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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Obviously Bioware is just going to ignore this issue, this issue that is way bigger then some stupid Cartel Market change nobody cares about and stay silent until the expansion, while this issue REQUIRES attention from Bioware. WE ARE NOT HAPPY BIOWARE! Listen to your playerbase and make it optional!




It would be better stated that you state some of us are not happy with this. I like this very much and tend to not want things easy and do not like one shooting things. Gives me a reason to go to the lower planets and gives me a challenge.


So please say some of us are not happy as We can reference to be all of the playerbase and that would be inaccurate.

Edited by casi
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There are not hundreds of thousands of players lol. Let alone even thousands of subs. You're a fool if you think there is any thing close to a hundred thousand subs or different player accounts currently active within the last year... Get real


Last year it was shown that there were over 1 million active players. The player base has not dropped 90% in the last year. The game would've been abandoned. Here is a link from last year:





So you can be the fool.

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I was forced to play traditional lvled content for 4 years if i wanted to play star wars this is terriblu!

Honestly, people who have wanted lvlsync before never had the choise. I think its a fair trade to play 4 years unsynced and 4 years synced. You forget, people who would have preferred this, never had a choice in the matter either. So scream forced after playing less attractive model for 4 years, then I'll consider us even :p


False equivalence fallacy is the herpes of analytics. We can all see what you've got there. It's obvious how it happened.


Be ashamed. Then learn basic reasoning skills and try again.

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False equivalence fallacy is the herpes of analytics. We can all see what you've got there. It's obvious how it happened.


Be ashamed. Then learn basic reasoning skills and try again.


Can I say that you're really, really cool? Cause that just made my day :)

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We're less than 3 weeks out, its going live whether people like it or not.


Also, given the way it's been implemented BW has not even considered the possibility of it being optional, so a toggle 'if' it comes is a long long long way off.


In the meantime I will continue to enjoy the impotent rage of the 'Majority' :D

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False equivalence fallacy is the herpes of analytics. We can all see what you've got there. It's obvious how it happened.

Excuse me if i play the game for story and IP! Clearly you only play it because it has lvls in it.

Edited by Kiesu
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It doesn't even matter anyway. People can sit on here and just keep re hashing all the same view points over and over blowing this thread up but it all comes down to one thing. Money. They will either make it optional or they will lose a lot of players and with those players will come negative criticism rather true or not. And not just here. Blogs, youtube videos, etc.... It will not end well. A happy customer will tell maybe a few people about it but a pissed off customer will tell every single person they know. Just how it is.


Honesty I have been here since 2008 and have seen people threatened to quit over this and that and guess what, they didn't. They are still here. Most (noticed I said most) will threatened to quit as they have since the game launch but they don't quit. They use the threats as some sort of perceived leverage to get what they want, when they don't really intend to quit.


I have seen this time and time again and most likely so has bioware and they probably know most are blowing smoke and will not quit this time either.

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This is probably the framework for creating new options on planets without having to hide everything behind an instance wall or separate zoning.


Doubtful. From a storyline standpoint, any planet affected by the Fallen Empire invasion would have to have new content set in a new instanced area, which then could be have scaling toggled on, or simply set at a higher level (like some of the class quests are on lower planets), thereby negating the need for planet-wide mandatory level scaling.


Or they leave it mandatory and people discover they like the change and continue to subscribe.

Or they could make it optional and put the choice in the player's hand to turn it on and those that do and like the system continue to subscribe. Easy Peasy.


How many nails will it take for that to happen?

Death of a Thousand Cuts.


Do I believe that mandatory level syncing is the doom of SWTOR? Nope, certainly not any more or less than lack of PvP updates, lack of new Ops, lack of whatever is. However, I still would not be so quick to dismiss each of those nails.


We're getting Capes (that have been fixed in previews for so long) to no longer clip on most vehicles finally and that's been since Launch.


The length of time to "Fix" something in a game (or any piece of software/coding) does not necessarily equate to the difficulty in fixing it. With anything, there are always a list of priorities, many simple things that do not have a great affect on the overall experience will often be low on the priority list, and therefore take longer to "Fix" even if the actual work involved is relatively quick and easy.


I see some arguments like "I like to solo a world boss"...

Soloing the wb might be fun for you, one person, but at the same time you are potentially ruining the fun that 10-20 people could have had killing it at level, but who's still trying to get a group together when you come and kill it.


This is ONE of the reasons level sync should NOT be optional.

And there are better ways at avoiding that scenario than forced level syncing.

Edited by TravelersWay
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The majority of us AGAINST the downscaling aren't against it solely because we can't solo low level mobs. We're not against it because of only not being able to solo world bosses. We're not against it to gank lowbies (people still open world pvp? Maybe during Gree event on my server). We're not against it only for RPing purposes.


We're AGAINST the MANDATORY downscaling because they're taking away our CHOICE.


Us 'naysayers' are all for the damn down scaling. Here, bring it on, woo!


But make it an OPTION so we can choose if we actually want to do it or not.


If I'm 65 I DON'T want to suddenly find myself 50 levels lower because I set foot on a planet. I don't want to be agroed by trash mobs as I explore the zone, or head to a datacron or pick up some mats I might need.


You guys may enjoy having to fight your way through **** all the time, but not everyone does.


And why the HELL do players always have to put their ideas of what a game should be onto others?


People like soloing, grouping players want us to group.


People like chilling on low level planets at high levels to grab a node, lowbies want us to help them or be downscaled with no choice in the matter.


If Joe Blow wants to spend his time picking dingleberries off his *** on fleet, or a low level world, or smacking around a manka cat, if he gets enjoyment out of it for his subscription, hey who the hell are you to say he's doing it wrong?


All we want is an optional toggle, or item, or whatever to turn it off when we DON'T want to be downscaled. And turn it on when we do want to be or we need to be for a kotfe related quest.


It's NOT hard to understand why we want OPTIONS. OPTIONS are good, it lets players play however they want within the TOS of the game company they're supporting.


It's not harming you guys wanting mandatory, so just let us have our option to opt out.



Funny, how many of your people supported the individuals who wanted an option to be able to group with people in the new expansion and have it count once without them having to do it twice. What did 90% of you tell them? Can't recall well I can as most of you that saw the posts essentially told them to get over it and that bioware doesn't have time to put in an option just for you, but now the tables have turned and you want an option. What is fair for one group is fair for another group.


Maybe consider that the next time you all tell someone that there is no need for an option for their playstyle as sometimes it will come back around to you as well.


I don't care either way since I solo most things but I normally support options but from past history I have read and saw the posts from people that told these individuals to deal with it so why should I go out of my way to support what you want since you couldn't do it for another group.


Fair is fair after all.

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So a "majority" of the tiny minority of players who post on the forums are against it because reasons.


I really don't see the issue at all you'd have all your powers and abilities,which is MORE than enough for anything on lower level areas. You just won't be able to do it as fast, and you might have to group up now and then. Neither one of those is a big deal or the sub-moronic "Death of SWTOR"

Edited by Beranzen
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You keep telling yourself that it's not a majority, but facts are facts. Just cuz you have your head in the sand doesn't mean the sky isn't blue or that there isn't existence outside of the sand hole.[/quote


The people that use and make comments on the forums are a Minority. So if your basing your belief that the majority don't like Level-sync from the forums your making a mistake. I'm personally at a wait and see. I see it can have a positive affect on the game by allowing people to level together more effectively regardless of the level difference, but if it makes doing the dailies take longer, I won't really like it that much. I don't go to older planets personally unless I'm doing my dailies anyway.

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It's simple toggle or options for this sorry i do not wish to be thrown down in levels.

I love going back to planets op as all hell and i do not wish it to be taken away from me.



Options are the best don't force people to play your way because you want them to.

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Funny, how many of your people supported the individuals who wanted an option to be able to group with people in the new expansion and have it count once without them having to do it twice. What did 90% of you tell them? Can't recall well I can as most of you that saw the posts essentially told them to get over it and that bioware doesn't have time to put in an option just for you, but now the tables have turned and you want an option. What is fair for one group is fair for another group.


Maybe consider that the next time you all tell someone that there is no need for an option for their playstyle as sometimes it will come back around to you as well.

Nice to see I'm not the only one who realized this.

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You keep telling yourself that it's not a majority, but facts are facts. Just cuz you have your head in the sand doesn't mean the sky isn't blue or that there isn't existence outside of the sand hole.


Dangerous word using clear and facts when you have only conjecture if your intent is to present actionable information. There is a vocal group that does not want it. That is true. It may only be 100 folks or less doing all the spamming of replies. (probably less). How this represents the community as a whole. I have no idea, and neither do you.


So if accuracy is your intent, count the names of folks against it (not the replies)

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Nice to see I'm not the only one who realized this.


I have friends that have been requesting this option since the announcement of the expansion and I watched as they were basically told to get over it and deal with it. I didn't care either way as I solo things but they should have been listened to and not been told to get over it.


Now people want options for this, (again I don't care) because it interferes with them. Sorry if option for one playstyle is given then the option for the grouping should be done. No one is more important than someone else.

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