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Your classes have several "lets make babies or adopt them if alien" conversations thorought thier respective romances and that made me think. Did any of them manage to do it?


Given that there will be some time skip in KOTFE. Shouldn't there be your children aswel?



Light Jaesa offers to carry your child in order to pass her gift onto your bloodline for example


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I certainly hope not, have you seen the models for children in this game? They look like inbred, albino Rodians who used too much skin cream.


Seriously though, I don't think I'd like that idea. Already a lot of immersion breaking stuff in this game for people who RP with the Legacy feature (EG: Risha being friends with Vette), I don't think there needs to be more.

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I certainly hope not, have you seen the models for children in this game? They look like inbred, albino Rodians who used too much skin cream.


Seriously though, I don't think I'd like that idea. Already a lot of immersion breaking stuff in this game for people who RP with the Legacy feature (EG: Risha being friends with Vette), I don't think there needs to be more.


How does Risha being friends with Vette break immersion?

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How does Risha being friends with Vette break immersion?


I just meant that, If you create a legacy where a Smuggler or Warrior is a generation older than the other or one of the parents, it's really weird. You could make it work, but I'd imagine it's tough.

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I just meant that, If you create a legacy where a Smuggler or Warrior is a generation older than the other or one of the parents, it's really weird. You could make it work, but I'd imagine it's tough.


I don't think you can legitimately flaw the game on disturbing your head cannon, I mean while you can say that your characters are generations older, they all seem to be around the same age.

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I don't think you can legitimately flaw the game on disturbing your head cannon, I mean while you can say that your characters are generations older, they all seem to be around the same age.


True enough! I see your point, but I feel like Bioware has been letting people's headcanons go wild since SoR (and to a lesser extent RotHC) had even less personalized stories. I think they're basically giving you a list of your characters TORcanon achievements and saying "Here you go, now write around this".


TLDR, I get what you're saying, but I still hold to my own opinion. Let's agree to disagree.


No hard feelings :rak_02:

Edited by ThickGlasses
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True enough! I see your point, but I feel like Bioware has been letting people's headcanons go wild since SoR (and to a lesser extent RotHC) had even less personalized stories. I think they're basically giving you a list of your characters TORcanon achievements and saying "Here you go, now write around this".


TLDR, I get what you're saying, but I still hold to my own opinion. Let's agree to disagree.


No hard feelings :rak_02:


I don't understand your line of thinking here, the writers will never take headcannons into account, so they're giving you the story of your character, not just laying out

TORcanon achievements and saying "Here you go, now write around this".
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I doubt that children will be a possibility in the game. In terms of pure story, characters in the game do not live lives of peace, and having kids would make things complicated for them. In terms of game mechanics, having kids would be impossible. You would have to skip ahead a year into the future, thereby skipping the pregnancy altogether, and then there'd be the whole "where's the baby" thing, because there's no way you'd have a baby carriage on your ship.


It'd be too complicated to have kids in this game. The most we'll probably get in way of kids is at the end of the game (whenever it comes) your character's wife says she's pregnant, or your female PC tells her husband she's pregnant, or they decide that it's time to settle down and adopt. Either way, a life of domestic bliss follows... thought doubtless there are further, smaller adventures in their future.

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It's something I've thought about lately.


I thought more of maybe an interactive Stronghold NPC.


Maybe a few different customizable models:

a baby with a nanny droid,

little kid (the one kid model I can think of...shudder...),

teen (body type 1 maybe?)...

...then a clickable portrait with some editable info...like name, birthday and/or adoption date, etc.


Maybe some cutscenes---wouldn't mind seeing my hunter holding a baby, or some in-game mail updates...


On a side note, Am I misremembering/misunderstood, or at one time, weren't companions supposed to be able to be added to the legacy in some way?

Edited by absolutetristan
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It's something I've thought about lately.

On a side note, Am I misremembering/misunderstood, or at one time, weren't companions supposed to be able to be added to the legacy in some way?


Can't say I've heard about that before, but I've only been playing since 2.1. Anybody shed some further light on this? Just curious.

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True enough! I see your point, but I feel like Bioware has been letting people's headcanons go wild since SoR (and to a lesser extent RotHC) had even less personalized stories. I think they're basically giving you a list of your characters TORcanon achievements and saying "Here you go, now write around this".


TLDR, I get what you're saying, but I still hold to my own opinion. Let's agree to disagree.


No hard feelings :rak_02:


I totally agree! People do these head canon stories that seem to revolve around the story of the game and it just doesn't make sense like you said, because all the stories take place at the same time! To head canon any of it, means you have to throw the stories out the window and imagine, as you said...a very old warrior running around with Vette.

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I'd love it, though the "child" models in the game are just adult body type one of both genders but scaled down and then given huge creepy eyes. >.<


She's quite developed for 9 years old...



A long time ago in a galaxy far far away they mature a little faster on average than here. *nod*

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I totally agree! People do these head canon stories that seem to revolve around the story of the game and it just doesn't make sense like you said, because all the stories take place at the same time! To head canon any of it, means you have to throw the stories out the window and imagine, as you said...a very old warrior running around with Vette.


There is a way to work it depending on how your roleplay. You don't have to take the entire story that bioware writes. They do that to make it easier but you can take bits and pieces and then create your own story, though it is easier if you not the type to use the companions so much in the story.


I know for the most part our guild makes our own story and roleplay with each other more so than the companions.

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There is a way to work it depending on how your roleplay. You don't have to take the entire story that bioware writes. They do that to make it easier but you can take bits and pieces and then create your own story, though it is easier if you not the type to use the companions so much in the story.


I know for the most part our guild makes our own story and roleplay with each other more so than the companions.


Yes. In my duo we use each other, the stories and our companions, but when RPing with our guild we change it to totally different RP for the characters. Personality the same, but the story is different, because not everyone can be Imperious and Wrath. :p Or whatever combo we're running as a duo, so it just makes for some fun, though a bit suckie at times, RP. :p Like "Why can I the Sith just choke that enemy agent!" So we work around that.


But what was being mentioned I think between the head canons that try to combine them all, which just doesn't make sense if you keep the companions to who they are.

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I've already head-canon'ed my own Legacy's offspring, yes. Whether such a chance is ever allowed in-game play, I can't possibly say for certain. I will include such details in my fanfiction tales, rather.


So my own characters:

  • Warrior -- three children, including two daughters and a son. Hehe, her eldest impresses the Zakuul.
  • Bounty Hunter -- a pair of twins, with the younger a daughter who's Force-sensitive. Her eldest is a boy. They're the reason she hasn't been so active in the most recent years leading up to the events on Yavin, Ziost and then invasion.
  • Agent -- a single son, totally unplanned but adored. He's in hiding on the planet of Mandalore with my Hunter and her twins. Eventually, he'll ask to join the Clans totally.
  • Smuggler -- two hybrid Zabrak boys. They're trained by their mother, so combat skilled like you wouldn't believe. But they have the inveterate sense of humor that marks their father's personality more than anything.
  • Knight -- one girl, who lives and travels with her mother's twin, my Smuggler. Most people assume she's his daughter, in fact. She stays in regular contact with both her parents, though.


But seriously, that's just MY head-canon at work.

Edited by Phyreblade
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If my characters were to have children, this is what I'd envision after their adventuring days were done:


JK- Since she's Miraluka, she initially didn't believe she and Doc could have children together, so they adopted three orphans who are all siblings. They were both later stunned (but overjoyed) when they discovered that she was pregnant. I imagine them having a little boy.


JC- She romanced Theron instead of Felix, so they didn't marry until much later. Since she's Mirialan, they couldn't have children together, but the two of them raised several padawans from infancy, so they became their children.


RT- My Cathar trooper and Aric had two litters- one with twin girls, the other with twin boys. They staged mock wars against each other, which both amused and irritated their parents, since they had a tendency to destroy furniture.


SM- After my smuggler settles down on that ranch on Dantooine, she and Corso end up having a large, very loud, very happy family with three boys and two girls. They naturally all learn how to shoot at a young age and have competitions.


SW- This depends... I romanced both Quinn and Theron with her (Quinn had it coming, the jerk), so I haven't decided who she'll end up staying with, but either way, I can see her having at least two children. Quinn, if they end up reconciling, will doubtlessly love to have several children. Theron I can see being much more unsure about it, given that Purebloods and humans can only reproduce with Sith Alchemy, but she wants her legacy carried on, so that's a deal breaker for her.


SI- She and Andronikus will probably have a couple of girls who will be spoiled rotten by their father, who will act like a big tough guy in front of every one else and completely melt for them. They will be Daddy's Girls, of course, and the whole thing will be completely hilarious to my SI.


BH- She and Torian will have children of their own, and will likely adopt. They will all be raised as Mandalorian, but a few of them will choose to follow different paths. My BH will be fine with it, and encourage them to do what makes them happy, but Torian will be disappointed. He'll get over it when he sees how happy they are, though.


IA- Unlike the rest, I don't see my Chiss agent either having children, or adopting them. She and Vector are biologically incompatible, and I doubt she'll ever want to bring a child into her world, which is very dangerous, and full of lies. Vector will probably be disappointed though.

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I'd prefer children to remain in the land of headcanons and future what-ifs, and I expect Bioware will leave it that way. That said, I do have a few pairings that I envisioned having children before KOTFE threw a wrench into my plans. (We'll see what headcanons survive and how they change after I play it). SW and Quinn have a single daughter, Jedi Knight and Doc have two children, and Trooper and Aric adopt a litter of cathar babies.
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Maybe a few different customizable models:

a baby with a nanny droid,

little kid (the one kid model I can think of...shudder...),

teen (body type 1 maybe?)...

I know of five kids you talk to or are at least involved in conversations:

* The (little red-haired) girl in the Justicar territory on Coruscant who asks you to rescue her brother.

* Bonecrusher aka Paul, target of a quest on Ord Mantell. He's probably just short of 18, and in any event, he is also just short. (BT zero?) (I have a screenshot at home of my BT3 she-trooper standing next to him. His head doesn't even come up to her shoulder.)

* The son of the woman in the Hutta starting area who asks you to get him back from his father.

* The boy who is not being treated in the stolen medicines quest on Ord Mantell.

* Arguably, Mako, at about 15 when you start the story, is at least not properly an adult, but should probably be considered one given her background.


There are also the orphans on Mannett Point, although I haven't looked closely at them.

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As interesting as it would be to add children into the game this isn't the Sims. I am too busy trying to conquer the galaxy and will be fighting off an Emperor, I don't have time to find a babysitter. Much less worry about the implications of him/her growing up in a war torn galaxy where their father and mother run about as mass murderers. I don't need to see my character stop off at the day care before skipping off on a murder spree to a planet full of rebels and innocents. I'll stick to an Akk Dog companion thank you!
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If they were to do anything like add children, it should be a momentary diversion that you can roll your eyes at, like the bastard you can father as a dwarven noble in Dragon Age: Origins. Anything more than a few gag scenes would be a gross waste of resources, IMO. Edited by HaoZhao
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