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WTB Privacy option from inspect character..


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I know. I still don't understand what *you* being antisocial has to do with someone inspecting your gear or achievements.

Maybe s/he just doesn't feel like it's any of your business? They aren't grouping with you and people online have proven themselves time and time again to be creepy.


I understand the desire...but no, not in an MMO. An MMO that relies on players grouping. Single player games don't. If you're that socially uncomfortable, maybe MMOs aren't for you...or...stay in your house decorating.

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They could have just taken out the inspecting option totally like other games that don't have it. But they left it in for I guess the aspect of people that wanted to ask questions on how to get certain achievement or certain items your wearing.
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I understand the desire...but no, not in an MMO. An MMO that relies on players grouping. Single player games don't. If you're that socially uncomfortable, maybe MMOs aren't for you...or...stay in your house decorating.


I'm really not a fan of this line of argumentation. SWTOR has from before the start encouraged and invited solo-players. And if they're shy or socially uncomfortable (which is a whole lot different from anti-social), they can disable all means of interaction and communication with other players (except mail). Chat settings offers a lot of customization for the chat windows regarding who and what appears where and how and if at all.


But yeah, staying in strongholds/on ships offers quite a bit more seclusion than sitting on fleet (where most likely most of the, uhm, inspections take place :rolleyes:). Missing out on fleet chat shouldn't be a problem for someone not interested in social interaction resp. preferring the single player experience.



Maybe s/he just doesn't feel like it's any of your business? They aren't grouping with you and people online have proven themselves time and time again to be creepy.


Only that opting out of inspections likely won't stop the creepy people from harassing anyone who chooses that option.


I understand the wish for privacy, but I don't think opting out of inspections offers any privacy. It just makes it easier for a moment to claim, pretend and troll.


For actual privacy and un-bothered solo-experience I'd appreciate an option to hide online status, an account-wide ignore and a total vanishing of ignored characters and their actions (emotes, goddammit, how annoying) a lot more.


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Can people wanting this option tell why is it they want to hide their gear?


If you dont want to be inspected on fleet, you can take all of your gear off of your character while dwelling there. It's quite common to run around naked now that Legacy gear is a thing and a big portion of players just keep their gear in cargo if its not needed.

I leave my stuff in cargo too and run around naked with just outfit tab stuff on till I hear if i should be specing and wearing tanking or dpsing stuff.


Otherwise, running a pug with your gear hidden makes one wonder if you're just looking to get carried with zero responsibility, which is insanely rude.

Edited by Kiesu
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I'm really not a fan of this line of argumentation. SWTOR has from before the start encouraged and invited solo-players. And if they're shy or socially uncomfortable (which is a whole lot different from anti-social), they can disable all means of interaction and communication with other players (except mail). Chat settings offers a lot of customization for the chat windows regarding who and what appears where and how and if at all.


But yeah, staying in strongholds/on ships offers quite a bit more seclusion than sitting on fleet (where most likely most of the, uhm, inspections take place :rolleyes:). Missing out on fleet chat shouldn't be a problem for someone not interested in social interaction resp. preferring the single player experience.


Only that opting out of inspections likely won't stop the creepy people from harassing anyone who chooses that option.


I understand the wish for privacy, but I don't think opting out of inspections offers any privacy. It just makes it easier for a moment to claim, pretend and troll.


For actual privacy and un-bothered solo-experience I'd appreciate an option to hide online status, an account-wide ignore and a total vanishing of ignored characters and their actions (emotes, goddammit, how annoying) a lot more.


All great points :)

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Can people wanting this option tell why is it they want to hide their gear?


If you dont want to be inspected on fleet, you can take all of your gear off of your character while dwelling there. It's quite common to run around naked now that Legacy gear is a thing and a big portion of players just keep their gear in cargo if its not needed.

I leave my stuff in cargo too and run around naked with just outfit tab stuff on till I hear if i should be specing and wearing tanking or dpsing stuff.


Otherwise, running a pug with your gear hidden makes one wonder if you're just looking to get carried with zero responsibility, which is insanely rude.


You know, I see this argument a lot. I have seen it used in game a lot. "I suppose we can carry you", or "I don't want to carry you". For me, it's been a mixed bag, sometimes the player making the statement is competent enough, but other times, the truth is, they're afraid of not being carried. "OMG, my gear's up to snuff because my guild carried me, and now, my weakness will be exposed". Saw that in TBC on my Sage, DPS Sage spent 15 minutes crying about the healer's gear, only to die to the laser because they didn't know to move. Of course, since they're on the add group, and a Sage, I'm not even sure why they were down where they could be hit by the laser, but hey, they had all the right gear, so it must have been a fluke, right?


How does inspecting their gear guarantee they know how to play? How does inspecting their achievements guarantee that they know how to play? None of these say "I earned this the old fashioned way". It's implied, but there's no guarantee they weren't carried by their guild, just as the Founder title is no guarantee that the player knows what the hell they're doing. I've seen enough that don't, over two servers, that I believe it should be changed to Flounder.

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If you have your alt make your armor, implant, earpiece, weapon, etc then it could 'give up' your alts but that isn't a guarantee. More likely if you have several pieces made by the same character it would point to one of your alts or a friend. Seeing the same name on more than one character, ie in your guild they inspect a character you have and see your armor is made by BOB and implants by VAL, then on another of your characters in that guild they see the same thing pretty much tells them your alts are BOB and VAL. Then they can see if BOB and VAL are on when you aren't and more 'proof' you are BOB and VAL.


Well, ok, fair enough... I still don't see that as a problem, or do you behave differently on different toons?


Everyone knows who I am and all my alts, they all have something similar in their name to make it easier for friends and guildies to know who I am.


I guess it comes back to, "what are you trying to hide?"

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I'd love a toggleable gear inspection block. Random dinkheads running up to you going "y u have/no have gear X dued?!!1! omg u totally sux!!!1shiftone" have never positively contributed to anyone's experience in any game. For most people this isn't a very common occurrence, though there's no reason it should be an occurrence at all.


^ I've been playing since version 1.1, this has happened to me exactly zero times.


Has this happened to anyone else here?

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Personally I have a lot of defense/endurance augments. Seems odd for a sorcerer I'm sure. Reason for it is simple enough though; I don't generally care to min-max my gear (no reason to since I'm not doing hard modes or operations) but when a friend had crafted more augments and slots than he needed and sent some my way, I wasn't going to vendor them. The endurance is still nice to have after all. But explaining that to all the self-declared genius experts on the game rarely has any effect or point.


You should have posted them on the GTN, or perhaps your friend should have.


Defense is a completely wasted stat for a Sorc. If you came into a HM FP or an OP with me and I saw that, I'd assume you didn't know what you were doing. I'd also be correct that your DPS would be low and would bring down the whole group.


Now you can do whatever you want when playing solo, or even tactical FP, but for HM FP or SM OPS, that is not cool.


Hiding your gear isn't going to help, if you show up in a HM FP or any OP and your gear is hidden, everyone is already going to assume the worse and you'll be asked to unhide it. Refuse and get kicked.


So it serves no purpose.




Note: No, the endurance does not serve a purpose, if you're taking a bunch of damage that another 5k health matters on, something has already gone really wrong.

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Now I understand the fear held by people who won't be able to "kick the bads" if they can't inspect someone's gear. But if you're in the situation where there is an actual point to inspecting someone's gear, surely you can have the time and courtesy to go "Could I have a look at your gear please?".


Have you considered that some portion of the gamer population will just auto-kick anyone who has their gear hidden?


Why should other people have to ask?

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How does inspecting their gear guarantee they know how to play? How does inspecting their achievements guarantee that they know how to play?


It doesn't guarantee anything, but it is a general good indication.


I have recently been running into tanks who appear to have good gear, but who can't tank worth a darn. Did Blood Hunt HM a few days ago, the tank was about 57k, yes it was comms gear, but it was all 192/198 stuff and it was augmented.


It was also tanking gear, shield/absorb/def, so it was the correct specs.


I don't think he taunted once. He couldn't hold aggro and didn't use his DCDs. It was embaressing. We were all over 50k, all well geared, it should have been a walk in the park.


It wasn't even worth a second pull, I whispered the healer (I was a DPS) and said, "this tank has no idea what he is doing, does he?", and the healer replied, "yea, this is a waste of time, thanks for trying".


However, that situation remains the exception, not the rule. Generally when such people show up they do well.




Another point... If the tank shows up in 178 blues with no augments, then I don't have to know how skilled they are, they won't be tanking HM BH. :)

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Well, alot of player tend to come up with all these stupid rules that say if you can do this content or not, hell, players get refused entry into groups to do content because they don't have the achivements for them......the achievements are not required, yet players have deemed it a requirement.


Players now-a-days, they gotta be carried through, they demand everyone knows the tactics of the bosses BEFORE you do it....kinda defeats the whole of it, if you ask me.

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If you have your alt make your armor, implant, earpiece, weapon, etc then it could 'give up' your alts but that isn't a guarantee. More likely if you have several pieces made by the same character it would point to one of your alts or a friend. Seeing the same name on more than one character, ie in your guild they inspect a character you have and see your armor is made by BOB and implants by VAL, then on another of your characters in that guild they see the same thing pretty much tells them your alts are BOB and VAL. Then they can see if BOB and VAL are on when you aren't and more 'proof' you are BOB and VAL.



Wrong answer Homer.

Just because Bob and Val aren't online doesn't mean they're my alts.

As far as I know, you could do a "guild search" and see Bob and Val might not be in the same guild as me.

Bob and Val might be doing the "wild thing" on friggin' Belsavis and could be the opposite faction, hence they're arses aren't seen as being online.

They are not necessarily "my alts".

These are not the droids you are looking for.

Move along.

next please.



Edited by IslanderRebel
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^ I've been playing since version 1.1, this has happened to me exactly zero times.


Has this happened to anyone else here?


No but there are some real off the wall folks in the game. I had someone about 6 times try to invite me into a group. I kept declining and the player kept inviting. Maybe the player had a crush on Treek. :eek:

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You should have posted them on the GTN, or perhaps your friend should have.


Defense is a completely wasted stat for a Sorc. If you came into a HM FP or an OP with me and I saw that, I'd assume you didn't know what you were doing. I'd also be correct that your DPS would be low and would bring down the whole group.


Exactly what part of "I don't run HMs or Ops" means they're going to be coming into your HM or Op? You see, it's people very much like you that people very much like the poster you quoted needs "protected" from.


Now you can do whatever you want when playing solo, or even tactical FP, but for HM FP or SM OPS, that is not cool.


I'm sure they'll be eternally grateful for your permission?


Hiding your gear isn't going to help, if you show up in a HM FP or any OP and your gear is hidden, everyone is already going to assume the worse and you'll be asked to unhide it. Refuse and get kicked.


So it serves no purpose.




Note: No, the endurance does not serve a purpose, if you're taking a bunch of damage that another 5k health matters on, something has already gone really wrong.


We can already see that it does serve a purpose, here you are, despite a declaration from a poster that they don't do HMs or Ops, telling them all about how you wouldn't allow them in your HM or Op.

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No but there are some real off the wall folks in the game. I had someone about 6 times try to invite me into a group. I kept declining and the player kept inviting. Maybe the player had a crush on Treek. :eek:


Who doesn't? That seductive jibberish

Edited by FerkWork
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You know, I see this argument a lot. I have seen it used in game a lot. "I suppose we can carry you", or "I don't want to carry you". For me, it's been a mixed bag, sometimes the player making the statement is competent enough, but other times, the truth is, they're afraid of not being carried. "OMG, my gear's up to snuff because my guild carried me, and now, my weakness will be exposed". Saw that in TBC on my Sage, DPS Sage spent 15 minutes crying about the healer's gear, only to die to the laser because they didn't know to move. Of course, since they're on the add group, and a Sage, I'm not even sure why they were down where they could be hit by the laser, but hey, they had all the right gear, so it must have been a fluke, right?


How does inspecting their gear guarantee they know how to play? How does inspecting their achievements guarantee that they know how to play? None of these say "I earned this the old fashioned way". It's implied, but there's no guarantee they weren't carried by their guild, just as the Founder title is no guarantee that the player knows what the hell they're doing. I've seen enough that don't, over two servers, that I believe it should be changed to Flounder.

Cool story bro. Yes having gear doesn't guarantee you know your stuff. Hiding your gear doesn't guarantee it either. Your point?


I asked why is it that people want to hide their gear. Not what seeing or not seeing it might indicate.


I run pug ops on alts with mismatch legacy gear and cheapass crafted greens. I know I can tank, dps or heal in that stuff just fine. If the party has a problem with my unaugmented green relic they are free to open their parse and witness me (shiny and chrome). If that isnt good enough they're being general jerks and you shouldn't waste your time on them to begin with.

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Cool story bro. Yes having gear doesn't guarantee you know your stuff. Hiding your gear doesn't guarantee it either. Your point?


I asked why is it that people want to hide their gear. Not what seeing or not seeing it might indicate.


I run pug ops on alts with mismatch legacy gear and cheapass crafted greens. I know I can tank, dps or heal in that stuff just fine. If the party has a problem with my unaugmented green relic they are free to open their parse and witness me (shiny and chrome). If that isnt good enough they're being general jerks and you shouldn't waste your time on them to begin with.


I tank NiM ToS naked. Parse me.


Oh, we're not making **** up to look cool for the "in crowd"? To peek, or not to peek, that is the question, and as we've both demonstrated here, peeking doesn't mean a damn thing.

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I tank NiM ToS naked. Parse me.

Yes please. I want to see how fast you die. And how u haxed it to NiM.

But I was talking about pugs getting on your toes, but i guess you missed that part trying to come up with something snarky to say. I dont know why you would have a problem with your raid team being able to inspect your gear.

We dont even parse TOS hm anymore, its rare we wouldnt kill revan for lack of dps or healing anymore so only the timers really matter.


Oh, we're not making **** up to look cool for the "in crowd"? To peek, or not to peek, that is the question, and as we've both demonstrated here, peeking doesn't mean a damn thing.

So why so eager to get "hide gear" option?

Edited by Kiesu
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Wrong answer Homer.

Just because Bob and Val aren't online doesn't mean they're my alts.

As far as I know, you could do a "guild search" and see Bob and Val might not be in the same guild as me.

Bob and Val might be doing the "wild thing" on friggin' Belsavis and could be the opposite faction, hence they're arses aren't seen as being online.

They are not necessarily "my alts".

These are not the droids you are looking for.

Move along.

next please.




You are correct and that is why I used the single ' to wrap the word proof

as for many people anecdotal circumstantial (here they come again) 'evidence' is

'proof'. They get an idea in their head and a little crumb that supports it

according to their view and it is so.


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