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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The "I unsubscribed because of Level Sync" thread


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Please don't do this to use.


Being able to use planets where suicidal mobs just ignores us so we can have fun RPing our own stories is really important. Don't ruin that amazing freedom for us RPers by implementing this without a toggle, I beg you.

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First, which is it? Sometimes it's "the only thing you'll lose is roflstomp" and other times it's "downscaled characters will still roflstomp with ease". I'm beginning to suspect that which claim is made depends on what's convenient to the person making it, and not based on the objective facts.


Second, that some of you keep saying "You're just pissed about losing roflstomp" just demonstrates that you have not, in fact, actually bothered to take a moment and understand the statements of those who are opposed to this. Look more carefully -- note how many of the concerns are based not on "I won't be able to roflstomp", but rather on "now I'll have to take the time to roflstomp, because the mobs in those areas will actually agro now".


Somehow, people who are really really in favor of this, or just looking for the latest excuse to insult and belittle their fellow players, seem to keep mistaking "I'd prefer to not have to slog" for "I hate any form of challenge".


This is worth quoting. Spot-on.


I have never threatened to unsub, no matter what happened, but this new direction they are taking is something which turns me off. Unfortunately I just bought a 90 days gametime card from this Amazon bundle and I still had a fresh gametime card left, so I have still 150 days sub left. But for the first time since this game started, I feel like I am finally able to let it go. Because of forced level sync. It's as good as a reason as any other. Maybe KotFE will blow my mind though, who knows. All I am saying is that as of right now, I regret having spent 40 EUR on this Amazon bundle. Could have bought 4 Long Island Ice Teas with that moolah. And I've never before regret spending money on this game.


4.0 is catered for new players/subs. Will this work out? I highly doubt it. The Swtor veterans are the ones who have pumped the most sub money into this game. I don't understand why BW wants to completely change their target group. It's risky at best.

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Again not even a hot topic, or close to a hot topic on the forums. Big issues you hear about in general chat in game constantly. Nothing, in general chat.


I don't claim any numbers but given the history of big issues in the past, this doesn't even come close to comparison in uproar about it.


And not one of those claiming they have canceled or will cancel, willing to screen shot an image of their up to date account showing canceled, more than likely because none of them have or will cancel. They'll all be here posting the next complaint thread fake hot topic.



This outrages you so much, you still have your referral signature up and nothing about this topic.

Edited by Deyjarl
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I still don't quite understand what the fuss is about. Personally, when I go back to planents, I dislike one shotting and facerolling through everything. Its not fun whatsoever.


Also, the "OWPVP won't work now" is kind of absurd because you can still gank people; you can still have pvp wars. It just won't be the roflstomp people seem to enjoy so much, which I personally think is a good thing.

Edited by Cordarn
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I still don't quite understand what the fuss is about. Personally, when I go back to planents, I dislike one shotting and facerolling through everything. Its not fun whatsoever.


That's why it should be optional, so that as many people as possible get as much of what they want as possible out of the game.

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Again not even a hot topic, or close to a hot topic on the forums. Big issues you hear about in general chat in game constantly. Nothing, in general chat.




give it time. a lot of times, general can be behind the times.


that said... I haven't unsubbed exactly. seeing as I buy time in chunks rather then having recurring subscription, so there's nothing for me to unsub from.


mainly I'm just biding my time, until expac is out at which point after playing through on a free 60 and seeing if its better then I'm expecting.. or worse - I will decide whether I'll be buying another chunk of time.

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Thank you for posting this thread in the off-topic forum where it belongs. I'm sorry you've gotten so used to facerolling content that you're afraid you'll have to try. I hope you find imbalance in another game so you can sate your desire for laziness.


I wish you the best... for finding a game where you can be the worst.


Good riddance :p:ph_lol:

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The amount of crying, pissing, and moaning about free content that hasn't even been released yet is staggering.


BioWare, please stick to your guns and keep the changes your going to make. My purchases on the CM from the 6th - 20th to finish my collections will more then make up for the rage-quitters sub loss for the next year or so.

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lol wasn't this thread in general?




I don't claim any numbers but given the history of big issues in the past, this doesn't even come close to comparison in uproar about it.


That's because many players are off the game at the moment. At least from the regular ones. Just thinking about my guild: We currently have only 3 or 4 players logging in at all. The rest (some dozens) are taking a break, waiting for KotFE. They will eventually find about all this.

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That's because many players are off the game at the moment. At least from the regular ones. Just thinking about my guild: We currently have only 3 or 4 players logging in at all. The rest (some dozens) are taking a break, waiting for KotFE. They will eventually find about all this.


It sounds like they got bored of the game, so they will only do new content and leave again waiting for another chapters. They left while there was no level-sync. It says enough. The addition of level-sync won't worsen that and actually might to keep a few of them. Nothing to lose in these circumnstances.

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And I lose nothing by leaving. I'd love to be proven wrong, and if there's some magical mystery content that justifies this change I'll come back and eat crow happily. But the way this has been handled is at best disrespectful to players, and I'm not giving them any more money until I see the proof.


I disagree. I feel respected. Like "here, Heroics are now worth doing again. We love you man. Here come have some apple pie, and here is some Sunny-D. Or do you want Root Beer? No matter. Just enjoy SWTOR... yes... go... play your characters.... click that subscribe button... do it."


I find Level Sync a new and fun mechanic. :rak_03:

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I disagree. I feel respected. Like "here, Heroics are now worth doing again. We love you man. Here come have some apple pie, and here is some Sunny-D. Or do you want Root Beer? No matter. Just enjoy SWTOR... yes... go... play your characters.... click that subscribe button... do it."


I find Level Sync a new and fun mechanic. :rak_03:



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So this thread is pretty sad.


One feature I don't like. I am going to threaten my money because a MMO should focus around my needs only. I can't be open minded, or understanding. I can't adjust my play style because i enjoy the game even if they make changes I don't like. This change is enough to make me threaten the almighty dollar because my needs>the game.




Did I get it right?

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So this thread is pretty sad.


One feature I don't like. I am going to threaten my money because a MMO should focus around my needs only. I can't be open minded, or understanding. I can't adjust my play style because i enjoy the game even if they make changes I don't like. This change is enough to make me threaten the almighty dollar because my needs>the game.




Did I get it right?


no you did not.


1. its a pretty major change to the game.

2. its a mandatory change to the game - and people are not asking for it to be removed, they are asking for it to be optional

3. you assume that this feature is 100% improvement to the game.

4. mmo is only as good as how appealing it is to players.


and yes, one feature CAN essentially ruin the enjoyment in the game for people. and becasue they otherwise like the game as it is without that feature implemented? they try to maybe, possibly change the implementation. it HAS worked before you know.

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So this thread is pretty sad.


One feature I don't like. I am going to threaten my money because a MMO should focus around my needs only. I can't be open minded, or understanding. I can't adjust my play style because i enjoy the game even if they make changes I don't like. This change is enough to make me threaten the almighty dollar because my needs>the game.




Did I get it right?


Mmmmmm.... yup, you did. :D

Edited by idnewton
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In the meantime, I'll happily spend my money elsewhere and put my money where I think it is most deserved. I certainly don't require your permission or encouragement, because it isn't your decision to make and never will be. :p

Yet you have my permission, nonetheless.


And re: your cancellation, screen shot or did not happen.

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Did you know that 87.166253% of all statistics claim a precision of results that is not justified by the method employed?


I think you will find its 87.166254%



Coming back from a long break, saw this and clicked, started reading.


Now I haven't read the 4.0 changes so I'll start by asking: does "level sync" mean my level 60 with drop to 24-28 while on tatt?


If so, count me in. Finally all those lvl 60 gankers will have to try winning a fair fight (we all know they cant, hence the ganking). Cant wait to tear them to pieces.



Having said that, I hope they consider a work around for those "destroy # of enemy base defences on planet X" because I haven't got those yet, and I sure don't like the sound of trying to take out 3-4 level 60 champions with an ops group of level 24's lol.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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