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Ok so I have never played any of this part of the game before. So I have a few questions.


I am playing on my laptop so I guess the first thing is how will that be to fly with that?


Can you assign keys to different things than default like in the regular game?


Is there a certain lvl you should be before you do any of these missions?


How do you pick which ship you use?


Or should I stick to the PVE piltoting?



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Ok so I have never played any of this part of the game before. So I have a few questions.


I am playing on my laptop so I guess the first thing is how will that be to fly with that?


Can you assign keys to different things than default like in the regular game?


Is there a certain lvl you should be before you do any of these missions?


How do you pick which ship you use?


Or should I stick to the PVE piltoting?



1) Playing this game without a mouse would be rough. You could use the trackpad, but it seems like an extremely poor substitute. The laptop KB should be fine, but a mouse I would think would be nearly required reading.

2) Yes. You do it just like you would in the ground game. If you hit "esc", then go to the... preferences is it? Anyway, get to the keybindings screen, and there should be a little "GSF" tab at the bottom, where you can set those keybindings. They should not affect keybindings for the ground game at all. Personally, I always bind power to engines/power to weapons to my forward/back mouse buttons (as alternates. I don't destroy the F-key binds for some reason).

3) No real level requirement outside of LVL 10 to get the intro quest. Even there, there's not a "requirement", just you can't get the daily/weekly missions without being level 10. But you can hop in at lvl 1.

4) That's really kind of all in how you see yourself flying. If you like fast/agile, the scouts. If you like to snipe, the GS. If you like area denial, a bomber. Strikes are largely a trap, although not terrible for starters, because they're slower than scouts, and take a good deal of punishment.


Now the really important thing. We can give tips and such (will check back in after lunch, but need to leave now), but there is a very steep learning curve. So be ready to die a lot as you're starting out. It's also not a terrible idea to say you're new in Ops chat. People will be more forgiving of you not doing as well, and will often give you pointers. And maybe use "/cjoin gsf" in the game to join the GSF channel. It's a good place to ask questions and such.


Cheers and good luck! Feel free to drop back by if you have more questions!

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The community here is really helpful, so you can ask any question you want (I do) and they'll answer you.


As for laptop flying, you could probably do it with a usb mouse, but most laptops have their "function" keys (F1, F2 etc.) set as secondary keys, so if that's the case it can be a real pain to play (unless you change the keybinding under "Starfighter keybindings" in settings).


Also, there's a great guide at the top of the forum, you can use it for most ship questions about builds, and also other questions are answered there.


Drakkolitch has his thread, on which he and other experienced players answer questions of just about any type (related to GSF, of course). I've been using their help a lot lately.


Hope that helps

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1) Yes, I play on a laptop; but you need a mouse. You can usually get them about $10 or less at Walmart.


2) Yes. Preferences > star fighter key binds.


3) Any level, which makes it nice when you want some xp.


4) Personally I like the Flasfire (pub) / Sting (imp) with quad lasers and cluster missiles. This build is pretty good for dog fighting. But if you want to snipe use gunship (but don't use plasma railgun on it). Bombers lay mines, and are good for defending. Strike fighters are quite and interesting case. From my experience they are a more armored and armed scout that is significantly slower and serves more of a utility role.


5) GSF and PVE starfighter are two totally different things. I prefer GSF it is more like a flight simulator, whereas PVE starfighter is an on rails shooter.


Hope this answers your questions.

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Hi Jebelthune welcome to Galactic Starfighter.


GSF is real fun even though it does have a bit of a stiff learning curve, but if you stick with it you'll find yourself having lots of fun.


I am playing on my laptop so I guess the first thing is how will that be to fly with that?


As Nyght said without a mouce things could be tricky, also as with most games it depends on your laptops specs and internet connection. it could be smooth sailing or a lag fest. heck even I get lag on my comp at time.


Can you assign keys to different things than default like in the regular game?


Yes you can, under preferences there is a Starfighter key bindings tab where you can set hotkeys to your preferences.


Is there a certain lvl you should be before you do any of these missions?


Nope you can dive right in at level 1 and fly all the way to 60. I highly recommend you grab the introduction to Starfighter mission on the fleet when you arrive as it unlocks the daily and weekly quests and gives you a nice chunk of requisition to build your base fighters or buy a couple of new ones.


How do you pick which ship you use?


Generally it depends on the map and game type. Domination matches can requires a wide variety of ships to take and defend satellites, strikes and scouts to attack, bombers strikes and gunships to defend.


Gunships are ubiquitous usable in all game modes and deadly on attack or defense.


Scouts excel at attack and can quickly get to a sat and remove opposition or at the minimum delay a satellites capture until reinforcements arrive.


Strikes while presently a smidge underpowered still have their place and can clean a sat off and take it or flown correctly hold a sat against all but the most vigorous assault.


Bombers while slower then a snail are battlefield controlers who can clutter up a battle field or heal or provide support in a sats capture, and once on a sat can be a bear to remove.


In a tdm its a free for all. though a well played strategy with teamwork can still be highly effective.


So look at the opposing team at the start of the match judge which ship is best for the match type and enemy composition, then make the choice accordingly.


Or should I stick to the PVE piloting?


heck no come fly with us, when you log in type /cjoin gsf to join the GSF channel on your server if there is one, there you can find help, advice, people blowing a gasket about various ship types :p and also teams to que with.


Either way I hope you enjoy your time in GSF its a fun game. if you're on Shadowlands, The Ebonhawk, or Harbinger, or Jedi Covenant give me a holler in gsf channel. I'm always game to help newer pilots out.


Also look for stasis Starfighter guide as it ahs the most comprehensive set of builds and such that you can ask for.


Good luck and watch your 6 ;)

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Assuming similar hardware, there is no ajor difference between playing it on a laptop or a desktop system. However, you will need a mouse (obvious, but it's not part of the laptop itself). On my laptop I experience problems when I try to hit 3 or more buttons at once (example: boosting and strafing up works but I can't target anyone) - however I usually play with an USB keyboard and there it works perfectly.


You can assign keys like in the ground game, there is a special tab in the keyboard menu. The only thing you can't reassign is adjusting railgun zoom (mousewheel) which means you shouldn't bind scrolling on mousewheel to anything.


You can accept the intro mission and after you completed it the daily and weekly missions on the fleet when you're at least level 10. Always accept them if you plan flying.


For a beginner I recommend doing the intro quest and using its reward to buy the Razorwire and Mangler (Imperium) or the Rampart and Qarrel (Republic). Each of those ships only costs 2500 fleet requisition and those ships are considered to be the best of their classes (bombers and gunships respectively). After that you should buy a Flashfire (Republic) or a Sting (Imperium). If you bought these 3 ships, you have the strongest ship of every relevant class in your hangar. I also recommend reading guides like the Stasiepedia to learn how to build ships or other guides like this guide for newer players. If you want or need to know more, just ask again; a good thread for that would be this one.


PvE space missions aka the railroad shooters are completely different from GSF. The PvE space missions are completely the same everytime you do them and there isn't much replay value. Each GSF game is different, which can be very entertaining for a long time, but be warned, starting GSF can be very unpleasing because of its PvP nature and because of the extremely huge skill gap.

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For a beginner I recommend doing the intro quest and using its reward to buy the Razorwire and Mangler (Imperium) or the Rampart and Qarrel (Republic). Each of those ships only costs 2500 fleet requisition and those ships are considered to be the best of their classes (bombers and gunships respectively). After that you should buy a Flashfire (Republic) or a Sting (Imperium).


This is great advice. Do not spend fleet requisition on anything except ships until you have all these ships and the drone carrier bomber (B4-D Legion, Warcarrier). If you feel that you are struggling a lot, you might consider getting this bomber before the flashfire/sting. You will eventually want to spend fleet requisition to unlock a copilot with accuracy. I would not do this until after KOTFE launches. We are worried that it may bug out the gsf companions. Having an offensive fleet member with accuracy is helpful, you get this at baseline on republic side. On empire side, you can make Salana your copilot to have bursts of great accuracy with the Wingman ability.


One last thing that cannot be repeated too often. Rapid fire lasers are terrible. Do not spend requisition on them. Check out the build guide and switch your weapons before you start upgrading anything. It will speed the ships immensely. Many ships feel 50% stronger with just 10% of requisition if it is used right.

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Thanks for all the information and the welcoming comments. I am on the Ebon Hawk and I have both a Imp and a Rep toon. I will definitely read the guides and all my guys are over lvl 10 so will check out the mission and definitely read the guides. I may wait to start till after the KOTFE just because I don't get to play a lot and trying to get at least one of my Rep characters ready to go. But in the meantime while I'm at work I will check out the guide.
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Might want to start before KOTFE because knowing how updates usually go it will probably end up bugged afterwards. :p


That, and activity may also die off a fair bit since conquest will be gone for a while, which is a huge spur for GSF activity here on Jedi Cov at least.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Thanks for all the information and the welcoming comments. I am on the Ebon Hawk and I have both a Imp and a Rep toon. I will definitely read the guides and all my guys are over lvl 10 so will check out the mission and definitely read the guides. I may wait to start till after the KOTFE just because I don't get to play a lot and trying to get at least one of my Rep characters ready to go. But in the meantime while I'm at work I will check out the guide.


If you would like to join a guild on Impside join the GSF chat and ask for someone in Eclipse Squadron to give you an invite. We're the largest GSF focused guild around and you should usually be able to find one or two other pilots to queue with and give you help and pointers.

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If you would like to join a guild on Impside join the GSF chat and ask for someone in Eclipse Squadron to give you an invite. We're the largest GSF focused guild around and you should usually be able to find one or two other pilots to queue with and give you help and pointers.


Yep! You can visit our website in my signature :)


Or just log in, type:


/cjoin Gsf


and then speak on the custom channel asking if any Eclipse Squadron pilots are on.

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Might want to start before KOTFE because knowing how updates usually go it will probably end up bugged afterwards. :p


That, and activity may also die off a fair bit since conquest will be gone for a while, which is a huge spur for GSF activity here on Jedi Cov at least.


~ Eudoxia


I hear you, and fully expect bugs - but apparently conquest won't be disabled for a month as they originally announced.

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Ok so I have never played any of this part of the game before. So I have a few questions.


I am playing on my laptop so I guess the first thing is how will that be to fly with that?


Can you assign keys to different things than default like in the regular game?


Is there a certain lvl you should be before you do any of these missions?


How do you pick which ship you use?


Or should I stick to the PVE piltoting?




There are plenty of very good tutorial videos, guides, even manuals created by the GSF community over the years.

If you dig around these forums, you'll find links to most. I think it prolly a good idea getting used to your keybinds, focusing on starter friendly videos while playing your first few games. Focus on trying to learn some small, new thing each game. And don't worry/care if you die all the time and can't kill jack sith, this is how the beginning usually goes for most all. If you find some way, some ship to have fun with while learning basics then , all the rest just takes care of itself:)



http://iota.enjin.com/activity doesn't offer much anything besides links to places featured in Stasie's guide or on first few pages of these forums just as well, but maybe it is nice to have at-a-glance serving of said links.



Huttspawn have ridiculously awesome site; very atmospheric, starter friendly and their youtube vids are pure gold.

Edited by Stradlin
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OP, if you want a truly enjoyable flight simulation experience, do NOT play GSF. It is literally the worst flight game I have played in my entire life.


There are some decent flight games out right now to take advantage of. I'd definitely recommend some of them like Elite: Dangerous.


GSF is a joke of imbalances, terrible power design, bad interface and controls, lack of content, etc.

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OP, if you want a truly enjoyable flight simulation experience, do NOT play GSF. It is literally the worst flight game I have played in my entire life.


Just to make this clear: GSF is not a flight sim. GSF is a third person shooter.


There are some decent flight games out right now to take advantage of. I'd definitely recommend some of them like Elite: Dangerous.


You come here and cry about GSF not being a good flight sim which is the same as if someone went over to the Frontier forums and started complaining that CQC (ED's GSF equivalent) isn't a good first person shooter.


GSF is a joke of imbalances, terrible power design, bad interface and controls, lack of content, etc.


When comparing GSF to ED's CQC (assuming everyone here knows basic stuff about gsf):

GSF has a way more overseeably HUD. (shooter vs sim)

GSF's controls are easier. (shooter vs sim)

Both games have terrible matchmaking. (Most CQC TDM games were landslide victories for one team.)

CQC's ships are more similar to each other while GSF's ship classes are more distinguishable.

In CQC spawnpoints are relatively random and if you're unlucky you can spawn right in front of someone elses weapons.

CQC is 4v4 or everyone for himself.

People without IPv4 connection can't play any ED multiplayer, because they can't see other players (no IPv6 support).


Can't say much about content, but from what I've seen GSF and CQC both don't have much to offer, which is okay, because they're both PvP minigames. CQC has more maps, but when it comes down to playing the game, the maps aren't that much different from each other.

Edited by Danalon
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