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Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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Level sync is great when done right. Keeps the game playable everywhere you go. There's literally no valid reason to make it optional as long as it is done correctly.


Who is to say it is not yet done correctly? I still have a feeling that once people start playing their characters they will realize this is not as bad as they think it looks on paper. I think some folks are fearing this, actually, which is why a lot of responses on the other side are turning to flames and crazed defensiveness.


it's purely to offset the advanced leveling pace that is also being implemented (i.e. pretty much making 12x XP permanent and mandatory).


Link to the source, please, because the last stream (September 30th) which you watched stated clearly that 12x is going away on the 19th. 12x will probably not be seen again until the next major expansion buzz.

Edited by Faelandaea
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Link to the source, please, because the last stream (September 30th) which you watched stated clearly that 12x is going away on the 19th. 12x will probably not be seen again until the next major expansion buzz.


It's a part of the "streamlined leveling." I believe they mention it in the Combat blog from Friday, and Musco even said that the new leveling pace is essentially the same as 12x XP, except in the case of 4.0, it includes the main Planetary Arcs as well as the core class stories in the livestream.

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Who is to say it is not yet done correctly? I still have a feeling that once people start playing their characters they will realize this is not as bad as they think it looks on paper. I think some folks are fearing this, actually, which is why a lot of responses on the other side are turning to flames and crazed defensiveness.


Why do so many posts in defense of mandatory sync have to come down to "and here's a supposed, presumed, assumed fault in the opposition that can dismiss their opposition as being based on"?


At any rate... it will always be as bad as it looks on paper. Any amount of levelsync is too much.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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It's a part of the "streamlined leveling." I believe they mention it in the Combat blog from Friday, and Musco even said that the new leveling pace is essentially the same as 12x XP, except in the case of 4.0, it includes the main Planetary Arcs as well as the core class stories in the livestream.


It closer amounts to 6x XP since you have to do the planetary arc to get the full benefit of 12x. Its 12x for double the content.

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It's a part of the "streamlined leveling." I believe they mention it in the Combat blog from Friday, and Musco even said that the new leveling pace is essentially the same as 12x XP, except in the case of 4.0, it includes the main Planetary Arcs as well as the core class stories in the livestream.


I'll re-watch the stream and see what I missed then.


Why do so many posts in defense of mandatory sync have to come down to "and here's a supposed, presumed, assumed fault in the opposition that can dismiss their opposition as being based on"?


At any rate... it will always be as bad as it looks on paper. Any amount of levelsync is too much.


I was just asking for a source. I explained that I had heard from Eric in the stream that 12x was indeed going away. It was one of the questions posed by a player he read in chat. He did explain that there were special quests with that purple icon that would be the "minimum for having to do to get to level cap" - and I presume I he meant that if you did not do Flashpoints or other side content. And then there are exploration missions in the usual tan, and dailies I think are taking the same tan but with arrows that remind me of a recycle logo.


If the purple missions are "accelerated", I missed it, and I'll check out the stream again, because I am not above going back and verifying information in case I misunderstood something.


Yeah I like the Sync, but I also support you in the suggestions for having instances for non-sync'd maps.


Bottom line: Those that hate this game so much will find something else to play. Those that don;t hate it will probably stay. This Sync thing IS going to lose BW some players. There's no denying that. On the other end of the spectrum, those players might be replaced by new players who like such a system.


It's so bloody complicated, which makes it unsurprising that there is so much controversy on the topic. I am a prime example as well. I'll admit it - if I had never heard of the Sync feature being announced, no harm/no foul. Then the announcement did come out and it got me excited, because I play other MMO games that have this system and I have seen it work SO well. Unfortunately, the feature got players as upset as it had me excited, creating a revolving door of tension in these threads that is pretty much palpable.


For those who are for ... AND for those who are against ... here's to hoping a solution comes around that doesn't keep the community torn in half.


Annnd there went my 10 minute break at work. Gah.

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It closer amounts to 6x XP since you have to do the planetary arc to get the full benefit of 12x. Its 12x for double the content.


I still don't want it though...


So White Accute Module won't work anymore? That I don't like, I always use it.


As for the matter of the thread, I'm all for it if its optional, don't want it as a forced feature.



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I am against because if I read this right then even the daily planets will be leveled based. So if you want to do for example the black hole then you cannot do the Heroic 4 solo so you have group again and you will have too wait and I don't like waiting. And I didn't do all that work on gearing and leveling just be always on the same level. Then leveling and gearing has far less meaning. And a lot of things will take a lot of time so after my sub runs out I am probably not gone sub again. Because I don't want to die on every planet again or forced to attack every mob in the way just go somewhere on a Low level planet.


There a lot of people If have seen hunting achievements on low level planets because they are afraid If they don't do it now then they will never to be able to get them all. They forgot a lot of people that play this game mostly solo and don't come to the forums and there voices will not be heard. And this will only bring a lot frustration to solo players and most importantly this will be a new reason for people too quit playing.

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I am ok with this change but I have to vote for an optional system, like Rift has.


Although it's anecdotal, I am not liking what I see around me. 9 members of the casual guild I am in ( really a large group if gaming friends) have left since Thursday. They like to out level a boss fight for their class quests if they're having a rough time. Which, is no longer an option for them now.


They don't come here and ask for it to be nerfed or anything. They just level up more, then return to the quest later. That option is gone for them now. They're having nothing to do with the system ( which does not surprise me; some of them had tried GW2 with me, where I have a lot of characters, and they hated the level system there which is much like we are getting). They're off to another game (where a couple of them already had some characters).


In fact, they don't come here to object to this level sync. They just up and left, to go have fun.


So I am not really liking what I see happening. The change won't make me leave the game, but not everyone shares my point of view on it. So, I have some bad feelings about this now.

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I am ok with this change but I have to vote for an optional system, like Rift has.



It's seems a good number of people think optional is the way to go.

Wow did a poll based on this very change in SWTOR. Nearly 49K people voting. Given SWTOr is called and seen in many ways a copy of wow, how the leveling system works and what not. It's a decent poll to look at and take from it what you will.


You'll have to scroll down a bit but take a look.


WOW poll based off down leveling from SWTOR

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It's seems a good number of people think optional is the way to go.

Wow did a poll based on this very change in SWTOR. Nearly 49K people voting. Given SWTOr is called and seen in many ways a copy of wow, how the leveling system works and what not. It's a decent poll to look at and take from it what you will.


You'll have to scroll down a bit but take a look.


WOW poll based off down leveling from SWTOR

I have no doubt that many players want their game to be easier, but that doesn't mean that it should be. The developers are the ultimate arbiter of how they best think their game should be presented, not the players.

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I'd prefer optional over a blanketed forced system that changes the game play dynamic.

I still feel like this entire change came about due to us asking for a mentoring system. They got it half right with the group xp changes they're proposing to go with. They're getting it wrong by forcing the level change on planetary scales. And by wrong I just mean a portion of us want to continue enjoying the game the way it currently is and switch to level sync if we want to help guildies or friends.


Personally, I think we're beating a dead horse. They'll push it live and ignore the feedback except that which supports what they want to push live at this point. For those that are going to do it... you don't need to post that you're leaving. If we don't like it... we can just unsub and go and the monetary loss will speak for itself. It'll be up to them to decide if they want to rollback at that point or retool it to an optional game mechanic.


I'm feeling more and more disgruntled over telling us about this mechanic only weeks before it's implementation now maybe more so than I am about the mechanic. Look up drastic game changing mechanics like the NGE and you'll see what I'm talking about.


Sorry, tl;dr post for me again... optional, optional, optional is always the best choice. :p

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After my moment of rage:p I come to the conclusion that this must be Optional for the most part. But things like the world boss can be level sync so that people need to group up for special stuff.


But I am a solo player and always will be a solo player, the people I play with are players I know in real life. And I liked this MMO because you could almost do everything solo. I also like achievement hunting but even when you are overpowered it takes a lot of time so I wont do that anymore. So I will have more and more reason not to play anymore.

And I love this game so much, put so much time in it, but what can you do:rolleyes:


But the true problem is that fallout 4 is coming out and all the mmo's are afraid that a lot of people or gone leave or stop there sub for several months. You can see on the release dates of new games of expansions everything is rushed so they can bring it out before fallout 4. I am also thinking about letting my sub run out and play fallout 4 where you only have to buy the game and never have to sub. And where all the patches are only for bug fixes and expansion what brings more content without changing it.

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You can see on the release dates of new games of expansions everything is rushed so they can bring it out before fallout 4.

October and November are very common months for games/expansions to come out because of the impending Christmas holiday.

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if its optional i am all for it. let people choose if they want to downscale or not.


as for me: i like to solo FPs in normal or HM, for achievements or decorations.. this change is going to take it away..


on the other hand i am going to take a look what it is going to be like... but not being able to solo the FP's is hitting me and my play style hard.


but like i said: optional.. anytime. let people choose, just like they can do with the 12x EXP...

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