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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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Personally, I am dreading the arrival of level-sync. I love the SWTOR story, and I want to really enjoy the experience. However, when I do group missions/flashpoint/heorics at level, I am at the mercy of the group. Often you are grouped with people who just want to level ASAP, and don't really care for the content, so they just keep rushing through and you have no choice but to follow.


What I often do is that after my character reaches high enough level, I would go back and solo these group contents, often repeatedly, and take my time savoring the experience, trying different options and really just enjoy the story. Level-sync takes that away from me.


As it stands, I have not be able to experience any Ops content because my schedule does not allow me to commit to a large group activity. Even though I have been a subscriber since launch, I have yet been able to see a single Ops content. Level-sync take more of those content from me.


I am OK with level-sync if SWTOR creates repeatable solo mode for EVERYTHING. If they do that, then I don't mind. If not, then this could be the end of the game for me (I have abandoned WoW since SWTOR came to the picture. This may be the trigger for me to go back to WoW).


There definitely should be solo mode for vast majority of instances. very small number should group exlusive.


Best way would be to make scalable instances that scale from 1 - 16 players.

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Deleted. Not going to bother for people who are too lazy to use search.


Seriously? Because my post had links to the search function. My post also linked to the page that appears when you click your name near your portrait to the left there and then allows you to click 'Statistics' and this allows you then to click 'See all posts started by <name>'


So the search function was used. And you lied. And then you tucked tale and ran away.


I was even generous enough to suggest maybe you posted with a different account, and noted that because the Burden of Proof was on you (I do not have to prove a negative) that you could maybe find and post your thread started either from yourself or another account.


But again, you tucked your tale and ran. (I know its 'tail' its a pun)


Don't lie to support your position. It weakens whatever positive arguments you may have had.

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Not sure if this was mentioned or not...Also might this level sync help with ganking? i.e. a level 60 in full pvp gear goes to alderaan and camps the base and ganks level 30's? I know the expertise will still be there but this should help yes?
it wont help at all. if i run into a 60 during rakghoul for example, that is in pve gear, i melt them in 3 attacks.


with level sync, instead of one shotting a lowbie, i'll kill in 3 attacks. they wont stand a chance either way. and if a player choose to play on a pvp server, they shouldnt complain in the first place because the ONLY reason to play on one is to be continually flagged for pvp. if someone doesnt want to be, they can find a pve server.

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name one


Down leveling everyone to bring back really old heroics to hide just how little content is new at max level.


I consider that a pretty big downside to this.


Hell, just down leveling everyone so they have to 3 shot something vs 1 shotting it is a down side.

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it wont help at all. if i run into a 60 during rakghoul for example, that is in pve gear, i melt them in 3 attacks.


with level sync, instead of one shotting a lowbie, i'll kill in 3 attacks. they wont stand a chance either way. and if a player choose to play on a pvp server, they shouldnt complain in the first place because the ONLY reason to play on one is to be continually flagged for pvp. if someone doesnt want to be, they can find a pve server.


Yeah, I don't get this...rolling on a PvP server, and then crying about PvP.


PvP servers are dead anyways. I just leveled an Operative through the original content on Jung Ma for giggles. I encountered exactly two enemy players...TWO. First one on Tat when I was level 30 waiting for the Jawa Balloon, a level 60 was there that fortunately let me live, and second one, I was level 38 in the Nar Shaddaa bonus area getting the datacrons, and there was a level 32 that I just waved to and he ran off.

Edited by HarleysRule
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it wont help at all. if i run into a 60 during rakghoul for example, that is in pve gear, i melt them in 3 attacks.


with level sync, instead of one shotting a lowbie, i'll kill in 3 attacks. they wont stand a chance either way. and if a player choose to play on a pvp server, they shouldnt complain in the first place because the ONLY reason to play on one is to be continually flagged for pvp. if someone doesnt want to be, they can find a pve server.


I disagree. I believe that level sync will benefit PvP. While a level 60 may still easily take out a lower level player one-on-one due to the difference in abilities, it will be a bit more challenging and if a couple of low levels cooperate they could take down the level 60. It levels the playing field a bit and makes ganking low levels, or killing NPCs, a lot more challenging/risky which should please anyone that really enjoys PvP.

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I disagree. I believe that level sync will benefit PvP. While a level 60 may still easily take out a lower level player one-on-one due to the difference in abilities, it will be a bit more challenging and if a couple of low levels cooperate they could take down the level 60. It levels the playing field a bit and makes ganking low levels, or killing NPCs, a lot more challenging/risky which should please anyone that really enjoys PvP.


Not really because the down leveled folks will still be higher level. They will still have more skills to use. lower levels will still have to wait on cooldown as higher toons have more options to choose from. Lower levels wont have any pvp gear as since we have no information to think that expertise gets changed all that much its just another reason why they will die almost just as fast. The advantage is still so far in the court of the high level, It will be no more worry than it was before down leveling.


But really, if someone is complaining about pvp on a pvp server in any capacity. I think they should be kick off of it and placed on a PVE server ASAP.

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I disagree. I believe that level sync will benefit PvP. While a level 60 may still easily take out a lower level player one-on-one due to the difference in abilities, it will be a bit more challenging and if a couple of low levels cooperate they could take down the level 60. It levels the playing field a bit and makes ganking low levels, or killing NPCs, a lot more challenging/risky which should please anyone that really enjoys PvP.
first of all, i've taken out groups of 5 with my fully pvp geared pt

second, when was the last time you saw a group of 5 questing around tattoine?

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Down leveling everyone to bring back really old heroics to hide just how little content is new at max level.


I consider that a pretty big downside to this.


Hell, just down leveling everyone so they have to 3 shot something vs 1 shotting it is a down side.

Ya know, I get why Bioware is doing this as there is a TON of unused content at end game...anyone new to this game who buys an insta 60, will be floored by how much stuff there will be to solo at 65.


But you're exactly right...Bioware is forcing descaling to cover up the fact that 4.0 has no other new repeatable content...NONE! They're willing to piss off their existing players and gamble on new players coming in from the movie...that's a damn big gamble imo...I hope it pans out, but it's a gutsy move.

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I wasn't lying. Why would I lie about saying I posted something a long time ago. There's no benefit to it.


Admittedly I can't seem to find the stupid post, either, but I will find it eventually. it may have been on one of my alt accounts but I am certain it was on this one. BW does NOT delete posts. They have NEVER deleted a thread here, despite what the conspiracy theorists with tin foil hats try to say. Yes, they LOCK threads, but they do not delete.


I do remember the convo. Some idiot PvPers were doing what idiot PvPers always do - whining about needless, meaningless fluff that had to do with higher levels slamming on lower levels. I had mentioned in that thread that the only way to fix that was a Sync system, and also discussed there that a Sync system WOULD be nice for the PvE crowd also because of high levels always trolling the low levels just to troll.


Sheez. Just because the thread can;t be found or whatever doesn't mean the convo didn't happen. Besides I just answered a simple question in THIS thread pertaining to if anyone in the past had mentioned a Sync system, which the answer was an absolute YES. You make it sound like I was the ONLY one who mentioned a Sync system, which is NOT true. So don;t be angry at me because of some age-old post I may or may not have made because I obviously was NOT alone. If there was not a demand for a new feature, BW would NOT have gone to all this trouble to code it. Do you REALLY think they would make this huge of a change without some sort of request or feedback from players? As you stated yourself ... "Seriously."

Edited by Faelandaea
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I wasn't lying. Why would I lie about saying I posted something a long time ago. There's no benefit to it.


Admittedly I can't seem to find the stupid post, either, but I will find it eventually. it may have been on one of my alt accounts but I am certain it was on this one. BW does NOT delete posts. They have NEVER deleted a thread here, despite what the conspiracy theorists with tin foil hats try to say. Yes, they LOCK threads, but they do not delete.


I do remember the convo. Some idiot PvPers were doing what idiot PvPers always do - whining about needless, meaningless fluff that had to do with higher levels slamming on lower levels. I had mentioned in that thread that the only way to fix that was a Sync system, and also discussed there that a Sync system WOULD be nice for the PvE crowd also because of high levels always trolling the low levels just to troll.


Sheez. Just because the thread can;t be found or whatever doesn't mean the convo didn't happen. Besides I just answered a simple question in THIS thread pertaining to if anyone in the past had mentioned a Sync system, which the answer was an absolute YES. You make it sound like I was the ONLY one who mentioned a Sync system, which is NOT true. So don;t be angry at me because of some age-old post I may or may not have made because I obviously was NOT alone. If there was not a demand for a new feature, BW would NOT have gone to all this trouble to code it. Do you REALLY think they would make this huge of a change without some sort of request or feedback from players? As you stated yourself ... "Seriously."

no it means the threads you claim to have started, dont exist. you lied and got caught.
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Ya know, I get why Bioware is doing this as there is a TON of unused content at end game...anyone new to this game who buys an insta 60, will be floored by how much stuff there will be to solo at 65.


But you're exactly right...Bioware is forcing descaling to cover up the fact that 4.0 has no other new repeatable content...NONE! They're willing to piss off their existing players and gamble on new players coming in from the movie...that's a damn big gamble imo...I hope it pans out, but it's a gutsy move.


Even if we take your thesis as true, alternative is to continue with same ol' and wait till game dies of natural attrition.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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Ya know, I get why Bioware is doing this as there is a TON of unused content at end game...anyone new to this game who buys an insta 60, will be floored by how much stuff there will be to solo at 65.


But you're exactly right...Bioware is forcing descaling to cover up the fact that 4.0 has no other new repeatable content...NONE! They're willing to piss off their existing players and gamble on new players coming in from the movie...that's a damn big gamble imo...I hope it pans out, but it's a gutsy move.


I have to say, you're correct on this one...


This is to give the appearance of lots of new stuff to do. However, in fairness, for newish players, this DOES give them lots of new stuff to do (that honestly they wouldn't have done otherwise).


My guild has a lot of new players who just started this summer, who only have 1 or 2 toons, who haven't been grinding this stuff for 4 years. Over the summer we lost about half of the "old guard", due to lack of content and things to do (you can only run Rav/ToS so many times).


These new players have never seen a challenging TFB/S&V/DF/DP, and while we've taken many through EV/EC/KP, lets be frank, those are a bit silly at lvl 60 these days.


They don't recall a time when Kaon and Lost Island were indeed hard.


So all of that is new to them. The heroics as well, plenty of people, including old timers, have never done them all. I have, because I wanted to get all the achievements done this summer, but not everyone has.


So I suspect that Bioware, or perhaps EA, made the decision that trying to keep the founders was more trouble than it was worth. People who had been here for 3+ years, have done and seen it all and any new content wouldn't hold them for long.


Newish players however, could be held for much longer, if all the existing content was scaled to level and made relevant. For better or worse, this appears to be the approach that was taken.


That being said, I think it is a swing and a miss... why? Because I don't think it would have taken much to keep some of the existing playerbase. 2 new PvP maps this summer, 2 new GSF maps this summer, and 2 new flashpoints at launch, would have gone a long way toward helping.

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Even if we take your thesis true, alternative is to continue with same ol' and wait till game dies of natural attrition.

Or....they could produce new content?! It's a wild idea, I know, but that's how most MMOs do it.


I'm not suggesting the game stagnate either...but after the flop of GSF and 18 months between DF/DP and Rav/ToS, we were told they wouldn't do that again...yet the very next 18+ months, they did it again...Bioware has been making misstep after misstep...they're terribly mismanaged.

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Do you REALLY think they would make this huge of a change without some sort of request or feedback from players?


Uh...yes. I guess we also missed all the threads demanding current crafters lose all their purple schematics, earned achievements be removed, and four main stats be reduced to one because the game wasn't simple enough to understand as is.

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I have to say, you're correct on this one...


This is to give the appearance of lots of new stuff to do. However, in fairness, for newish players, this DOES give them lots of new stuff to do (that honestly they wouldn't have done otherwise).


My guild has a lot of new players who just started this summer, who only have 1 or 2 toons, who haven't been grinding this stuff for 4 years. Over the summer we lost about half of the "old guard", due to lack of content and things to do (you can only run Rav/ToS so many times).


These new players have never seen a challenging TFB/S&V/DF/DP, and while we've taken many through EV/EC/KP, lets be frank, those are a bit silly at lvl 60 these days.


They don't recall a time when Kaon and Lost Island were indeed hard.


So all of that is new to them. The heroics as well, plenty of people, including old timers, have never done them all. I have, because I wanted to get all the achievements done this summer, but not everyone has.


So I suspect that Bioware, or perhaps EA, made the decision that trying to keep the founders was more trouble than it was worth. People who had been here for 3+ years, have done and seen it all and any new content wouldn't hold them for long.


Newish players however, could be held for much longer, if all the existing content was scaled to level and made relevant. For better or worse, this appears to be the approach that was taken.


That being said, I think it is a swing and a miss... why? Because I don't think it would have taken much to keep some of the existing playerbase. 2 new PvP maps this summer, 2 new GSF maps this summer, and 2 new flashpoints at launch, would have gone a long way toward helping.

I could not agree more with anything you said!!! Great post!!!

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first of all, i've taken out groups of 5 with my fully pvp geared pt

second, when was the last time you saw a group of 5 questing around tattoine?


OMG.. this ^^^ SO this... too funny.


Oh yea.. I'm OPTIONAL for Level-Sync. BW is going to BORK is up worst than PVP Bolster. (Sorry - track record has not been great with them doing crap like this).

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Ya know, I get why Bioware is doing this as there is a TON of unused content at end game...anyone new to this game who buys an insta 60, will be floored by how much stuff there will be to solo at 65.

and I get that. Bw's need to hook new people. Sad to think that long time gamers are thought of so little.


But you're exactly right...Bioware is forcing descaling to cover up the fact that 4.0 has no other new repeatable content...NONE! They're willing to piss off their existing players and gamble on new players coming in from the movie...that's a damn big gamble imo...I hope it pans out, but it's a gutsy move.


Not just that be we know SWTOR strong point is story. The problem is those other parts need to happen as well. You can't side line them and expect story to be some amazing gamer retention mechanic. Especially the down leveling mechanic after 4 years of playing this game. So much in KotFE falls well below mediocre and story wont change that.


They have a big gamble going on right now by relying so much on story (as we know that didn't work out in the past when we actually had more story) and not a damn thing else new. Everything is rise/repeat old content and their need to make sure you regrind it. Thats not a pretty picture for gamers who have been here a while. A decent enough picture for new gamers but there is the gamble at the cost of long time customers.


no it means the threads you claim to have started, dont exist. you lied and got caught.


Pretty much. I can't say I ignore anyone but Faelandaea is one I'm not sure I'd pay much less attention to after all that. He wont care of course but that wont matter.

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Wow, if you guys want me to do your searching so badly for you, then so be it. It's amazing what search can do.












































It doesn't matter what you call it. Mentoring. Syncing. Whatever. A Sync system is a Sync system - period. Anyone else want to try to say that NO one asked for a Sync system in the past? And most of those threads had POSITIVE feedback, too. yet now that they actually put it INTO the game, now all of a sudden it's the end of the world?

Edited by Faelandaea
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Or....they could produce new content?! It's a wild idea, I know, but that's how most MMOs do it.


I'm not suggesting the game stagnate either...but after the flop of GSF and 18 months between DF/DP and Rav/ToS, we were told they wouldn't do that again...yet the very next 18+ months, they did it again...Bioware has been making misstep after misstep...they're terribly mismanaged.


Yeah, its a wild idea, but they have a budget and limited manpower and they have to VERY carefully pick what they do.


You can go back to my 95% vs 5% post.


In ideal world with unlimited budget and unlimited manpower everyone would get unlimited supply of everything.


since SWTOR is pretty much opposite of that....the least efficient content gets cut first.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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