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Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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And all those arguments amount to pretty much the same thing, and pale in comparison to the benefits, even when added up.


Most amount to 'Oh no I fear change waaaa' if you look at what the person is saying.


Not trying to step on your toes or get you to see things my way, but the only true benefit for sync is exp for low lv quests and that's also assuming you (whoever) would even NEED exp. With the current system, loot still drops from low lv mobs (not 100% of the time, but enough to count) even on starter planets and aside from exp, quests give the full reward.


Aside from benefiting low lv players, sync is more irritating than useful, which most players will find out when it goes into effect.


Personally speaking, I didn't ask for sync and don't like the 'what I say goes' direction that this game seems to be headed toward (no offense intended BW).

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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Actually I have many. But instead of doing what EVERY thread has been doing and have list after list after list after list after long bloody list of reasons why we may or may not want something in the game, I propose we ALL band together and see if we can nudge BW to do the one compromise that would make both camps happy - mandatory level sync except for one special instanced map of the planet which is not under a sync system at all.


The people FOR mandatory sync are for it mainly for reasons concerning griefing (and by griefing i do NOT mean just PvP, but PvE griefing as well). And the people AGAINST the sync are mainly just wanting to god-mode LOL-STOMP all over random mobs. A separate instance for them and the sync for the main instances would make both sides happy.


Thank Max for that idea. He mentioned it in another thread.

While I am all for any option that allows for more gameplay options with level sync, we also have to think in terms of practicality, and what can be reasonably and feasibly accomplished within the current limitations of the server infrastructure we have.


The For/Against reasons you mentioned are an oversimplification of a situation that is really not that simple. It's not just about stopping griefing nor is it just about roflstomping. In either case, what we have thus far witnessed with the system shows that it is woefully ineffective for what the people looking forward to the system want out of it, and for those against, while it will appears to still allow for roflstomping, it just makes it more of a annoyance than anything else, and still does not solve the other issues that people have with the forced system.


So while I am behind having separate instances, and if BW can pull that off, then great. But that's only a start, hence my desire to get everything out in the open and work out the solutions point by point.


We know that there are simpler and more effective ways of stopping the OPvP griefing and WB griefing than level sync can ever provide at this point. So what are the other issues? If we have 10 issues that are solved better on a case by case basis than using level sync or separate instances (and are easier and quicker to implement), then those are the solutions we should be pushing for. Let's just remember that no solution is perfect, and there will always be griefing because that's what some players live for.

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And all those arguments amount to pretty much the same thing, and pale in comparison to the benefits, even when added up.


Most amount to 'Oh no I fear change waaaa' if you look at what the person is saying.


So in other words, you're just here to distort people's statements, ignore their actual positions, and disparage and demean their opinions based on half-truths and untruths?



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I love how it keeps coming back to "Against = ROFLSTOMP" as the only reason as summarized by PRO Sync.


As I've stated before, WHY I'd like to see optional:

  1. Not because I want to ROFLSTOMP add's or WB's - Did that already, why would I again
  2. Not because I go PVP grief (Cause you can do that still even with Level-sync)
  3. I want to visit planets and collect materials without agro of mobs (Like today)
  4. I want to PLAY the game my way (I love crafting), but not have some stupid system in place slowing it (GRIND)
  5. I've no doubt that BW is going to screw this up. Note: PVP Bolster took months to resolve
  6. More and more "QA done on boss XYZ" conversations confirms BW has not fleshed out Level-Sync
  7. I did GW2 with level sync and it sucked and added more frustration than was worth it.
  8. I don't care about the H2 Rewards anyways so I'll likely not be using them.
  9. I do want ONE feature of OPTIONAL and that's to once in a blue moon help a fellow guildie level up. (That is the ONLY value add this entire change has.)
  10. Every new player to the game is going to HATE grinding 1000 kills for each companion now. Sad for them, but I've already done most of mine and will wrap up any lose ends prior to 4.0 if level sync happens.
  11. I took the time to level MOST of my characters to 60 without 12xp and slightly annoyed that johnny NEWBIE that just got the game yesterday can roll a new character and have almost equal challenge killing stuff next to me with Level Sync.
  12. Level sync (If BW's gift to SWTOR Users you claim it to be) doesn't UP LEVEL you to new planets you have not reached, then why should it DOWN LEVEL me to planets I've already seen?

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Level synch = time sink.


Stupid idea and seeing as how bolster has never worked properly I hold out zero hope that this will be done properly. While we may be stuck with it in a couple weeks, i'm willing to bet it wont last much past the arrival of the new movie this December.


Once that doesn't bring in the hope for piles of new blood to SWTOR, BW is gonna have to do something to reach out to all those of us that have dropped our subs because of dumb reworks like level synch.

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It's not just about stopping griefing nor is it just about roflstomping.


Yup. We could only speculate on the reasoning until that Comic Con video. And now it is verified. It was NOT about griefing or rolfstomping, though when we were requesting a Sync feature in the past these were reasons we brought to the devs about it.


However they verified in the Comic Con video that their reasons are, specifically, "to prepare these planets for special events and other additions they are making in the future." What those are, they will not say. So in truth, no one will know the true effectiveness of Sync until:


  1. The players play the game and experience the environment for themselves.
  2. The devs release whatever this future content is they are preparing the planets for.


I still think people are being overly dramatic about this. No, I am NOT saying it is wrong to dislike the idea, but making it seem like "everything is ruined" because of this is a bit dramatic. We may as well at least try it and see. It's happening. Early Access is in but a week. It's committed. So now we are at a point of, "We've stated our opinions, now let's lee how valid those opinions are in reality instead of just on paper."


And I am NOT just addressing just the "Against This" group. I am addressing the "Support This" as well. We really need to experience the changes for ourselves and see if they are as good OR as bad as we are imagining/speculating they are going to be.

Edited by Faelandaea
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Yup. We could only speculate on the reasoning until that Comic Con video. And now it is verified. It was NOT about griefing or rolfstomping, though when we were requesting a Sync feature in the past these were reasons we brought to the devs about it.


However they verified in the Comic Con video that their reasons are, specifically, "to prepare these planets for special events and other additions they are making in the future." What those are, they will not say. So in truth, no one will know the true effectiveness of Sync until:


  1. The players play the game and experience the environment for themselves.
  2. The devs release whatever this future content is they are preparing the planets for.


I still think people are being overly dramatic about this. No, I am NOT saying it is wrong to dislike the idea, but making it seem like "everything is ruined" because of this is a bit dramatic. We may as well at least try it and see. It's happening. Early Access is in but a week. It's committed. So now we are at a point of, "We've stated our opinions, now let's lee how valid those opinions are in reality instead of just on paper."


And I am NOT just addressing just the "Against This" group. I am addressing the "Support This" as well. We really need to experience the changes for ourselves and see if they are as good OR as bad as we are imagining/speculating they are going to be.


Well, for some of us, levelsync does ruin the game (especially when combined with the companion changes, the crafting changes, etc), and the more we know about why they're doing it, the less sense any of this makes.


Why should those of us who are in that position be patient about a change that's doing nothing to make the game better for us, what's being imposed now for the sake of a bunch of "maybe someday" content that could well be even less interesting than KotFE itself? Other than Bounty Week, and the Gree, I avoid the events like the damn plague anyway, and at least one of those two events (Bounties) is going to be made less enjoyable (more tedium and slog) by levelsync.


You're right, it's too late for optional levelsync to happen in 4.0 launch. 4.1 or 4.2, months down the road, IF they feel like they've driven too many people away, IF they're able to admit they made a mistake.


However, there's absolutely nothing and absolutely no detail in levelsync that could make it any less-bad for some of us than we've been saying it is. Mandatory level-sync is literally a poison pill for some of us.


And at this point, even if I tested it out like mad, and came back and said "yeap, didn't like it at all", the usual trolls and griefers would just say "well you were determined to not like it, so your opinion doesn't count, and also you're a bad players, etc, ha ha ha, QQ we love your tears, ha ha ha, etc."

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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YHowever they verified in the Comic Con video that their reasons are, specifically, "to prepare these planets for special events and other additions they are making in the future." What those are, they will not say. So in truth, no one will know the true effectiveness of Sync until:


Where did Musco say this exactly? Because upon re-watching the video, the only explanation for level sync was for the mentoring aspect of it. Neither the video or the blog ever mention using level sync for future content on the planets - which again, would not make sense for the storyline, since the old planets occur in the past, and changing them to reflect "current time" events would necessitate rewriting the vanilla story for a few of the classes.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Where did Musco say this exactly? Because upon re-watching the video, the only explanation for level sync was for the mentoring aspect of it. Neither the video or the blog ever mention using level sync for future content on the planets - which again, would not make sense for the storyline, since the old planets occur in the past, and changing them to reflect "current time" events would necessitate rewriting the vanilla story for a few of the classes.


It's to the point where maybe Bioware is seeing the reaction and just throwing reasons out hoping something will appease those who aren't happy about mandatory.

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Where did Musco say this exactly? Because upon re-watching the video, the only explanation for level sync was for the mentoring aspect of it. Neither the video or the blog ever mention using level sync for future content on the planets - which again, would be antithesis to the storyline, since the old planets occur in the past, and changing them to reflect "current time" events would necessitate rewriting the vanilla story for a few of the classes.


Just a note, in no way am I disagreeing with you on those points. I was just mentioning what I heard in the video. It was toward the end, when the funny looking girl was interviewing the lead designer. I forget his name. Michael something. Guy with a hat. Uhm, let me transcribe that part ...



Time stamp: 44:58


Funny looking girl: "Describe Level Synch for us."


Michael: **laughs and sighs** I hear that Level Sync is the Death and Revival of Star Wars: The Old Republic. I don't know where I may have caught that rumor. But level Sync, for those who don't know, Level Sync is our ability to Sync you down to a planet's maximum level or close to it, and so that content becomes relevant for you as you play through it. And one of the big reasons we did it was: we want you to be able to re-visit some of these worlds, play with a lot of your friends, but also still feel powerful. So as players start to play through it, they're going to start to notice that, even though their level might be 28 or 30, and the level sync for the planet was maybe 26, they're still going to have all of their discipline abilities, all of their passives, so they're still going to feel much more powerful than they used to. But, again, in just very basic terms, Level Sync is us bringing you down close to the level cap of the planet so that content again becomes relevant, and it let's us send you back to a planet for a number of reasons that may be coming.


LOL - "I don't know where I may have caught that rumor" - Forums much? :)


In other words, they are planning more stuff for those planets in the future. Granted, yes, he said "May", but I think we just got teased about some new events that may be arriving eventually.


It also sounds like by "relevant" they are wanting players to be more on par with equality during special events so that everyone may take part, not just high levels and not just low levels. Special events would make all content accessible as long as the player has managed to make it at least as far as that planet, but not in a way that high levels can come in and sweep-clear the mobs for the event in mass droves leaving low level players standing there scratching their heads.


~shrug~ What he said sounds reasonable to me. I'm willing to give it a chance at least. Again, let's just see what it is like.


EDITED 50,000 times because I was "Submit" happy.

Edited by Faelandaea
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Given that certain events already send us back to planets without worrying about level-cap, I think this is either a red-herring from Bioware, or just them going off their collective rocker.


Or it's actually them planning for future events based around Level Sync. It's not that hard to believe.

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Just a note, in no way am I disagreeing with you on those points. I was just mentioning what I heard in the video. It was toward the end, when the funny looking girl was interviewing the lead designer. I forget his name. Michael something. Guy with a hat. Uhm, let me transcribe that part ...




LOL - " I don't know where I may have caught that rumor" - Forums much? :)


In other words, they are planning more stuff for those planets in the future. Granted, yes, he said "May", but I think we just got teased about some new events that may be arriving eventually.


Yeah, I saw that as well. Again, it seems the primary excuse is for mentoring. It may be me, but I don't read too much into that "may be coming" comment - that's pretty much standard PR speak for *reasons* which translates into "we don't have anything in the works, or even planned, but this sounds good and keeps people interested."


Most certainly they can plan for future stuff around level sync - any and every game developer that has it in their game already does that - yes even the many that have the optional systems. Again, as even BW keeps reiterating - it's all about the story and the current design of the planets within the linear storyline will not allow for anything but new areas to be created specifically for new story content, therefore it negates the need to make level sync mandatory carte blanche and can simply be done on a quest by quest or zone by zone basis for the new content.


Regardless, it's quite obvious to me where BW's priorities lie in terms of development time and resources, and there's no doubt that the increased leveling pace as well as the level syncing will remain as mandatory carte blanche systems in the game. So with that being said, I think it's time for me to bid adieu to you all. It has been a great run and I have enjoyed the conversations and debates with one and all, but it's time for me to move on to different things and different games.


May there be light to shine on your path - wherever your destination may be.

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I want a toggle for it. I will promptly turn it off and leave it off. I really like going back and soloing old content, and I really don't want to loose that...


Sheesh, I am also almost 60 and wanted to do the old HK quests.


Win-win, high successful people and companies do this!!


Thank you Bioware!

Edited by Droidist
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Just a note, in no way am I disagreeing with you on those points. I was just mentioning what I heard in the video. It was toward the end, when the funny looking girl was interviewing the lead designer. I forget his name. Michael something. Guy with a hat. Uhm, let me transcribe that part ...




LOL - " I don't know where I may have caught that rumor" - Forums much? :)


In other words, they are planning more stuff for those planets in the future. Granted, yes, he said "May", but I think we just got teased about some new events that may be arriving eventually.


It also sounds like by "relevant" they are wanting players to be more on par with equality during special events so that everyone may take part, not just high levels and not just low levels. Special events would make all content accessible as long as the player has managed to make it at least as far as that planet, but not in a way that high levels can come in and sweep-clear the mobs for the event in mass droves leaving low level players standing there scratching their heads.


~shrug~ What he said sounds reasonable to me. I'm willing to give it a chance at least. Again, let's just see what it is like.


EDITED 50,000 times because I was "Submit" happy.


I may win the lottery. It might improve my chances if I bought a ticket :eek: As far as special events there is Rakghoul and Bounty which can be done. Minimum level is 15 BH and 20s for Rakghoul. I plan on giving it a chance myself. It isn't like having different leveling is unique. It was around years before SWTOR.

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Yeah, I saw that as well. Again, it seems the primary excuse is for mentoring. It may be me, but I don't read too much into that "may be coming" comment - that's pretty much standard PR speak for *reasons* which translates into "we don't have anything in the works, or even planned, but this sounds good and keeps people interested."


Yeah maybe. I can always hope. I love new stuff. I also get bored easy when games stay the same so I am always eager to jump at a carrot of "new stuff".


I had quit SWTOR about a year ago - nothing to do at the end but repeat dailies over and over and over. Then a friend linked me the 12x XP boost bit and I immediately came back and re-subbed with the intent of just leveling all my alts and then deciding from there if I was going to stay or not. After i started reading about all the changes and crazy stuff they are doing with the expansion, I got excited. I think a lot of these changes are exciting and will keep me from being bored for another 6 months (I hope - that;s how long I subbed for).


The only part of the expansion that has me utterly pissed off so far is them DELETING achievements and titles we already earned, instead of just archiving/locking them like they have done in the past. Admittedly this is the first MMO game that has ever actually DELETED titles and such that were already in the game and earned by players. Everything else they are doing here HAS been done by other MMO games, but deleting rewards already earned ... yikes.


Ah but that is off topic and I already ranted about that in the thread for it. My apologies.


But, yeah, every major change a game takes, especially an MMO, will always cause people to leave. In my case it caused me to come back. It may do so for others as well. As the game evolves and changes, so will the player base. It happens in every MMO I play it seems. I quit FFXIV due to burnout just in time for the 12x XP to bring me back here. Down the road I may go back to FFXIV. And if they EVER bloody FINALLY release Tom Clancy's "Division" - oh I am so there as well (pre-ordered it like a year and a bloody half ago, but they keep pushing the release back a year at a time!)


Early Access week for SWTOR is going to be interesting, I am sure. We get a week of leveling BEFORE the Sync takes place (they cannot instate major world changes until Launch, or at least I don't think so anyway).

Edited by Faelandaea
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I like it as at least a light conquest nerf. With the lowering of the CP minimum, they could afford to make heroics take slightly more time and try to get conquest people back in the queues. Nar heroics with stronghold bonus and planet bonus could afford an added few minutes to the total time probably diminishing their utility for major altoholics (I used to get 7-9 toons to the reward just by running Nar heroics).


That would really be the argument for making it mandatory.

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