even features some of the same characters is far more appropriate than shoehorning in Imperial March everywhere.

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Just because someone was a dick to you doesn't mean you should be a dick right back. Be the better anonymous forum-goer.


Instead, you speak to me in a derisive, dismissive tone. My point, unfortunately, sailed so far over your head it crashed into a Star Destroyer.


Couldn't care less.

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Ah yes, because the song that I believe it literally only available ingame via a rare drop Cartel Market mount emote as a bit of fun is completely representative of the game's music as a whole :rolleyes:



Wrong, it is infact played in...gasp... CANTINAS.


If you want to listen to the OT OST, listen to the OT OST - calling back to KotOR in a game that directly follows from that narrative and even features some of the same characters is far more appropriate than shoehorning in Imperial March everywhere.



You're right. Adding in more of the iconic Star Wars themes would completely strip this game of all identity and not only that, it would actually HURT the game as a whole.


Asking for more of the best composed movie sound track score to enhance the overall game experience is completely unreasonable and in fact downright rude. BRB, I'll be out looking for a cross to nail myself to.


I find it quite amusing that the people that disagree most vehemently with me completely gloss over the fact that it more than likely has to do with money, and Bioware being cheap.

Edited by RavageXX
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If you want to listen to the OT OST, listen to the OT OST - calling back to KotOR in a game that directly follows from that narrative and even features some of the same characters is far more appropriate than shoehorning in Imperial March everywhere.


Lol, nothing like a little hyperbole and gross exaggeration to hammer home your point right? Because that's definitely what the OP was asking for... non stop Imperial March on an infinite loop.


Man you white knighters are really quite amazing. It's really impressive.

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Well aren't you a delight.


I'm sorry, did you miss the part where they wagged their finger at me for responding in like fashion to people who had no problems being rude?


Great, just making sure.


Be clear, I wasn't the one who brought the hostility and snipes into the thread, so really, save your condescension and holier than thou attitude for those who are more deserving of it.

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Which is a complete misstep in my opinion.


Which pieces do you want that they are leaving out?


Part of the music background is fitting the mood. Main theme just coming on in the background on a random world at random times doesn't make much sense.


You don't just slap in music haphazardly.

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So my question is.... why on EARTH does SWTOR not make better use of the incredible soundtrack I'm positive they had the rights to when they made this game?


I don't think I've ever once heard the Imperial March while playing this game...(ONE EXAMPLE)

Uhm... they do though. If you're just expecting Imperial March, you will be disappointed, that piece specifically invokes Darth Vader and the Galactic Empire we know from the movies. Personally I think it would be out of place as there is no real Sith that invokes that Vader feel (Malgus maybe but he's criminally underused) and neither is the Sith Empire the well-oiled ruthless machine from the movies (though they've taken the aesthetic.)


Everything else is fair game and you hear it when you'd expect. Walk into a cantina and chances are you'll hear the Mos Eisley cantina band. Do something particularly Jedi and mystical-ish and expect to hear the Yoda theme. On the flip side do something really evil and you'll hear the Emperor's theme mixed with the music from the ROTJ final duel. There's loads from the prequels too. And the original music evokes the same notes and themes I think.


My personal Opinion is that much of the original music in SWTOR is very forgettable, I dont notice it.

There were no stand out pieces like there were in other games. Its not bad, but the music has been of a higher level all the time, and with SWTOR it seems very uninspired

Disagree. The Balmorra theme for the Empire is perfectly in line with SW music and gets across everything you need to know about that planet- Sith and Empire, on the rise. I quite like it. The music for Voss is also well done although Voss is the most atypical planet for Star Wars in the game.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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