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Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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I would be for optional, but I don't really feel it being that much of a big deal to me. Only thing I'm kind of upset about is I can't run money farming heriocs solo anymore, and not being able to run the HM flashpoint for HK 51 alone. Edited by Nickious
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Level sync as an option; as it's described now, having it mandatory in the state in which it is described is both insufficiently specified (Alderaan main story area 32, bonus area 44, GSI/seeker droid/macrobinocular missions 55, bounty missions anywhere from 28 to 60) and broken (you want to play with your friend, whose level-15 character just left Coruscant for Taris, so you take your level-60 character to Taris and get synced to 25, making the two of you 10 levels apart, so your friend won't get XP).


I can see where making it mandatory for PvP would be beneficial; that takes away much of the 'no risk, infantile self-actualization' motive of the people whose self-worth is measured by how fast their level 60 character decked out in BiS gear can gank level-15 characters who can't possibly defend themselves. Gear imbalance and scaled abilities will still give the advantage to a high-level ganker, but they won't be able to run around completely immune to everything but someone of comparable level. It would force everyone on a PvP server to have it on all the time, but I don't see a good solution that doesn't restore the opportunity for unopposable ganking.


With people complaining about level-capped players soloing WBs, taking away the ability of lower-level groups to take them on, I can see where having the area where a WB spawns be an area where level-sync gets turned on automatically, with the same sort of ten-second warning that you get for PvP-flagging if you go into an opposite-faction area. That would make the WBs much more difficult to solo, returning them to being opponents that you collected a large group to take down.


I can also see where -- if syncing were optional and fixed so that you can't find yourself in situations where, despite the high-level player being synced, the low-level player in a team is still too low to get XP -- a team composed of a mix of multiple high- and low-level players would need to have syncing be an all-or-nothing thing; if you had two level 60s teamed with two level 15s, if one of the 60s was synced, the other 60 should be synced as well, making it an option that would be set by the group leader.


Having it be optional and reworked so that it functions correctly to let you play your high-level characters with your friends' low-level characters would be a good thing; making it mandatory for everyone everywhere is, as I see it, a Procrustean Bed where Bioware is, for all intents and purposes, saying "You're not having fun the right way, so we're going to force you to have fun the way we want you to have fun".

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Level sync as an option; as it's described now, having it mandatory in the state in which it is described is both insufficiently specified (Alderaan main story area 32, bonus area 44, GSI/seeker droid/macrobinocular missions 55, bounty missions anywhere from 28 to 60) and broken (you want to play with your friend, whose level-15 character just left Coruscant for Taris, so you take your level-60 character to Taris and get synced to 25, making the two of you 10 levels apart, so your friend won't get XP)..


It of course remains to be seen but I'd be surprised if they didn't enforce 1 sync level per planet and just change the level of the Bonus Series etc so they match the planet sync level. That approach would also at least somewhat explain why it's mandatory.

Edited by MFollin
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If it´s GW2 type level downsync that dynamically adjust your level to the current area inside a map (planet in TOR´s case) then I´m all for it.

But if it´s the half-:csw_deathstar_un:ssd way above poster describes than I will spend my time somewhere else.

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I'd just like to get a feel of the forums general temperature about this change, just a simple for or against with no childish insults from either side to muddy the waters.


I think this is my first post on these forums. I have been here since beta, and yes I am a subscriber. I do not like how they asked us to sub for gifts on the expansions launch day. Then tell us they are pulling a NGE type stunt on us . I am against lvl syncing but I am ok with it, if it is optional lvl syncing. I will give it until expansion launch, if they do not make it optional then I will just unsub.



The only way to get your point across is through a drop in sub numbers. I was a beta Star wars Galaxies player and went through all the phases SOE put us through. (Start till end.) You bought a game and you pay a monthly sub. If you are not happy unsub . That is the only way you will be heard. Good Luck people .

Edited by Suffolk
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It's a necessary conquest nerf. They've shown by their behavior in the past that high CP/hour tasks by means of repetitive tasks were not what they intended (the "Black Talon nerf"). Slowing down heroics will actually help with some absurd results in conquest while still leaving heroics as an option for the player who needs heroics to get one toon to 25k. The other alternative would be to remove heroics as a means of CP (not advisable for people with weird schedules or on dead servers).


As a conquest nerf, it makes sense that it would not be optional; conquest people would just opt out.

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Does anyone still care about conquest? Honest questions, I see "no one controls" messages a lot on planets now.


If this is about conquest, then what we're getting is yet another version of what segment of the game mucking things up for the rest of us -- the most classic example would be the constant tweaking of classes that goes on related solely to PvP concerns.

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Does anyone still care about conquest? Honest questions, I see "no one controls" messages a lot on planets now.


If this is about conquest, then what we're getting is yet another version of what segment of the game mucking things up for the rest of us -- the most classic example would be the constant tweaking of classes that goes on related solely to PvP concerns.


Ebon Hawk still does conquest with the top 3 still being millions away from the number 4 spot, or rather I would say Darbin Sull still does conquest.

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Does anyone still care about conquest? Honest questions, I see "no one controls" messages a lot on planets now.


If this is about conquest, then what we're getting is yet another version of what segment of the game mucking things up for the rest of us -- the most classic example would be the constant tweaking of classes that goes on related solely to PvP concerns.


"No one controls" is down to several factors though. If the guild who latest conquered a planet conquers another planet, noone else can control the first planet until it's included in a Conquest week. With planets like Rishi and Yavin not having been included in Conquest week for months, chances are they're not controlled by anyone regardless of how much activity there is.

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Does anyone still care about conquest? Honest questions, I see "no one controls" messages a lot on planets now.


If this is about conquest, then what we're getting is yet another version of what segment of the game mucking things up for the rest of us -- the most classic example would be the constant tweaking of classes that goes on related solely to PvP concerns.


Largely, this is a "big server issue". On Harb, there are probably 6 max size guilds that slug it out every week (I used to belong to one before I switched servers). Supporting my assertion, they are also nerfing crafting as a source of CP by capping ALL crafting to "single time only". On Harb, the "buy in" to win is 6-8 million points currently and on Shadowlands I believe it is 15-20 million points.


Leaving in heroics as a source of points is a service to the "non-peak" and/or "small server" player. Level sync in that context does not price out the 1-2 toon "minimum point" player but probably reduces scores by 30k per person (15 min/toon) for this strategy. So for every 3 hours of heroic grinding, one toon's worth of conquest is lost.

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