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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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The's the whole issue of it though. THEY LIKE running around low lvl planets at 60 one shotting anything that comes at them because it allows them to stroke that epeen when people of the proper lvl to be there see them and beg for help.


BW doesn't care. Those EPEEN Players can still stroke their ego by being substantially more powerful than a player on equal level who isn't max level, thus making the help experience the same without killing the experience gain.


Then why is it level 10 ? I can just craft level 15 crystal and not buy it from cartel market, in other words cartel market crystals just became useless.


False. The CM Crystals will not become useless because unlike crafted crystals you can pop a CM crystal whenever you want and it will scale with you as you level vs. you having to replace your crystal every 7 or so levels.


So what? You make it sound like going to a low-level planet for an hour makes players forget how to handle on-level content on their level 60 character. :rolleyes:


Does your entire argument fall back to sad little ***** comments, or do you actually have something substantive to add? At least Reno is trying between the pathetic "learn to play" remarks.


You're silly if you don't think there's bad players at max level who are lazy and don't want to put in effort to kill something on a low level planet.


What? Being a high level at a low level planet is the most relevant thing there is. It shows the progression your character made.

My gameplay is being a strong character that has evolved through levels and stories and having something to show for it. Be it one shotting things on lower level planets or doing level appropriate content. Level and story, not delevelling it and breaking story.


You being a max level character scaled down to another freesh player the same as your scaled level will already show your progression, you arn't losing abilities or passives or set bonuses. You're just being scaled down to fit in the max level planet zone. You will still be a strong character.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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A quick look a this thread leaves me with the impression that the sky is falling.


Allow me to list a few things that level scaled 60 will have over a level 24.


  • All of your ability's
  • All of your discipline progression
  • All of your utility points
  • Your almost certainly superior quality gear (greens vs purples and blues) + whatever the scaling works out your stats to be.


yes high level players will be loosing some of there power in lower level areas, but you will still be stupidly over powered in comparison to the content so that instead of just having to hit one button to insta Gib a mob you may have to hit 3 or 4 :eek:

So basically, my delevelled character will still be very powerful, and will be enticed to do content at a delevelled level so Bioware can say 'hey, here's more content'. While neglecting the fact I don't want to do that content at that level as I've already done that content while levelling and I'm more powerful now.

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Oooooo, that's so totally worth having to slog through the local trash mobs while you're suddenly smacked down to their pathetic little level just to do things like Bounty Week...

Is that what you are whining about? The mobs are going to be green to us. If you can't get around them, then you should be able to kill them in like 5 seconds anyways.

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False. The CM Crystals will not become useless because unlike crafted crystals you can pop a CM crystal whenever you want and it will scale with you as you level vs. you having to replace your crystal every 7 or so levels.

So yes, it's useless, currently you get +41 at level 10, in 4.0 you'll get +41 when you reach level 50 which is pointless.

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You will be back.


Actually, I won't. I left this game before Draenor, gave it a shot, and now they've revealed to me that they can't create new content and have to recycle. If I want recycled content, I can find a lot better stuff at Blizzard.


So you can dream and wet yourself thinking I'll be back, but.. nah. Game's still ****.

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A quick look a this thread leaves me with the impression that the sky is falling.


Allow me to list a few things that level scaled 60 will have over a level 24.


  • All of your ability's
  • All of your discipline progression
  • All of your utility points
  • Your almost certainly superior quality gear (greens vs purples and blues) + whatever the scaling works out your stats to be.


yes high level players will be loosing some of there power in lower level areas, but you will still be stupidly over powered in comparison to the content so that instead of just having to hit one button to insta Gib a mob you may have to hit 3 or 4 :eek:


allow me to point out something we are losing.


ability to solo heroic 4 missions.

ability to skip trash mobs on our way to datacrons/exploration/bounty missions,etc

ability to solo wold bosses.


the funny thing is... its not the level sync per se that people are objecting. its the FORCED level sync that is the problem.

optional mentoring system that allows you to take your max level and play with your lowbie friends without killing their xp gain is something people were asking for since launch. mentoring system is NOT what we are getting though.


oh well.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Is that what you are whining about? The mobs are going to be green to us. If you can't get around them, then you should be able to kill them in like 5 seconds anyways.


I want them to ignore me, or die when I look at them.


All this is doing is upping the nuisance factor.

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This hardly equals the death of SWTOR... What's next? The sky will fall? :p


My gaming group and I are very happy with these changes. We watched today's livestream and are looking forward to things to come :)

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So basically, my delevelled character will still be very powerful, and will be enticed to do content at a delevelled level so Bioware can say 'hey, here's more content'. While neglecting the fact I don't want to do that content at that level as I've already done that content while levelling and I'm more powerful now.


Just because you don't won't to complete this doesn't suddenly mean it isn't content. I don't PVP but I still consider PVP maps and gear content. They are giving an alternate way to gear and level by doing this so it works for others.

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I'm afraid you might misunderstand some people's view on this...


This isn't a skill level issue, it is a choice issue...


Some of us like going back and feeling like a Sith Lord / Jedi Master, blasting everything in sight with ease. If the Heroics can no longer be soloed due to this, then they won't be worth doing for some of us. The one heroic shown on the livestream doesn't count, that was a starter one that wasn't that hard to begin with.

That exactly, my Sith Lord or Jedi Master likes to solo stuff, for whatever reason, and it shouldn't be a hassle. No downgrading or whatever. I'm sure it's still doable with all the ablities max characters have, but it doesn't feel the same.

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So yes, it's useless, currently you get +41 at level 10, in 4.0 you'll get +41 when you reach level 50 which is pointless.


Since you didn't read I'll repeat myself.


A Level 10 CM +41 Crystal is more useful than a Crafted Crystal. A CM Crystal will level with you without having to be upgraded with a new crystal


A Crafted Crystal requires you to upgrade the crystal every 7 levels or so, or you risk falling behind where as the CM Crystal has you covered.


This makes CM Crystals more useful than Crafted Crystals.

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Read my other post concerning my remark. My point was being called a whiner because I complain about something that is being done against my will.

I'm not comparing the 2 because one is entertainment that's partially being ruined and the other is a gross crime.


I already provided reasons. Whether or not you deem them 'good' is irrelevant. This gamechanging feature is being forced upon people that don't want it. I'm not saying they have to change or get rid of the feature, I'm saying; MAKE IT OPTIONAL. Don't force it on those who don't want it.


Well, try it out first, see what you think of it before passing judgement. You never know, you might actually like it. You'll be busy with the new story stuff at first anyway. So you'll have time to go back later. People will either adapt or move on.

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Sorry.. I don't usually go back to visit planets except to maybe farm some mats... I certainly don't want to get AGRO on every damn thing when I didn't used to just to get some mats.


NOT HAPPY that its a FORCED change.. would have been totally fine if it was optional and scaled automatically for the Instanced items (Like FP's), but this is just silly.


Well.. guess I'll just keep my happy go *** parked in my SH still. LOL less motivation to go out even more.

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NOT Happy Bioware!! As the Emperors Wrath (Master Jedi, Privateer, Barsen'thor, Champion of the Great Hunt, Darth) I don't want to go back to Drommund Kas (or other planets) and run around like a little (rhymes with snitch)!! If this is truly a problem then lock high level players from killing the mobs or something. AND make it an option to turn off and on. City of Heroes sidekicking was a far superior idea. There was no reason at all to get my characters to 60 if they are going to be level locked on planets that NPCs should kiss my boots on. This from an RP standpoint is immersion breaking and just sucks. I don't go back to planets to farm things or harass other players. THIS will definitely keep me off of lower level planets if I don't decide to jump ship ;P. THIS is a horrible idea. If others want it I'm all for options but it shouldn't be mandatory. You all could screw up a steel ball with a toothbrush ;P.
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allow me to point out something we are losing.


ability to solo heroic 4 missions.

ability to skip trash mobs on our way to datacrons/exploration/bounty missions,etc

ability to solo wold bosses.


the funny thing is... its not the level sync per se that people are objecting. its the FORCED level sync that is the problem.

mentoring system that allows you to take your max level and play with your lowbie friends without killing their xp gain is something people were asking for since launch. mentoring system is NOT what we are getting though.


oh well.


No kidding, kinda funny that some players are so adamantly opposed to letting other players have some choice as to the way they experience a game, even when it has no effect at all on their own experience of the game.


I don't know, maybe they imagine that this will somehow cause more people to be available to group with them, or something. What they don't realize is that if people were that interested in doing lots of group content, they'd be doing it already, regardless of this BS change.

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So basically, my delevelled character will still be very powerful, and will be enticed to do content at a delevelled level so Bioware can say 'hey, here's more content'. While neglecting the fact I don't want to do that content at that level as I've already done that content while levelling and I'm more powerful now.

You don't have to do that content again if you don't want to. I see it as a way to help a friend new to the game level up without gimping him on xp. I can also use one of my alts to help him as well and still get something out of it.

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Well, try it out first, see what you think of it before passing judgement. You never know, you might actually like it. You'll be busy with the new story stuff at first anyway. So you'll have time to go back later. People will either adapt or move on.


Some of us have looked at what's known about the KotFE story, and said "no thank you" to that already, so...


And as for that last bit, "adapt or move on" and variations of it have become the lazy fallback way in video game fandom in which some people tell others "I'm getting what I want from the game, screw you if it destroys what you enjoy about the game", while allowing themselves to feel like they're being rational and high-minded about it.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Add me to the list of players who doesn't want this to be forced on them. It's always been easy to solo low level heroics. I also don't care about those. I don't want to have to find a group for higher level content. If I want to solo a heroic on one of the higher level planets, why shouldn't I be able to? That's my choice and it should remain my choice.


The rest of you who want to? Sure, fine, go for it. I'd be completely okay with getting reduced rewards for not having scaling on, but it needs to be optional. Why are some of you so opposed to the rest of us getting a choice in the matter? If it was optional, you could still use it.

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Just because you don't won't to complete this doesn't suddenly mean it isn't content. I don't PVP but I still consider PVP maps and gear content. They are giving an alternate way to gear and level by doing this so it works for others.

Helping someone with a heroic on Taris on a 60 character is fun for me because I know it will be quick, and I get to feel like that powerful Sith lord that I am. That's content for me, at 60, apart from doing fp's/operations or whatever.

To me that's content being stripped away from me.

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I'm afraid you might misunderstand some people's view on this...


This isn't a skill level issue, it is a choice issue...


Some of us like going back and feeling like a Sith Lord / Jedi Master, blasting everything in sight with ease. If the Heroics can no longer be soloed due to this, then they won't be worth doing for some of us. The one heroic shown on the livestream doesn't count, that was a starter one that wasn't that hard to begin with.


My personal test is going to be the +2 on Oricon and the +4 on Black Hole. If those can still be comfortably soloed, then fair enough. But if not, then I'll never do them again. If I can't do those again, then I'll never do those planets again, since they aren't worth doing without the weekly.


So this wouldn't be opening up more content, it would be closing content off.


Heroics are already easy to solo and they will continue to be easy to solo.

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No, I do those, because they're at the level my character has actually advanced to, and they're part of the endgame, and they give me something relaxing to do (other than dealing with node-poachers and loot-ninjas) when I get home from work.


Seeing my level 60 character suddenly a level 15 character because I need to visit some pissant planet for Bounty Week or some other quest is not relaxing, not fun, not interesting, not entertaining -- it's just nonsense.


What's funny is the new change will allow you to do exactly what you were doing on Yavin and etc. In fact you'll even get rewards and exp based on your character's actual level if you do the heroic dailies on a previous planet. So I am not sure what you're argument is because you're saying you like to relax while doing content that is at the level of your character and and advanced too (not sure how that is the case if you're max level but okay). Well the same is for the previous world content in doing the heroic missions.


So either what you said in about relaxing on Yavin and level content is nothing but a bunch of blah blah which means your argument makes no sense OR you're just QQ for I dunno just to QQ. Not sure what's not to like on the changes, based on your first argument.

Edited by Aricus
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Sorry.. I don't usually go back to visit planets except to maybe farm some mats... I certainly don't want to get AGRO on every damn thing when I didn't used to just to get some mats.


Finally, a reasonable argument. They're making changes to harvesting mats though, too.

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Aww you mean you cant solo worldbosses anymore? Poor thing. I liked them more when you actually had to care about mechanics anyway. YAY for this change RIP max lv farming lowbie content for giggles. If you cant handle lowbie content as lowbie i cant help but to giggle.


You are an idjut. This clearly contradicts the goal of leveling. Ooh so powerful I still die to mobs that I left behind 60 levels ago. There is absolutely no point to making this a forced change. They should just make everyone automatically level 65 and be done with it. It ridiculous to spend all that time grinding levels only to be reverted for biofails expediency. I'm sorry I don't give a **** how much more difficult it makes life for the dev by having my work actually mean something. This is one of the most ridiculous changes I've ever seen in an MMO and I don't even PVE that much. It isn't fun and everytime I get reverted it's going to be another reminder biofail doesn't listen to their customers, never has and never will so I should just leave.


It's great to say fine can I have your stuff but have fun using all that stuff when you play in a ghost town. I've played on two servers now that are mostly ghost towns because of biofails continued stupidity. Think it can't happen here? How many servers did we have at launch, how many people remember wait times to login due to population issues on every server. Where are all those servers and people? If you think you can keep feeding that BS line to anyone who is not a fanboi of the bile biofail passes off as another good change and not be affected you are delusional. Eventually people will just move on as they have already done so in droves hence swtor setting the record for fastest transition to F2P ever.

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Helping someone with a heroic on Taris on a 60 character is fun for me because I know it will be quick, and I get to feel like that powerful Sith lord that I am. That's content for me, at 60, apart from doing fp's/operations or whatever.

To me that's content being stripped away from me.


You can still help your friend out on Taris and it will still be easy for you except now he will actually get some XP for it and so will you if you need it. Not sure why that is a bad thing.

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