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Shadowlands Reconnaissance WIng Clash in Hypserspace Conquest Invite!


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Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing is proud to announce the first Shadowlands Starfighter Invasion event Oct 6-11 (Republic Guild Event)!


Goal of this Event: The aim of this event is to increase GSF awareness by competing for conquest (and winning) during Clash in Hyperspace Event. This event, unlike other GSF events, will be a "marathon style" event, taking place over a full week's conquest period, rather than for specific times on a specific night. We are asking all able bodied pilots to help assist us in this goal. To help motivate pilots, we are giving away prizes at different conquest point levels. While we will be facing each other mostly throughout the week, we will all be working TOGETHER to represent the GSF community, and prove to the rest of the playerbase that we pilots are a force to be reckoned with!


Eligibility: You must be guild member to be eligible for prizes, this is so that we can share a common goal, as well as allowing for a tiered prize system. At the outset of the event be sure to contact a member of our guild or ask in GSF chat for an invite (even if it is only temporary). The only responsibility you have is to fly as much gsf as you can during the week of Oct 6-11 so we can accumulate conquest points as a team. We will be attempting to even out premades, and thus we will discourage players from flying in overpowered groups by evening out experienced, mastered players with less geared or experienced fliers. Following the event, everyone who joined the guild specifically for this contest is free to leave, however, if you wish to continue to fly with Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing following the event, we would be happy to have you.


Teamspeak: Our teamspeak is open to all and can be accessed by clicking on the teamspeak link on the right side of the homepage. Or you can just whisper me in game or just ask in the gsf channel. (type /cjoin gsf to join the channel)



With so many people coming to play gsf pub side we are going to get a lot of wargames. We are aware this it is not fair for people rolling new toons to run into a mastered premade, since we are all working together and no one wants to get beat time after time because they have no gear. So, we will not be making such premades. We are going to try to group people to make even teams as much as we possibly can. Solo-queing is also an option, and is neither encouraged nor discouraged. Stock players will be able to contribute just as much as mastered ones, since conquest points are our primary goal for this event. Ideally, we will be facing off against mostly mix and matched groups of other republic premades in the event, and groups of 4 will be switched back and forth. However, we also have word that a large imperial conquest guild is planning to compete with us, so we will also be facing off against them in game, and thus we can hopefully cultivate a healthy rivalry!




Those with enough conquest points will be entered into draws for prize packs at different levels. Prize packs will typically contain an assortment of items, including armor sets, GSF color schemes, paint jobs, engine reactants, and other items that fit together with the overall theme of the pack.


GRAND PRIZE 50,000 CP and up (tier 3):

Zakuul Armor Set

Zakuul Dropship

Cartel GSF ship of your choice, on the server of your choice

1,000,000 credit Prize


MAJOR PRIZE PACKS 35,000 CP and up (tier 2):

1. Feral Visionary Prize pack

2. K-52 Demolisher Prize pack

3. K-52 Demolisher Prize pack 2

4. K-52 Strongarm Prize pack

5. 1,000,000 credit Prize

6. 1,000,000 credit Prize


Minor Prize Packs 10,000 CP and up (tier 1):

1. Jungle Ambusher Prize pack

2. Starfighter XP Prize pack 1

3. Starfighter XP Prize pack 2

4. Starfighter XP Prize pack 3

5. 200k credit Prize

6. 200k credit Prize

7. 200k credit Prize

8. 200k credit Prize

*Note that 35,000 is the conquest objective. Various members of SRW who donated prizes have opted out of the raffle.


At the end of the week we will look at how many conquest points each pilot has and put them in their correct tier.

Example 1: Pilot A gets 51,000 conquest points. Pilot A will be entered into Tier 3, 2, and 1. However, the pilot can only win one tier. No double dipping.

Example 2: Pilot B gets 15,000 conquest points. Pilot B will only be entered into Tier 1.


Prizes will be picked from top prize to bottom prize so that a pilot entered into multiple tiers won't win a lower tier without having a shot at the higher tier prizes. Between now and the end of the event we reserve the right to add to the prize pool, but we will not take anything away from the prize pool above. The only thing that can happen is the prizes get better!


We hope that all of the great pilots that we have met will be able to attend the event and represent the GSF community!

Edited by SWCNT
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Every toon that reaches the CP targets will be entered into the draw, no matter who owns them.


I would also like to clarify that the grand prize (zakuul armor set, dropship, 1m creds and cartel ship) are all ONE prize given to the winner, not four separate prizes.

Edited by Lavaar
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I'm going to send Semírhage over there tonight (imp side), and while I don't think I'll be able to actually get all the way to the conquest minimum for the stuffs, I'll be happy to lend my meagre points to your cause.




EDIT - Plz go easy on me. It will be my first time on that server. I will be scared of everyone! :eek:

Edited by nyghtrunner
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Thanks for the interest in the event nyght, unfortunately we are only flying pub side and are trying to get as many wargames as possible. We had some amazing games yesterday and most people aren't mastered (even I am flying on a near-stock alt this week) which really allows for some high level play against one another while keeping it open to a lot of the folks who don't have as many upgrades, bringing a whole bunch of new people into high end strategic GSF play. So basically, stock ships are encouraged! Hopefully will see you tonight! Edited by Lavaar
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Thanks for the interest in the event nyght, unfortunately we are only flying pub side and are trying to get as many wargames as possible. We had some amazing games yesterday and most people aren't mastered (even I am flying on a near-stock alt this week) which really allows for some high level play against one another while keeping it open to a lot of the folks who don't have as many upgrades, bringing a whole bunch of new people into high end strategic GSF play. So basically, stock ships are encouraged! Hopefully will see you tonight!

Oh bother.


Well in that case, perhaps I will bring Mierin from Bastion. She's been wallowing over there for quite some time now.


But still, go easy on her. She might have forgotten how to fly a Flashfire, since it's been > 2 months since she's been in the cockpit... And I can't imagine hanging decorations in a stronghold that's never used is very good for the reflexes...


"Hmm... I think that poster needs to go a little to the left... Now right... Dammit! Now it's tilted! Can't you people do anything right?!" :D

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I'm really floored by the level of participation. Some really good games tonight, especially that 1000-999 game toward the end. I really like the idea of trying to rebalance the teams after every few matches. It's especially important since a lot of new guys have stock gear. Edited by RickDagles
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This event has been a heckuva lot of fun. The queues have been popping for the last few nights, and there have been some great competitive matches. As someone (I can't remember who - was it Vexxial?) stated in guild chat at one point: the fact that so many pilots are playing alts with stock or stock-ish ships makes for challenging and fun skill-based flying.


I think it would be nice to see this event recurring. Maybe every two to three months? Or at least every time Clash in Hyperspace comes around, for sure.

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Crazy good attendance! Sadly I will be out of town and I will have to miss the next two days :(


Thanks to all that have showed up! It looks like there's going to be a pretty big draw for top prize (maybe we should have put the limit at 100k instead of 50k :eek:)

Edited by RickDagles
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Hey, Yallia! How'd the event go? Is Shadowlands where you ended up? I'll be back in about a month and a half, but I've noticed POT5 is dead as far as GSF is concerned. I think I'spep has gotten bored with it in general.


How's the population there? I know we've played on Ebon Hawk and Harbinger and those have healthy populations, just wondering if there are others.


Hope you're doing well.

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