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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Just adapt to the change and we'll see how it goes. Sounds like it's GW2 style stuff though.


Not everyone likes GW2. Not everyone likes a Forced scaling system. For some people there will be no reason to adapt, but there will be a reason to stop subbing and playing the game. That is never a good thing.

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In this thread, now there will be with those for as there will be those that are against. There is no sense going around in circles trying to prove points to each other. Picking out sentences from paragraphs and arguing over what he said, she said, they didn't say, you didn't say, proving you are not some way they think you are.


Just adapt to the change and we'll see how it goes. Sounds like it's GW2 style stuff though.


Pretty much you get to keep your gear, set bonuses, and skills only your lvl and stats are scaled down.

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Just adapt to the change and we'll see how it goes. Sounds like it's GW2 style stuff though.


Yea, I didn't care for it in GW 2 either.


Adapt to a BS change? Thats not happening. I didn't level up to be scaled down in this game.

Edited by Quraswren
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Alot of people are against this.

So best thing to do is to make it optional, this way everyone is happy.


I didn't level up to be scaled down in this game.

Same here.

Edited by -Spc
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I like it. You'll be overlevelled still, and get all your abilities. On top of that we will have sooooo many options for farming since the rewards for scaled heroics and other missions will be upgraded for your level. I don't see any downside to it beyond achievement farmers having a tougher go of it.
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I think too many people confuse "sloggy, tedious, and a nuisance" with "challenging".


This is so very true. And when you're level capped, being able to get XP for replaying old heroics is going to matter so much, isn't it?

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How so? Have I told anyone that they're lazy, or scared of mobs, or "will miss stroking their epeen", or that they should "learn to play", or that they're "crying and whining?"


Oh, no you're right. My apologies. I was thinking of MandFlurry.

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Question if you're not on the planet for a mission or to do the heroics what are you doing on the Planet? I don't go to Taris, Tatooine, or Alderaan after I complete them unless I have a reason to do so.

Pretty much what Max listed. HK part gathering, crafting materials, datacrons, general exploring, RP -- none of which is tied to running the actual content on lower-level planets.

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Pretty much what Max listed. HK part gathering, crafting materials, datacrons, general exploring, RP -- none of which is tied to running the actual content on lower-level planets.


Lets see


HK can be unlocked for all characters.

Crafting mats can be gotten without even going to the planet

Datacrons are going to be made legacy wide

General exploring is a poor reason and RP only applies to RPers.

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You knee-jerk anti-scalers really aren't thinking this through very clearly... do you really think a company like EA would invest the time and effort required to implement this if it wasn't an integral part of the update?


That heroic terminal, the porting directly to the heroic location... this isn't just some random QoL thing... it's part of 4.0... it's part of a bigger picture and as such probably intrinsically required.


We know we've lost companions, we know we need to find them and curry favour (influence) over them... work it out!

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What if killing Hutts WAS the challenge? You'd skip it?


I might, it really depends on the circumstances. There is a lot of stuff that just looked sloggy for no reason other than to take up time when it was "on-level", and then later I'll see some reason to go back and do it, when the level gap makes it just get in, get it done, go home.


For me, one of the nicest things about maxing out gear at end level was that the dailies would go smoother. Get home from work, turn on the PC and log into SWTOR, go clear Oricon or CZ or Yavin... it was a nice way to relax and unwind and not think about work or life or whatever for a little while. If I had some reason to go to a low planet, I just went and got it done, no muss no fuss no wasted time. 12x was great, all my alts were constantly at the "gray line" and I liked it that way.



Geez, I'm already talking about the game in past tense...

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This thing is super stupid.

Why do we level then ? levels just lost a meaning, why do levels even exist if we are always low level on planets ?


You are misunderstanding what this is!


There is going to be "your level" then there is going to be ANOTHER level that is the scaling one. Just like Guild Wars 2. If you didn't play that game, you always have your level go up just like a traditional mmo, but this "scaling" level scales you to the level range in the zone you are in.


So it's NOTHING AT ALL like "why have levels then? why bother with that?" because you STILL are going to have a level and can get to max level cap and get your gear, your armor, your mods and have all that at your CHARACTER level but then there is a SCALING level that will show you what SCALING level you are in the planet you are on.


They are probably going to make a new mechanic along with this in the future for open world pvp and make quests repeatable like gw2 or something. Don't overreact to this. It's not what you think!!!

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If they're camping me thats not really my choise. I rolled pvp server to pvp as equal. Didnt quite work out did it. UNTILL NOW.

Then move to pve server if pvp is not for you.

That's why we get server options

Edited by -Spc
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If they're camping me thats not really my choise. I rolled pvp server to pvp as equal. Didnt quite work out did it. UNTILL NOW.


That's what friends are for. Back when I used to PvP in games, I had my fair share of being ganked. I didn't cry about it. I took names, got my friends and made life hell for that player until they quit the server. Once again, if you can't handle all aspects of PvP, then you shouldn't be on a PvP server.

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