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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cartel Market Changes Coming in Fallen Empire!


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REP will be universal now? Meaning all them combined and we max out no matter what REP we get?


On the rep part - I presume what he meant by "single vendor" is either:


  1. "For each rep" - right now there are two or three vendors for each rep. I agree it makes sense to have all items from a particular rep on one vendor. Having to go to multiple vendors to see what you want for a single rep did not make sense to me.
  2. Or ... they may do it so ALL items are on a single vendor alone, but you still need the specific rep to buy the item - such as "X-Standing with Midget Bashers to buy this item", "X-standing with Fat Willie Wonkas to buy that item", etc.


Disclaimer: My examples are fictional. No midgets or fat people were hurt in the making of this message.

Edited by Faelandaea
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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer


Thank you BasedWare.

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My one concern after reading the whole thread to date is the price of the individual packs. In older packs, we got 5 items per pack. In the current ones, six. Now we're going down to two. We are losing between 60 and 66 percent of the items in each pack. I deeply hope that the price will be adjusted accordingly. Which would take the subscriber rate (currently at 250 coins per pack) down to either 100 or 83 coins.
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Hey folks,


Based on a lot of the feedback we have been seeing I noticed I missed a few details in the blog.


- Any existing pack in your bank/inventory will not be affected by any of these changes.

- Armor Sets from the Monthly Cartel Packs will come in 3 lootboxes (Upper, Lower, Auxiliary).

- Bronze, Silver, and Gold Armor Packs will contain full armor sets.

- The new Shipment will not have a reputation associated with it.

- Any item that was specific to a reputation (aka not available in a pack) will continue to be available for purchase from the associated Reputation vendor.

- Reputations from previous Shipments will still be made available through the packs on the GTN and Grand Shipment Packs that will return the the market from time to time.


As with all things Cartel Market, things are subject to change based on your feedback.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer


Awesome. :) While we're listening to feedback here, can we PLEASE make sure that items that were supposed to be one-time limited access items do NOT get drug back in? I may be misunderstanding but it sounded like BW was saying "we're bringing everything back, including stuff from the past.", and that is a smack in the face for those of us who rushed to grab an item BECAUSE it was limited time only and supposed to be going away after x-amount of time.

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Great job listening to us, Bioware! Thank you!


Except maaaaybe you want to take a look at that OTHER post with over two thousand posts of angry people arguing over level sync... You know, just a thought.


Nah, screw em. As I've said:

I challenge you to list for me the cons of Level-Sync which don't stem from A: you being bad at the game, B: you being antisocial, or C: you still being pathetic enough to make money via dailies. Do you have any reason which doesn't fall into those categories? If you do, please, by all means, let me know. If not, you should take a moment to think about why you're so opposed to this change.
Edited by idnewton
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I am concerned about the phrase "less direct sales". What does this mean? Are there going to be less c-market items?


If this game is heading towards gambling boxes, I will have to shutdown my son's account. Direct c-market items allowed us to play on a budget. I am also trying to sheild him from taking expensive and unecessary risks.


While our family may be in the minority, we consider gambling to be similar to drugs. Once you have someone hooked on gambling, the individual will eventually become addicted. While under the influence of an addiction, people don't realize they burn through hundreds of dollars.


I will have to explain that SWTOR is now similar to a Vegas slot machine.

Edited by Linyivee
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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer




I call that a victory! :cool:

Edited by Count_Mario
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There goes my biggest concern. But now I'm curious how the CM certificate issue will be handled. Will they still be in packs? Will those of us who have a bunch stockpiled have anything new to spend them on?


Also, the pricing. Since packs will now contain less, will prices drop?


Logically speaking if new packs don't have reputation it means they won't drop the cartel certificates. Just like the shipment 1 doesn't have reputation and because of that there is no reason to make them drop the cartel certificates.

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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer


Let me quote this one more time.


This is a perfect example of how to communicate to and work with the player base / paying customers. I know that it is only the cartel market, but I think Dan shows a fine example of how to do it. That change makes a lot of players happy. And, as far as I can tell, not one single player unhappy. That's how to listen to feedback about planned changes.


I think the Cartel Market is the part of the game that has worked the best / most professional during the last years. Maybe Dan could give a little seminar within Bioware to the other departments? He seems to be knowing what he is doing. Kudos for that.

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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer

\,,| (-.-) |,,/


I am surprised at the speed of this change.


How can CM changes happen like this when epic droppingstorms of magnificent scale result almost no action?


Maybe it's just that money talks and Bantha dropping walks.


Now the new CC prices for different packs.




For those who think that rarer items will be easier to acquire with credits or otherwise. MUAHAHAHAH.. AHHAHAHAHA. Naive.

Edited by Ruskaeth
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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer


Cool perhaps revert the change to level sync too???

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My one concern after reading the whole thread to date is the price of the individual packs. In older packs, we got 5 items per pack. In the current ones, six. Now we're going down to two. We are losing between 60 and 66 percent of the items in each pack. I deeply hope that the price will be adjusted accordingly. Which would take the subscriber rate (currently at 250 coins per pack) down to either 100 or 83 coins.


Well, of those 6 items we actually want the 2 "bonus items", the rest is padding.

Reputation items? Mainly persuading us to buy more packs, but at least we can get something special from them.

Crafting Mats? Maybe useful for those too lazy to send comps on gathering missions

Companion Gifts? Maybe useful for those too lazy to send comps on mission skill missions.

Experience Boosts? You get more than you'll ever need as quest rewards.


But yes, instead of 2 relevant items, the new packs will contain only one, and a hypercrate will contain 30 relevant items instead of 49. The prices need to be adjusted accordingly.


And IMO the padding-item in the new packs should be a reputation item, not a companion gift.

Edited by Mubrak
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This is a perfect example of how to communicate to and work with the player base / paying customers. I know that it is only the cartel market, but I think Dan shows a fine example of how to do it. That change makes a lot of players happy. And, as far as I can tell, not one single player unhappy. That's how to listen to feedback about planned changes.


I think the Cartel Market is the part of the game that has worked the best / most professional during the last years. Maybe Dan could give a little seminar within Bioware to the other departments? He seems to be knowing what he is doing. Kudos for that.


Hear, hear!

Edited by Mubrak
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This is a perfect example of how to communicate to and work with the player base / paying customers. I know that it is only the cartel market, but I think Dan shows a fine example of how to do it. That change makes a lot of players happy. And, as far as I can tell, not one single player unhappy. That's how to listen to feedback about planned changes.


While I'm glad and thankful for the reversion of this decision. The reason it doesn't make a single player unhappy is because it was a bad suggestion to begin with. It shouldn't have been there from the start.


With it's reversion, nothing is truly gained for the playerbase. It is not even a "change". We've merely reached a status quo on the excisting situation. It baffles me that this was presented as one of the "exciting changes" when it should've been obvious that it is not.


There's still alot of questions that remain unanswered. And I'll start being impressed when I see Bioware and it's representatives make decisions that benefit us both. Us, the playerbase who play their game and pay them, Bioware, the company of whom we rent the game and it's unlocks.

Untill that time Bioware, I won't stop showing my fangs untill I stop seeing your claws. ;)


I admit that it is rather easy being a critic, but as one of the people holding that coveted wallet, it is also our right.


I've seen already some nice suggestions concerning the cartel pack changes by other players in this thread. I hope you've made note of them.


Here's one (from little'o'me) that could be taken into consideration;


How about releasing one or more older Armor Sets and Speeders every week with the weekly sale. For that week and that week only. Creating a rotation on old cartel items being available for direct sale on the CM troughout the year.

Think about it; 52 weeks a year and even that won't be enough to cover every Armor Set or Speeder or other item we've already seen released.


The choice you as the customer then make is; "Do I wait patiently for the Item/set I want to be released on a weekly sale (it may and it may not for a long time) or do I want to try my luck now with a *Grand armor/speeder/other* pack?"


This way the CM could be cathering to the prefferences of several groups of people and I'm fairly certain this will keep netting Bioware a tidy profit. Why not try it out for a testing period if you have doubts about this aproach?

Edited by Osgorion
More typo's.
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Yeh, the guy who is the Cartel Market Producer is clearly the right person to ask this question.


Yeah I know, right? This is NOT the thread for Sync. Take that stuff back to the Sync thread and lets stick to the topic here LOL. I asked a couple of questions some pages back and it got spammed off by completely unrelated whining about something not even mentioned int he topic post.

Edited by Faelandaea
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It sounds that we will get far more items on the GTN because they will be available from the permanent RNG packs. Good. That overpriced decorations or armors that increase in price from 100k to 10 mil after they are removed from the CM won't be an issue anymore. :rak_01:


This is indeed most likely good news for anyone who is looking for certain overpriced rare items.

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Well... if only they listened to feedback about many of the non cartel related changes they've made or plan to make.


You must learn the difference between listening to and doing what someone says.


Just because they don't do what you say, doesn't mean they haven't listened. Besides, they also listen to all those people who do like these changes. What makes you think your opinion is more deserving than theirs? Probably just that fantasy that you belong to some mysterious majority?


And hey, this topic didn't have anywhere near the heated debate going on between players about who wanted it the way they planned it or how they will do it now, did it?

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