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Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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Why? So you can troll the people doing the heroics/WB legit by running around and one shotting them?


People who are over leveled doing those heroics probably just want an achievement or just don't want to group with other people. I for one am not a big fan of grouping either, prefer to play solo.

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I'm pretty sure the point is to make it so you can't solo them.


They have always been soloable at level anyway... going back with setbonuses, augments, full sets of utilities, full set of gear, relics that actually do things, legacy heroics (2 sets), legacy datacrons... end game chars will be so OP, most of these fears are simply idk what tbh... did you not see Eric's derp stream? No hat, one relic, no buffs, no stims, blue gear, clicking his first three abilities with no real strategy - and STILL two or three shotting mobs while taking next to no damage whatsoever.

Edited by leehambly
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I've heard people say that 186 gear has always been crap, too much endurance for dpses (and healers?) to actually make things matter.


That, and whenever I tried heroics lower down, comps and myself were under-geared (no earpieces, implants, or relics); that shouldn't be so much of an issue now.


Since we may get comps' original gear back, or just run with them in underwear, will that have any effect on the comps' down-scaled stats? Or are the only affects on down-scaling due to gear "colour", for our characters, not comps?

Edited by sentientomega
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I've heard people say that 186 gear has always been crap, too much endurance for dpses (and healers?) to actually make things matter.


That, and whenever I tried heroics lower down, comps and myself were under-geared (no earpieces, implants, or relics); that shouldn't be so much of an issue now.


Since we may get comps' original gear back, or just run with them in underwear, will that have any effect on the comps' down-scaled stats? Or are the only affects on down-scaling due to gear "colour", for our characters, not comps?


ONLY your char level, char gear, presence and comp influence are the defining factors... your comp gear will not matter one jot.

Edited by leehambly
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People who are over leveled doing those heroics probably just want an achievement or just don't want to group with other people. I for one am not a big fan of grouping either, prefer to play solo.


And yet you choose to play a genre designed around group play.

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And yet you choose to play a genre designed around group play.

Because there are SO MANY different Star Wars RPGs being released every year amirite!?!?!?


Why would anyone play this one?

Edited by Khevar
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Finding a group of ppl is always a pain if you don't play regularly so trying to do it solo is the only option for me. With level sync I may not be able to go back and do the content because of this.


Then don't do them? Do a tactical FP instead.

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Having dealt with level sync on another game, I'll say i'm not a big fan of it. It's useful for general quests, since we'd be able to get exp for higher lvl toons, but for heroics it WILL be problematic for those who want the (option) to solo, as they will be pretty much forced to group.


Personally, I'd rather group, because I want to, not have to.

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And yet you choose to play a genre designed around group play.


This genre is designed around "how can i get money from my customers monthly"!!!

But btt:


Designed about group play?

The class story mission is designed to play it solo.

The planetary story is designed to play it solo.

Most of the side quests are designed to play them solo.



Where you (possibly) need a group or get forced to a group:

heroic Qs at level

some FPs and the HM FPs



PVP (not owPVP)



There are many people out there just playing the single player parts.

They don´t like FPs or OPs.

They love to run around and gather mats, do crafting, explore the world etc.

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This genre is designed around "how can i get money from my customers monthly"!!!

But btt:


Designed about group play?

The class story mission is designed to play it solo.

The planetary story is designed to play it solo.

Most of the side quests are designed to play them solo.



Where you (possibly) need a group or get forced to a group:

heroic Qs at level

some FPs and the HM FPs



PVP (not owPVP)



There are many people out there just playing the single player parts.

They don´t like FPs or OPs.

They love to run around and gather mats, do crafting, explore the world etc.


Sounds boring. I miss the days of FFXI when you needed 6 people just to level up. That was a real MMO.

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Sounds boring. I miss the days of FFXI when you needed 6 people just to level up. That was a real MMO.


Sounds like a real nightmare scenario, and one pretty much synonymous with the Killik (the Borg of SW) lifestyle; thankfully, BW:A quite rightly rejects such a narrow and supremely inflexible approach, and it's not at all surprising that a game so old (FFXI, 2002) would do such a thing. It is limiting, and ultimately self-destructive.


To say nothing of which, the RPG part of an MMORPG makes it impossible for one character's personal story to be dictated by another 5 players or so.


And, much as I dislike feeling compelled to re-educate people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massively_multiplayer_online_game


Pay specific attention to particular quotes:


A massively multiplayer online game (MMO or MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously.


It has nothing to do forcing people into groups to complete content, that definition in the above quote fits any "real" MMO.


Raansu needs to learn that he does to have the power to decide how MMOs work, and stop telling people who don't agree with him to play single-player games, simply because they're not the must-group junkie he is.


MMOGs can enable players to cooperate and compete with each other on a large scale, and sometimes to interact meaningfully with people around the world.


The key words here are 'can', and 'sometimes'; some people will, some won't.


Again, Raansu doesn't get to punish players who want to go it alone, even in a game where they could get to know other people; it's called freedom of choice, to the extent that the devs support it, at any rate.


Someone with whom I've been talking about the sync is concerned about the severity of down-scaling, beyond 4.0 (in 4.x):


I fear we will see down scaling made very severe after 4.0 hits. We will see massive complaints about "OP" down scaled players "stealing kills", "farming low level mobs" etc...with no else having a chance. I think we are going to be hammered in a future patch.


While I am concerned about this as a possibility, it seems as though the people who might complain, might as well complain about at-level players doing the same thing.


But, rather than complaining about that, it should teach them that level and power are still relevant, no matter how much it might seem otherwise, so if they want to do something about it, they can get levelling, can't they?


One of the major characteristics of MMOs is finders-keepers, so if someone gathers it first, or reaches that mob first (without using charge/leap, someone once accused me of stealing their mob because they were a little late on their leap, the rewards and mission items ended up mine), live with it. I, for one, know how they feel, but this is an MMO, after all, live with it.

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And yet you choose to play a genre designed around group play.


I play cause I love Star Wars and I'm interested in the story aspect of the game with little or only occasional interest for PVP or raids, I don't care about group play. This game is 90% story oriented anyways.


SWTOR to me is pretty much just another Halo type game. Able to play single player with the option of 1-4 Co-op and if you want you can go play up to 16 man matchmaking. However you in no way need to group with anyone to succeed if you want to take in the main storyline. I never group while levelling unless it's a occasional flashpoint group finder pop.

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Finding a group of ppl is always a pain if you don't play regularly so trying to do it solo is the only option for me. With level sync I may not be able to go back and do the content because of this.


All heroics are being changed to 2+ meaning you and your companion at max level(for that planet) should be able to tackle any heroic.

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So your problem is you don't want to be scaled down because you hate effort in obtaining objectives?


A scenario.


Let's say that IRL you are a technician of some kind, you started off as an apprentice, learned the basics, then moved on up, learned a few tricks of the trade here and there, and then after years of hard work became a master of your trade.


You get called in to do a job, a job you haven't done since your days as an apprentice; do you simply forget everything you have learned in the meantime? Do you suddenly become an apprentice again, with no knowledge of years of experience in figuring out workarounds etc? How many master tradesmen still do everything how they were taught as an apprentice? None.


Or do you keep you accumulated knowledge and skills and are then able to apply them to a problem that was, as an apprentice a challenge, but is now, after years of experience a piece of cake?


Now apply that to Level Sync.


All The Best

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Now apply that to Level Sync.


All The Best


We can't . . . because that whole thing was like comparing apples to oranges.


Using that same argument from a different view, the experienced electrician will find that the wires are just the same as he left them, but that his BRAIN has the knowledge to HANDLE those wires better. Just as a player who has been in the game for a spell now has better knowledge and experience to handle the area better.

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I have a level 58 assassin with, say, assassinate and spike at rank 3, and maul at rank 4, discharge at rank 5, and voltaic slash (discipline-specific ability) at rank 33, how does the level sync affect this? Do we get to keep our...ranks?


Also, what happens to, say, chars with the tanking spec who, say, at 60, are dps geared? I've seen a few, and all my tanks are just-for-fun dpses, wet-lettuce dps is not my idea of fun.

Edited by sentientomega
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I have a level 58 assassin with, say, assassinate and spike at rank 3, and maul at rank 4, discharge at rank 5, and voltaic slash (discipline-specific ability) at rank 33, how does the level sync affect this? Do we get to keep our...ranks?


Also, what happens to, say, chars with the tanking spec who, say, at 60, are dps geared? I've seen a few, and all my tanks are just-for-fun dpses, wet-lettuce dps is not my idea of fun.



While you are under Level Sync the following things are adjusted on your character:




Weapon Damage


However, while under Level Sync we will not take away any abilities or passive effects that you have.


You abilities will be still at their maximum rank you could have.

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And yet you choose to play a genre designed around group play.


Since when was KOTOR desigmed around group play? lol


And MMOs are definitely not designed around group play, as was nicely shown in time, solo is base of MMOs and group play is just one of additional activities that MUST NOT be forced, in fact, it must be as accessible as it can be just to see some usage.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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Sounds boring. I miss the days of FFXI when you needed 6 people just to level up. That was a real MMO.


Well it turns out only couple of people want early FFXI, because even FFXI is NOTHING like that for a long long time now.


Question is why do YOU play genre that is not suited to you and are trying to change it to something only couple of people enjoy?

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A scenario.


Let's say that IRL you are a technician of some kind, you started off as an apprentice, learned the basics, then moved on up, learned a few tricks of the trade here and there, and then after years of hard work became a master of your trade.


You get called in to do a job, a job you haven't done since your days as an apprentice; do you simply forget everything you have learned in the meantime? Do you suddenly become an apprentice again, with no knowledge of years of experience in figuring out workarounds etc? How many master tradesmen still do everything how they were taught as an apprentice? None.


Or do you keep you accumulated knowledge and skills and are then able to apply them to a problem that was, as an apprentice a challenge, but is now, after years of experience a piece of cake?


Now apply that to Level Sync.


All The Best


Yeah, because lvl1 wires are so easy, while wires in a house down the block that are lvl60 (just because its bit down the block) are supernatural that need magic to even look at them?


Experienced technician can get entageled up in wires just as much as noob one. You dont lose your skills, or story progression. If youre not even a bit careful you can mess up.


In fact now, game world will make MUCH more sense. Klor slugs are klor slugs, they are no different just becaue theres meaningles number assigned to them like "1" or "60". Ones in Korriban incursions (lvl60) are NO different that ones you killed as lvl1. But somehow those "lvl60" ones are capable of chalenging 4 most powerful force useres in the galaxy. Makes NO sense. (apply that to ANY other case)

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Yeah, because lvl1 wires are so easy, while wires in a house down the block that are lvl60 (just because its bit down the block) are supernatural that need magic to even look at them?



Experienced technician can get entageled up in wires just as much as noob one. You dont lose your skills, or story progression. If youre not even a bit careful you can mess up.


In fact now, game world will make MUCH more sense. Klor slugs are klor slugs, they are no different just becaue theres meaningles number assigned to them like "1" or "60". Ones in Korriban incursions (lvl60) are NO different that ones you killed as lvl1. But somehow those "lvl60" ones are capable of chalenging 4 most powerful force useres in the galaxy. Makes NO sense. (apply that to ANY other case)


Very good point there as well :)

Edited by Faelandaea
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