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Petition Mandatory Level Sync.


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The option of joining a level sync instance or optional out of combat toggle for level sync would be a wonderful alternative (see I offered a suggestion for a compromise rather than just rip on the devs...how nice is that? :D ) forcing it upon the players (especially those whose primary focus and/or draw to the game is RP) is unfair. As it stands doing content on a planet without level sync is almost worthless when you are higher level (unless on a higher level planet) when compared to doing daily missions for; money, experience, comms, etc.


This change has more of a directly detrimental affect on the players who choose to partake in the role-play aspects of the game above the other portions of the game. The option was thrown in that to prevent people from just unsyncing and going on a killing spree among other flagged members in the synced area is just that. If they unsync they could be required to move to the standard instance to prevent such a thing from happening.


Realistically having the option to level sync is more appropriate to long time players and RPers than to lampshade the entire process and just say, "Yeah, all of you...you are all now going to have to sync to the level of the planet you are on and deal with the sh*t that you wouldn't normally have to worry about when doing _____."


Rather than nay-saying and feeling that you have to defend the devs and other members of bioware (since im not actually attacking them) perhaps you can take a moment and imagine how frustrating it would be to try and role-play on a planet where you are trying to immerse yourself into a character and the story that you are developing. Only to have to stop midway through most sentences to fend off mobs that would otherwise leave you alone when not level synced. This is the reason for the option to toggle the sync on and off.


As for those that would use the toggle to "face-roll" mobs; I'm good with that...sometimes people need that form of cathartic release of mindlessly mashing through mobs. I do it all the time on Oricon and higher as it is with my characters.


I said before: I have no problems with level sync, and have even wished they had it before when people needed help with something but I didnt want to nurf their xp by helping. This is the intent for an optional level sync, because there are two sides to every issue...this time the downside happens to affect those that wish to use the planets, flashpoints and operations as backdrop to their RP scenarios and not to struggle through them or "enjoy the games content" in that manner.

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As a roleplayer who wish ot use planets without constantly geting jumped on by stupid NPCs, I would see a mandatory levelsynk as devastating. So I hope from the deeps of my heart it becomes togeble


Chyene, So, my question is really for my own understanding. Don't take this as a knock or RP because since I don't do it, I don't know much about it.


Wouldn't RP'ers like this change as it will make worlds more immersive? Basically the environment as part of your RP?

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No. Not signed. There would be absolutely no point for them to implement this big system if they made it a toggle. There is a reason WHY we are getting level scaling. It will be better for the game in the long haul. Something this large in scope and is setup for content for the game cannot be optional! It effects the whole game. The reason why they are doing it is because they are making older content repeatable so you can go back to the older planets and have relevant content to do throughout the galaxy instead of having to wait for max level planets. A reason to go back to older planets? Why is this frowned upon? You will still get the awards and credits like you were YOUR level, you aren't getting the xp, credits and awards like you were a level 19 again O.o Do people really think that's what's going to happen here?


Also, think about it this way to. It can be new ways to level! You can go to other planets, anyone you want and level by doing the quests there! I think this is a step for something bigger. Perhaps for a galaxy wide you're free to level where you want type of thing. I think they'll add more quests in the future so we are free to level up on whatever planet we choose. THAT has been what I personally have wanted from the beginning of the game.


Don't be so against it. Be neutral until you can play it and see for yourself. Remember to be optimistic about it and don't nitpick every single BAD thing about it.

Edited by Sarfux
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As a roleplayer who wish ot use planets without constantly geting jumped on by stupid NPCs, I would see a mandatory levelsynk as devastating. So I hope from the deeps of my heart it becomes togeble


What mobs would jump on you as you roleplay with people? I am a hardcore roleplayer myself and unless you standing in the middle of a sloth of mobs, you have nothing to worry about.

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Chyene, So, my question is really for my own understanding. Don't take this as a knock or RP because since I don't do it, I don't know much about it.


Wouldn't RP'ers like this change as it will make worlds more immersive? Basically the environment as part of your RP?


Haha, about the time you posted I was actually talking about immersion :)


The problem is that the game is designed with the intent that most mobs are going to attack you. Just because you are in x-region does not mean that mobs will naturally attack you. Also as far as immersion there is nothing to prevent you from having to kill said mobs other than running away. As this isn't the case in all situations (Jedi have beast master, tranq darts for non-jedi, etc.) and not to mention breaking from your characters possible beliefs (perhaps your character is an adamant pacifist and would never raise their weapon against a creature that was only instinctively protecting its offspring, etc.), this can break the immersion into your character and often lead to ruining a role-play. Allowing yourself to sink into your character; who they are, what they stand for, the way they react to stimuli, etc. All these things are part of the immersion that makes up what role-play is. Hope that answers your question...though I know it was not directly aimed at me :)

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I am in favor of mandatory level-sync. Having played GW2, I thought it was an enjoyable aspect of the game. Judging by the stream last night, Heroics will still be very easy on lower level planets. Overall it has the potential to make currently pointless content, like old heroics and old World Bosses useful again. I'm all for that.
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No. Not signed. There would be absolutely no point for them to implement this big system if they made it a toggle. There is a reason WHY we are getting level scaling. It will be better for the game in the long haul. Something this large in scope and is setup for content for the game cannot be optional! It effects the whole game. The reason why they are doing it is because they are making older content repeatable so you can go back to the older planets and have relevant content to do throughout the galaxy instead of having to wait for max level planets. A reason to go back to older planets? Why is this frowned upon? You will still get the awards and credits like you were YOUR level, you aren't getting the xp, credits and awards like you were a level 19 again O.o Do people really think that's what's going to happen here?


Also, think about it this way to. It can be new ways to level! You can go to other planets, anyone you want and level by doing the quests there! I think this is a step for something bigger. Perhaps for a galaxy wide you're free to level where you want type of thing. I think they'll add more quests in the future so we are free to level up on whatever planet we choose. THAT has been what I personally have wanted from the beginning of the game.


Don't be so against it. Be neutral until you can play it and see for yourself. Remember to be optimistic about it and don't nitpick every single BAD thing about it.


Then by the same token, people shouldn't be so blindly for it. Blindly following it without looking into how it will affect people is equally as negligible as being instantly up in arms against it without reason.


As stated in the OP: I actually like the idea of having the option of level syncing for content or to group up with other players; I have played other games where that was part of it. I also see the downside for the community of people that use the game as a platform for their role-play; being that I am a member of this community as well.


Yes, you can simply choose areas where there are no mobs; however, what would you suggest when your setting for the role-play is supposed to be a dilapidated ruins of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where you choose to not acknowledge the presence of Imperial forces on the planet (since other than for the class stories this would make no sense). However, all around you during your role-play you are forced to combat Imperial forces just to maintain your role-play...kind of break the immersion aspect there, yeah? FYI: I actually did a role-play similar to this once.

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I am in favor of mandatory level-sync. Having played GW2, I thought it was an enjoyable aspect of the game. Judging by the stream last night, Heroics will still be very easy on lower level planets. Overall it has the potential to make currently pointless content, like old heroics and old World Bosses useful again. I'm all for that.


Again; it's great for PvE and the like. As for other aspect of game play it is a bust. I have other games I play that most content is level synced and its fun. Equally as fun is going through older content and having a go at it without having to worry as much about your health and such. Think I might just start quoting the OP :D

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Level synch by definition has to be mandatory because there is nothing useful you could ever do with it if it wasn't.


It's like when they permanently shut down analog TV broadcasting stations to free up bandwidth. If people where able to "opt out" of that change it would have defeated the entire point of the change. Yes the removal of analog screwed over a (tiny) portion of the population, however change was beneficial to the majority by freeing up huge amounts of air bandwidth


And lets be real, how many people ever bother to go back to do gray content that gives +7 exp.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Haha, about the time you posted I was actually talking about immersion :)


The problem is that the game is designed with the intent that most mobs are going to attack you. Just because you are in x-region does not mean that mobs will naturally attack you. Also as far as immersion there is nothing to prevent you from having to kill said mobs other than running away. As this isn't the case in all situations (Jedi have beast master, tranq darts for non-jedi, etc.) and not to mention breaking from your characters possible beliefs (perhaps your character is an adamant pacifist and would never raise their weapon against a creature that was only instinctively protecting its offspring, etc.), this can break the immersion into your character and often lead to ruining a role-play. Allowing yourself to sink into your character; who they are, what they stand for, the way they react to stimuli, etc. All these things are part of the immersion that makes up what role-play is. Hope that answers your question...though I know it was not directly aimed at me :)


The game is designed around areas where conflict is going on. The chance that an enemy mob attacks you is higher than not. I don't see that as strange. There are yellow mobs who don't attack you. One might argue that the yellow mobs should have a higher representation but in essence the red mobs are the ones who would attack you either by instinct or animosity. There is nothing strange about that.


You go out of town or camp and you move into dangerous grounds. Realistic or not, that's the world of SWTOR as we know it. Just because you manage to "cheat" that and impose your own reality on it because of a level difference doesn't make it more realistic in terms of the world of SWTOR.


I get that it disrupts what you're doing now. Well, the world has changed, it happens. Adapt or perish. You can still RP, just not in the same way. But hey, it might spice things up a bit. Just RP into the new situation, it's not going to be taken out at the last minute just cause some people hate it, RP or not.

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Level synch by definition has to be mandatory because there is nothing useful you could ever do with it if it wasn't.


It's been done in the past with games where; you had the option to group up with people and sync to their level, you had instances that were set in a level bracket, dungeons that were level synced, etc. In these instances it does not break any aspect of the game. Forcing people that wish to go to old planets to sync to the level of that planet rather than the level they have worked their way up to is unfair and biased toward the PvE community and those that would use the planets as a area for PvP. As opposed to having the option where those who wish to not take part in the level sync for their own reasons, be it for role-play or for just mindlessly blowing off steam. In most cases when this happens it affects no one (not counting daily areas since everyone in there is normally tripping over one another regardless of level).

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Then by the same token, people shouldn't be so blindly for it. Blindly following it without looking into how it will affect people is equally as negligible as being instantly up in arms against it without reason.


As stated in the OP: I actually like the idea of having the option of level syncing for content or to group up with other players; I have played other games where that was part of it. I also see the downside for the community of people that use the game as a platform for their role-play; being that I am a member of this community as well.


Yes, you can simply choose areas where there are no mobs; however, what would you suggest when your setting for the role-play is supposed to be a dilapidated ruins of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where you choose to not acknowledge the presence of Imperial forces on the planet (since other than for the class stories this would make no sense). However, all around you during your role-play you are forced to combat Imperial forces just to maintain your role-play...kind of break the immersion aspect there, yeah? FYI: I actually did a role-play similar to this once.


I agree! People shouldn't blindly for it or against it. I am not with it or against it. I am simply explaining what the system is a what it will do while remaining optimistic based on what I have seen. That's it!

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The game is designed around areas where conflict is going on. The chance that an enemy mob attacks you is higher than not. I don't see that as strange. There are yellow mobs who don't attack you. One might argue that the yellow mobs should have a higher representation but in essence the red mobs are the ones who would attack you either by instinct or animosity. There is nothing strange about that.


You go out of town or camp and you move into dangerous grounds. Realistic or not, that's the world of SWTOR as we know it. Just because you manage to "cheat" that and impose your own reality on it because of a level difference doesn't make it more realistic in terms of the world of SWTOR.


I get that it disrupts what you're doing now. Well, the world has changed, it happens. Adapt or perish. You can still RP, just not in the same way. But hey, it might spice things up a bit. Just RP into the new situation, it's not going to be taken out at the last minute just cause some people hate it, RP or not.


There are certain aspects of lore that are altered to compensate for the game play. Not all creatures would attack you, and not all would you have no other option but to kill them to stop them. And if you stand on top of a mob, grey or not, it will attack you (unless stealthed most the time). The proximity is key here, when you get too close to these mobs they will attack you; granted, many animals would when negatively reinforced upon the dangers of outsiders and/or to protect their home or offspring. By the same token others would see you an run. This is the accepted reality of animals. All that being higher level during an RP scenario does is allows players to nullify the majority of instances where they would be required to break immersion in their character (see earlier post about that subject) because the levels make the creature more hostile to you.


Please read the OP where i state that i like level sync; this thread is to bring to light the faults in the requirement for all players on a single planet to sync to the same level regardless of intent of use for the planets areas. As long as the use does not break EULA it doesnt matter their intent of use.

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I agree! People shouldn't blindly for it or against it. I am not with it or against it. I am simply explaining what the system is a what it will do while remaining optimistic based on what I have seen. That's it!


I am actually optimistic about the system in certain aspects. I am bringing up the factor that it should not be mandatory...that's all. An optional level sync (similar to dungeon runs in WoW, the mentor system in CoH, etc.) would be more balanced method of execution than a blanket policy that everyone must suffer through a planet that they have previously finished as if it were their first time for the sole purpose of role-playing on the planets surface. That is why there are not many games that have taken the approach of mandatory level syncing in open world. In flashpoints, operations, etc. it is more understandable, however, being optional would be more entertaining.


One can claim that the level sync for FP's and Ops is so people can enjoy the stories that are contained within them...but could that not also be said for someone that loads into a FP or Op now without having to by synced; arguably more so since they would not have to struggle through the fights to see the limited cut scenes involved in them.

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That's the funny thing. People are acting like BWEA has called for input. It was an announcement of a coming game change, not a request for opinions.


Player input should always have a huge impact on a game you are invested in playing. This has been seen in many other games or during beta testing for games, where the player input has helped shape the game into an overall better product.

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Player input should always have a huge impact on a game you are invested in playing. This has been seen in many other games or during beta testing for games, where the player input has helped shape the game into an overall better product.


Except that what players want isn't always in the best interest of the game or the company that manages one.

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I DON'T need this synchrobullsh*t.

So im up for the choice to ignore this crap.

I want to be OP. I want to be overgeared.

I'v earned it by MY time and MY afforts.


So i wan't to ignore this crap. I want to have a simple button and disable this non-sense.

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I DON'T need this synchrobullsh*t.

So im up for the choice to ignore this crap.

I want to be OP. I want to be overgeared.

I'v earned it by MY time and MY afforts.


So i wan't to ignore this crap. I want to have a simple button and disable this non-sense.


You're not getting one.

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Except that what players want isn't always in the best interest of the game or the company that manages one.


True, thats where it's the company's responsibility to moderate such things. However, whom is it effecting by them adding the option to toggle the level sync on and off vs. how many of the players is it affecting by them making to mandatory? That is the intent of this as well. Because the change doesn't only have potentially negative ramifications on role-players, it can also negatively affect players who choose to PvE or PvP as well.


Hence to reason to either instance the level sync to a version of each planet or add an out of combat toggle to turn it on and off (and sure people who got beat in open world PvP could turn off their level sync and go after the player, but whose to say the other player is not higher level as well?).

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Sign me up for this one.


I primarily RP. I *like* PvE and PvP... I just don't do them all the time. If I wanna walk around with my RP Guild in some area, roleplay, and one-shot mobs if they get too close to our lowbies, that should be allowed. I put my time and effort into overlevelling, over-gearing so I don't *have* to spend half a day doing Dailies and the like. I smash through, get my money and comms, then go back to RPing.



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