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Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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The same as it is now. The max level ganker will have full expertise while the lowbie will have none. It'll just take the ganker an extra two GCD's to win.


To be honest, in my experience, it isn't the max level 2018 ganker that is the real toxic problem with owPVP... it's the bored, level capped f2p'ers, hanging around low level planets with nothing better to do, camping respawns. Outpost Thorazon for example. This will see them run out of the game.

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And if they don´t like it they will quit the game.

Less customers --> less money --> end of the game


Nobody says that level sync is a bad idea. But everyone should be able to play the game in his own style. So an option is the best way.

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But everyone should be able to play the game in his own style.


Games, by definition, have rules and regulations. I might want to play this or that way, but :/ well... if I'm not playing by the terms of the game then I am just messing about. This isn't a sandbox MMO. MMO's evolve, this is part of that evolution... it might turn out bad, it might turn out good... their expectation is it will turn out good. It will stop some current activities - but in their eyes, at the very least, clearly, those activities are outside of what they feel is valuable to the game. I want wings of the architect for doing the h2 on Oricon :(

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It's not the Oricon H2+ you get those from... :(


This alone would satisfy those who I know who have left over this. They simply want the option of over leveling a boss a bit if they are having a rough time. To a person, they each cited this as their big turn off and the reason for their loss of interest in spending any more time here.Failing to have an option for that, they have no interest.


Interestingly, Rift has a system wherein you can choose your "ascended mentoring level" right down to a specific level. I really liked that. A couple other things eventually wore my patience thin with that game and I stopped playing, but that was a very cool feature, the mentoring system.


I doubt we will see this. Really I have no idea of course, no really detailed plans have been presented to us. We only know that they want this as part of their future design and maybe they consider it too much work to to do this.


But without some sort of option, I know an increasing number of people who won't be here. Anecdotal, yes. It is only people whom I know. But, I'd rather have it so they would be here too. I just do not see their departure as good for anyone.


We can only go by the dev post stating we will be max level for a given planet ( 32 on Alderaan for example, as said in the post) and that seems to be that. I'm not expecting that to change.


Which almost sounds like they're trying to prune casuals from the game, to be quite honest; but then, if I knew what they had it in mind to achieve, I'd tailor my suggestion to incorporate that.


Especially since I fail to see how my options would make it easier to gank people, or farm planets, it's not like you'd get NO aggro 5 or 6 levels above the planet max.


Again, PvP-flaggeds will be auto-max-planet-level, so they're all the same level. From our character portraits, we'd be able to shift our level up and down the range, to better fine-tune our experiences.


My suggestions are supposed to keep that intent going, assuming it is possible to solo heroics at level, it probably isn't for more casuals players who'd like to just solo everything they can, hence my +5/6 above planet level cap option suggestion, incidentally, you wouldn't be able to move your character until you picked one (e.g. for DK, ANY level between 16-21-22), and, as I said, WB is hardly soloable at those levels.


At the very least the upper limit should be 5 above max, because even at 60 I've had trouble soloing the Oricon heroic, so I know many others will.


Being able to over-level by 4-6 levels was an essential part of my levelling process, if that wasn't so, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have has many characters as I have at the levels they are now.


The thing is, my suggestion would make it possible for people to choose a greater challenge, and I know there are people on the forums, and off the forums, who live that Mandalorian lifestyle; just as there are players, like me, who'd like the idea of being able to have a challenge if they wanted to, but most of the time, coast along, but not necessarily without thinking.


I don't know what will drive me away from swtor, if anything; I hope nothing does, since this is a great game, and I hope it will continue to be such, for me in particular, long after 4.0 comes to launch. So long as BW:A keeps adding solo viability options, I'd most likely be here to stay. :)

Edited by sentientomega
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This discussion has become as pointless as trying to reason with the sunset.


If anything about it is going to change from what they've announced, it's going to be no sooner than six months from now, and only then if this being mandatory is directly associated with catastrophic losses of revenue.


I don't see that as likely. It's a great system that is, I think, needlessly being dovetailed in as mandatory, but I expect the reception to be largely positive despite that considerably moreso than because of that.


At this late hour, it's safe to assume that the Bioware knows what some of us think about that mandatory aspect sounding unnecessary.


It's not going to change anything. Certainly not now, probably not ever.


They really don't care what we think. Any opinions not represented in fiscal currency format aren't relevant.

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My only issue with this announcement is that it's forced. City of Heroes had the mentor and sidekick system that would synch you appropriately to the content in which you tried to pass through. The difference was that it was based on choice and not forced. The fact that they're forcing it upon the player is, well... I'll manage but still feels like a slight. It's not like running through Black Talon was netting me anything worthy if I ran around on my level 60 through it.
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This discussion has become as pointless as trying to reason with the sunset.


If anything about it is going to change from what they've announced, it's going to be no sooner than six months from now, and only then if this being mandatory is directly associated with catastrophic losses of revenue.


I don't see that as likely. It's a great system that is, I think, needlessly being dovetailed in as mandatory, but I expect the reception to be largely positive despite that considerably moreso than because of that.


At this late hour, it's safe to assume that the Bioware knows what some of us think about that mandatory aspect sounding unnecessary.


It's not going to change anything. Certainly not now, probably not ever.


They really don't care what we think. Any opinions not represented in fiscal currency format aren't relevant.

Great reply Uruare!

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ike there is any owpvp action in this game.

This made me think of my one OWPvP kill in this game. (My total over all the MMORPGs I've played is only six, and the other five all come from Allods Online.)


I was a level 32 commando on Alderaan, before disciplines came along. I was working my way along that big long valley zone with the two entrances at one end and the bridge across the valley at the other. I was at the bridge, killing the guard mobs, and some sort of Sith player came along with his nameplate all in red. He was level 29.


My build was crap - it wouldn't be for another 8-9 levels before I got proper hints on constructing and using a build, and, equally, before it began to matter - and my gear was a bit crap, although Elara and I both at least had all Aim gear.


My use of my rotation was also crap. All that crapness probably convinced the Sith dude that he could take me out even though I was three levels higher, so as I was fighting the mobs on the bridge, he sent in his companion to start the fun.


'Course maybe he was trying to help, but I was doing OK, so I read it as him trying to help the mobs put me into an early grave, so I switched from fighting the mobs to fighting the interfering moron. Despite my crap use of a crap build in crap gear, he went down. I then mounted up and ran away like all the instructors from Korriban were on my tail, in case the dude had friends in the area.

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I am super happy about level sync, and I hope this carries over to flashpoints as well so that we won't always be stuck doing the same ones over and over at max level but instead can enjoy our old favorites. I am, for example, looking forward to (hopefully) Directive 7, Mandalorian Raiders, and The Foundry, just to name a few.


I don't know if they have plans to level sync the flashpoints yet, but I sure hope they do.


Also, Level Sync is a good idea because there are countless heroic missions on all of the planets, all of which yield comms, which might come in handy if you are, for example, short a few comms to buy a piece of gear. At least with level sync, the grind to get those ten won't be a total face-roll. I'm thinking about, for example, all those on Voss for the reputation grinders out there :) It'll be fun to find a group of people to knock those out instead of doing it all solo and one-shotting everything.


Level Sync is a step in the right direction. I think it will be a good thing.


It applies to the FP's. They are also making all the FP's tactical and soloable so it doesn't really matter if they level sync or not I guess.

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Why? So you can troll the people doing the heroics/WB legit by running around and one shotting them?


I shall enlighten you to a few facts:



I don't troll,I'm guessing you most likely do as that seemed to be the first thing that came to your mind in a reply to my post



I play on a PVE server only, I have zero interest in PVP except GSF.



I'm only interested in having an enjoyable gaming experience which I believe BW are about to ruin for me.

I don't go around ninja'ing gear ,mobs,pointlessly killing players and all the other stupid crap that ********s out there do because they can hid behind a PC screen.


So here's a thought for you;Read a post carefully and try and understand what the poster may be on about before replying.

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God. There are some really dismal folks on these boards regardless of what happens. And to wonder why I took a break from here :rolleyes:


We don't all worship Bioware and labor under the inexplicable conviction that they do not and cannot do anything wrong, or that if they ever did, it would still be wonderful because they'd have meant well.


You suffer from the pitiful delusion that Bioware is everyone's friend, or at the very least, your friend.


It's a business. Money makes the rules. Pursuit of money sculpts the means and methods. All talk of 'what an MMO is supposed to be' and attempts at evoking references to non-existent principles for their own sake is as unto contemplating the sound a falling leaf makes when nobody cares that it existed in the first place.


And you? I'm not sure who you try so hard to convince that Bioware is infallible and everything they do is amazing and anyone that disagrees is wrong by default.


Is it those of us that don't believe that at all, whatever our reasons might be, or is it yourself?


Whatever answer you might make, it makes little difference.


You're that leaf in the forest. Just another leaf in the woods.


They didn't care you existed in the first place.

Edited by Uruare
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I shall enlighten you to a few facts:



I don't troll,I'm guessing you most likely do as that seemed to be the first thing that came to your mind in a reply to my post



I play on a PVE server only, I have zero interest in PVP except GSF.



I'm only interested in having an enjoyable gaming experience which I believe BW are about to ruin for me.

I don't go around ninja'ing gear ,mobs,pointlessly killing players and all the other stupid crap that ********s out there do because they can hid behind a PC screen.


So here's a thought for you;Read a post carefully and try and understand what the poster may be on about before replying.


Never said anything about pvp and if your enjoyment is running around and basically not playing the game by one shotting heroics......Its time to move on.

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God. There are some really dismal folks on these boards regardless of what happens. And to wonder why I took a break from here :rolleyes:


Don't let them get you down. You can't control others, but you can yourself.



A lot of the points people made on here I don't agree with. This is going to read very jerkish but here goes.


It does not matter what you want, It does not matter what I want. What matters is what is good for the game. We don't know what is good for the game until we tried it and test it out. Just because you or I don't like a feature does not mean others will not.


We all like this game, and we want it to grow and become profitable. A happy Bioware means more for us. A MMO does not revolve around a single person. We understand that going into a mmo, and adapt to that change, OR move on if we are not having fun anymore.


That is the simple truth. People gave examples of the xp rate, and other things they got changed is fine. Yet, this is a core change to the game itself. Until we know it is good or bad for it. We should try it. Saying you already had in other games means very little as each system plays out not the same way.


So wait and see.

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Also agree, I wasn't wild about the level-sync to begin with; but now, I can't wait to try it out! :o


If I can solo the most challenging content (WBs don't count here) on any planet, then all should be absolutely tickety-boo and peachy. :)


I'm pretty sure the point is to make it so you can't solo them.

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