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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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Common sense is part of it, but IMO, the majority of it stems from the fact that people simply do NOT want to accept responsibility for their actions. This leads to a very litigatious society.


Here are a couple more frivolous examples, in additon to the McDonald's coffee person, all of which led to successful verdicts and monetary awards for the plaintiff:


A woman sued a nightclub because she fell in the bathroom and broke her tooth on the sink. She was climbing INTO the nightclub through the bathroom window to avoid having to pay the cover charge when she fell and broke her tooth.


A woman sued a Mom and Pop drug store because she tripped and fell over a misbehaving child that was running unattended through the isles. The woman broke her arm and sued. The child she tripped over was HER child.


Yeah I have seen these 2 examples too! :D

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Common sense is part of it, but IMO, the majority of it stems from the fact that people simply do NOT want to accept responsibility for their actions. This leads to a very litigatious society.


Here are a couple more frivolous examples, in additon to the McDonald's coffee person, all of which led to successful verdicts and monetary awards for the plaintiff:


A woman sued a nightclub because she fell in the bathroom and broke her tooth on the sink. She was climbing INTO the nightclub through the bathroom window to avoid having to pay the cover charge when she fell and broke her tooth.


A woman sued a Mom and Pop drug store because she tripped and fell over a misbehaving child that was running unattended through the isles. The woman broke her arm and sued. The child she tripped over was HER child.


A big part of the problem is that it's cheaper for a company to settle than to defend themselves and win. As long as big money can be made from frivolous lawsuits people will sue over stupid things.

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Yep apparently it happens, another one is the reason every hot drink from McDonalds comes with a sticker stating warning contents may be hot, a Woman who ordered a coffee at a drive through and as she was driving away scolded herself and successfully sued McDonalds, where was the hot drink at the time of the spillage you might ask? between her legs of course where else would you have expected her to put it... oh wait a cup holder.


Okay I don't dispute that we live in an overly litigious time and society, but the McDonald's coffee case is always used as the go-to example of silly lawsuits and it is a bad example.


This wasn't an instance of "ow, that was too hot, I'm suing you!" it was a case of third-degree burns (burned the skin off down to the muscle layer) that put her in the hospital for over a week and required a skin graft. (And all this was after over 700 people had filed complaints, including other instances of third-degree burns, but they didn't change their policy.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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He is not worth having anyway tbh. I like companions that I can customize, pierce is my go to because i have him looking like a jacked emperors guard guy.


Nico is just another name on a list of non customizable characters, and you can pretty much toss the same style outfit on your other companions. I think my doc is pretty much dressed like nico, but he talks and is a character.


Point being, you are not missing anything


He would of been more interesting had he been introduced as part of the kotfe storyline, but he is just a shell with some stupid mention of a sith artifact that kept him from getting old

Edited by kirorx
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No you just seem to be a special snowflake. I hope they make it available to everyone just to tick you off. No material impact on anyone and yous seem to be trolling this for all it is worth lol


Great! If your opinion is that it is of no material impact to anyone, then you won't mind not getting it.

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Okay I don't dispute that we live in an overly litigious time and society, but the McDonald's coffee case is always used as the go-to example of silly lawsuits and it is a bad example.


This wasn't an instance of "ow, that was too hot, I'm suing you!" it was a case of third-degree burns (burned the skin off down to the muscle layer) that put her in the hospital for over a week and required a skin graft. (And all this was after over 700 people had filed complaints, including other instances of third-degree burns, but they didn't change their policy.)


Yeah, it's coffee, it's hot. Fresh coffee will burn you.


This case is also the reason that many places won't put the lid on for their customers anymore. You put the lid on yourself, you take the responsibility of it being secure.

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Okay I don't dispute that we live in an overly litigious time and society, but the McDonald's coffee case is always used as the go-to example of silly lawsuits and it is a bad example.


This wasn't an instance of "ow, that was too hot, I'm suing you!" it was a case of third-degree burns (burned the skin off down to the muscle layer) that put her in the hospital for over a week and required a skin graft. (And all this was after over 700 people had filed complaints, including other instances of third-degree burns, but they didn't change their policy.)


A bad example of "overly litigious"?


Who put the coffee between her legs? Who specifically asked that the coffee be "extra hot"?

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Okay I don't dispute that we live in an overly litigious time and society, but the McDonald's coffee case is always used as the go-to example of silly lawsuits and it is a bad example.


It's not a bad example of silly lawsuits as she contributed to her own injury, she would not have scolded herself so bad if she had not placed the cup in between her legs, that's not where a coffee cup goes, unless of course it's me who's getting that wrong.

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No skin off my back either way, I have Nico, HK-55, every other sub reward they've put out since launch, and my latest payment already has me subbed for all the ones that will be coming through Aug (really Sept if they do one that month as well).


But some people here are going on and on and on and on about "they said it was exclusive! They can't go back on that!! Rawr!!!" when every actual advertisement for it I ever saw was conspicuously missing that word.


Same with the blasters, the duster, the swoop mount, the HK-jetpack, the HK-helmet, the HK-weapons, the new Zakuul mount, etc. None of the ads for these rewards use the word "exclusive" in them. That seems like it might be deliberate.


Don't be shocked if BW was keeping that door open, is all I'm saying.


What I think would happened is if they did this (not saying they will or won't) is that the next time the advertise something that you have to be sub for in a specific amount of time, how many will actually do it if they go and give these out on the cartel shop.


They would essentially shoot themselves in the foot if they do this and therein lies the problem.

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Yeah, it's coffee, it's hot. Fresh coffee will burn you.


This case is also the reason that many places won't put the lid on for their customers anymore. You put the lid on yourself, you take the responsibility of it being secure.

Fresh coffee will burn you, that's not a problem.

McDonald's coffee would give you third degree burns and require a skin graft, that is a problem.

That distinction was the entire point of the case.

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Fresh coffee will burn you, that's not a problem.

McDonald's coffee would give you third degree burns and require a skin graft, that is a problem.

That distinction was the entire point of the case.


Would the "normal" coffee have required a skin graft, or just the "extra hot" coffee that she specifically ordered?

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It's not a bad example of silly lawsuits as she contributed to her own injury, she would not have scolded herself so bad if she had not placed the cup in between her legs, that's not where a coffee cup goes, unless of course it's me who's getting that wrong.


And she was found partially responsible - her recovery was reduced a proportional amount to her culpability. Serving third-degree burn causing coffee instead of hot coffee was also partially responsible, and they had to pay a proportional amount of their culpability.

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Yep apparently it happens, another one is the reason every hot drink from McDonalds comes with a sticker stating warning contents may be hot, a Woman who ordered a coffee at a drive through and as she was driving away scolded herself and successfully sued McDonalds, where was the hot drink at the time of the spillage you might ask? between her legs of course where else would you have expected her to put it... oh wait a cup holder.


Might want to go to Snopes and read up on the actualities of this one. I was surprised when I did. It's not as "holy crap how can you be so stupid" as is made to sound.


Just an FYI. :)


ETA: Day late, dollar short. I'll just go clean out my bank...or something. :o

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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Would the "normal" coffee have required a skin graft, or just the "extra hot" coffee that she specifically ordered?

Yep, McDonald's "normal" coffee caused third-degree burns - the crux of the case was that they routinely, not just in that one instance, kept and served the coffee at that temperature (which was why they had already wracked up over 700 complaints including other third-degree burn instances by that time).

Edited by DarthDymond
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I have an email that quite clearly says "Last Chance to get your own Nico Okarr companion" It doesn't say "next to last chance" or "last chance until some armchair lawyer on the forums badgers us into re-releasing him". They even made the title of the email those exact words... in upper case no less!


They own the game and all the pixels in it. If they want to re-release him they probably can. BW's credibility would take a hit however, and that would spread to other games. I know I wouldn't believe another word they said. Right now I know what to expect when they say sub on date Y for reward X or miss out.... I know where I stand and can choose accordingly. On the swoop bike promo they even used the words "miss out". "miss out" and "last chance" are pretty clear and all the semantics in the world can't get around them, at least on those exact items. To date they have never re-released a reward item after the fact. All bets are off though for something similar but not quite the same.


Edit: I should add too, that I pre-ordered the game, took a stab at the beta, and stayed until after Makeb launched. Then I left for a year or so and it was one of those promo emails that brought me back to it. I can't be the only one that has worked on. Would BW be willing to let that marketing pull disappear? I doubt it.


biowares credibility took a huge hit during the CSM debacle. why would you trust them now? they said only people that qualify would get nico. they can add another set of qualifications any time they please, knowning very well that you might be pissed for a few weeks but you will get over it. thats the way it has worked in the past, so why change?

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A big part of the problem is that it's cheaper for a company to settle than to defend themselves and win. As long as big money can be made from frivolous lawsuits people will sue over stupid things.


what they arent telling you is that Mcdonalds safety people repeatedly warned them the coffee was too hot. in writing. And the woman didnt get anywhere near the amount you think she got. the judge lowered the amount immediately. what she got just about covered her medical bills. I suppose you also blame the drivers for the pintos exploding. not to say that there arent a lot of frivolous lawsuits filed. Like the guy that picked up his lawn mower by the deck to trim his hedges and cut off his fingers. There are some though, that are right on target.

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what they arent telling you is that Mcdonalds safety people repeatedly warned them the coffee was too hot. in writing. And the woman didnt get anywhere near the amount you think she got. the judge lowered the amount immediately. what she got just about covered her medical bills. I suppose you also blame the drivers for the pintos exploding. not to say that there arent a lot of frivolous lawsuits filed. Like the guy that picked up his lawn mower by the deck to trim his hedges and cut off his fingers. There are some though, that are right on target.


The best thing for a person to do is what I was taught in school before you jump on the bandwagon and claim frivolous lawsuits is to check the facts such as in the Mcdonald's case. The facts are easy checked. Check the facts before you assume what is being reported by the media is true.

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The best thing for a person to do is what I was taught in school before you jump on the bandwagon and claim frivolous lawsuits is to check the facts such as in the Mcdonald's case. The facts are easy checked. Check the facts before you assume what is being reported by the media is true.


Oh yeah. There are plenty of frivolous lawsuits out there. The coffee one wasn't one. McDonalds is very happy that the majority of the country thinks it was though.

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I have noticed that a sadly extremely LARGE segment of the world's population is dumb as ****. Not intelligence dumb, but common sense dumb. I'm talking so dumb you wonder how they lived past the age of 18 years old cause they forgot how to breathe.


I remember working at Taco Bell, and the truck guys who deliver the food and cups and such, came barreling around the corner with their little hand held silver cart thing (the one they lean back towards themselves to move alot of items quickly) the lip of it hit me HARD in the ankle. I had a HUGE hematoma for about two weeks. I didn't sue because I could still walk, run, work, didn't require surgery or break anything. But I know some who you look at funny and they'd sue. It's why I tell people 'don't bother suing me, you'll only get pocket lint'


Back on subject. How exactly is the cartel market a rip off? Seriously, there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING in the cartel market you HAVE to have to be able to play this game and I'm not talking about the broke people who are free to play, you want extras buy a sub. I like the cartel market. I find pets, decorations, weapons/armor I enjoy. It's just fluff. I either buy it or I don't. I can still play with skill, so how are bioware ripping people off?

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Nico is just another name on a list of non customizable characters, and you can pretty much toss the same style outfit on your other companions. I think my doc is pretty much dressed like nico, but he talks and is a character.


Point being, you are not missing anything




On the one hand, subs basically paid ~$5 for him...very few people could honestly say that they paid for a sub only to get him and literally didn't otherwise play the game. Obviously, Bioware is a business. They'd be dumb not to charge $20 (Treek money) or maybe more like $10 (since he doesn't do much anything different, can't be customized and has no dialog) for him eventually. Why turn away people spending money? Getting people to spend more money was the whole point of subscriber rewards in the first place. People spending on the cartel market is good for everyone who plays the game, so let the forum babies qq about their special snowflake being a little less special because of mean old Bioware giving away their specialness for money.


On the other hand, Bioware has painted themselves in a corner with handing out so many CCs to subscribers every month. That means subs can just save up their cc's for anything. They should consider doing something like making a second type of cartel coin, something like 'platinum cartel coins' which they don't hand out every month to subs, then sell some things priced only in 'platinum cartel coins,' so you can't get stuff like previous subscriber rewards or the really nice stuff like Thexan's robes just by subscribing i.e. you have to give them actual extra cash money to get them.

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I would be more for sub rewards structured to reward people for how long they sub and not jsut sub for a specific month. that will solve issue of making things achievable no matter when you sub.


something like, after 6 months, get X, 1 year X,


and could make them continuos based or just hitting a number of months subbed overall


something like 12 months of subbing = X

12 months continuous sub= XX

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Great! If your opinion is that it is of no material impact to anyone, then you won't mind not getting it.


No material impact to those who have it. Again, if someone is willing to pay retroactively to point of it being offered then I have no problem. No material impact to game play.

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No material impact to those who have it. Again, if someone is willing to pay retroactively to point of it being offered then I have no problem. No material impact to game play.


That's why I'm against opening it back up. It's not a material impact, only a cosmetic one. Otherwise, where's my dang party jawa?

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Everquest 2 used to have veteran rewards. Play the game long enough, you'd eventually get the reward. Originally the clock would stop if you unsubbed, but I think clock now ticks even as free to play. So instead of missing the promotional items forever, you just had to be patient. Want that big mansion? Play 9 years, it's yours....
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