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[KOTFE] [Game Update 4.0] [LevelSync] Questions about level sync


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After listening to the Ootinicast episode 226 and watching the livestream, I had some questions.


1) How will level sync work on planets with wide divisions in the level range because of bonus series? I'm thinking specifically of Nar Shaadaa, Alderaan, Belsavis, and Hoth. These are all planets where the bonus series is designed to be several levels AFTER the main leveling experience. Belsavis' "bonus series" is actually the level 50 daily quest chain introduction ... I'm not referring to Section X which is a separate zone.

a) Will level sync be applied by planetary regions to account for this, and change relative to the region?

b) Or, has the bonus series be lowered to be in line with the rest of the planet (meaning the daily area of Belsavis is now lowered)?

This has significant implications both in terms of obtaining datacrons in those areas of the planet designed for higher levels as well as completing the Belsavis dailies... If we are level sync'd down to 38, we'd never be able to do the belsavis dailies. It also has implications for the areas that have been terraformed by the Seeds of Dread for the Seeker Droid series of missions ... again, we would never be able to complete these if we are lowered to the level of the planet.

EDIT: There is also Gargath on Hoth, the tauntaun lure stuff on Hoth (luring a tauntaun to defend spawns level 55 elite mob), Primal Destroyer on Belsavis (connected to the daily area), our bounty henchmen/kingpin missions during Bounty Contract weeks, etc.


Please do not use this thread to complain about why level sync needs to be optional.


Thank you, developers, in advance for your replies.

Edited by phalczen
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Also, class quests take you to instances on low level planets, an inquisitor for example goes to back Dromund Kaas around level 30 and Korriban at level 50. Will the opponents be synced down to the planet's max level too, will the level sync be disabled in those instances or will we be unable to continue with our class quests because we can't even scratch the opponent? Edited by Mubrak
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Hopefully folks that beta tested leveled characters and addressed any problems. Eg start of BH chapter 2 (so level 35ish) takes you through a heroic area of Drummond Kaas to an instanced area for the class quest. At level 35 you can cruise through but at level 18 you may not.


So likely they'll have to put in one of those insta zone buttons or something because otherwise you'd be scaled to 18 going through that heroic area. It's probably possible to path through undetected, but may not be easy.

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My guess is that ALL content on a planet will be brought down to the normal level of the planet.


Content will be accessed by level, but the level will stay the same as the planet.


Example... Planet A maxes at level 20, but has a bonus series at level 40. Do missions on Planet A and keep going. At level 40 you unlock the Planet A bonus series and go back to do it. You get sync'd down to level 20, and the bonus content mobs will be at level 20.


So your level does matter, as the bonus content is locked away until you reach a higher level.

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So let me get this straight... there will be no more tackling Heroics Missions "solo" on any given planet because of this level sync? Argh, so many questions - where to even begin?


Slightly off-topic, but as presented by Musco's level 60 merc just strolling through a heroic area on Dromund Kaas even with level-sync to 18, I don't think its going to be a problem. You get to "keep"


1. Beefed up versions of your abilities (for example, Blazing Bolts instead of Unload, or Depredating Volts instead of Force Lightning).

2. Set bonuses from operations gear

3. The proc effects from relics that proc

4. Passives from your discipline that you've already earned

5. Bonuses from datacrons, including...

6. ... all those presence datacrons and legacy presence bonuses for your companion

7. bonuses from all your utilities

8. based on screenshots of the livestream, it looks like Secondary Stats (accuracy, critical, defense rating, etc.) are not affected either


Not to mention that all the Heroic 4's have been nerfed to H2's. So I don't think it will be a problem ... unless you are level sync'd down to 28 and trying to kill the Killiks in the level 40 bonus series area on Alderaan, or level 28 on Tatooine trying to do the level 55 Seeker droid mission, or any of the other countless examples already presented in replies above. Hence, the nature of the thread.

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This question is literally asked multiple times a day. We don't know yet and we didn't need another thread asking it yet again. ;)


Well the OP obviously felt they needed to post the question as opposed to searching, so your post, like mine, is worthless. Who cares if someone makes another thread?



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This question is literally asked multiple times a day. We don't know yet and we didn't need another thread asking it yet again. ;)


Seeing as how its been two days and I had to go all the way back to page 10 just to find my thread, let alone "this question," I'd say your comment was premature and inaccurate.


Any chance a yellow could reply to this?

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