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So... will you kneel?


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My agent didn't side with Jadus. But that was before she knew how Imperial Intelligence and the Dark Council were messing with her head. So she's just itching for a chance to stick it to both of 'em.



My BH only is loyal to those who hire him.

Same with my smuggler. She also thinks Chancellor Veresh is an idiot.


My Guardian will remain loyal to the Republic for ever.

My Sentinel is on the fence. She finds the Jedi Order and the Republic too idealistic and at times hypocritical


My Marader will follow the path to greatest power

My Jugg remains loyal to the Dark Council.

Edited by soulseekerr
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That's an assumption considering we've never seen what happens if you choose to kneel or not they make a point to end it before the choice is made.



If you kneel, a certain someone gets mad and kills V. He then blames you for it.


You stand against V, certain someone uses that moment and kills V. He then blames you for it.


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If you kneel, a certain someone gets mad and kills V. He then blames you for it.


You stand against V, certain someone uses that moment and kills V. He then blames you for it.


I assume you have proof of this? if not then you're just making guesses.


BTW I DON'T accept anything via data mining so if that's were you got this from don't bother.

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If you kneel, a certain someone gets mad and kills V. He then blames you for it.


You stand against V, certain someone uses that moment and kills V. He then blames you for it.


I guessed as much.

shame as I wanted to do it.

probably a trick and it didn't truly was the end of it... but heck why not.

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My Op will likely kneel. She infiltrated Jadus, she will try the same here.


The others, no.


My BH has a bad knee, he can't kneel. Wrath will just unleash the wrath and Nox, well... Khem is hungry.



There will be no "infiltrations," etc. in KotFE. You are always in The Alliance.


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My Op will likely kneel. She infiltrated Jadus, she will try the same here.


The others, no.


My BH has a bad knee, he can't kneel. Wrath will just unleash the wrath and Nox, well... Khem is hungry.


I think I answered this before, but yup. Same here. My Operative will kneel, then ask to be shown around and specifically ask where the power cores and thermal vents are located. And she may ask where she can sharpen her Acid Blade as well.


The rest, not kneeling, although my smuggie might try and barter a deal for a kneel.

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I kind of get the impression that kneeling doesn't matter, other than to your own personal integrity. I'll put other speculation in a spoiler tag as it's potential spoilers for Chapter 1 & Chapter 3 material that we've seen in the streams.



In what we see post-Carbonite nap wake-up, you're on the run from apparently killing Valkorion. I kind of got the impression that just maybe you didn't do it. I would guess it was either really Arcann or the other "prophecy" priest guy (or his faction) you meet in Chapter 1, Thus, whether you kneel or not, you're set up as Valky's killer and on the run from the rest of Zakuul.


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But but...choices matter!


I was promised choices that matter!


Thank about it, that scene happens before you get frozen, story wise you get frozen for 5 years, so is it going to make a difference? No.


Thant's not saying that choices don't matter, I just saying that this particular one wont. It may well have a different cut scene or dialogue but in the end you will still be frozen for the 5 years.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Slightly off topic, but I'm waiting for someone to make the "Valkorion" (to the tune of "Notorious") music video since he's kind of flashy.


But to answer your question, my Chiss sniper wouldn't and he would immediately go out looking for the "old man" to join his team again.

Edited by DarthScruffy
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Only plan on playing 1 empire toon from this point in and its a BH. He will probably kneel as it is the surest path to breathing for another day while earning creds. Mako might not like it, but she knows the boss always has a plan. However, he will be looking for an opportunity to shoot Valkorion in the back between now and the end of KotFE.


My republic team does not kneel. Come what may.

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Don't get your hopes up. This choice has absolutely no effect on the story and plays out the same. What were you expecting? Choices never make a difference and chapter 1-9 can be cleared in a matter of 2-3 days of casual play if my sources are correct.
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