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slicing is becoming pointless


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on yavin 4 some guilds whos names i wont say are on day and night in every instance farming the boxes it has become impossible to level slicing buy collecting boxes i have had to send companions off


also when i click on one i do find some one comes along and ninjas it as my companion is going to it

or as im fighting i have also gotten allot of abuse from a rusian guild for collecting said boxes with comments like ( this is our area to farm F off ) i blame this inpart to the over inflated GTN prices this is what happed to the security chests


i mean at 2 am gmt there is a gang of 8 people on yavin farming boxes change instance there is another lot from same guild not trying to be a dooshbag about this but this is unfair to the rest of us we all need credits but this is getting stupid in 3 hours of trying to level slicing me and a mate got 4 boxs and they was still trying to grab them from us as we was collecting them with spamming duel challenges and then standing in the mobs we are fighting so we ardently hit them and then they all jump you

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Yeah it sucks, i find it hard to get a few boxes also. if they are being rude report them, it may or may not help but you will feel better.


Maybe a box limit per day may help, cap it at 100,000 - 500,000 per day or so. that way everyone gets a shot at it.

Also if they made them available on more or all planets, rewards based on you level





on yavin 4 some guilds whos names i wont say are on day and night in every instance farming the boxes it has become impossible to level slicing buy collecting boxes i have had to send companions off


also when i click on one i do find some one comes along and ninjas it as my companion is going to it

or as im fighting i have also gotten allot of abuse from a rusian guild for collecting said boxes with comments like ( this is our area to farm F off ) i blame this inpart to the over inflated GTN prices this is what happed to the security chests


i mean at 2 am gmt there is a gang of 8 people on yavin farming boxes change instance there is another lot from same guild not trying to be a dooshbag about this but this is unfair to the rest of us we all need credits but this is getting stupid in 3 hours of trying to level slicing me and a mate got 4 boxs and they was still trying to grab them from us as we was collecting them with spamming duel challenges and then standing in the mobs we are fighting so we ardently hit them and then they all jump you

Edited by Santay
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I don't buy it. We all play this game, and we all visit Yavin. Yes, there are a lot of folks gathering, but if you want slicing boxes, you'll get them. If you want to gather them, you can do so just like everyone else. They respawn far too quickly for anyone to monopolize them (unlike the security chests).


And, don't forget that in a week's time, things are going to look a lot different for gathering nodes. You should be able to do your gathering anywhere you want and have the results be appropriate to your (skill) level whether on Coruscant or Yavin. Perhaps they did not modify the slicing boxes to be this way, but I don't see why they're any more or less special than the other skill nodes.

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I don't buy it. We all play this game, and we all visit Yavin. Yes, there are a lot of folks gathering, but if you want slicing boxes, you'll get them. If you want to gather them, you can do so just like everyone else. They respawn far too quickly for anyone to monopolize them (unlike the security chests).


And, don't forget that in a week's time, things are going to look a lot different for gathering nodes. You should be able to do your gathering anywhere you want and have the results be appropriate to your (skill) level whether on Coruscant or Yavin. Perhaps they did not modify the slicing boxes to be this way, but I don't see why they're any more or less special than the other skill nodes.

i understand what your saying but when there is 4 uptop end and 8 down bottom end all farming what chance do you have

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I don't spend a lot of time farming slicing nodes, but when I have done it for a bit I prefer to just go to Rishi. Same level boxes as Yavin. I've memorized most of the spawn locations plus most of the security chest locations as well. Sometimes you get some competition for them, but not like the cluster**** that Yavin's slicing is known for being.


I don't buy it. We all play this game, and we all visit Yavin. Yes, there are a lot of folks gathering, but if you want slicing boxes, you'll get them. If you want to gather them, you can do so just like everyone else. They respawn far too quickly for anyone to monopolize them (unlike the security chests).


And, don't forget that in a week's time, things are going to look a lot different for gathering nodes. You should be able to do your gathering anywhere you want and have the results be appropriate to your (skill) level whether on Coruscant or Yavin. Perhaps they did not modify the slicing boxes to be this way, but I don't see why they're any more or less special than the other skill nodes.


The nodes don't change to match the highest that your skill level can get. That was a misinterpretation that people made when it was "rumored" that nodes would become "adaptive". They've clarified that a node will always contain a specific predetermined type of material, the same as right now, except that the quantity will vary depending on your skill level compared to the node and you will always level up the skill from it regardless of what type of node it is.


But yeah, not sure how that will affect slicing unless it just increases the chances for a critical result (higher quality box of that grade and also a mission discovery that matches the node's skill level) when you're gathering a node below your skill level. (So farming slicing nodes on lower level planets would be more about the mission discoveries and not so much about the credits. Not directly, anyway. (Sell missions on the GTN.))

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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I'm on Harbinger and never see entire guilds doing this, just the odd random person, so no big deal.


They are also first-come-first-serve so if they try and threaten you about it report them for harassment and/or inappropriate player behavior.

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What would your solution be, however?


I mean, seriously. I really could not care less what person tells me to F off if I'm on Yavin. I have as much chance to get the boxes as they do, after all. What are they going to do to me, really, besides make some rude gestures in the chat window? And that just makes me lol.

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What would your solution be, however?


Well, with level synch, the game is borrowing from GW2 (and other games). They could borrow the node system from GW2.


All nodes are instanced (synched.... whatever the name is...) to your character. No competition. You can't get theirs. They can't get yours. As such, there are less nodes in the world, but they are all yours.


In GW2, a "normal" node respawns every hour. A "rich" node respawns every 24 hours. SWTOR can use a different timing system.


Hey, if they're revamping planets / levels / etc... and that's a given... I wouldn't mind resource allocation be personalized at some point down the road.


I do agree that Yavin isn't much of a problem for me, but there are a few sparser planets. No huge deal if SWTOR doesn't, but if they borrow the level synch, I'd be ok with borrowing character and/or account based resource synch from GW2 or other games.

Edited by DalrisThane
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... They could borrow the node system from GW2.


All nodes are instanced (synched.... whatever the name is...) to your character. No competition. You can't get theirs. They can't get yours. As such, there are less nodes in the world, but they are all yours.


When they announced making changes to crafting and gathering I hoped that this would be one of the changes. Let's hope for the next XPac ;)

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on yavin 4 some guilds whos names i wont say are on day and night in every instance farming the boxes it has become impossible to level slicing buy collecting boxes i have had to send companions off


also when i click on one i do find some one comes along and ninjas it as my companion is going to it

or as im fighting i have also gotten allot of abuse from a rusian guild for collecting said boxes with comments like ( this is our area to farm F off ) i blame this inpart to the over inflated GTN prices this is what happed to the security chests


i mean at 2 am gmt there is a gang of 8 people on yavin farming boxes change instance there is another lot from same guild not trying to be a dooshbag about this but this is unfair to the rest of us we all need credits but this is getting stupid in 3 hours of trying to level slicing me and a mate got 4 boxs and they was still trying to grab them from us as we was collecting them with spamming duel challenges and then standing in the mobs we are fighting so we ardently hit them and then they all jump you


Switch factions, take your slicer from that faction, and go kill them one by one.

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I don't care if a player or guild is on yavin 24/7 so long as they manually slicing or at the keyboard. What I don't like is when a player is bot farmings boxes. I found a bot that some how got stuck and was spinning in circles by the cave that is near that quest giver. I suspect that a few of the players that are running around slicing are botting. I get suspicious if the player has less than 40k hp. It means the player did the minimum amount of quest and is still wearing greens. It also indicates to me that said player only leveled for slicing. Generally normal players don't level a character solely for slicing. It is more efficient to do the yavin dailies and slice so that over time you will be able to afford the basic com gear and nets you more credits that slicing only. That is why I suspect that all the sub 40k players are probably botters since they didn't even get the basic com gear. It only makes logical sense if you are botting farming boxes to no care about gear and to be all time on yavin farming boxes. I can't see some one farming boxes day in and day out, nearly 24/7.


Personally, I rather BW get rid of slicing boxes, ability to solo gold mobs, or chest in order to reduce the amount of credits botters can generate.

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Personally, I rather BW get rid of slicing boxes, ability to solo gold mobs, or chest in order to reduce the amount of credits botters can generate.


Getting rid of the ability to solo elite mobs, not going to happen, it is, pardon me, an absurd notion, since it would irreparably damage solo play, thus I seriously doubt BW:A would do it, since they are more solo-minded than they used to be, they might lower the credits dropped by them, however.


Chests no longer yield pure credits, giving us random crafting materials satchels instead, and by random I mean as high as grade 11 or as low as grade 1, more often that not, a lower grade most often, and some green gear, and maybe a medpac.


Getting rid of slicing nodes would aggravate all the non-bot slicers, who are being given a bad name.


You know, people, with conscious minds, who don't typically play 24/7, and don't use slicing for 100% of their income?


Incidentally, I run around slicing, does that make me a bot? Though, I've never really had the time to engage in some seriously hardcore slicing, I should really partake of my own time-and-motion study on the matter.


Also, the competition for high-level nodes will be more cutthroat come 4.0:


Harvesting and Mission Skill Changes

Similarly to the Crafting Skill changes. We have made adjustments to both Harvesting and Mission Skills, including some quality of life changes:


All unlocked Crew Skill Missions are now fully visible and no longer randomized.

Crew Skill Mission unlocks have been aligned with the new Grade system from above.

Crew Skill Missions will now grant slightly more materials than they did previously.

Harvesting Nodes can now be harvested regardless of your skill level.

Harvesting Nodes will now grant Skill Increases regardless of the Node or your skill level.

Harvesting Nodes grant different amounts of materials based on the player’s skill level. Players that are below the skill level of the node will receive fewer materials, and those higher than the node will receive more.

All Harvesting Nodes now have a chance to grant both sets of materials for their respective Grade.

Archaeology Crystals now grant Fragments and Crystals in addition to Color Crystals.

The completion time for Crew Skill Missions has been greatly reduced.

Edited by sentientomega
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I don't care if a player or guild is on yavin 24/7 so long as they manually slicing or at the keyboard. What I don't like is when a player is bot farmings boxes. I found a bot that some how got stuck and was spinning in circles by the cave that is near that quest giver. I suspect that a few of the players that are running around slicing are botting. I get suspicious if the player has less than 40k hp. It means the player did the minimum amount of quest and is still wearing greens. It also indicates to me that said player only leveled for slicing. Generally normal players don't level a character solely for slicing. It is more efficient to do the yavin dailies and slice so that over time you will be able to afford the basic com gear and nets you more credits that slicing only. That is why I suspect that all the sub 40k players are probably botters since they didn't even get the basic com gear. It only makes logical sense if you are botting farming boxes to no care about gear and to be all time on yavin farming boxes. I can't see some one farming boxes day in and day out, nearly 24/7.


Personally, I rather BW get rid of slicing boxes, ability to solo gold mobs, or chest in order to reduce the amount of credits botters can generate.


I quit getting basic com gear when Ziost came out.

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Maybe a box limit per day may help, cap it at 100,000 - 500,000 per day or so. that way everyone gets a shot at it.


That is a lot of slicing boxes, I get tired to grind them after 20 or so and move on :tran_wink:

Edited by Icestar
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You can acctually get 1million per hour in slicing on Yavin 4 if you are alone, So i slice 90% when i am alone and the rest sometimes when others are around, But saying that slicing isn´t worth it is a big lie, it is very much worth it if it´s a good day,


I mean where else can you make 1million credits per hour with minimum effort?

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It makes me somewhat sad to see that there are people out there who have nothing better to do than farming slicing nodes on Yavin for hours and they even get competitive about it.


I understand that one would do it once in a while if you need credits or if you are there anyway.


But doing this for real... it is sooooo boring. I'd rather drill a hole in my knee and fill milk inside.


If these nodes are so precious for them that they want others to f off "their area", then let them have it. It is apparently the only joy they have in life. Feel pity for them, not anger. ;)

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on yavin 4 some guilds whos names i wont say are on day and night in every instance farming the boxes it has become impossible to level slicing buy collecting boxes i have had to send companions off


also when i click on one i do find some one comes along and ninjas it as my companion is going to it

or as im fighting i have also gotten allot of abuse from a rusian guild for collecting said boxes with comments like ( this is our area to farm F off ) i blame this inpart to the over inflated GTN prices this is what happed to the security chests


i mean at 2 am gmt there is a gang of 8 people on yavin farming boxes change instance there is another lot from same guild not trying to be a dooshbag about this but this is unfair to the rest of us we all need credits but this is getting stupid in 3 hours of trying to level slicing me and a mate got 4 boxs and they was still trying to grab them from us as we was collecting them with spamming duel challenges and then standing in the mobs we are fighting so we ardently hit them and then they all jump you


Regardless they have as much right to farm boxes as you do the fact they happen to be in the same guild is not relevant. However I play around that time you say and yes there are players farming boxes however they are not all from the same guild as you claim. I have very few characters who have slicing as a craft skill round 1 in 22 (1 per server) If I happen to be on Yavin slicing boxes I still get some and have never come away from there having got none.


You don't mention the server you are on but as I play on every server even the French and German I cannot think of one that this is a big issue on.

As for players telling you to F OFF this is there area, yes this does happen a lot I will give you that much. The answer to this has been given already in this thread, which was ignore them as said by the other poster, you have as much right as they do.


If BW does anything about this it will be the same as the blue lockboxes, as in remove all credits from them and just give tech parts instead. Would this suit you better? NO! then be carful what you ask for because BW only ever seems to have two reactions which are No action, or overkill.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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