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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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yep disagree first was excited with guild wars 2 with that method since i play it first time that setting but long term it go boring and annoying and they gonna do it here makes me unsub (been playing since last beta) anyway good luck with your gamings and discussions :D
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I think new people will be more accepting. I think gamers who have been playing SWTOR are the tougher crowd to sell this to as a forced feature after playing so long. Thats why I think optional was really the only way to implement this..




Not a chance. I don't care for leveling scaling. I don't play GW2 for that reason. There are parts of FF!4 I don't do because of that very reason.


There are now multiple planets I wont have much interest in because of down leveling.


"Oh but we need a healer on Nar shadda for Trouble with deeds."

Go screw youself. You can send BW any complaint on the matter.


You say this now but you never know, you might change your opinion in the future.

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No, you are completely indifferent. If you were you wouldn't have posted this thread and even more so you would have posted it and responses in a neutral manner. Instead all of your posts so far imply that you support the supposed majority with supposed facts that you refuse to prove.


Me posting does not mean I'm not indifferent. I pay a sub and abide by rules therefore I can post as I see fit in the guidelines. So I'm allowed to post an observation bud. Your argument is invalid

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They implemented it primarily because they have also implemented mandatory level acceleration (12x XP), and are using madatory level sync as a half-assed way to make for the faster leveling pace, instead of giving people the continuing option of using the White Acute Module.


In which case 12x XP is not mandatory, right? You say 12XP is mandatory then turn right around and remind us about the White Acute Module, which makes 12XP NOT mandatory. And what does Level Sync have to do with it again? :rak_02:

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It would be funny/scary to watch if that same thing didn't happen over and over and over. How many people threatened to quit after disciplines got introduced? How many threatened to quit afte slot machines? Or over minor **** like full auto removal?


Let's be real, if the "majority" would quit every time 10 mindless zealots woul start to threaten devs, player count would be negative at this point. And kept droping.

Hey, that camel's back can only take so many straws, you know.


I said details that are needed. And I did not say anything more or less. These details are needed so ppl can be aware of if this is or is not effected...Duh? Get off your high horse

What're you gonna do if these "needed" details are not forthcoming?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I have friends that have been requesting this option since the announcement of the expansion and I watched as they were basically told to get over it and deal with it. I didn't care either way as I solo things but they should have been listened to and not been told to get over it.


Now people want options for this, (again I don't care) because it interferes with them. Sorry if option for one playstyle is given then the option for the grouping should be done. No one is more important than someone else.


And who exactly in this thread did that? I know I certainly didn't. I am all for continuing with the grouping options for the class (and other content). I think that the failure to be able to group for KotFE content is one of the many disappointing things about the expansion.






I can only guess most of the people whining have never actually played a game that does level syncing. It's great. All content remains relevant and playable. No point in rushing to end game.


A guess it just a guess. Perhaps there are many of us who have played games with level scaling and guess what ... didn't like it one bit.


I know this comes as a completely foreign concept to a great many people, but not every actually likes (nor has to) enjoy the same types of things in their forms of entertainment. Completely amazing and shocking, I know! Jeez, next thing you know, people will be telling everyone who likes Rocky Road ice cream that they are eating ice cream the wrong way!

Edited by TravelersWay
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Because you won't be able to go to lower level planets and one hit kill lowbies?


If you don't want it, don't go to low level planets, there is no max level content there.


Why do you assume this is about PvP.

This isn't about PVP for the people who are against it. Nobody said they didn't want this because of the change to PVP. From what I've seen the people against this not PvPers, the majority of players are on PvE servers.


And did you actually watch the stream. The very reason for this change is because they are intending to make all content relevant, and for people to spend a lot more time on lower level planets.

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No you can't.


From blog:

Killing level 30 mobs on Alderaan, you will gain experience appropriate for being a level 60.


That would actually mean that he could.


So being a level 60, I will get 1 xp from level 30 npc, it says "appropriate for being a level 60"

Edited by -Spc
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Me posting does not mean I'm not indifferent. I pay a sub and abide by rules therefore I can post as I see fit in the guidelines. So I'm allowed to post an observation bud. Your argument is invalid


You're not posting an observation, you're trying to post an opinion camo'd as a supposed fact.


You keep telling yourself that it's not a majority, but facts are facts. Just cuz you have your head in the sand doesn't mean the sky isn't blue or that there isn't existence outside of the sand hole.


The majority of players on Harb and Shadowlands are against this. 2 of most populated servers. Again, Bioware states they listen to the community. So if it's forums they listen to, then they are delusional. If it's chat, still delusional because no matter what front you see it as, the majority of whatever front are in distaste of this level sync. Spin it how you want, it ultimately means bioware isn't listening lol.


You've yet to post any proof for these facts.

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Oh and as far as a large portion not wanting this. I see more post saying it's not a big deal than ones say they are leveling because of it.


I don't think anybody is saying a large proportion don't want this. I think the people not wanting this are in the minority (a large minority, but minority all the same) BUT most of the people saying it's not a big deal / not bothered have no issue with it being optional (they are not bothered that way either). Put the not bothered and against together and we have a majority of the player-base. There is an opportunity for both sides of this debate to be happy.

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So being a level 60, I will get 1 xp from level 30 npc, it says "appropriate for being a level 60"

It sounds to me like (as an example) you kill three standard mobs at +0 to your effective (scaled) level and you get the same (or at least comparable) experience you would have if you'd killed three standard mobs at +0 to your actual level.

Edited by SelinaH
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Does anyone seriously think that a high level character, especially one with a 6-piece set bonus, proc relics, spent utility points, legacy datacrons, and a companion with all that presence and influence, won't be able to solo H2's just as easily as they did before?


This is what you choose to complain about with 4.0 coming?


Nope, I don't think anybody is saying that. There is much more to it than that.

I yes, I have no issue with anything else I have seen. This is the only thing.

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Do you need documented proof the sky is blue too?


No, that stands on it own. Everything else you said "kid" is your conjecture. So if your intent is to present actionable facts. Do so. I am sure Bioware would love to see it.

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In which case 12x XP is not mandatory, right? You say 12XP is mandatory then turn right around and remind us about the White Acute Module, which makes 12XP NOT mandatory. And what does Level Sync have to do with it again? :rak_02:


Because after KotFE launches, the accelerated leveling pace will become mandatory. There is no opt out like we have now.

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So being a level 60, I will get 1 xp from level 30 npc, it says "appropriate for being a level 60"


I think you are misinterpreting appropriate. You're downleveled remember.


I think it means you will get the xp of a level 60 killing a level 60 mob, because otherwise there is no point in doing it.

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Yeah. They keep trying to re-word it 50 different ways but it still says the exact same thing: "I am upset because I can no longer troll lowbies as easily.


Eh? This has never been about negatively impacting another person's play experience. I haven't seen a single post from somebody saying "I want to be able to continue trolling lowbies", and as characters with be at the top end of the bracket with all abilities, I don't see this change significantly addressing those issues, where they exist (I've never experienced this problem).

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I rarely visit the forums for starters, but I'm shocked there's that much hate towards level sync...


It being mandatory or not is hardly relevant. If it works similarly to GW2's level sync, you'll most definitely be significantly powerful even when your level is scaled down, but you'll also be able to explore older areas, do heroics, hunt achievements or help friends/lowbies and still get proper reward for it.


As for the purpose of leveling up. Well last I checked, you can't access HM FPs and Ops at level 1; you can't do Hoth when you're still level 25; you can't skip to Correlia if you're still level 40. Gear is level gated, and so is getting optimal and powerful statuses.


I completely fail to see how this became an issue :rak_02:

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I don't recall it being talked about in the stream but I believe that they've previously announced that pretty much all FPs are going tactical. Sadly, you'll no longer be able to solo old ones but - you should be able to find a group for them more easily.


So another bad change. Why isn't there an option to run it either as tactical or at it's original level so you can solo it.

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This has probably been brought about due to the PvP ganking on some planets, especially when new players enter Outlaws den for example and get flagged.


Nah I don't believe that for a second. This has been introduced primarily for PvE reasons, any effect on PvP is just a bonus.

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Arguments against forced level sync seem to be either "I want to ignore some content but not other content on low-level planets" (open-world mobs are content, if pretty mindless content; though I never had much of a problem evading mobs I didn't want to fight when I was on- or near-level for a zone), or "I don't want to have to work for my creds/decos/achievements."


The first one doesn't sway me one way or another; being able to ignore the mooks on low-level planets is a perk of being higher level, but I won't care if it's gone, either. People who are on-level for the planet have to deal with open world mobs to get to the sweet quest-end content bits; and all signs point to them leaving enough wiggle room that the content bits on a planet can still be solo'd with a little work (all the heroics on the terminal were 2+, and unless they radically change their challenge model, 2+ heroics can be soloed at +2 levels over the quest level rating if you work at it a bit; and the level cap demonstrated is at a minimum +2 levels over the DK level rating, and that only because there's one lousy planetary quest rated 16 according to the list at ZAM - everything else on planet (including Friends of Old, the heroic Musco dropped into) is 15 or less. And I'm not any kind of an elite player.


The second one, seriously? You want the reward without having to work for it? You can't earn credits if you have to actually play the game in Black Hole, instead of aggroing as many mobs as possible and dropping a single AoE on them, or letting your companion kill them all while you loot the corpses? Yavin IV is too hard!? Seriously? In all the game locations, daily zones are the FIRST place that should be level-scaled, both for risks and rewards.

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