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There are too many quests at one time.


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After turning in a bunch of quests, I only have one, and I'm excited. I'm supposed to prevent a bomb from destroying the island. This is my top priority. I'm not to dawdle. The npc is stalking me from my helmet to insure that I do not screw this up. I sprint towards my objective pausing only to slay the separatist scum that are trying to stop me.


On the way, I notice 3 other quests. I stop to retrieve them. The immersion is broken. I know that the bomb will wait years for my arrival to disarm it, I know that these quests are all in the same area, and I know that the npc wouldn't harass me on my head set if I decided to enter a spelling bee. Not doing them now means many runs back and forth, so there's little choice. I'm now disarming a bomb, saving the children, retrieving narcotics, and blowing up telecommunications equipment.


I no longer have any idea which quest I'm working on right now. There are too many things to keep track of in my head, but it doesn't matter. They're all equal priority. All I need to do is head towards the closest quest icon on the radar where I will kill/click on things until one of my quests says it is updated, and then I will move to the next icon.


I would be having a lot more fun if there was only ever one quest I was working on. My immersion would improve. Quadruple the difficulty and the reward. Make me feel like I'm accomplishing something. Having to constantly multitask makes the game less fun.

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If you are going to complain about too much quests then only do some of them then!


Ive got to agree

There are your story quests, and the area and bonus quest which are separate and at player discretion. Take matters into your own hands, the great thing about MMOs is that you can control your experience. :)

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I am not complaining about too many quests. I am complaining about too many quests at one time.


Skipping quests means I'm going to have to grind. Since I already run around like Rambo, I know that grinding will not be challenging enough for me to enjoy it.


Manually only doing one quest at a time means spending an extra hour per quest hub traveling back and forth.

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You do get too many. They paced the quest giving horribly by just giving you everything at once at every quest hub.


Are you kidding? I am constantly having to run back to a location to get quests that only open up after I finish some others I got at the same place...

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Are you serious?

Skip stuff and run it with an alt later.

There is hardly nothing worse about an MMO with a quest shortage (*coughAIONcough*) forcing you to have to farm to reach the next set.

C'mon, you're just looking for a reason to complain.


Age of Conan had the same issue as Aion. Not enough side quests such that you had to "kill pigs in the forest" to level enough for the main quest. I like the way side quests are implemented such that you can do most of them en route to other quests, or in the same areas. The side quests also give the story more depth.

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I am not new to the genre. It being normal doesn't mean it isn't broken. It was WoW that really introduced this. MMORPGS before WoW had relatively few quests, and their problem was too much grinding.


Point me to a MMORPG with PVE like Dark Souls, and I'll go play that.

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It's a side-effect of non-linearity. Here are a bunch of goals, do them as you will. If it was one quest and then another the game would be much more linear and feel like it was on rails.


This is a false dichotomy. Having important worthwhile quests in different areas of the game is possible without making the game linear. In any case, completing a quest hub before moving to the next quest-hub already feels on rails.


If anything, it's a combination of poor design decisions. The reason all my quests go to the same area is probably because mobs are very level dependent and higher level mobs are going to destroy me (This is a guess. I got the game yesterday, got to level 7, and had to stop because I was bored).


This isn't true of games like Asheron's Call 1 where there are many worthwhile quests in completely different areas and you always fight mobs from a wide level range.

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I am not new to the genre. It being normal doesn't mean it isn't broken. It was WoW that really introduced this. MMORPGS before WoW had relatively few quests, and their problem was too much grinding.


Point me to a MMORPG with PVE like Dark Souls, and I'll go play that.


I would recommend you go play it now then, the genre will not be changing from this format.

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Is there anything stopping you from doing the main quest first and then doing the other quests afterwards, before you leave for Couscant? They'l still be there afterwards. But know that some are at your story location and doing them afterwards isn't as efficient.


For me, I get all the quests and do them in order as I move toward the main objective. It constitutes travel time. and when i finally head back to town I turn them all in and get the next batch. Unlike you, if I just did story quests back to back to back - THAT - would ruin my immersion. I like travel time and having a sense of journey.

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