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Social Gear biased towards Light Armour users (take 3)


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You are mistaken. All moddable gear has 0 (ZERO) stats on them when empty. What you have been seeing is an all too common UI bug where stats aren't updating correctly. The only workaround I can remember to that problem was to link the item into a channel and then look at it from there.


The only exception to this are the strange "green" / "uncommon" style gear that companions use - I seem to recall them having base stats and slots.

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Please read the post in its entirety before commenting - no more "It's light armour so everyone can wear it comments are required. It's moddable armour and should be treated as such.


Social Equipment - It is biased towards Light Armour users.


All social gear is fully moddable, and is therefore identical to "regular" Light Armour moddables found in the game. I think this is unfair for us Medium/Heavy armour users.


I hear you say - It iz Arrpeee gear, who careszzzzz.


Well I do for one - I don't think it is fair that my jedi consular can run around in full social gear and still be as good as if he was wearing moddables given/crafted/dropped during the game (with comparable mods ofcourse), when my Trooper cannot.


This is classism!


Either make social gear have its own armour type (Un-armoured) or make the social gear moddables adapt the armour type to who is wearing it.


Or as a completely wild suggestion - make some social gear for Medium/Heavy classes (unlikely seeming as most of the social gear includes fancy dresses and chainmail bikinis)


It seems to me that they could add social vendors for light/medium/heavy armor types separately, and not have to create entirely new sets or anything. Same gear, just different types so that a SW/JK can dress up as a sandperson and a SI/JS could look like an imperial/republic pilot.

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Is it a case of "bwaaaah If I can't have it, others shouldn't either" ?

No, it's about making the game fun for as many people as they can. Would it hurt to have more selection and variation in the game? Only haters and people who are selfish and think only about themselves would say, "Yes".

Can you think of one good reason on why moddable armour that rates as Medium to Heavy (ie Troop Armour) in the game is given to those who wear only robes and dresses? I can see the slave outfit being given Light Armour. That makes sense.

If it was "Social Outfits" then it would be White like the Social Outfits you can find in this game. It isn't. It's Orange and Moddable thus making it "Armour".

I'm not so sure I back "slave girl" armour being put into the "Heavy Armour" category but if it enhances the game and makes the game better then I'm for it.

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Well, maybe not the dancer armor... I don't want to see someone tanking in a dancing outfit.


But for exemple, the death claw armor set is perfect for the look i want to give to my smuggler. But this is light armor and not medium, so i can't use it in combat and stay a minimum effective...


I saw a sith inquisitor named Darth Boobiebounce in full dancer gear once... I force pulled them into a vat of huttball acid, because they deserved to die for that name. So yeah I'm assuming there ARE shadow tanks in full dancer girl armor, tanking and "spanking" as I am typing this.

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"Social gear is biased towards..."




OMG! My main is lvl 48.5, and i have not reached lvl 2 social yet. (i got enough to do the "badge quest" way earlier in the game, but long after the quest was available... and haven't reached the next level, in all this time.)


I group. I do heroics and FP's.






Then we can cry about who gets to wear the sweet social gear.


So for now... social gear is biased toward people who exploited the "convo-crit-roll-social-points-bug," and got their levels already. The rest of us can't even use the stuff, at all.


No fun.

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Well, maybe not the dancer armor... I don't want to see someone tanking in a dancing outfit.


But for exemple, the death claw armor set is perfect for the look i want to give to my smuggler. But this is light armor and not medium, so i can't use it in combat and stay a minimum effective...

Shadows can tank in light armour already. I don't see an issue.


And this gets my approval. Already posted about this before.


Just make 3 different versions of the same armour. Exactly the same, with different armour ratings.


Also, can we get a bare-chested male equivalent of the slave bikini? It's only fair. Far too many people use that slave bikini outfit right now (and it's only going to increase once we can remove armouring from PvP/Raid gear) so in the interest of equality, let's give the girls who play this game a chance to dress their male companions as sex objects too. Plus, I could look like Rambo on my trooper then.


Edit: Oh yeah, I also noticed that my Sand People armour kept capping my HP on my smuggler. So can we get bug-free social gear also?

Edited by Ashyel
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I agree, social gear should be white gear like the ones you can buy at light armor vendor, no mods, no stats except small armor stat perhaps.


One of the things I really don't understand what the developers have been thinking, maybe they have some kind of a surprise in store...


But for now it sucks big time...


/Hate, /greed, /anger, /fear:mad:

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I agree, social gear should be white gear like the ones you can buy at light armor vendor, no mods, no stats except small armor stat perhaps.


One of the things I really don't understand what the developers have been thinking, maybe they have some kind of a surprise in store...


But for now it sucks big time...


/Hate, /greed, /anger, /fear:mad:


Er no... If you're looking for a change to be made then let's focus on MORE modable gear. Making the social gear white in reality just kills it. Many people care about how their toons look but what they want is both LOOKS and STATS.


Make more modable gear, release them in all three armor classes and be done with it, really though I'd prefer to see the class of armor be restricted to the armor mod itself and allow the clothing to carry more class restrictions. This way if a previously kick *** "Light Armor" outfit was useless on your medium class you could remove the light armor mod and replace it with your medium armor mod.


Or just do something that doesn't fall into the template of many MMO's in the last seven years.

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Also, can we get a bare-chested male equivalent of the slave bikini? It's only fair. Far too many people use that slave bikini outfit right now (and it's only going to increase once we can remove armouring from PvP/Raid gear) so in the interest of equality, let's give the girls who play this game a chance to dress their male companions as sex objects too. Plus, I could look like Rambo on my trooper then.


It *is* kinda sexist that females get to be the only sex objects in this game. Anyone who's seen those new David Beckham ads would agree that guys can pull it off just as well.


On topic: seriously, the social gear needs to be fixed. Either they add in medium/heavy versions of each set or make it scale according to your class. I don't care which solution they choose, but they need to make social gear viable for everyone.

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"Social gear is biased towards..."




OMG! My main is lvl 48.5, and i have not reached lvl 2 social yet. (i got enough to do the "badge quest" way earlier in the game, but long after the quest was available... and haven't reached the next level, in all this time.)


I group. I do heroics and FP's.






Then we can cry about who gets to wear the sweet social gear.


So for now... social gear is biased toward people who exploited the "convo-crit-roll-social-points-bug," and got their levels already. The rest of us can't even use the stuff, at all.


No fun.


what? You dont have to exploit anything to get points. I farmed my points (lvl 5 social), 65+ Esseles runs with atleast 3 people in a group. Wanna get cool gear, start farming. Hate people who just want everything served.




I agree, social gear should be white gear like the ones you can buy at light armor vendor, no mods, no stats except small armor stat perhaps.


One of the things I really don't understand what the developers have been thinking, maybe they have some kind of a surprise in store...


But for now it sucks big time...


/Hate, /greed, /anger, /fear:mad:



Well if they make it white gear, they might aswell remove it entirely. No one is gonna farm social points to get some white gear. Stupid idea if you ask me.

As one mentioned earlier, just have it adjust to class. If trooper equips it, it becomes heavy.





And a side note:

Don't cry if someone has actually gone through hell farming the social points and looks cooler than you. Get off you behind and do the same, and stop whining about social points are hard to get. Yes they are, but the armor you can get is well worth it.

And yes, i agree it sucks its light only.

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If they change it then everyone will have to be able to wear heavy armor.


Why can only heavy armour users use all armor types while medium armor users only get 2 and light armor users get 1.


Such blatant classism.


Better Solution...remove armour from social gear.

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Considering how no basic class shares its primary stat with any other, I think the "heaviness" of modable armor should determined by the armoring that goes into it. Aim armorings would be heavy armor, cunning medium, and willpower light. The only problem would be the Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior classes, which would be easily avoided by putting a (medium) or (heavy) tag on the armorings when you pick them up.


The pilot outfits from the fleet vendor used to be medium armor and I am really curious why they changed it...

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It never ceases to amaze me how many people are driven to distraction by any perception that someone has something they don't in an MMO.


From now on, I want every credit earned by every player split by however many people are on that server, so that we all just get exactly the same steady stream of income.

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Oh, I have to totally agree here.


As has been said many times, some of the armour really should be light - the dancing girl outfit that I made a consular specifically to wear being an example.


Other classes need to have armour on social vendors that is targetted at them - hell, If I recall correctly, some of it is well suited *VISUALLY* to other classes, but when you wear heavy or medium armour, wearing light is a 66 or 50 percent cut in your armour rating. Totally unacceptable for general gameplay.


I'd also like to see some armours added where you have coordinated, visually similar sets of heavy, medium and light - not identical, but you could, for instance, have the same colour scheme robes, leathers and composite armours, letting guilds present coordinated appearances in premade pvp, operations, grouping.


Just imagine the impact of watching youtube vids showing 16 people in republic or imperial uniforms tackling the biggest challenges in game.

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This really isn't an issue. Since every piece save bracers and belts are easily obtained while leveling. In what ever armor class you want.


And honestly I find it hilarious that someone who doesn't have to wear light armor is complaining. Have you seen our hats? If you want your own social gear you have to wear the same cross dressing dumpster clown hats we are forced into. And no you can't hide your headgear.

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Will the heavy armour version of the slave girl outfit have more armour than the light armour version?


If so then I want the heavy armour version.


If the heavy armour version of the slave girl outfit provides more mitigation then the light armour version but they both look the same how is that fair?

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Yup I find this a problem too. I have the option to wear some very cool armors ingame but since they are all light armor and I wear heavy... WHat's the bloody use??


Plz make the armor in the various forms, light, medium & heavy.

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You do see that all the flashpoints and ops have 3 to 4 times the medium and heavy gear then light right so what your asking for is to have even more custom gear just cause light armor people get something you don't well I have to say that if they give you Med/heavy social gear then you need to lose some gear from the flash points and ops
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what? You dont have to exploit anything to get points. I farmed my points (lvl 5 social), 65+ Esseles runs with atleast 3 people in a group. Wanna get cool gear, start farming. Hate people who just want everything served.




And a side note:

Don't cry if someone has actually gone through hell farming the social points and looks cooler than you. Get off you behind and do the same, and stop whining about social points are hard to get. Yes they are, but the armor you can get is well worth it.

And yes, i agree it sucks its light only.


LOL? Hysterical. Apparently you took some measure of personal offense toward the suggestion that people have, in fact, exploited (and/or "farmed") social points, due to the flaw that necessitates such absurdities as "65 esseles runs" to get social lvl 5. 65 Runs? Really? Who in their right mind wants to run Esseles SIXTY-FIVE-TIMES!? That just can't be as it was intended. I refuse to believe that's how we were "meant" to gain enough social points. It's completely absurd.


And here you are, 1) HATING someone, 2) who you accuse of wanting my points "served" to me?


LOL. Hilarious.


I can't see "grinding" 65 esseles runs before grinding Ilum for my pvp gear... and we all know how long that will take, considering the circumstances.


Maybe i'll be lvl 3 social by next year.

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Will the heavy armour version of the slave girl outfit have more armour than the light armour version?


If so then I want the heavy armour version.


If the heavy armour version of the slave girl outfit provides more mitigation then the light armour version but they both look the same how is that fair?

Umm... where to start. Your post doesn't make any sense if you actually know how the armour and classes work in this game.


Quick recap: Troopers and Guardians wear Heavy Armour... They have always worn Heavy Armour... They always will wear Heavy Armour. They can buy Heavy Armour. They have bought Heavy Armour. And they will buy Heavy Armour in future too. You can purchase [Orange] Heavy Armour basically everywhere... The only exception being... social vendors. Hence why this thread exists.


How is it fair? Well it's fair because Troopers and Guardians have been buying Heavy Armour this whole time believe it or not. I may have mentioned that once or twice. So, adding one more vendor to the list of places you can buy Heavy Armour will be unfair... how? How will adding additional sets of Heavy gear to the game be unfair? It would just mean Consulars/Inquisitors aren't the only class anymore that can use Social gear, and triple the amount of classes that benefit from leveling their social rank.

Edited by Ashyel
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It's light armor so everyone can wear it, it's RP gear. Ok now you can wait until this fills up and start take 4. The fact that you're getting the same responses after 3 tries might make you revisit this but I find it doubtful. So I'll be ready to type this again and just change the 3 to 4.
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