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The "I unsubscribed because of Level Sync" thread


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Hey, look, it's another poster who has nothing to back up their opinion but a bunch of juvenile attempted put-downs. Funny how 99% of that has been from the pro-sync side... almost like there's not a lot of objective backing for their position, so they have to fall back on ad hom.


"It's funny because it's true."


It's undeniable fact that biggest reason for people campaigning against level syncing is that they think they are losing their ability to roflstomp content. Only valid argument so far has been an RPer concern of "Oh my god, we can't RP without NPCs attacking us". Even this is so thin argument it would break if someone accidently let out breath towards it because I can think of dozens and dozens of low NPC density areas almost on every planet and area.

Edited by Ruskaeth
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It's undeniable fact that biggest reason for people campaigning against level syncing is that they think they are losing their ability to roflstomp content.


Hey, if thinking that makes it easier for you to dismiss other people's actual concerns and laugh off anyone opposed to mandatory syncing, then go ahead, I guess.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Hey, look, it's another poster who has nothing to back up their opinion but a bunch of juvenile attempted put-downs. Funny how 99% of that has been from the pro-sync side... almost like there's not a lot of objective backing for their position, so they have to fall back on ad hom.


Professional victim.

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"It's funny because it's true."


It's undeniable fact that biggest reason for people campaigning against level syncing is that they think they are losing their ability to roflstomp content. Only valid argument so far has been an RPer concern of "Oh my god, we can't RP without NPCs attacking us". Even this is so thin argument it would break if someone accidently let out breath towards it because I can think of dozens and dozens of low NPC density areas almost on every planet and area.


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Yeh glad finally someone posts a link to what this is all based on, though I have read it in the mean time myself.


Still, we know it's confirmed now but how it affects people exactly still has to be seen. The thing is that people have all kinds of assumptions about how it will affect them but they haven't tried it.


So, the OP is unsubbing over something he hasn't actually tried out yet because of his assumptions and fears rather than actual experience. That part of it still stands.

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Hey, if thinking that makes it easier for you to dismiss other people actual concerns and laugh off anyone opposed to mandatory syncing, then go ahead, I guess.


Hey, if thinking that makes it easier for you to dismiss other people actual concerns and laugh off anyone opposed to mandatory syncing, then go ahead, I guess.


You've said that's why you don't like it.



When leveling alts, I don't move on because of grey missions, I still do them. I do most of the "planet" chain and many of the side-quests too. I like being over-leveled, makes the game more relaxing and more of a stress relief.




Funny how many people are saying "this adds more stuff to do, content will be worth doing again!"


No, not it won't. It will just be too much of a nuisance to bother with now.

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Yeh glad finally someone posts a link to what this is all based on, though I have read it in the mean time myself.


Still, we know it's confirmed now but how it affects people exactly still has to be seen. The thing is that people have all kinds of assumptions about how it will affect them but they haven't tried it.


So, the OP is unsubbing over something he hasn't actually tried out yet because of his assumptions and fears rather than actual experience. That part of it still stands.


Caviar is salty fish eggs. One does not need to actually try caviar to understand that it will, in fact, taste like salty fish eggs. No amount of "but you haven't tried it yet, it's awesome, we swear!" will change the fact that caviar tastes like salty fish eggs.

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Hey, if thinking that makes it easier for you to dismiss other people actual concerns and laugh off anyone opposed to mandatory syncing, then go ahead, I guess.


It's like people think that others go to low level planets specifically to one-shot every single mob in the way. Is it honestly hard for other people to comprehend that some people might go there to collect crafting mats or explore and don't want to get attacked by everything? Also, I'm not for or against this, tbh I think it should be a toggle feature.

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Some of you are overreacting WAY TOO MUCH about this! It's NOT what you think it is at all! It's just a system designed to make the whole game relevant again when you are higher or max level so you always have stuff to do. Everywhere. Didn't you people want reasons to go back to the old planets? But now, they give you that and you now complain it's not the reason YOU wanted to go back.


I bet half of you never even went back to the old planets or did anything lower level with your max level character. So why would level scaling even effect you if you did none of that stuff before? It's not going to hinder your character in anyway. It's just making it so there is relevant content throughout the duration of the game and when you are max level. Not just "ok I'm 60 now what?" you will have loads of things to do. And when you want to go back to help your friends or help low level people, you can now! But you personally will still be powerful. It's a little ridiculous why some of you are overreacting on this.


I still have to see it for myself but if you listen to the stream and understand what this is, it seems it's going to be good for the game. There will always be stuff to do everywhere all the time regardless if you are max level. Now, say you are doing a mission on Tatooine and you get scaled to 26 even though you are level 65. YOU will still be level 65 and have all your gear, weapons, earpieces etc and still kill enemies fast, it just won't be faceroll because the reason for that is so the content stays relevant and it's not just "ok, I facerolled these guys, now what?" Like I heard a poster say "If I can't faceroll, that's unacceptable" seriously.....cmon now.


You even get rewards for the level you are. If you are 60 or 65 and are scaled to the level of the planet, it doesn't matter. YOU will still get the rewards as you are a high level player. It won't punish you in any way for being a "low level player" again. That's not how this system works! It is just a system made so you can go throughout the WHOLE game and do everything all the time anywhere you want while making older things relevant again.


Besides, I'm sure you guys wanted more dailies to do. Well now you have them AND you have a reason to go back to the earlier planets now. But it's not forcing you to do so. If you don't want to go to the planets, don't do it then. Nobody is making you do that. But now there is a reason to go back to the other planets because there will be relevant content on them. Also, have you guys noticed it actually gives more player choice in the end of things to do in the game? Don't be so overly emotional on this. It's going to be ok! It's going to be fine!


Wait until you see for yourself before you make any rash decisions about it. I'm going to see to. But I don't have any expectations and am not for it or against it. I just know from being in this type of system before how it works and how good it is for the game. I'm optimistic about it but still have to see for myself and I suggest you do the same to!

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Some of you are overreacting WAY TOO MUCH about this! It's NOT what you think it is at all! It's just a system designed to make the whole game relevant again when you are higher or max level so you always have stuff to do. Everywhere. Didn't you people want reasons to go back to the old planets? But now, they give you that and you now complain it's not the reason YOU wanted to go back.


I bet half of you never even went back to the old planets or did anything lower level with your max level character. So why would level scaling even effect you if you did none of that stuff before? It's not going to hinder your character in anyway. It's just making it so there is relevant content throughout the duration of the game and when you are max level. Not just "ok I'm 60 now what?" you will have loads of things to do. And when you want to go back to help your friends or help low level people, you can now! But you personally will still be powerful. It's a little ridiculous why some of you are overreacting on this.


I still have to see it for myself but if you listen to the stream and understand what this is, it seems it's going to be good for the game. There will always be stuff to do everywhere all the time regardless if you are max level. Now, say you are doing a mission on Tatooine and you get scaled to 26 even though you are level 65. YOU will still be level 65 and have all your gear, weapons, earpieces etc and still kill enemies fast, it just won't be faceroll because the reason for that is so the content stays relevant and it's not just "ok, I facerolled these guys, now what?" Like I heard a poster say "If I can't faceroll, that's unacceptable" seriously.....cmon now.


You even get rewards for the level you are. If you are 60 or 65 and are scaled to the level of the planet, it doesn't matter. YOU will still get the rewards as you are a high level player. It won't punish you in any way for being a "low level player" again. That's not how this system works! It is just a system made so you can go throughout the WHOLE game and do everything all the time anywhere you want while making older things relevant again.


Besides, I'm sure you guys wanted more dailies to do. Well now you have them AND you have a reason to go back to the earlier planets now. But it's not forcing you to do so. If you don't want to go to the planets, don't do it then. Nobody is making you do that. But now there is a reason to go back to the other planets because there will be relevant content on them. Also, have you guys noticed it actually gives more player choice in the end of things to do in the game? Don't be so overly emotional on this. It's going to be ok! It's going to be fine!


Wait until you see for yourself before you make any rash decisions about it. I'm going to see to. But I don't have any expectations and am not for it or against it. I just know from being in this type of system before how it works and how good it is for the game. I'm optimistic about it but still have to see for myself and I suggest you do the same to!


Just stop. You've admitted to being a white knight and friends with people at Bioware. You're hurting your cause far more than helping it.


Also - people requested more dailies? Are you effing serious?


Recycled content is not cool, it's not fun, it's unoriginal, unimaginative and frankly, trash. They didn't even change it. At least Blizzard redid SFK, ZG, ZA, VC... Bioware, just stuck their thumb up their *** and herp derped.

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Some of you are overreacting WAY TOO MUCH about this! It's NOT what you think it is at all! It's just a system designed to make the whole game relevant again when you are higher or max level so you always have stuff to do.


Why is it so hard for you to believe that some people might understand exactly what this is and be opposed to it?


I keep asking you this, and you seem to keep avoiding a straight answer.


When someone takes their level 65 character to a planet that tops out at 20, what level will their character be for the duration of their time there? Will they have level 65 hit points, or level 20 hit points? Will they do level 65 damage, or level 20 damage?


We already know the answer to those questions, but you seem to keep avoiding them in an attempt to blow smoke up our backsides that this "isn't what we think it is".


This is exactly what we think it is, and some of us don't like it being mandatory. We'd be fine with it being optional, so that people who want it could enjoy it, and those who don't want it can also still enjoy the game.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Caviar is salty fish eggs. One does not need to actually try caviar to understand that it will, in fact, taste like salty fish eggs. No amount of "but you haven't tried it yet, it's awesome, we swear!" will change the fact that caviar tastes like salty fish eggs.


Dumb analogy that has nothing to do with the game. Also max, nobody is going to force you to do the level scaling. You don't want to do it? Be one of those people that just flies around with their speeder when they are max level on fleet jumping in circles and complaining "I'm bored! There's nothing to do!" and the start trolling people. Or maybe you can race around the gtn with somebody while running.


It seems you won't even like this and are very dismal about it. I suggest taking a break from the game and thinking about if you truly want to play it at all anymore. When your sub is up as you said, you won't give more money to BioWare. That's your choice. Just settle down. Ges.

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This change is bad, I don't like it.

Now when my lv 60 sniper go to blackhole will be stronger than my lv 65 sniper. When im doing BH I want to do it asap, I don't want to be challenged.


Thanks to this change I will stay sub only to get kotfe, after that I will unsub. I will sub when rest of the chapters will be realized.

I won't leave this game, I will just stay as pref.


My 3 cents to this topic.


Have a nice day.

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Dumb analogy that has nothing to do with the game. Also max, nobody is going to force you to do the level scaling. You don't want to do it? Be one of those people that just flies around with their speeder when they are max level on fleet jumping in circles and complaining "I'm bored! There's nothing to do!" and the start trolling people. Or maybe you can race around the gtn with somebody while running.


It seems you won't even like this and are very dismal about it. I suggest taking a break from the game and thinking about if you truly want to play it at all anymore. When your sub is up as you said, you won't give more money to BioWare. That's your choice. Just settle down. Ges.


It's a very precise and applicable analogy, actually.


Some people keep claiming that we "don't know until we've tried it" -- which is false. At this point, we have enough information to know that this is salty fish eggs being dressed up as a world-class delicacy.


Sorry that you evidently can't understand that this change is going to mean that there's LESS for me to do in SWTOR, not more. I've been playing almost every day for a long time now, I've found plenty of things to do between dailies, alts, exploring, the occasional space PvE mission for kicks, etc.


Kinda sad to see you fall back on the "you must just wander around fleet spamming about boredome" cliche, you've avoided that stuff so far. In truth, I avoid fleet as much as possible (thank goodness for strongholds, btw).

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Yet you're still here, trying to make me feel bad for having the guts to leave when a game takes a direction I don't like instead of sitting there and asking for another kick in the bollocks.


Interesting. You've left and yet you're still... here.


Your problem seems to be less unhappiness with the upcoming change and more that people aren't sharing your feelings about this. It's not enough that you are unhappy but other people have to be unhappy too or they're evil shills to you.


Oh well.

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Some of you are overreacting WAY TOO MUCH about this! It's NOT what you think it is at all! It's just a system designed to make the whole game relevant again when you are higher or max level so you always have stuff to do. Everywhere. Didn't you people want reasons to go back to the old planets? But now, they give you that and you now complain it's not the reason YOU wanted to go back.


I bet half of you never even went back to the old planets or did anything lower level with your max level character. So why would level scaling even effect you if you did none of that stuff before? It's not going to hinder your character in anyway. It's just making it so there is relevant content throughout the duration of the game and when you are max level. Not just "ok I'm 60 now what?" you will have loads of things to do. And when you want to go back to help your friends or help low level people, you can now! But you personally will still be powerful. It's a little ridiculous why some of you are overreacting on this.


I still have to see it for myself but if you listen to the stream and understand what this is, it seems it's going to be good for the game. There will always be stuff to do everywhere all the time regardless if you are max level. Now, say you are doing a mission on Tatooine and you get scaled to 26 even though you are level 65. YOU will still be level 65 and have all your gear, weapons, earpieces etc and still kill enemies fast, it just won't be faceroll because the reason for that is so the content stays relevant and it's not just "ok, I facerolled these guys, now what?" Like I heard a poster say "If I can't faceroll, that's unacceptable" seriously.....cmon now.


You even get rewards for the level you are. If you are 60 or 65 and are scaled to the level of the planet, it doesn't matter. YOU will still get the rewards as you are a high level player. It won't punish you in any way for being a "low level player" again. That's not how this system works! It is just a system made so you can go throughout the WHOLE game and do everything all the time anywhere you want while making older things relevant again.


Besides, I'm sure you guys wanted more dailies to do. Well now you have them AND you have a reason to go back to the earlier planets now. But it's not forcing you to do so. If you don't want to go to the planets, don't do it then. Nobody is making you do that. But now there is a reason to go back to the other planets because there will be relevant content on them. Also, have you guys noticed it actually gives more player choice in the end of things to do in the game? Don't be so overly emotional on this. It's going to be ok! It's going to be fine!


Wait until you see for yourself before you make any rash decisions about it. I'm going to see to. But I don't have any expectations and am not for it or against it. I just know from being in this type of system before how it works and how good it is for the game. I'm optimistic about it but still have to see for myself and I suggest you do the same to!


Hey Sarfux. As usual, your thoughtful and rational comments will go unheeded by the mob of angry zealots that think this is the end for the world. We have been here before and, sadly, we will be here again.


But it doesn't matter. The level sync is great for the game and we will all benefit from it soon enough. In the meantime, the forums will be much livelier than usual.

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Dumb analogy that has nothing to do with the game. Also max, nobody is going to force you to do the level scaling. You don't want to do it? Be one of those people that just flies around with their speeder when they are max level on fleet jumping in circles and complaining "I'm bored! There's nothing to do!" and the start trolling people. Or maybe you can race around the gtn with somebody while running.


It seems you won't even like this and are very dismal about it. I suggest taking a break from the game and thinking about if you truly want to play it at all anymore. When your sub is up as you said, you won't give more money to BioWare. That's your choice. Just settle down. Ges.


Or BW could add NEW CONTENT with an expansion rather than recycling old content.

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Just stop. You've admitted to being a white knight and friends with people at Bioware. You're hurting your cause far more than helping it.


Also - people requested more dailies? Are you effing serious?


Recycled content is not cool, it's not fun, it's unoriginal, unimaginative and frankly, trash. They didn't even change it. At least Blizzard redid SFK, ZG, ZA, VC... Bioware, just stuck their thumb up their *** and herp derped.


No, I'm not going to stop. Never have never will. You're totally angrily against it without just remaining neutral on it and seeing for yourself what it's going to entail. That's what I'm doing. right now I'm not with it or against it. I am explaining how that system works but it seems to me like it's going to work well and will be beneficial to the game. If you are so rash with your decisions, why support the game if it has something you don't agree with?


In the end, it's all about. Will you pay? Or will you not. Oh, there's the "at least blizzard did so and so neener" argument again. Whatever with you LordTynell.

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I don't really mind the level sync per se.


Sure I'm loosing the option to EZ mode the kill X achievements. Didn't care enough to do em in 2 years for the most part, won't loose sleep over them now.


What is bugging me is the niggling suspicion the "alliance" system is going to be the planetary conquest all over again. An exciting new thing... that basically turns out to be a score check for all the old content they now want me to do again. Again.

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The level sync is great for the game and we will all benefit from it soon enough.


The level sync is good for the game.


However, it being optional is better for the game. Allowing players to play the game as they have been and have a new way to play it should they be interested as well.


Forced down scaling because I went to a starter world. Not all that fun and entertaining as a constant feature.

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Bud, I've already unsubscribed. I can't get any more money back from them now, I'm just here to bask in the delicious attention you shills will heap on anyone who has a different opinion to you.




My hypocrisy meter just broke again. Stupid ACME products.

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