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Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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This comment largely echoes my thoughts on the matter. If it is as bad as I think it will be, I will not be renewing my sub.


At most I will be going to planets even less frequently. I have no interest in fighting mountains of trash mobs getting from A to B, so I guess I will just be spending even more time on the fleet - to hell with grinding to get back old companions, doing achievements or anything else that requires me to go to a low planet. (except maybe a special event).


What this forced downscaling does for me is to add tedium and thus reduce the attractiveness of doing anything on a lower level planet - effectively reducing content in the game for me. I see no reason I should continue to pay my sub.


this logic is just so wrong... since when you go back to starter planets ? i can count the levels 60 i see there, like on one hand, by starter planets i mean every planet below your level.


This will actually bring all the content that was forgotten and made useless after you level up meaningful.


and optional wont work on pvp servers so forget it.

Edited by xxIncubixx
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All of you who are complaining must be new to MMOs.... that being said, if you aren't new to MMOs than you would realize the investments (whether it be time, money, etc etc) that's now being rendered either entirely or wholly obsolete was inevitable. Therefore, you dug your own hole. In addition, to those who think 4.0 is gonna kill the game.... Stop being politicians. The game is not gonna die.... If anything, it's gonna die FOR YOU. That being said, the game doesn't revolve around you regardless if what you want is a mass shared opinion. So long as the new players coming in balance out the, excuse the language, *****-quitters, than there's nothing to get upset over. Now in terms of how badly things are being rendered obsolete or useless.... It could be MUCH worse. *cough* STO *cough*. Long story short, what are you all complaining about? All this uppity rabble is entirely frivolous. Of those who choose to complain, half say the devs don't care.... than what's the point?..... and the other half hope to force change around their collective but subjective concept of fun.... So I ask you look back to my original point. It's simple, either you play 4.0 or you don't. YOUR decision is nobody else's business and neither are your reasons. So, simply, play or don't.


What the hell is being rendered obsolete?

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This comment largely echoes my thoughts on the matter. If it is as bad as I think it will be, I will not be renewing my sub.


At most I will be going to planets even less frequently. I have no interest in fighting mountains of trash mobs getting from A to B, so I guess I will just be spending even more time on the fleet - to hell with grinding to get back old companions, doing achievements or anything else that requires me to go to a low planet. (except maybe a special event).


What this forced downscaling does for me is to add tedium and thus reduce the attractiveness of doing anything on a lower level planet - effectively reducing content in the game for me. I see no reason I should continue to pay my sub.


Your logic and overall mentality on the matter is so twisted and absurd I do not even know how to respond

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My boyfriend and I like the level sync as this gives us a reason to actually go back to the planets and do some of the heroics we had missed, due to them being H4, as they are now all H2. We do not want to go back into the heroics and be able to actually just close our eyes and kill everything in one second.


So far us we like the level sync.



Have a good day.

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I think this thread has veered off topic. I want to say that I am FOR level sync.


My only reason: I really don't think it will affect players as much as everyone thinks it will. Bioware has their reasons for making level sync mandatory and I think we should at least give it a try before we bash it. I think people are missing the part about how the low level heroics now give rewards to match your level and how many ways that system could be abused if level sync is not mandatory.


The way I'm looking at level sync is: No planet is weak, or strong. I get stronger, get more gear, kill things faster. That will apply the same exact way whether I'm on Coruscant, or Ziost. People need to stop looking at level as the modifier, your GEAR is the modifier of your strength. As you get stronger fighting from planet to planet by obtaining more gear, and the gap widens between your strength and your foes strength, you will defeat enemies faster. People also need to realize that companions will be stronger as well without the need for you collecting gear for them. They are finally true pets and not a second, third, fourth, fifth toon to worry about gearing... on the same toon. Heck, I'd be fine with Bioware removing levels altogether and just making us complete story missions to wear the next tier of gear.

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Your logic and overall mentality on the matter is so twisted and absurd I do not even know how to respond


So why bother responding? All i see from your response is "I like it so everyone should be forced to do it my way!" :rolleyes:

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this logic is just so wrong... since when you go back to starter planets ? i can count the levels 60 i see there, like on one hand, by starter planets i mean every planet below your level.


This will actually bring all the content that was forgotten and made useless after you level up meaningful.


and optional wont work on pvp servers so forget it.


What content are you talking about? The only content on planets that can be re-played are the heroics. You don't need to force level sync for the whole game just to redo those. You don't even need to force it for just them either - it can be an option and let the player decide to play it synced for the better rewards, or don't for the original base rewards.


Optional will work for PvP servers. Other games have done it quite well. There are much better ways to control how it works without using a forced sync option.


My only reason: I really don't think it will affect players as much as everyone thinks it will.

That's up to the individual player to determine based on how they get enjoyment out of playing the game.



Bioware has their reasons for making level sync mandatory

Indeed they did - as a half-assed way to offset the increased leveling pace of the game that is now also being made permanent and mandatory for all.


and I think we should at least give it a try before we bash it.

Many people have tried systems like this before in other games and hated them there too. Doesn't matter whether the spinach is made by Green Giant or Bird's Eye. Some people just don't like spinach, and most certainly don't want to be forced to eat it.


I think people are missing the part about how the low level heroics now give rewards to match your level

Actually people have not missed that. In fact, most people here for and against the system actually like that aspect of the system. They just don't want it forced upon them - they want the choice to play the synced content for the synced rewards or play them vanilla style for the vanilla rewards


and how many ways that system could be abused if level sync is not mandatory.

Other games have managed optional systems with no issues. In what way can this system be abused that cannot be corrected with a little bit of forethought - most of which has already been discussed in these forums.

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I think it's a horribly misguided attempt to make older content (planets) more relevant, as well as perhaps an attempt to incentivize joining friends new to the game. I also think that this is one of those key decisions that could irreparably hurt the game, and I base that opinion on personal experience with other games that have done something similar to this.


Here are just a few of the issues that this new game mechanic will create.


This will create a lot of additional tedium in the game. When I go back to a former (lower level) planet to do something like Bounty Broker missions, I don't want to have to wade through every single critter and merc along the way who lacks sufficient AI to realize they should be running away from me instead of aggroing on me. Fortunately, your aggro radius is very small when dealing with low level mobs and you can blow by these distractions most of the time. With level synchronization, we won't have the luxury of doing that, and in fact, we will find ourselves annoyingly mired with mobs that may have absolutely nothing to do with our reasons for being on that planet. Like many of the players in our player base, I have neither the time nor the inclination to fight my way through heavy mob density planets just to get to my bounty contract.


For those who spend time grinding reputation for various factions, you'll find that to be much more difficult now. For example, the Voss reputation weekly requires you to complete four Heroic-4 missions. At level cap, these are relatively quick and easy to do, making the Voss reputation grind one of the less time-consuming rep grinds comparatively. With level synchronization, you won't be able to solo those Heroic-4 missions, and will be forced to LFG. With the relatively low player population, finding groups for things like Heroics can be a frustrating process. I had the Heroic-4 (Arora Canon) from Section X in my mission tracker for almost 3 weeks because I could never find 3 other people in the zone to do it with. I finally finished it with some help from some guild mates.


The planned change will also dilute the achievement of reaching level cap. One of the rewards of reaching level cap in an MMO is being able to go back to older areas of the game and slaughter with impunity. This is also helpful when your buddy decides to level a new character, he can't find anyone to do a Heroic-4 he needs to do, but you're able to show up and essentially solo the mission to help him complete it quickly and painlessly. It's also helpful, as I already mentioned, when you're working on datacrons or rep grinds to be able to run by low level mobs without the need to carve your way across the planet. Essentially, the level synchronization forces the character leveling process on everyone, regardless of whether or not you've actually reached level cap already. If I want to level a new character, fine, but for my level 60 (or 65 in Fallen Empire), I don't want to feel like I'm level 20 again on Balmorra.


Finally, the change is ultimately unnecessary and should have been made optional at most versus being forced on the players. We already had plenty of ways to get level appropriate gear, and especially for anyone in a guild that does any raiding, this isn't going to give us incentives to start redoing planets or Heroics. In fact, for those not in top tier gear, I suspect it will have the opposite effect. I think instead you'll find frustrated players with fewer reasons to venture off the fleet. As I said before, I've seen this done before in two other MMOs, and in both cases, it hurt the game far more than it helped it. With Bioware's track record in this game (i.e. their propensity to make the same mistakes other MMOs have made before them), I'm not expecting any different results.

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I think it's a horribly misguided attempt to make older content (planets) more relevant, as well as perhaps an attempt to incentivize joining friends new to the game. I also think that this is one of those key decisions that could irreparably hurt the game, and I base that opinion on personal experience with other games that have done something similar to this.


Here are just a few of the issues that this new game mechanic will create.


This will create a lot of additional tedium in the game. When I go back to a former (lower level) planet to do something like Bounty Broker missions, I don't want to have to wade through every single critter and merc along the way who lacks sufficient AI to realize they should be running away from me instead of aggroing on me. Fortunately, your aggro radius is very small when dealing with low level mobs and you can blow by these distractions most of the time. With level synchronization, we won't have the luxury of doing that, and in fact, we will find ourselves annoyingly mired with mobs that may have absolutely nothing to do with our reasons for being on that planet. Like many of the players in our player base, I have neither the time nor the inclination to fight my way through heavy mob density planets just to get to my bounty contract.


For those who spend time grinding reputation for various factions, you'll find that to be much more difficult now. For example, the Voss reputation weekly requires you to complete four Heroic-4 missions. At level cap, these are relatively quick and easy to do, making the Voss reputation grind one of the less time-consuming rep grinds comparatively. With level synchronization, you won't be able to solo those Heroic-4 missions, and will be forced to LFG. With the relatively low player population, finding groups for things like Heroics can be a frustrating process. I had the Heroic-4 (Arora Canon) from Section X in my mission tracker for almost 3 weeks because I could never find 3 other people in the zone to do it with. I finally finished it with some help from some guild mates.


The planned change will also dilute the achievement of reaching level cap. One of the rewards of reaching level cap in an MMO is being able to go back to older areas of the game and slaughter with impunity. This is also helpful when your buddy decides to level a new character, he can't find anyone to do a Heroic-4 he needs to do, but you're able to show up and essentially solo the mission to help him complete it quickly and painlessly. It's also helpful, as I already mentioned, when you're working on datacrons or rep grinds to be able to run by low level mobs without the need to carve your way across the planet. Essentially, the level synchronization forces the character leveling process on everyone, regardless of whether or not you've actually reached level cap already. If I want to level a new character, fine, but for my level 60 (or 65 in Fallen Empire), I don't want to feel like I'm level 20 again on Balmorra.


Finally, the change is ultimately unnecessary and should have been made optional at most versus being forced on the players. We already had plenty of ways to get level appropriate gear, and especially for anyone in a guild that does any raiding, this isn't going to give us incentives to start redoing planets or Heroics. In fact, for those not in top tier gear, I suspect it will have the opposite effect. I think instead you'll find frustrated players with fewer reasons to venture off the fleet. As I said before, I've seen this done before in two other MMOs, and in both cases, it hurt the game far more than it helped it. With Bioware's track record in this game (i.e. their propensity to make the same mistakes other MMOs have made before them), I'm not expecting any different results.


Just a small note, many of your issues based on H-4s is addressed by all Heroics being moved to 2+.

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Just a small note, many of your issues based on H-4s is addressed by all Heroics being moved to 2+.


Doing a Heroic-2 at your level is still challenging and time-consuming, and if not geared sufficiently, you'll still need help. And as they aren't just making this change for Heroics, it impacts other aspects of the game, as I detailed in my post.

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What content are you talking about? The only content on planets that can be re-played are the heroics. You don't need to force level sync for the whole game just to redo those. You don't even need to force it for just them either - it can be an option and let the player decide to play it synced for the better rewards, or don't for the original base rewards.


Optional will work for PvP servers. Other games have done it quite well. There are much better ways to control how it works without using a forced sync option.



That's up to the individual player to determine based on how they get enjoyment out of playing the game.




Indeed they did - as a half-assed way to offset the increased leveling pace of the game that is now also being made permanent and mandatory for all.



Many people have tried systems like this before in other games and hated them there too. Doesn't matter whether the spinach is made by Green Giant or Bird's Eye. Some people just don't like spinach, and most certainly don't want to be forced to eat it.



Actually people have not missed that. In fact, most people here for and against the system actually like that aspect of the system. They just don't want it forced upon them - they want the choice to play the synced content for the synced rewards or play them vanilla style for the vanilla rewards



Other games have managed optional systems with no issues. In what way can this system be abused that cannot be corrected with a little bit of forethought - most of which has already been discussed in these forums.


I agree with this. I've tried it and don't like it and that's all I intend to say on that note, not meant to change anyone else's opinion on lv syncing.

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Doing a Heroic-2 at your level is still challenging and time-consuming, and if not geared sufficiently, you'll still need help. And as they aren't just making this change for Heroics, it impacts other aspects of the game, as I detailed in my post.


JESUS ... look and hear the stream... ONLY LEVEL is beeing synced, you still retain skills INCLUDING all the power from those skills up to level 65, Its not challenging at all. I still dont understand the only argument i see been thrown around is: "boohoo i cant go back to a starter planet without agrooing all the mobs!", really? how many times DO you go back to those planets ? Apart for the ocasional one shot world bosses (which btw its stupid).

Edited by xxIncubixx
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And all God-fearing, patriotic, clean-living Americans should also be against it!


Hello, I'm Januaria, and I approve this message.




Cool :) This rates a 12 out of possible 10. New core math. Aint it wonderful.

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how many times DO you go back to those planets ? Apart for the ocasional one shot world bosses (which btw its stupid).


A couple times a week to grind out planetary achievements with a guildie.


I apologize for playing the game wrong. I thought I was having fun.

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A couple times a week to grind out planetary achievements with a guildie.


I apologize for playing the game wrong. I thought I was having fun.


And do you feel the forced sync will now prohibit or otherwise put a stint in that fun you were having?

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And do you feel the forced sync will now prohibit or otherwise put a stint in that fun you were having?


I know I do. No matter how trivial mobs are, one shot or 3. No amount of time added to going back to old planets so someone can farm anything needed to be added. Every positive down leveling brings could still be done with it being optional.


Without an option to turn it off, that alone is negative enough to dislike it after this long in the game. The game was enjoyable before the forced down leveling. Down leveling doesn't make the game more enjoyable. I've played those games and there is a reason I'm no longer playing them.

Edited by Quraswren
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Shouldn't I be the one to decide what I find fun? Not what others tell me I should find fun?




Anecdotal evidence. Just finished up the two Area Heroic quests on Imperial Balmorra. Was overleveled for them because I had forgotten they existed. Even with that, it was nothing but a friggin' chore running back and forth in the rooms trying to get the quest objectives complete.


And there was getting the datacron that was there. Took about 2 hours total combined to get everything wrapped up running with a two person/two companion group. That would probably be easily doubled with level scaling. No bloody thank you.

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Shouldn't I be the one to decide what I find fun? Not what others tell me I should find fun?


Ones fun factor is entirely subjective. The point however is that somewhere down the line players should stop and think for a second, what is the point of an acheivment when the the game is not challenging the player.


Let's ignore the fact that lvl 65 will still steam roll over the mobs regardless, at what point have players come to expect there version of fun should come at the expense of the direction the game devs want to take? look back at my previous comment regarding the absolute importance of consistency and how allowing players the option to chose to enable this feature will only serve to convolute the entire process.


You can still have your fun, it is not going anywhere, only now you will be slightly inconvenienced while players that actually want to quest and complete stuff of various level ranges can now do so together with mutual benefits.


This system is not creating an arbitrary difficulty as some have eluded to, it is in fact keeping most of the games various locations relevant and allowing BW that much more freedom moving forward.

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