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Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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The link doesn't even go to a poll anyway. It's just a spam link to bring traffic to the site.


Because you can't link to just the poll. Scroll down a bit. The info is just a couple wheel spins down but I listed the info if people don't want to go there. I get nothing out of it either way.

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Seeing as how it's still rather easy anyway given the video. It's a rather stupid forced change that really doesn't accomplish making anything harder like you seem to think it does.


Lets not try and fix what isn't broken.


There's risk involved in the new system, even if it's really really small. The old system carries zero risk in most cases on the early planets. You guys are freaking out over that slight increase because change hurts sometimes.

And I would say that the system was indeed broken by design changes BW made over the years. Besides materials, there was no reason to revisit starter worlds. There were no achievements, and and reward comms were planet specific. If anything, this system should have been devised when those changes were made.

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There's risk involved in the new system, even if it's really really small.


Glad we agree that it's really really small. Lets not pretend it's some change that happened because it made things only technically harder when the truth is, it's still face roll content.


So in the end we have this change that wasn't need as a forced on everyone to accomplish what they wanted. Which was not really changed at all.


The old system carries zero risk in most cases on the early planets. You guys are freaking out over that slight increase because change hurts sometimes.


The new system carries zero risk if you watched the video. Lets not support trying to fix something that was never broken in the first place.


And I would say that the system was indeed broken by design changes BW made over the years. Besides materials, there was no reason to revisit starter worlds. There were no achievements, and and reward comms were planet specific. If anything, this system should have been devised when those changes were made.


Sorry but the leveling system this game used was never broken. It isn't broken here nor in a more popular game thats been around longer and is more successful than SWTOR. Both are so so similar SWTOR has been called a copy of it. there is plenty of reason to go back. Just none you like. Be it farming, achievement, comms for more money or trying to get gear for appearance tab for as my kids like to do. Just go back and have a bit of fun and entertainment because it looks "F"ing cool to see a jedi block all those attacks. Sometimes it's the simple things.


Don't fix it if it isn't broken and especially when you didn't make enough difference to matter but still forced it on everyone. That needs to be an optional feature.

Edited by Quraswren
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Because you can't link to just the poll. Scroll down a bit. The info is just a couple wheel spins down but I listed the info if people don't want to go there. I get nothing out of it either way.




Yeah if you are looking at the level sync poll just below the SWTOR article, that is indeed for WoW, not for SWTOR.

Edited by Faelandaea
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I'm not entirely sure I grasp what this level sync really means for playability. I'm all for level sync with operations and flashpoints, but every planet seems a bit extreme at first glance. I'm sure it seems that way because we're looking at it from the prespective of the here and now in game, and in 4.0 so much is changing that it could be fine. Is there a "maybe it's good maybe it's bad" option? I choose that one.
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I'm not entirely sure I grasp what this level sync really means for playability.


No one will until we actually play it. People are jumping to all kinds of conclusions when they have never experienced such a system in their life, and thus they are in panic mode.


I'm sure it seems that way because we're looking at it from the prespective of the here and now in game, and in 4.0 so much is changing that it could be fine. Is there a "maybe it's good maybe it's bad" option? I choose that one.


Yup. This. We'll all know if it is good or bad once we get to judge for ourselves online :)

Edited by Faelandaea
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I'm not entirely sure I grasp what this level sync really means for playability. I'm all for level sync with operations and flashpoints, but every planet seems a bit extreme at first glance. I'm sure it seems that way because we're looking at it from the prespective of the here and now in game, and in 4.0 so much is changing that it could be fine. Is there a "maybe it's good maybe it's bad" option? I choose that one.

That absolutely should be an option and the one I am in the camp for. Implementation will judge whether it is a good move or bad move.

Edited by azudelphi
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Glad we agree that it's really really small. Lets not pretend it's some change that happened because it made things only technically harder when the truth is, it's still face roll content.


So in the end we have this change that wasn't need as a forced on everyone to accomplish what they wanted. Which was not really changed at all.


The new system carries zero risk if you watched the video. Lets not support trying to fix something that was never broken in the first place.


Sorry but the leveling system this game used was never broken. It isn't broken here nor in a more popular game thats been around longer and is more successful than SWTOR. Both are so so similar SWTOR has been called a copy of it. there is plenty of reason to go back. Just none you like. Be it farming, achievement, comms for more money or trying to get gear for appearance tab for as my kids like to do. Just go back and have a bit of fun and entertainment because it looks "F"ing cool to see a jedi block all those attacks. Sometimes it's the simple things.


Don't fix it if it isn't broken and especially when you didn't make enough difference to matter but still forced it on everyone. That needs to be an optional feature.


The video I saw showed a decently geared 60 sync'd to DK content that was never very tough to begin with.


Leveling isn't broken, but to changes to comms and the addition of achievements made returning to old content more viable than it was originally. There are plenty of reasons to go back now, and I suspect there will be more stuff added in the future, and the change is necessary so you don't have level 65s spamming the 1 key through all of their new hard work.

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His points are reasonably sound actually, it amazes me how many people are bothered by this.


The system wide change opens so many doors for BW to implement future events and incentives for level capped players to participate in said events with players of all level ranges, allowing everyone to benefit from.


Making it optional is irrelevant as there is virtually no reason to roam around these planets if the above point ends up not being true (I fully expect bio ware to create events that send players to various planets with this feature intact). Seriously, what angle are the anti sync people taking here?


• it's immersion breaking? you are powerful and should feel it?

• reduced speed in farming acheivments, rep or credits?


You are synced to one level before the mobs would go grey to you with your entire arsenal of abilties. You will steam roll everything regardless ffs. or do you want the slight boost in convenience with not aggroing mobs?


If the only reason you have for doing level sync is potential events in the future, then you really have no argument at all since we've seen plenty of new events created without level sync and there are pieces in place to continue doing so. For a game moving so much towards solo content, making it harder to play completely solo seems counterintuitive.

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The video I saw showed a decently geared 60 sync'd to DK content that was never very tough to begin with.


Then again, lets not fix things are aren't broken or change that really don't change things.


Leveling isn't broken, but to changes to comms and the addition of achievements made returning to old content more viable than it was originally. There are plenty of reasons to go back now, and I suspect there will be more stuff added in the future, and the change is necessary so you don't have level 65s spamming the 1 key through all of their new hard work.


An all of that can be supported as an option. Participate or not. Run it the old way or the new with better rewards. the bacis comms do not change enough to be particularly worth while for very long to warrant a forced down leveling all the time, 24/7. Achievement hunting doesn't get changed baring it now takes more time and thats no reason to forced down leveling on everyone, always, nor is some imagined content you hope to happen.




Yeah if you are looking at the level sync poll just below the SWTOR article, that is indeed for WoW, not for SWTOR.


Now go back and read the rest of what I said and the reason for the 2 comparisons and why it's worth taking a look at.

SWTOR is called a wow clone for a reason like it or not.

Edited by Quraswren
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Who cares? You think people are going to give up their easy mode without complaining? That's not a surprise.


You keep saying stuff like this, but it makes no sense. What are these players getting currently by doing content they are overleveled for? Absolutely nothing besides some low level mats if they are leveling crafting or some personal achievements they missed while leveling. Nothing that has an impact on anyone else playing the game.


I honeslty couldn't care less about level sync in general, but I'm yet to see a reason for the change outside of allowing players to power level new characters faster. Just have your level 65 friend hop in your group and blast you through the planet while you get the same amount of XP you would get solo. Which today is prevented by the level 65 being in your group. I think that's more easy mode than me not having to fight every mob on Ord Mantell just to get 3 datacrons on a level 60 character that started on Tython.

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I just finished chapter one in the SI class story. I had to go back to NS and DK as a mandatory part of the story. I had to go to a location on DK that required traveling through a heroic area, then to the dark temple, then back to the location past the heroic area. This took long enough as it is (just being able to speeder past the enemy NPCs). Having to actually fight my way through a heroic area twice (not to mention the mob infested dark temple) just to get to the location required for the class story, while I'm focused on completing the class story missions and not at all interested in completing the heroic, would just be an aggravation and a waste of time. The fact that the fights might be easy notwithstanding.

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I just finished chapter one in the SI class story. I had to go back to NS and DK as a mandatory part of the story. I had to go to a location on DK that required traveling through a heroic area, then to the dark temple, then back to the location past the heroic area. This took long enough as it is (just being able to speeder past the enemy NPCs). Having to actually fight my way through a heroic area twice (not to mention the mob infested dark temple) just to get to the location required for the class story, while I'm focused on completing the class story missions and not at all interested in completing the heroic, would just be an aggravation and a waste of time. The fact that the fights might be easy notwithstanding.


You did something wrong as far as navigation goes.


I have done all class stories multiple times. At no time has a class story EVER required you to travel through or even close to a Heroic area. Having already been done with the planet, all quick travel locations were probably open to you so you could easily make it to where you needed to go without crossing any Heroic areas.

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If the only reason you have for doing level sync is potential events in the future, then you really have no argument at all since we've seen plenty of new events created without level sync and there are pieces in place to continue doing so. For a game moving so much towards solo content, making it harder to play completely solo seems counterintuitive.


This just shows your utter and complete lack of forethought. The events that occur bolster low level players, force lvl appropriate mob spawns, and/or tuck the event away in a specific area of a planet.


There is absolutely an argument, a very good one you are obviously incapable of grasping that would suggest that with this system, BW has far more range to implement activities that can span far more area on a a given planet/s without having to worry about mob spawn triggered Ala bounty week or scaling mobs down in key small specific areas Ala rakghoul.


I'm not going to pretend I know what BW has in the works, but it's borderline ignorant to think there is no argument that this system will in fact give BW more freedom to create all inclusive events that players of all ranges can participate together and benefit from together.

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I've posted once in a few threads now that it's pretty clear I do not support the changes on this particular mechanic as shown.


But I want to take some time out just to point out one thing being a game vet going back to SWG days (2003 or so).


The reason forums explode is because a few of us have learned from experience that if a mechanic makes it to live there is seldom a rollback (removal of the mechanic) if more people wind up disliking it than liking it. That's why we will try to voice opinions (once we're told about them) before they go live. Because then it's too late most of the time and we're stuck with something that may actually turn us off of the game.


This is why some of the more grizzled mmorpg vets will be very vocal (myself included) because there is no promise of adjusting it "after we see how this goes" because we know we're stuck with it then. And this particular items does fall under a drastic game change since it affects everywhere you go in game.


I still think we're beating a dead horse though because I do believe this is going live no matter what any of us say (supporting it or not). But hopefully the supporters can understand where a chunk of the non-supporters are coming from.

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I'd just like to get a feel of the forums general temperature about this change, just a simple for or against with no childish insults from either side to muddy the waters.
=who likes level sync and who doesn't?


Well actually I'd like it better if we could choose. Yes, yes, I know this would be "quite demanding" grindig as a 65 on a low level area. But if people want it that way, why not? More freedoom fo the peephole!:cool:

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But I want to take some time out just to point out one thing being a game vet going back to SWG days (2003 or so).


Dang it, there are about, ...how many years since SWG was shut down, 5 or already 7? Why are there still people who are relly beliving any mechanic from SWG would work on SWTOR? Please understand the entire setup is totally different. You want apples to taste like bananas and look like cavages. So, let me explain it in understandable words: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! SWG dead! Do not necrofile that corpse.:p

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AGAINST level sync unless it's optional. Didn't like it in GW2 (lots of hassle just running around) and don't want to see it included in SWTOR unless it's to help a buddy level. (IE: Optional and only valid reason to have it) Edited by dscount
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You did something wrong as far as navigation goes.


I have done all class stories multiple times. At no time has a class story EVER required you to travel through or even close to a Heroic area. Having already been done with the planet, all quick travel locations were probably open to you so you could easily make it to where you needed to go without crossing any Heroic areas.


I'm open to the possibility but I don't see how I could have avoided it. The Sith Inquisitor has to go to a tomb in a cave that is at the very western end of the east-west solid yellow path leading out from the Kaas Expansion District (approx: -1360,48). The closest quick travel locations are the Kaas City Expansion or Outpost Warden. Either way you have to pass through the area of the Friends of Old heroic which includes the entire area between the cave, the Kaas City Expansion and the imperial camp back up the ramp where there's a medical droid. I just checked when I read your post. I got the heroic mission and when you hover over the spinner on the map, the area of the heroic mission includes the entire area in front of the cave. If you can tell me how to get to the cave without traveling through the heroic area my next Sith Inquisitor would be very appreciative. :)

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Dang it, there are about, ...how many years since SWG was shut down, 5 or already 7? Why are there still people who are relly beliving any mechanic from SWG would work on SWTOR? Please understand the entire setup is totally different. You want apples to taste like bananas and look like cavages. So, let me explain it in understandable words: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! SWG dead! Do not necrofile that corpse.:p


My post really had nothing to do with the game itself more than it did to give you a time frame. IE... been playing mmorpgs since 2003-ish to know how patch mechanics going live works. ;)

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