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    The Maw Cluster
  1. Yeah DPS is amazing and easy on Tactics. I basically watch three cooldowns(Stock Strike, Assault Plastique, and Sticky Grenade), watch for two flashes (HiB and Cell Burst), watch Shoulder Cannon, and spam Tactical Surge. This easily puts me in top five DPS almost every match. Though Coordinated players can double stun and kill you before you can even react. Nerf OPERATIVE!
  2. I know you guys don't want to play PVP and don't have any motivation to contribute to the team, but there is a way to make decent credits off of this situation. At the PVP vendor you can buy Republic/Imperial guardsman decos for 250 warzone comms, which is about three games where I preform well. Each of those decos sells for between 80k and 120k on the gtn. Doing the math that is about 600k credits just from the comms, that doesn't include the dailies and weeklies or the warzones themselves. Hope this can help you make a load of credits.
  3. Canderous encountered them, so it's possible. Also the Chiss before this game came out were basically unknown by all except a few high ups in the movies.
  4. So the groups I was in this week didn't want to use Group Finder? Thank You!
  5. I just want to thank all the great players who have put up with my noobiness. As someone new to non-pre-4.0 KP and EV, I'm very thankful for people willing to show me the mechanics to these ops. So once again thank you guys for helping Ignigan, the character I used, wait out the early access period.
  6. I'm kind of confused about how GF ops work. The daily one is SM with HM loot right? But how does a regular GF ops work? Do you have to be 65 to use GF?
  7. Yes, if your talking about warzones. In the Legacy window under pvp there should be a separate achievement for each wz. You should be able to look at your progress. You may also be able to see how many kills you have in the warzone window. Open world, only specific areas I believe.
  8. I would at least like to get the value of the mods in it. I had to trash Khem's gear because it was collections gear. I just wish I was able to get the value of the mods back. Just to clarify, the shells would be worth 0 credits, but the mods would add value to the shell. Please devs.
  9. ThomasTheBeige

    Vang Specs

    Start by loading shoulder cannon. Feel free to use shoulder cannon whenever useful, since it is off GCD. Use sticky grenade, explosive plastique, stockstrike and high impact bolt off cooldown. Also use gut every once in a while to keep your enemy DOT'ed up. Spam Tactical Surge while waiting for CDs. EDIT: I'm only lvl 55, at least until Tuesday.
  10. That's too bad I already put right mouse button on the down joystick so I could strafe. Also <S-Key To Victory> will always be a thing.
  11. The real question is why did they invade Hoth or Tatooine? "We are the only ones allowed to have wasteland planets."
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