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Six days and counting! Who will be your first outlander?


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So the time is coming, and I am feeling the panic to finish up a-lot of stuff I still have yet to complete. However, a thought came to me the other night, and that was which character of mine would be the first to become out-lander and go through the story!


I mulled over it and still cannot decide, I like all of them equally. So here's my question. Which class and archetype will you become the outlander with first and why?

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I had planned my first Outlander to be my Jedi Consular, but my computer's graphics card has died and now I have to have it replaced. I'm not sure I'll have it fixed in time to play Early Access, which is fairly depressing.
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I cannot decide either.


I leveled some more of my 2nd generation chars to 60, because I thought I could use them. If something turns out to be in a way I dislike, then I wouldn't moan over the "loss" of these chars.


But then again, these chars haven't finished everything in the original game, so this speaks against them.


My main has done everything, has all non-bugged codexes and all datacrons. From that point of view, starting KotFE with her would make sense. But as long as I don't know what will actually happen to the char, I do not want to take the risk.


I have two alts on imperial side which have done all missions as well. But they are missing some codexes and datacrons. If the datacron legacy is actually happening, I will probably choose one of these two for a start. If I have then explored what exactly will happen with Swtor when they are in KotFE and everything seems fine to me, I will immediately enter KotFE with my main.


The last option would be that I start KotFE with my first char. The one who started my journey to a galaxy far, far away back in the days on Ord Mantell. He would deserve it. And while I am writing this paragraph, I think I just made my decision. ;)


I will not use the insta level 60. I don't see a need for that.

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Mine will be my knight, he was the first of my characters to complete SOR + Ziost so it seems fair he gets the first shot at KoTFE, then I think I will take my Merc through then my sage (the only characters to this point that I have finished SOR with, while I know I dont have to I want to finish SOR with my other level 60's first.
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as i answered the same question yesterday on a similar thread, as i will answer the same question again on this one.


my sith warrior heretic, totally lightsided and a full on do -gooder. the empires wrath is a gentle green giant with triangle tatoos on his face and red eyes, an alien as well, he loves the perverseness of being what he is in the most ironic of positions.


second character is my imperial agent, deadly with a durasteel sack, enjoys dressing in armour with dye colors of baby blue, purple and pink, giant human male dark skin tone with piercing blue eyes and purple hair and beard. his reasons are his own (aligned with the empire alone but never with the sith and dark council specifically) and that makes him extremely dangerous even more so with his sniper rifle. he utterly hates the sith and any chance to kill one he will take the chance.

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I really do not want to play the expansion right away, but I want to try the ops with my guild, so I will send my healer through. It would have been more logical to leave this content to after I drop to preferred, and just play the stuff I will have all the restrictions on, and after they clear out all the bugs, and adjust things and there are walkthroughs and stuff. I dislike being an early adopter, but, I want the last kick at the can at the Ops, to see if I can do mechanics, so, yeah, I guess I will have to get into the new stretch till I hit 65 at least. prob will slap on XP boosts so I don't have to get in too too far.


My warrior makes the most sense story wise, and he's one of my favorites to play as. On that note, can I use the free level 60 to boost my Inquisitor from level 50 to 60?


No, you cannot boost, you can only build a level 60 character from scratch.

Edited by DomiSotto
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My first outlander will be Kylath Argentis, Light V she-cyborg Gunnery Commando.


Mostly because she is my only level 60...


She has been killed by a variety of things, most amusingly by the Ziost hot-rod speeder(1), so I figure she gets at least the right of first refusal.


(1) I learned the hard way that this speeder *can* take to the air without the special ramp, and if it does, it will happily fly significant distances, and if that means you land outside the accessible parts of the map, so much the worse for you...

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