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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Less than 400 votes, and only a 9vote split as of this post between hate it and love it. and the ppl that don't care are equal with the love it votes. But again, the sample size of less than 400 votes is laughable since we got one guy on this thread thinking there are hundreds of thousands of subs in this game. So you're inability to comprehend and deduce data in a logical manner shows just how pathetic it can get when ppl see things in their favor but forget there is a bigger picture still.


you didn't even provide that much sooo..... :rolleyes:

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It is not the majority. I am the only one of two that actually come to the forum from my guild. My guild view the forums with distaste due to the way people are on the forums.


I bring suggestions here from my boyfriend, my friends, and my guild so they do not have to come to the forums so to say that a majority of people come to the forums is false and just for the records everyone in our guild are subs so they are able to post but prefer not to come here.


They say reading these forums have given them headaches due to the constant complaints from the same individuals that post.


That does not mean my guild doesn't care for the game but they give me their opinions, thoughts, and ideas and leave me to present them.


So sorry not the majority in the forums.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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No it doesn't. Leveling is still the key to accessing higher level content along with new passive and active abilities.


Clearly some people here don't understand what I mean by neuter. Read my previous post. I didn't say it neutralises or makes pointless. I am not suggesting there is no point to levelling any more, because obviously you need to to get abilities and do the higher content. But the overall effect of levelling is diminished. You still get those abilities and access to gated content you did before, but there is now less advantage to advancing in level beyond the level of the content you want to do.

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Being able to farm group content for solo rewards is a LOUSY reason to dislike level sync. At teh point at which you can complete the mission without having a chance of being datamged, you're not playing a game, you're pushing a "gimme stuff" button. That goes for credit farming, deco farming, or any other gear farming; where your toon is not in danger. All reward, no risk.


In your opinion. And has been discussed in this thread multiple times if you bothered to read, that is hardly the only reason.

People play games like this in different ways, for different reasons. Stop trying to force your opinion on others.

Edited by ZavienUK
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the forums and reddit do not make up the majority of the game. /thread

I also personally welcome scaling, my issues dont lie with relatively trivial planetary quests but with how this will affect operations scaling

Edited by Faardor
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you didn't even provide that much sooo..... :rolleyes:


As stated in a prior post. It is my observations based of conversations and etc.. that i have read, seen talked about, however you wanna word it. And because i don't take pics of every line i see typed in gen, guild, ts, mumble, etc... i don't see why its so important for this "documentation". Really, ppl just demand documentation because its an easy cop out for them to be oblivious to the obvious because they don't pay enough attention themselves to deduce information from the environment around them.


Ppl demanding documentation for stuff like this is like going to a crime scene where a murder happened and not being able to deduce there was a murderer even though there is clearly a weapon, prints, and other forensic evidence. But because you have no documentation of the guy that did it, you can't conclude it was a murder...really??

Edited by LegionAlpha
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So, No More Retard High Level Player Back to Korriban / Tython for Show Off ? :D:D:D:D:D


Why does that happen a lot. I've never seen it. And if they do, this is going to change nothing, as somebody with all their abilities and passives and utility points on Korriban is still doing to melt faces.


How about you try actually reading this thread to find out why some people don't want this.

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the people that log in and play the game :rolleyes:

I would even go as far as to say that the people on the forums and reddit dont even make up 10% of the community.


Because you can't get around the fact that Bioware still says they listen to the majority. So i ask again, if you listen to someone it means someone is speaking. Therefore you are saying the majority is speaking. But if the majority to them is forums,reddit, ingame chat, then to say that none of those is in their mind the majority, then you assign the role of majority to the silent which contradicts the statement of listening to the majority. You can't listen to one who is silent. /thread

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Because you can't get around the fact that Bioware still says they listen to the majority. So i ask again, if you listen to someone it means someone is speaking. Therefore you are saying the majority is speaking. But if the majority to them is forums,reddit, ingame chat, then to say that none of those is in their mind the majority, then you assign the role of majority to the silent which contradicts the statement of listening to the majority. You can't listen to one who is silent. /thread


they're making these chapters of story mode content not because of the vocal minority but the silent majority



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Less than 400 votes, and only a 9vote split as of this post between hate it and love it. and the ppl that don't care are equal with the love it votes. But again, the sample size of less than 400 votes is laughable since we got one guy on this thread thinking there are hundreds of thousands of subs in this game. So you're inability to comprehend and deduce data in a logical manner shows just how pathetic it can get when ppl see things in their favor but forget there is a bigger picture still.


Sorry to inform you I said I didn't care but that in no way means I am equal to the love it votes. Until there are options for all different playstyles I am not supporting an option for this, even though I do not really care. I am standing on the priniciple that some of these forums have told people who wanted to group in the new expansion to get over it, some have told people that want more flashpoints and operations to essentially get over it, some have told people that want better pvp stuff to get over it.


So until every play style is accounted for and given an option then no I will not support this option as it is not fair to the other groups.


I stand that options should be given to all groups or if no option is given to grouping in the new expansion then no option should be given for this.


So do not count my I don't really care as I love an option when that is not my stance. I do not like people saying because I don't care I support it. I support options for everyone, not for the select few that post over and over in the forums.


Yes I do know exactly what I am talking about. I have been here before launch and I do know that certain individuals will post over and post and then think it is a majority. It is not.

Edited by casi
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they're making these chapters of story mode content not because of the vocal minority but the silent majority




The silent majority being the ones that unsubbed because they don't have the story content they wanted? Well then, either way you pin it now, it makes zero sense because when silent, you ask nothing. But bioware says the players have asked for this, but infact it has not been asked for level syncing.


Story mode content is awesome, im gonna love it, but thats not what our original dispute was about. Good diversion, but see, you went off track to something else...story. Not talking about story bud, talking about level sync. Stay on topic ok?

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Where's your proof that this is the majority? That's all you have to do to win, prove me wrong. Right now you're just making baseless guesses at best.


Where is your proof it isn't the majority? Right now you're just making baseless guesses. And just because you aren't the one saying one is the majority or minority, you are saying that one is not, therefore you must have evidence of the other. But because you don't, you are just the pot calling the kettle black.... /thread

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ooh he called you kid! lol, but yeah dude the vocal majority isn't the majority of subscribers and players.


Numerically, no. I agree. Thats not my point lol. The point is BIOWARE is saying the forums, the reddit, the ingame chat is the majority TO THEM. Therefore, under that assumption because thats how they operate, its hard to see them as having credibility for that claim when noone asks for this stuff lol.

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Where is your proof it isn't the majority? Right now you're just making baseless guesses. And just because you aren't the one saying one is the majority or minority, you are saying that one is not, therefore you must have evidence of the other. But because you don't, you are just the pot calling the kettle black.... /thread


You're the one who made the first claim and I am disputing said claim. I am not claiming anything. So burden of proof falls on you.

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People who are happy about the change pretty much have zero reason to go on forums to discuss it. They'll continue happily playing and waiting for expansion. Where exactly is your majority :p


Being noisy =/= majority.

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