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imposible for lesser skilled players to finish class storry in 4.0


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i am a lesser skilled player and i rely on oveleveling content to make them challanging for me instead of imposible for me. luckily for me bioware realised since SOR that story content was to hard for lesser skilled players and fixed that from then on.


so either nerf old class quest or make an exception for class quest on leveling scale


Sorry, I don't buy it.


There has never been an easier, more casual and solo friendly MMO than SWTOR, and that is only being enhanced with the expansion.

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It's be really easy to be a snarky bastard right now and just leave "Git Gud" in this spot but I'd hate to be a ahole.


On the other hand...


yeah sorry, sometimes games need to be work. I've been in your shoes back two years ago when I was a noob and didn't know the mechanics.


The only advice I can give is practice, practice, practice, your gear is the most important part of the game, not your level.


And again, sorry if this sounds aholy, but if you can't, thru proper work, planning and tactics get thru your story quests solo then this might just not be the game for you.

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If you'd read closely, I basically said the exact opposite.


Yes you did, Torvai. Yes you did. I did say "some people". Not you.


Rest of post edited out due to Terms of Service forum rules and to prevent escalation...

Edited by DalrisThane
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Ah. So the OP now has to explain to YOUR satisfaction about how difficult s/he finds the game.


Sadly, this is the internet, so the "Would you like to step outside?" conflict resolution option doesn't apply, though people like you seriously deserve it...


Lets just say I've been banned for less for my thoughts atm...


I would recommend a dose of perspective. I do love your forum warrior stance, its adorable.


At what point do I ask the OP to justify themselves? The guy could be playing with no hands for all I know and have difficulty based on that, it is really irrelevant as to how easy the game is.


Please show me an easier and more casual friendly MMO than SWTOR, there are none.


This game is designed to pander to the lowest skill level of the gamer.


Is it a bad thing? Not necessarily, and they are clearly using KOFTE to hammer home the point, that easy, solo game play is the future of SWTOR.

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i am a lesser skilled player and i rely on oveleveling content to make them challanging for me instead of imposible for me. luckily for me bioware realised since SOR that story content was to hard for lesser skilled players and fixed that from then on.


so either nerf old class quest or make an exception for class quest on leveling scale


LvL sync= Being made the highest lvl that would still gain xp from quest i.e. 7 lvls over the content. So that means you would be equal to a lvl 57 doing base class quest on Correllia.... If you can't get it done as a lvl 57 equivalent, then perhaps you should spend a little bit of time figuring out your abilities.

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I'll try to help you. With what do you seem to have trouble with? Rotations, awareness, gearing? Just feel free to describe what's bothering you.


i have Developmental coordination disorder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developmental_coordination_disorder

so i have trouble with mechanics, my reaction time is to slow to interupt an terminate. it goes something like this.

i notice the terminate mechanic, then i go what should i do, o yeah interupt, what is the interupt skill in this class? o there it is! select interupt too late. die.

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Call me crazy but it seems like the more times I do something, the better I get at it. Outside of disabilities mental/physical (I feel for those people) or just plain laziness (no sympathy here) there is no reason for lesser skilled players to not become better skilled players.
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so either nerf old class quest or make an exception for class quest on leveling scale


3 things..


1. You can still out level content. Yes you'll be downscaled, but you'll be downscaled to max level.

2. They said gear still matters, so keep your gear up.

3. Companions are different now. No matter how many of which companions you have, you're DPS companions won't be behind on damage because lack of gear. Your tank companions won't get destroyed because lack of gear, and your heal companions won't fail because of lack of gear.


Sure you're not 5+ levels ahead of content, but you're still in a better place.


Also, stop worrying about downleveling. Take advantage of 12x and finish up some characters while you can!

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I have tremendous empathy for anyone playing this game with a disability that affects completion of class quests. That said, the game should not be designed around them. Class quests are easy as they are (on level) and require but a little bit of coordination and focus. Anything less would have a negative impact on the game.


Also, if you do not have a disability, and need to be over leveled to complete class quests, I suggest really looking at how you play the game. It is not working and you would be better served by figuring out what you are doing horribly wrong.

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i am a lesser skilled player and i rely on oveleveling content to make them challanging for me instead of imposible for me. luckily for me bioware realised since SOR that story content was to hard for lesser skilled players and fixed that from then on.


so either nerf old class quest or make an exception for class quest on leveling scale


What exactly was your problem? Was it not using interrupts and stuns? Everything every class gets access too.


Seriously, when I couldn't beat a boss in game it was usually because I wasn't using my interrupt or stuns in a fight I needed to do just that in.

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99% of the story content is ranging from easy to normal. But then we have that 1% like Darth Baras, who seem to be set up to make the player fail about 600 times. There is no fight in SWTOR that I hated as much as that one. It's very much down to luck in those fights. Today however you can just over-level and thus crush those extremely hard story bosses. And sparing yourself of the frustration. After the exp you'll just have to try or skip the fight and start with the expansion instead.


Also you could take a certain little furry companion with you that can tank and heal at the same time. This will most likely be another thing of the past once the exp is out. All those cartel coins spend on Treek, that will balanced down to the same weak level as the other companions...

Edited by FumikoM
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Also you could take a certain little furry companion with you that can tank and heal at the same time. This will most likely be another thing of the past once the exp is out. All those cartel coins spend on Treek, that will balanced down to the same weak level as the other companions...


The number of times Treek crit while on a crewskill missions has paid for itself in my book.

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I just... what? Lesser skilled? Class missions impossible without being overleved?


A level or two makes almost no difference. If you're 9 over the difference is fairly min or even. At 10 over you become an untouchable god.


Frankly.. if you're so bad that you can't figure out how to finish even a single solo quest.. get better. Learn. Improve. I just finished a sorcerer and when I hit 55 I realized I'd never once had to use any of my defensive cooldowns. No heroic moment or legacy abilities at all. I'd never even geared any companions beyond their starter gear until Rishii at 57. This game is actually quite easy if you have appropriate gear and play using an appropriate ability rotation. Each class is designed to use certain abilities in a certain rotation. Learn your openers, learn your rotation, and then you'll start to excell.

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i have Developmental coordination disorder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developmental_coordination_disorder

so i have trouble with mechanics, my reaction time is to slow to interupt an terminate. it goes something like this.

i notice the terminate mechanic, then i go what should i do, o yeah interupt, what is the interupt skill in this class? o there it is! select interupt too late. die.


I don't know how difficult it would be for you, but you can either keybind your interrupt ability to the same button for all of your characters or put it in the exact same place on your ability bars on the UI. I am a clicker myself and if all I'm doing is looking at the little icon, it can get confusing scanning for the interrupt when its icon looks different for every class. So when I get the interrupt abilities, they go into the same place for each character. Then it doesn't matter what the icon looks like.


Also, I don't think you should be shy about asking for help on your class missions. I know the trolls and "pros" in general chat will probably make fun of you if you simply ask, but, at least on Harbinger, I see numerous times where someone will cut through the jerks and help people with their class missions (I am one who will help if I am available).

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i have Developmental coordination disorder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developmental_coordination_disorder

so i have trouble with mechanics, my reaction time is to slow to interupt an terminate. it goes something like this.

i notice the terminate mechanic, then i go what should i do, o yeah interupt, what is the interupt skill in this class? o there it is! select interupt too late. die.


That's rather unfortunate to hear. But you can turn this to your advantage. You can overload on information and basically overprepare so you get those precious seconds. Basically turning a physical disability into mental advantage.


Besides this, idk how to help you. I wish I could do more.


As for the rest of you, shame on you. You've really shown your faces, mr.l33ts.

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Plus you do see random high level NPC's on planets like Republic Taris, in the swamp area there are level 50's (I have never figured the reason).


But your point yeah I don't particularly want to try to been Warriors final boss as a level 10.

Regarding the bolded part: that's because those NPCs are for the Seeker Droid mission you get when you're level 52, they're for the Seed of Dread stuff. Taris is one place that has those NPCs present there, Balmorra, Alderaan, Corellia, Hoth, Tatooine, and Voss are other planets that have similar NPCs.
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i am a lesser skilled player and i rely on oveleveling content to make them challanging for me instead of imposible for me. luckily for me bioware realised since SOR that story content was to hard for lesser skilled players and fixed that from then on.


so either nerf old class quest or make an exception for class quest on leveling scale


Nooooo are you kidding me? Nerfing class quests? They are already easy enough. Hell I keep my mods 15+ levels under my current level just so it can be remotely challenging... and it is. Which is totes fun. :rak_03: Even if you are a lesser skilled player, reading tooltips on abilities, looking at how the boss operates, and stringing together attacks that complement eachother will go a long way. In MMOs whenever you are awarded a new passive or ability you should always read what it does and use it appropriately don't just mash buttons.

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