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Question: Why will we want to continue with the KoTFE story after lvl 65?


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So, I guess the fact that this is a MMORPG is lost on the lot of you. Fine. If this is your first MMO and you think that MMORPG and RPG is the same, that's fine too. Just know that you're wrong. Jesus i ask a simple, respectfully phrased question and all of the Startards lose it. No wonder people don't visit the forums.





It has run its course and obviously wasn't interpreted correctly by anyone that could leverage previous experience .


Get thicker skin. You posted something many find ridiculous and now you're trying to put yourself in both some sort of moral high ground as well as pedestal of authority.


They should leave this thread here so everyone can see your position thrown exactly where it belongs - out the window.


MMO means jack diddly squat beyond that lots of people can play at the same time. Their 'intention'?


To make money.


They're not exactly made to be ideological declarations and statements of whatever twice-baked 'principle of the thing' you think should apply.

Edited by Uruare
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My point was and still is that a single story for all classes with minimum differences in choices you make wont have the replayabilty value as many thinks. Why on earth would anyone play through the same story over and over and over again, makes no sence whatsoever. It was different in the 1-50 time when you played all these classes with different story, but those are gone so theres no real reason to play through this new story more then maybe 4 times.

So what im saying is you need a variety of things to do when the story is done with and im not sure there is enough to do after you have ran through the first chapters in the first week on multiple characters.


So you've already played through all 16 chapters and know exactly how long it is, & how much choices matter huh? GTFOHWTS :rolleyes:


Why would anyone play thru the same story over and over again? Simple....BECAUSE THEY ENJOY THE STORY. That's why I've played thru ALL the DA games (including DA2 ;) ) over and over and over. That's why I replay The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time, Twilight Princess, & Windwaker at least once a year. That's why I've got 1000's of hours invested in Skyrim. That's why I've read all of my 200+ SW EU novels more times than I can count.


So....YOU might need a variety of things to do, but don't assume to speak for me. Because quite frankly IDGAF about endgame raids, Ops, PvP, World bosses, The Gree event, the rakghoul event, GSF, fully decorated strongholds, achievement hunting, dailies, or that gambling event. I just barely give a damn about the bounty hunting event....and despite that, I haven't had ANY trouble keeping myself occupied since the end of January 2012. And my sub has NEVER lapsed btw.



TL/DR....speak for yourself cuz..... You might have seen me posting on the board, but you don't know me! (T.I. voice)

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Some people enjoy redoing things to see what a different conversation choice causes you to say and be redponded with.


I -still- replay Baldurs Gate 2, i will take a different companion lineup each time just to see what they say/do as a result of what i do.


I also reread books though, so i guess the spacebar fanatics wont get that :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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This is actually a very valid question. Most MMO's add new quest lines as requirements for unlocking new daily areas in major content updates. Star Trek Online adds new featured episodes monthly, much as SWTOR is planning, but each also gives rewards unavailable anywhere else as incentive to play them.


The problem is that playing through the story requires a lot of development effort for very little return. It'll get played once and then forgotten.

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I assume the first 9 chapters will get us to level 65, so then off to raiding for the best gear. What then becomes the motivation to continue with the rest of the story? Is it supposed to be money, some kind of achievement or is it just..well..more story so we should do it?


I'm just curious as unless there is something fairly rewarding other than going through the motions of a traditional RPG, I don't think most raid or pvp oriented people are going to get much post chapter 9.. Thanks in advance.


As a story player, the answer is simple : "Story" :D


And no, I don't consider SWTOR to be an "traditional" RPG - unless you see all Action-RPGs following the Blizzard model as "traditional RPGs" ...


As someone who has played Drakensang, now THAT is a *far more* traditional RPG !


And I'm saying this from the point of view of someone who had had great FUN for months with the game called "The Realms Of Arcania : Startrail" ! Or, with "Divinity : Original Sin" as well ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I have no interest in raiding myself, so my motivation is simple: I do the story because I want to know what happens. I want to live the life, make meaningful choices and interact with my companions. After the great silence, I'd really love to hear my love interests and friends speak again. :o


this ^^



I also have not done any raiding or PVP or really any group stuff IMO its really not the "core" of a mmo that some make it out to be .


(mmo is simply an environment in which multiple people are playing in the same environment in real time ...it has nothing to do with forced grouping or pvp in a general sense.)


I always find stuff to do whether its doing all the dailies weekly just running around one shot things just to hang out with certain companions and with more things being soloable there is even more to do.


If they start putting more forced grouping , raise the difficulty above "normal" level or I don't like what they do with companions that would be a game breaker for me however

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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There is one reason and one reason only to play any game: it's fun.


A lot of "Gamers" seem to have forgotten this. Just look at all the crying at not having all SWTOR pros on their own rigs with their own setups at Twitch.con for the streams they did. Or all the people upset that they might not have to use Excel as a major game addon in 4.0.

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So, I guess the fact that this is a MMORPG is lost on the lot of you. Fine. If this is your first MMO and you think that MMORPG and RPG is the same, that's fine too. Just know that you're wrong. Jesus i ask a simple, respectfully phrased question and all of the Startards lose it. No wonder people don't visit the forums.


And you were given some respectful answers

Most do story because they enjoy it. And they're not wrong about their own reasons for playing the story.

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So, I guess the fact that this is a MMORPG is lost on the lot of you. Fine. If this is your first MMO and you think that MMORPG and RPG is the same, that's fine too. Just know that you're wrong. Jesus i ask a simple, respectfully phrased question and all of the Startards lose it. No wonder people don't visit the forums.





It has run its course and obviously wasn't interpreted correctly by anyone that could leverage previous experience .


Well, this is far from my first MMO, so far in fact that your trolling of people that don't share your narrow viewpoint didn't surprise me in the least. In fact, I'm only surprised it took you this long to get to it. I know lots of people that play Aion at cap, and they've been at cap for years, with nothing changing on their character. According to you, they're what, wasting their time because they're having fun doing something that your limited intellect doesn't allow you to understand? Hey, that seems a bit harsh, right? But really, what else can it be? The OP comes off to me as "Derp, mah statz iz all az hi az they can be at, why iz I still here?", to which the only answer possible is "you don't understand the nature of MMOs, and yet, want to fuss at the rest of us claiming we don't understand the nature of MMOs".


Which MMO is it that you're playing that doesn't have a level cap, so that you're always leveling up? Surely you have a list, right? I've played MMOs with xp requirements so huge that it can literally take a year to gain a single level once you get close to cap, especially if you die, since you lose 4% xp on a death. Then there's MMOs like this one, where you're at cap so fast, you wonder what happened, even before 12x xp. But they all have one thing in common, there is a level cap, and once you reach it, you're not leveling up any more.


So, my question is "What did you expect to happen here?". Did you expect that a bunch of people would rally to your cause and find yet another thing to bash EA about? Did you expect the "hardcore" PvPers to rally to your cause? You'll be disappointed, they play to PvP. Did you expect that the story players would be all like "yeah man, we should level up even if we're at the cap"? You'll be disappointed, they're playing for the story, and couldn't care less about leveling up or progression gearing. Hey, you might have gotten some of the "Hey, there's no new ops or fps" group to rally to your cause, but I think most of them understand the nature of progression, and frankly, that's what's going to be happening with the chapters, story progression. Sorry that you don't understand that, and then want to lecture about what MMORPG and RPG mean, but I thought I'd made that pretty clear in my previous post; no matter how you define what an RPG is, we play them for the same reason, to see what it's all about. I didn't get a copy of Baldur's Gate going "I can make an all powerful wizard", I got it going "I wonder what the story's about", then made an all powerful wizard...

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