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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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Subs already got that Companion early, thats good enough.


Except to all the subs that got it that would disagree. They CAN'T offer this stuff again, because if they did who the hell is going to believe their future offerings? They'll have similar stuff in the future. Just be subbed when it comes out.

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Except to all the subs that got it that would disagree. They CAN'T offer this stuff again, because if they did who the hell is going to believe their future offerings? They'll have similar stuff in the future. Just be subbed when it comes out.


Future credibility would be no issue if they changed the system entirely.

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Except to all the subs that got it that would disagree. They CAN'T offer this stuff again, because if they did who the hell is going to believe their future offerings? They'll have similar stuff in the future. Just be subbed when it comes out.


well, i dont agree. you got that by FREE and early that everybody. I'm asking to give to the players a second chance (NOT BY FREE) but paying like said 2500 cc. Do you really think that's unfair?


you = early access / free (14,xx as sub)

me = 1 year after / 2500 cc (14,00 as sub plus 20,xx for 2400cc)


that advantage its not enough for you?

Edited by Eommer
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We can have a discussion about how the rewards should be structured like in the future, but previous rewards had their own qualifications. Starting with the word "exclusive."


It's not about the advantages. There are ways around the advantages, without breaking exclusivity.

Edited by IanArgent
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well, i dont agree. you got that by FREE and early that everybody. I'm asking to give to the players a second chance (NOT BY FREE) but paying like said 2500 cc. Do you really think that's unfair?


you = early access / free (14,xx as sub)

me = 1 year after / 2500 cc (14,00 as sub plus 20,xx for 2400cc)


that advantage its not enough for you?


It wasn't free. If it was free everyone would have it. I paid several months of sub with no break to get Nico and all the rewards associated with him.


And that wasn't the deal. The deal was, exclusive Nico for people who sub from Meh to Meh. Not exclusive until we put it on the cartel market a year later.


You are asking the company to destroy their own credibility.

Edited by GelstonJ
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Yes, I'm all for sub incentives, too, and against one-point-in-time sub rewards, because that excludes newcomers and returnees. I'm in favor of a program that rewards sub time and grants certain rewards at certain tiers. I have all sub rewards since the game launched, and I'd have absolutely no problem at all if they implemented a time-based system that includes previous sub rewards at certain tiers (perhaps in combination with some other requirements like event currencies etc. to not make it too easy :p). The Party Jawa and Nico should be obtainable by everyone after they subbed for a required period of time. The legacy crystals, too.


Date- / event- / purchase- / preorder- based rewards are nice as commemorative items, but they should not be tied to any additional functionality that other player are forever excluded from, like the Party Jawa achievement that can't even be done when grouped with a Party Jawa owner. (The Hutt trainer doesn't count because the same convenience is available through Satele and Malgus statues and more generally the same functionality provided by all class trainers in the game.)


I think making FUTURE rewards based on length of subscription GOING FORWARD might be a good idea.


I do NOT think that ANY of the exclusive rewards from the past should be be made available again. I think the exclusive rewards from the past should remain exclusive.

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well, i dont agree. you got that by FREE and early that everybody. I'm asking to give to the players a second chance (NOT BY FREE) but paying like said 2500 cc. Do you really think that's unfair?


you = early access / free (14,xx as sub)

me = 1 year after / 2500 cc (14,00 as sub plus 20,xx for 2400cc)


that advantage its not enough for you?


Some people, in their rabid desire to have Nico as a companion, ignore the fact that Nico was promised as an EXCLUSIVE REWARD for being subscribed on either of two SPECIFIC dates.


It was not advertised as subscribe on either of these two dates and get Nico a year earlier than we put it on the CM.


If a player was not subscribed on either of those two dates, they do NOT qualify to get Nico.


Those players who were not subscribed on either of the two specific dates to qualify to get Nico will simply have to learn to accept Nico not being available as a companion to them.

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well, i dont agree. you got that by FREE and early that everybody. I'm asking to give to the players a second chance (NOT BY FREE) but paying like said 2500 cc. Do you really think that's unfair?


you = early access / free (14,xx as sub)

me = 1 year after / 2500 cc (14,00 as sub plus 20,xx for 2400cc)


that advantage its not enough for you?


Free? Paying a sub is free? People had to be sub for a certain amount of time to get Nico and I am not going to split hairs that Nico was free. It truly wasn't. You had to be a sub for xx amount of time, just like HK and the HK chapter. You may want to say it is free but it truly isn't.


If it was free everyone would have received him. My best friend didn't get Nico because she missed a month but yet she accepted responsibility for her actions.


In a game there will be always things that some people might not have, due to when they sub but that is the nature of the game. There are things I don't have because of some things but I am not asking them to put it on the cartel shop so I can get something someone else had because of either being a sub longer or doing something I didn't do. I don't think that is fair.

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I think making FUTURE rewards based on length of subscription GOING FORWARD might be a good idea.


I do NOT think that ANY of the exclusive rewards from the past should be be made available again. I think the exclusive rewards from the past should remain exclusive.


Precisely my view, as well. I'd love a revamping of the subscriber incentive program, but existing rewards oughtn't be "grandfathered in" to where everyone that subs for a year starting today gets the previous rewards.

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The only reason I subbed in July was to get him. If BW decides to give him away to people didn't, then why should I ever sub again for a special reward?


Agreed. That was the only worthwhile reward in a string of meager rewards in an uneventful waiting room atmosphere anticipating KOTFE.

Edited by HuaRya
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I guess the thing that's amazing to me is how much more passionate the people that don't want someone else to have the same toy as them are. And for those of you who want to get pedantic about the word 'exclusive', unless they added 'forever and until the end of all time' afterwards they're not exactly destroying their credibility. Plenty of people already got excluded for an extended period of time.


The fact of the matter is that they'd almost certainly make more money selling said companions on the market than they'd lose from a handful of people throwing a fit. And plenty of people would still sub when they offered up similar rewards in the future, cause most of them are probably more concerned with their personal enjoyment than whether or not it might someday be accessible again.


I do agree that having HK, Nico, and any of the rewards I'm aware of don't seem to offer any major mechanical advantage, and that not having them doesn't significantly detract from the game. I'm just more inclined to hope the people who missed out on them get another chance in the future than I am threatened by newcomers having access, or god forbid someone who was fully aware at the time not suffering the 'consequences'.

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I guess the thing that's amazing to me is how much more passionate the people that don't want someone else to have the same toy as them are. And for those of you who want to get pedantic about the word 'exclusive', unless they added 'forever and until the end of all time' afterwards they're not exactly destroying their credibility. Plenty of people already got excluded for an extended period of time.


The fact of the matter is that they'd almost certainly make more money selling said companions on the market than they'd lose from a handful of people throwing a fit. And plenty of people would still sub when they offered up similar rewards in the future, cause most of them are probably more concerned with their personal enjoyment than whether or not it might someday be accessible again.


I do agree that having HK, Nico, and any of the rewards I'm aware of don't seem to offer any major mechanical advantage, and that not having them doesn't significantly detract from the game. I'm just more inclined to hope the people who missed out on them get another chance in the future than I am threatened by newcomers having access, or god forbid someone who was fully aware at the time not suffering the 'consequences'.


You're forgetting about any future rewards - why should we remain subbed for 6 months to get the bonus chapter, playing as HK-55, when we can just piss and moan on the forums and get it for free? If they back down on Nico, or the Party Jawa, or any other rewards, why shouldn't they back down over that?


Need a cash injection - well, don't bother offering an "exclusive" reward, cause no-one will fall for that one again.

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In a game there will be always things that some people might not have, due to when they sub but that is the nature of the game. There are things I don't have because of some things but I am not asking them to put it on the cartel shop so I can get something someone else had because of either being a sub longer or doing something I didn't do. I don't think that is fair.

I agree. There are rewards I'd enjoy having (I'm looking at you, Party Jawa) but I will not get. No, I don't think exclusive items should be re-released if I wasn't subbed, or whatever was required, and didn't make the qualifications for the item.

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The only reason I subbed in July was to get him. If BW decides to give him away to people didn't, then why should I ever sub again for a special reward?


they needed to make these rewards for people that subscribed for a specific length of time. 24 months= x reward...36 moinths = y reward. that way they would still be getting return drom the work put into the rewards for the life of the game. as it is, they spent $$$$ making the nice reward and unless they put him on the cartel market, they will never see any more return from their investment. if you told new players that if they subscribed for 48 months they could get the nico reward, some % of them would keep their subscriptions going just so they dont lose out.

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I guess the thing that's amazing to me is how much more passionate the people that don't want someone else to have the same toy as them are. And for those of you who want to get pedantic about the word 'exclusive', unless they added 'forever and until the end of all time' afterwards they're not exactly destroying their credibility. Plenty of people already got excluded for an extended period of time.


The fact of the matter is that they'd almost certainly make more money selling said companions on the market than they'd lose from a handful of people throwing a fit. And plenty of people would still sub when they offered up similar rewards in the future, cause most of them are probably more concerned with their personal enjoyment than whether or not it might someday be accessible again.


I do agree that having HK, Nico, and any of the rewards I'm aware of don't seem to offer any major mechanical advantage, and that not having them doesn't significantly detract from the game. I'm just more inclined to hope the people who missed out on them get another chance in the future than I am threatened by newcomers having access, or god forbid someone who was fully aware at the time not suffering the 'consequences'.


If an award is EXCLUSIVE to the players who were subscribed on X date, then ONLY those players who were subscribed on X date should be eligible to receive that reward, correct?


If someone who was NOT subscribed on X date were to receive that reward, even by purchasing it, AT ANY TIME, the it would not, by definition, be exclusive to those that were subscribed on X date, would it?


You cannot have a reward be EXCLUSIVE to those players who meet certain criteria and still allow players who did NOT meet that criteria to obtain that reward.

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You're forgetting about any future rewards - why should we remain subbed for 6 months to get the bonus chapter, playing as HK-55, when we can just piss and moan on the forums and get it for free? If they back down on Nico, or the Party Jawa, or any other rewards, why shouldn't they back down over that?


Need a cash injection - well, don't bother offering an "exclusive" reward, cause no-one will fall for that one again.


Actually, I'm not. I addressed both the future rewards and the 'exclusive' thing in the very block of text you quoted. But hey, what the hell.


Much as I personally couldn't care less about other people getting to play that HK mission and actually subscribe for the standard subscription benefits/because I enjoy the game, I get that these concepts are very important to some of you. And no one was suggesting anyone get anything for 'free'.


Only that some things, namely companions, should maybe some day be available again at some cost after us subscribers have had an appropriate amount of time to lord them over everyone. The point is that not all of the subscriber rewards are remotely equal, and the ones that are largely the topic of this thread were offered for a single month's subscription like the majority of the others.


I don't buy the ridiculous slippery slope argument that if any past rewards are made available then they all have to be. I'd rather a company use common sense and listen to the community than rigidly set their practices in stone.

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they needed to make these rewards for people that subscribed for a specific length of time. 24 months= x reward...36 moinths = y reward. that way they would still be getting return drom the work put into the rewards for the life of the game. as it is, they spent $$$$ making the nice reward and unless they put him on the cartel market, they will never see any more return from their investment. if you told new players that if they subscribed for 48 months they could get the nico reward, some % of them would keep their subscriptions going just so they dont lose out.


They elected not to do that.


It is possible they felt that the date specific was the greater incentive to remain subscribed.



Date specific subscription exclusive:


Johnny sees Billy with a cool shiny exclusive reward for being subscribed on X date. Johnny learns that he can no longer obtain that reward as he was not subscribed on X date. Johnny decides that he will continue to subscribe so that he does not miss out on any future date specific subscriber rewards and subscribes continuously from that point forward.


Subscription length based exclusive:


Johnny sees Billy with a cool shiny exclusive reward for being subscribed for X months total, not necessarily consecutive. Johnny learns that he once he reaches a total of X months subscribed, he will receive that shiny reward. Johnny realizes that he does not have to subscribe continuously and so decides that he will play for FREE and subscribe only when he feels like it. He realizes it may take him longer to get that shiny, but he knows that once he reaches that magic number of months, the reward will be his and he is in no hurry.



Once again, I think a change in the incentive system to at least add a "veteran" reward system may not be a bad thing.


It is even possible to have some rewards subscription date exclusive and some rewards based upon subscription length. Having some rewards of each type may even be the best of both worlds.

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Actually, I'm not. I addressed both the future rewards and the 'exclusive' thing in the very block of text you quoted. But hey, what the hell.


Much as I personally couldn't care less about other people getting to play that HK mission and actually subscribe for the standard subscription benefits/because I enjoy the game, I get that these concepts are very important to some of you. And no one was suggesting anyone get anything for 'free'.


Only that some things, namely companions, should maybe some day be available again at some cost after us subscribers have had an appropriate amount of time to lord them over everyone. The point is that not all of the subscriber rewards are remotely equal, and the ones that are largely the topic of this thread were offered for a single month's subscription like the majority of the others.


I don't buy the ridiculous slippery slope argument that if any past rewards are made available then they all have to be. I'd rather a company use common sense and listen to the community than rigidly set their practices in stone.


It makes ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE what the EXCLUSIVE reward is, whether that be a speeder, a helmet or a companion. It matters NOT ONE WHIT if some players think that reward A is not remotely equal to reward B.


EXCLUSIVE to those players that meet X criteria means EXCLUSIVE to those players that meet X criteria. That means that ONLY those people who meet X criteria can obtain that reward. That does NOT mean "exclusive only until we decide to sell it on the CM".

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Only that some things, namely companions, should maybe some day be available again at some cost after us subscribers have had an appropriate amount of time to lord them over everyone. The point is that not all of the subscriber rewards are remotely equal, and the ones that are largely the topic of this thread were offered for a single month's subscription like the majority of the others.


Let me explain why Nico is an entirely cosmetic reward to my way of thinking; or "Why Is Nico Like The Founder Title?"


Once you have your 5 class companions, HK, and Treek, you have enough companions to deploy 6 on crew missions and have one by your side to adventure. You can even have up to, what, 3 or 4 Cartel Pack "combat pets," who will fight at your side, but not craft or sell junk. There is absolutely no mechanical reason you need Nico at this point. He's just a skin and some VA wrapped around a ranged tech companion. Once your character hits KotFE, you end up having more characters than you can ever use, just by playing the core story. I mean, sure, he's free, unlike HK or Treek; but so are other subscriber rewards that are mechanically similar or identical to non-free items (legacy gear, the speeders, the Holo-hutt).

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Actually, I'm not. I addressed both the future rewards and the 'exclusive' thing in the very block of text you quoted. But hey, what the hell.


Much as I personally couldn't care less about other people getting to play that HK mission and actually subscribe for the standard subscription benefits/because I enjoy the game, I get that these concepts are very important to some of you. And no one was suggesting anyone get anything for 'free'.


Only that some things, namely companions, should maybe some day be available again at some cost after us subscribers have had an appropriate amount of time to lord them over everyone. The point is that not all of the subscriber rewards are remotely equal, and the ones that are largely the topic of this thread were offered for a single month's subscription like the majority of the others.


I don't buy the ridiculous slippery slope argument that if any past rewards are made available then they all have to be. I'd rather a company use common sense and listen to the community than rigidly set their practices in stone.


There will be other rewards in the future. I'm pretty sure some will be companions. Sorry, these skins, because face it that is all they are, were marked as EXCLUSIVE, so they are exclusive.


Maybe one day they'll do a reward system based on time subbed instead of being subbed at a certain time. Then I'm sure you'll be able to get a different set of entirely cosmetic skins.


And listen to the community? Seems to me most of the community, that is posting about it anyways, doesn't want Nico and other exclusives to be made available... So they are listening to the community.

Edited by GelstonJ
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