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Please...About Darth Marr (There might be KotFe Spoilers here be careful...)


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Marr was the reason I started watching "Orange is the New Black."


...I'm not sure what that says about me. :o


oh. my. god. I didn't even realize.


you just kinda... almost ruined Marr for me?


ok, not really. Just goes to show how good of an actor Harney is :p


on a flip side, OitNB is going to be... interesting to watch from now on :p

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Oh yeah, the voice is definitely a factor. He also has a very strong... presence? Cant describe it right, and he is one of the few practical/pragmatic sith in the entire Sith collective to boot :p


Not being a total douche to my Inq like pretty much every other sith ever scored him massive points as well.


I could easily "ignore" all the other game changing changes in 4.0 if i get to keep Marr...


That's just an unsubstantiated rumor :p Since we'll never be able to take his mask off, we'll never know for sure. So I get to continue thinking of him as a silver fox :)


Darth Marr as official concubine for PC Darth Nox as Emperor/Empress? :p


Right? Voice -and- presence.


Marr (and Jadus voice) are kinda like the "

" scene with the hyenas in The Lion King for me...


Marr/Jadus: "Blah, blah, blah, sithy empire business, blah blah blah..."

Me: -shiver- "Oooooooh, say it again!"




Okaaaaaaaaaaay then, so apparently the females on this forum really appreciate Darth Marr.:eek:

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Right? Voice -and- presence.


Marr (and Jadus voice) are kinda like the "

" scene with the hyenas in The Lion King for me...


Marr/Jadus: "Blah, blah, blah, sithy empire business, blah blah blah..."

Me: -shiver- "Oooooooh, say it again!"




I.. will not be happy if Marr dies.


I say we revolt if he does ;-;

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I.. will not be happy if Marr dies.


I say we revolt if he does ;-;


Yes, a revolt! I do like the way you think! If he dies, we revolt!! Excellent.


Thanks for the support for Marr!


bring back Malgus!

bring back Malgus!

bring back Malgus!

bring back Malgus!


He was ALWAYS the one who wanted something like this to happen so he could have a "true empire" return. It would be the PERFECT catalyst for that!


I can respect that. He's your fav. Marr is mine. :)


Don't care for Darth Marr at all but can see why threads like this are there, I would feel the same about Satele, it was her in the first few trailers that got me in to this my first MMO. Though had done SW RP for 30 years.


Thanks for the understanding! :) It's devastating to lose a favorite!


Just stopping by to show my support for Marr.


*hugs my Theronite sister* Thanks for the support <3


Marr was the reason I started watching "Orange is the New Black."


...I'm not sure what that says about me. :o


Omg, I've never watched that...now I have to start!! <3


Okaaaaaaaaaaay then, so apparently the females on this forum really appreciate Darth Marr.:eek:


Oh yes, Darth Marr, I do believe has a brigade of adoring female fans. :D


Thanks everyone, keep it coming! <3 :csw_destroyer:

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God forbid a character dies in an all out galactic war.:rolleyes:


But, just to be even, they should also kill off Satele and Saresh.

I can go either way on Satele, but I will be highly upset if they kill of Saresh. I want to kill Saresh, me an no other.


For my bounty hunter... killing off Saresh should prove profitable


For my LS JK, Saresh is essentially Palpatine without the midichlorians.... for peace to thrive Saresh needs to die and my JK would be more than happy to perform the necessary cephalectomy with his lightsaber. I would love to see a cut scene in which Saresh's severed head rolls to a stop at my JK's feet, he looks down and with true remorse(he is LS after all) he says, "I'm sorry but there simply was no other way."

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oh. my. god. I didn't even realize.


you just kinda... almost ruined Marr for me?


ok, not really. Just goes to show how good of an actor Harney is :p


on a flip side, OitNB is going to be... interesting to watch from now on :p


Hmmm... Maybe Darth Marr is the reason we don't have same sex romances in core game.

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Had to google that one.


"A male displaying percieved feminine characteristics through actions which cause his peers to think less of him."


So, uh... would you like to elaborate what about Marr is feminine?


I honestly think all the people who dislike Marr and think he isn't "cool" are the people who think Darth Maul (as seen in Episode 1, not EU/Clone Wars) is the best Sith ever.



Lol! Darth Maul was a film execs embarrassing idea of a baddie. He was cringeworthy.


I just dont think Marr's 'all that'. He reminds me of my grandma's friend Maude.

Edited by BewBo
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Hmmm... Maybe Darth Marr is the reason we don't have same sex romances in core game.


well... its a good thing that I didn't yet sip my drink when reading it.. I mean my keyboard is one of those washable ones, but still. becasue that just made me burst into laughter :p

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I have a bad feeling that


Marr will die no matter what. in part because they cannot have empire succeed against republic (and have any chance against the new threat) and with Marr at the help - Empire actualy DOES have a chance. and in part becasue Bioware. for all the spiel about choices - they sure love unavoidable deaths and mandatory game mechanics. I mean... the only reason we couldn't kill companions before was becasue crafting and specialized roles. but even then - welcome to your unavoidable world again! >_>

No, the only reason we couldn't kill companions before was because in beta when people killed companions (With big text saying that the action would result in that companions death), a lot of loud voices moaned about it, so much that Bioware took the option away.

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bring back malgus!

Bring back malgus!

Bring back malgus!

Bring back malgus!


He was always the one who wanted something like this to happen so he could have a "true empire" return. It would be the perfect catalyst for that!


death to malgus

death to malgus

death to malgus!

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Look...I don't care if Marr is dead or not. Darth Imperius will takes up his helm and guide the reformed Empire to new height and glory. Darth Imperius will bring the Empire to a new era, and make us great once more. My Inquisitor will get this fallen Empire back on its feet and conquer the galaxy once more...just be warned my domain will be just a wee less evil.


I don't thinhk anyone is going to welcome that joke of a Sith lead :D They'll probably just get their own Saresh....

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No, the only reason we couldn't kill companions before was because in beta when people killed companions (With big text saying that the action would result in that companions death), a lot of loud voices moaned about it, so much that Bioware took the option away.


Wait! There was big text saying it too! OMG! Why did BW even give into these people?!

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Wait! There was big text saying it too! OMG! Why did BW even give into these people?!


Because they were putting a lot of money into the game at that time ( I think this was in the top ten of most expensive MMO's to make, though if anyone wishes to correct me, do so), so the loudest got the most attention at the time.

Though that's only my opinion, let's just enjoy the hope that the changes to companions will quiet people down if they accidentally kill off a companion...

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No, the only reason we couldn't kill companions before was because in beta when people killed companions (With big text saying that the action would result in that companions death), a lot of loud voices moaned about it, so much that Bioware took the option away.


and the reason WHY people complained about it was because they would lose their only healer and becasue that would make it not enough companions at the time to run full crafting and still have someone out with you.


and yes, changes to companions coupled with ability to just buy combat companions should quiet down some of the discorse.. that is as long as killing of the companions is optional rather then unavoidable deaths bioware sooooo loves.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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