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Level-Sync is a GOOD thing


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Many are outraged, as people tend to do about any little thing announced these days it seems, about the level-syncing. However, I think that in the grand scheme of it all, this is a brilliant move.


Hang in there, I will get to the point.


For those of you who hate walls, here is an index.


1. Expanded Content

2. Content Retention

3. Co-op

4. Future Use

5. Relation to Rest of Game

6. Variety

7. Stomp-No-More

8. Powered Up

9. Change




Quite simply, at end game there are plenty of things to do, and as with all expansions, we gain more. However, this essentially allows content that was obsolete to the high levels, to suddenly be worth something again. Combine this with the removal of the weekly limit for data chips *formerly commendations* and it can be pretty dang great. Nor do they take too long to reset, unless they changed that as well. *heroics reset every day* Nothing is taken away, but with this system in place, every single heroic from the game is able to be done again for rewards that work for your level. It is much like as if we just gained multiple end level FP's.





This point I can not stress enough, seeing how it plays a part in most of the other points. Not only does this make it so that there is more repeatable content that either require good play, or a decent group, but it also is looking to the future. The list is already pretty long now, but in two years? Three? The list of heroics that will be able to be done will be enormous. Nor will they ever be obsolete again. They will ALWAYS give you good stuff. Even if you are focusing on the non-heroic portions, where you just wander around on the planet... You still have gained much. It allows them to not have to worry about the little things and gives them the ability to expand EVERY planet that we currently have.





Quite simply, who wants to get help if they are going to be carried, when you just want to hang out with friends and help them out? Well, granted there are a few, but it also used to sap the rewards, the xp, and the fun. Now? They can still solo it for you, but none of the negatives come into play. Meaning you and your buddies can still play together, and if you're capable with your class, STILL steam roll it. Albeit with added rewards for both of you.





As I have touched on in previous points, this feature opens up whole new worlds for the future of SWTOR. It allows content to never be phased out, and only to be built upon itself. Perhaps one day you feel like punching some goons on Tatooine, but don't want to use an alt. Well, now you can do so without it being just one shots. Or maybe you and a friend want to enjoy the nostalgia of Korriban on your mains? Go on, you can do so now without the glaring differences, albeit you still steam roll it.





Not only does this feature help with co-op, but also pvp. Infamous are the times of when max leveled players would go to Tatooine and massacre lower levels, forcing others to stop it. However, with this change, it would allow the lower levels to at least be able to hit their aggressors. Meaning if enough banded together, no need to switch characters. While it has not been mentioned, what if they have also worked on the reverse? What if they have worked on a system to upscale people if they are bellow the min level of a planet? Speculation, ofc, but the system is already in place and would just need a few tweaks...





As I have mentioned in the others, the sheer amount of choice will be enormous. Right now at end game we have what? FP's? Hm's? Ops? Pvp? Dailies? Congratulations, you get to keep all of those, but wait there is more! On top of everything else you have now, you will gain additional sources of credits, data crystals, equipment, xp, and the ability to adventure on ANY planet without it being setup as a God among men. What they are doing, opens the doors for life to be breathed into other worlds, for people to do as they wish, instead of following just the story lines. They can choose. Heck, you could go 1-65 in theory just by staying on your starter planet! Not that I recommend it...





Lets be honest, this is the biggest reason people hate it. But lets look at the issue here. You do not want your time on these planets expanded due to additional fights, dismounts, and such right? Well, you already will be able to curb-stomp them with the power-up *next section* and your speeder will still protect you VERY well... So where is the issue? That you might get loot? That you get xp? That you have to spend a few seconds fighting? This really is a non-issue. Not sure about everyone else, but even at level, it is easy enough to dance around groups of mobs on most planets to bypass them. Or, just sacrifice your companion *who, may just slaughter them due to the power up*. Heck, you could just run and gun and lose little time. Most classes have AoE of some sort, which should make this quite simple, no?





To put it simply, even down-scaled you are OP. Heck, Musco didn't even try when down-scaled and he murdered golds in a heroic area in seconds. MUCH faster than people that level. Do recall you also retain many of your benefits, such as your bonus dmg. Most planets, that bonus dmg will allow you to 1-2 hit still. If your being down-scaled, you most likely already know how to use your class. Which, essentially nullifies the rest of the danger unless you want to challenge yourself by gimping yourself.





Change can be scary, but it also can be for the best. From a design perspective, as well as a player perspective, this change is a net positive. Yes, you can't steam roll the low level mobs as quickly anymore. But everything else? Gravy. So much gravy, that it makes that one bad part questionable since many will actually enjoy that.



Do not preach doom and gloom because of this change, but instead contemplate what it really means. Heck, I am sure it went through many iterations already and that they only went through with such a drastic change, after much testing. They do not do things that would cause too much havoc in the terms of mechanics, most of the time. For example, they canceled the idea of AoE not stopping caps in PvP completely when it was severely out of favor on the PTS. They know what might happen if enough dislike the change. They have planned for it, and in my opinion, have covered enough pro's to overshadow the con's.




Go read it, you lazy bum! I even gave you an index!

Edited by Silenceo
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I agree with your points. Also this is a community requested feature, in some form, in every MMO on the market. It will be positive selling point to draw people to SWTOR. Edited by Onrush
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I agree with your points. Also this is a community requested feature in some form in every MMO on the market. It will be beneficial in drawing people to SWTOR.


Yup, and from how bitter the community seems to be. New blood is very much welcome.

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I agree with your points. Also this is a community requested feature, in some form, in every MMO on the market. It will be positive selling point to draw people to SWTOR.


Thanks, and it has been requested here many times. The biggest divide is optional vs mandatory. Though, I think Mandatory is the better method after all the variables are accounted for.

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Getting down scaled is a decent game feature.


Having it forced not so much. I don't care for that happening all the time.


Optional is so much better than mandatory when you look at all the different players and what they like to do and play.

Edited by Quraswren
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One problem with having it optional that people have glossed over ... how do you code that? Making it scale for some and not for others is possibly a nightmare to deal with on the back end so they did it universally.


This is a change much like skill trees turning into disciplines. It is implemented for all.

Edited by iacon
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I agree with your points. Also this is a community requested feature, in some form, in every MMO on the market. It will be positive selling point to draw people to SWTOR.

Whit reputation swtor has dont hope for too many new people. I love this game as somebdy who tried to get my friends to play it beleve me rep swtor has is problematic at best. Especialy if you like to pvp or raid in mmos. My friend asked how many pvp maps swtor has and how offten they add new or how often they release new ops. And now when we will get single story for all clases difrent class stories argument flys true window... old heroics becoming relevant again doset get my blood pumping they still same old heroics I already did... for new player it might be cool but if you been here long enough it will get old realy fast people say planetary quest will be come chalanging now it wont it just take longer to clear them. Im actaly really suprised that devs decided to mess whit casual players now been mesing whit pvp raiding or gsf players for long time now it casuals time it seems.

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One problem with having it optional that people have glossed over ... how do you code that? Making it scale for some and not for others is possibly a nightmare to deal with on the back end so they did it universally.


This is a change much like skill trees turning into disciplines. It is implemented for all.


If different levels of players can be bolstered, some that don't and some that do, then having some that get down leveled and some that don't should be possible as well.


An optional down leveling feature isn't some over the top request.

Edited by Quraswren
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If different levels of players can be bolstered, some that don't and some that do, then having some that get down leveled and some that don't should be possible as well.


An optional down leveling feature isn't some over the top request.


When an area has bolster, everyone is bolstered to the "same level" and it is not optional. There is no situation where someone is bolstered and someone is not bolstered. Even characters that do not need bolster are bolstered.


Only stats are affected. It does not grant abilities a character does not have access to, meaning a level 30 will not have all the skills of a level 60 just because their stats are bumped. Conversely, being scaled will probably only affect stats and will not touch abilities.

Edited by iacon
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OP preaches again as a Biodrone.


Show me the many requests on the forums pre-KotFE requesting mandatory scaling. Don't bring me "mentoring," bring me mandatory scaling on low level planets. You did say it had been requested over and over.


Or maybe you're an idiot who eats up recycled bullsh content and calls it "new."


Anytime you remove an option, you remove content.

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OP preaches again as a Biodrone.


Or maybe you're an idiot who eats up recycled bullsh content and calls it "new."


Anytime you remove an option, you remove content.


Sorry, but this made me laugh. Maybe OP just generally likes the idea of level scaling and thinks that it will be a good feature? That does not in any way make him an "idiot" or a "Biodrone." Whats the point of insulting him?


And I fail to see how removing the option to one-shot lower level trash mobs is the equivalent to "removing content" in any way, shape, or form.

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1) They drop the lowest tier token, and when the expansion drops all our tokens will convert 1:1 to the new name, cause new names are kewl?


So doing them over just adds a bit of variety to gain more tokens, why I dunno we no longer need tokens to gear companions so I don't really know what we'll do with all those low tier tokens. People already blow them on gear to sell cause that stuff is worse than the stuff they have.


The main point of old content being new again is a pro for the devs to not make new content, which is great for them and new players but not long time players.


2) You realize that as you hit max level anything outside of ops/pvp or top tier crafting is better than the drops from generic missions including heroics? These heroics will be old, for many of us they are aleady old having 'rolled' numerous alts over the nearly 4 years swtor has been out.


3) Plenty of people, not me but plenty of people don't care that a high level, even a 50/55/60, comes to save them from their rush to level and not gearing or learning their class. Back in my day I died and learned to level moar, get better gear, use drugs, medpacks, etc till I beat the boss. People still do that but there are plenty who are fine with no xp if they get past the thing in their way presumably to then ask for help a mission or two later.


4) It allows the developer to not make new content by recycling the old. Which is good for them, fine for new players but kind of sucks for long time players who've been through all this stuff numerous times over the nearly 4 years the game has been running.


Also you are essentially repeating yourself from 2 and 3.


5) Repeating point 3 again, and to solve the pvp issue just make the sync optional and if you choose to opt out you are not in the same instance with synced players. By default everyone is syncd, when (if by an act of mighty Odin ) the single instance 1 of non syncd players is full people landing on that planet are pushed to instance 2+ and forced to sync. There no more pvp massacres by high level troll/gankers with no life if people still bother with pvp in openworld cause that seems to need fan made events to happen.


6) Choices to do the same 4 year old content and the devs are 'off the hook' for new content because they recylced the old stuff. Again nice for the devs, and new players but not the long time players who've seen that and done it all numerous times. As I mentioned those rewards are the lowest token that people blow on stuff to sell because the gear it buys isn't as good as anything they get at 'end game' content, that gear is entry level.


7) According to you we will be able to 'curb stomp' them but what if I don't want to even deal with fighting them, the aggro, being chased unable to interact with something I want to click/open etc. By your word I won't be knocked off my mount, I guess I should trust you since you work for BW right, no, wait you don't.


You think the solution is fight them, but they won't bother me, which is it?


How about this, what if I don't want to help out the other player playing in that area/tunnel etc and I just want to run in and grab a datacron? No choice have to fight them and clear a path for the other player who might be there for an objective but has to 'compete' with me now because I can't just run by npcs anymore.


8) You talked a lot about choices and here I don't want to do this but that doesn't matter. I'll be really powerful so I should be fine with being forced to scale down to be weaker and have to deal with all these npcs who used to leave me alone unless I walked up to their face and tried to pick their pocket.


What then is the point of level 65 if we'll be scaled down, why bother with levels anymore scale up for fps/ops scale down for planets and heroics.



I just want the choice to sync when and if I want to. BW can still be off the hook for no new content outside of KOTFE story chapters. Keep the people who choose to not sync in their own instance(just 1 cause hardly anyone will want to play old content/planets) where the only people allowed are not synced and the default is to sync so new players will start out syncd down when they go back to old planets.

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Many are outraged, as people tend to do about any little thing announced these days it seems, about the level-syncing. However, I think that in the grand scheme of it all, this is a brilliant move.


Hang in there, I will get to the point.


For those of you who hate walls, here is an index.


1. Expanded Content

2. Content Retention

3. Co-op

4. Future Use

5. Relation to Rest of Game

6. Variety

7. Stomp-No-More

8. Powered Up

9. Change




Quite simply, at end game there are plenty of things to do, and as with all expansions, we gain more. However, this essentially allows content that was obsolete to the high levels, to suddenly be worth something again. Combine this with the removal of the weekly limit for data chips *formerly commendations* and it can be pretty dang great. Nor do they take too long to reset, unless they changed that as well. *heroics reset every day* Nothing is taken away, but with this system in place, every single heroic from the game is able to be done again for rewards that work for your level. It is much like as if we just gained multiple end level FP's.





This point I can not stress enough, seeing how it plays a part in most of the other points. Not only does this make it so that there is more repeatable content that either require good play, or a decent group, but it also is looking to the future. The list is already pretty long now, but in two years? Three? The list of heroics that will be able to be done will be enormous. Nor will they ever be obsolete again. They will ALWAYS give you good stuff. Even if you are focusing on the non-heroic portions, where you just wander around on the planet... You still have gained much. It allows them to not have to worry about the little things and gives them the ability to expand EVERY planet that we currently have.





Quite simply, who wants to get help if they are going to be carried, when you just want to hang out with friends and help them out? Well, granted there are a few, but it also used to sap the rewards, the xp, and the fun. Now? They can still solo it for you, but none of the negatives come into play. Meaning you and your buddies can still play together, and if you're capable with your class, STILL steam roll it. Albeit with added rewards for both of you.





As I have touched on in previous points, this feature opens up whole new worlds for the future of SWTOR. It allows content to never be phased out, and only to be built upon itself. Perhaps one day you feel like punching some goons on Tatooine, but don't want to use an alt. Well, now you can do so without it being just one shots. Or maybe you and a friend want to enjoy the nostalgia of Korriban on your mains? Go on, you can do so now without the glaring differences, albeit you still steam roll it.





Not only does this feature help with co-op, but also pvp. Infamous are the times of when max leveled players would go to Tatooine and massacre lower levels, forcing others to stop it. However, with this change, it would allow the lower levels to at least be able to hit their aggressors. Meaning if enough banded together, no need to switch characters. While it has not been mentioned, what if they have also worked on the reverse? What if they have worked on a system to upscale people if they are bellow the min level of a planet? Speculation, ofc, but the system is already in place and would just need a few tweaks...





As I have mentioned in the others, the sheer amount of choice will be enormous. Right now at end game we have what? FP's? Hm's? Ops? Pvp? Dailies? Congratulations, you get to keep all of those, but wait there is more! On top of everything else you have now, you will gain additional sources of credits, data crystals, equipment, xp, and the ability to adventure on ANY planet without it being setup as a God among men. What they are doing, opens the doors for life to be breathed into other worlds, for people to do as they wish, instead of following just the story lines. They can choose. Heck, you could go 1-65 in theory just by staying on your starter planet! Not that I recommend it...





Lets be honest, this is the biggest reason people hate it. But lets look at the issue here. You do not want your time on these planets expanded due to additional fights, dismounts, and such right? Well, you already will be able to curb-stomp them with the power-up *next section* and your speeder will still protect you VERY well... So where is the issue? That you might get loot? That you get xp? That you have to spend a few seconds fighting? This really is a non-issue. Not sure about everyone else, but even at level, it is easy enough to dance around groups of mobs on most planets to bypass them. Or, just sacrifice your companion *who, may just slaughter them due to the power up*. Heck, you could just run and gun and lose little time. Most classes have AoE of some sort, which should make this quite simple, no?





To put it simply, even down-scaled you are OP. Heck, Musco didn't even try when down-scaled and he murdered golds in a heroic area in seconds. MUCH faster than people that level. Do recall you also retain many of your benefits, such as your bonus dmg. Most planets, that bonus dmg will allow you to 1-2 hit still. If your being down-scaled, you most likely already know how to use your class. Which, essentially nullifies the rest of the danger unless you want to challenge yourself by gimping yourself.





Change can be scary, but it also can be for the best. From a design perspective, as well as a player perspective, this change is a net positive. Yes, you can't steam roll the low level mobs as quickly anymore. But everything else? Gravy. So much gravy, that it makes that one bad part questionable since many will actually enjoy that.



Do not preach doom and gloom because of this change, but instead contemplate what it really means. Heck, I am sure it went through many iterations already and that they only went through with such a drastic change, after much testing. They do not do things that would cause too much havoc in the terms of mechanics, most of the time. For example, they canceled the idea of AoE not stopping caps in PvP completely when it was severely out of favor on the PTS. They know what might happen if enough dislike the change. They have planned for it, and in my opinion, have covered enough pro's to overshadow the con's.




Go read it, you lazy bum! I even gave you an index!


That's great, really, I'm glad you can find so much to like about it.


For me, it provides zero benefits and zero advantages.


Why not make it optional so that we can both enjoy the game as much as possible?

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Getting down scaled is a decent game feature.


Having it forced not so much. I don't care for that happening all the time.


Optional is so much better than mandatory when you look at all the different players and what they like to do and play.


As long as PvP is even possible, it HAS to be mandatory. Otherwise while everyone else is enjoying more challenging content (facerolling mobs gets SO boring, and even Ziost was just too easy solo) if a level 65 visits Tatooine and decides "hey, I'm choosing to NOT level sync so I can gank EVERYONE" he can ruin the experience for the rest of the players.


Plus, there's the immersion factor. Since this IS an MMORPG, the roleplaying aspect tells us that NPCs on starter planets aren't actually so weak they can barely walk straight (as if faced with a 60+ character). These NPCs are roughly the same health relative to the player so level synching makes that a reality.


Yep, pretty much mandatory was the only way to go here. Amazing that people are so torqued because they can't go back and solo world bosses and take away that battle from the legitimate on-level people there. Oh, but this decision ruins THEIR fun. :rolleyes:

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As long as PvP is even possible, it HAS to be mandatory. Otherwise while everyone else is enjoying more challenging content (facerolling mobs gets SO boring, and even Ziost was just too easy solo) if a level 65 visits Tatooine and decides "hey, I'm choosing to NOT level sync so I can gank EVERYONE" he can ruin the experience for the rest of the players.


I disagree. Nothing will ever stop ganking. Level scaling sure as hell isn't That doesn't need to be forced on everyone in some piss poor attempt in stopping something that cant be stopped.


Plus, there's the immersion factor. Since this IS an MMORPG, the roleplaying aspect tells us that NPCs on starter planets aren't actually so weak they can barely walk straight (as if faced with a 60+ character). These NPCs are roughly the same health relative to the player so level synching makes that a reality.


You trying to tell me my Sith Lord, chair holder on the dark council is somehow even remotely close to the acolyte right outside? That some terrible design alone before I ever even add a RP factor to it.


Yep, pretty much mandatory was the only way to go here. Amazing that people are so torqued because they can't go back and solo world bosses and take away that battle from the legitimate on-level people there. Oh, but this decision ruins THEIR fun. :rolleyes:


Mandatory was a screw up. Something that should have been optional from design day one got turned into a forced leveling down of everyone in the game because they wanted to make 4 year old content something some new gamer wants to look at. Sorry but thats not enough reason to force this on everyone.

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Thank you OP, for writing this. It's very true.


Just to add on, making the Level-sync optional would actually HARM OWPvP, as people who had level-sync on to do the heroic 2+'s would get murdered by gankers without level-sync every time. Personally I'd like to avoid hurting OWPvP anymore than it has been hurt.

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I agree with your points. Also this is a community requested feature, in some form, in every MMO on the market. It will be positive selling point to draw people to SWTOR.


Yeah. The funny part is even when we were requesting this the people that were against the idea never spoke out because they are so bloody narcissistic. "No way will they do that so I am not even going to bother commenting". This kind of feature was discussed - in depth - for a VERY long time in these forums, but it isn't until a Dev announces that BW took the idea to heart that the outrage began. My FAVORITE comments are, "NO ONE WANTED THIS!!!" Really? because a LOT of folks, including myself, had been asking for a sync system of some sort for a long time. MY main motivation was the ability to help low level friends without stealing all their XP - and also to stop the high level trolls from griefing the lowbies.

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I think it could be ok for the reasons you mentioned, BUT it should be optional. Personally I HATE mobs. I think they distract from the quests and objectives (unless they are the objective). When I get to a level that I can leave the planet, I usually do, because I don't care about he xp from mobs or the quests really. When I get to max level, I tend to go back to finish up quests because I know I can plow right through annoying mobs or just ride right past them without aggroing them.


And occasionally I like being able to help out people that are having trouble killing things. And not everyone wants to play their A game all the time. So its great that some find this to be positive, but I would wager the majority of players see this as a negative thing. I hope the developers notice this and work hard to make it an optional thing.

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Regarding your first point: doing the same heroics again and again that I've done for months/years on different alts, doesn't equal content for me. And at level cap, why would I bother with them anyway? If I want credits I'd do dailies, if I want gear I'd do operations.

Unless you think doing old heroics all day to get gear is awesome content.


Regarding your second point: see my first point. Recycled content is recycled.


Regarding your third point: I find this benefit a bit overstated and overrated. So what if that friend of yours is not online to help you out, are you going to wait till he or she is? No you won't, you'll keep on levelling, find others to team up with. And besides, without level synching you can still help your low level friend it will go fast, no xp while killing stuff but xp for completing it. Does everyone all of a sudden have friends that want to level with them?


Regarding your fourth point: I got nothing. No idea how this would be a benefit for level sync. The opposite actually. I levelled partly because I want to feel big, bad and awesome. Why would I go on an alt to try to get that feeling?


Regarding your fifith point: No idea, never played on pvp servers


Regarding your sixth point: I'll refer to my answer I gave on your first point.


Regarding your seventh point: I like stomping mobs or at least not having to worry about them. Why does it bother you that I do? I levelled, I did the time so to speak, I progressed my char, now I can reap the rewards.


Regarding your eigth point: I don't want to be mini Sith, I never asked for this, the game was never set up like it from the get go. If it was I would have been long gone. I feel my powers are stripped from me. Yes I can kill some gold mob on Dromund Kaas, can I still do the Oricon heroic solo? Can I solo any heroics?

Haven't seen any info on that. So I'll withhold judgement on that for now.


Regarding your ninth point: change can be good yes. But this is changing one of the core aspects of the game. I have been playing for 4 years or so, I am used to my high level characters being powerful, doing whatever they want on lower level planets, be it achievements, relaxing, helping others, exploring etc etc. This is taken away from me. That's not a good change.

Edited by Geeorgedk
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