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Just how ready are you for KOTFE? See inside for checklist☆


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How Ready Are You?

- One of each class at 60

- All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection

- All characters and companions have a unique look

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank

- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy

- All characters crew skills maxed

- Light Side / Dark Side / Neutral are where you want them to be on your characters

- All main quest lines done

- All your classes look exactly as you want

- unlocked all your legacy perks

- All characters have their perks unlocked


Bonus Round

- All Datacrons collected

- Each character has at least 5 million credits

- 5000 cartel coins banked

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access comming your way

- Romanced another

- All characters have the title you want

- All characters have the weapon you want

- Legacy level of 50

- Max social level

- Your happy with all your characters names

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like



There is more but this check list is mine and if you have at least half of it then your more than ready.

Edited by Heromofo
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How Ready Are You?


- One of each class at 60

- All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection

- All characters and companions have a unique look

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank

- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy

- All characters crew skills maxed

- Light Side / Dark Side maxed on all

- All main quest lines done

- All your classes look exactly as you want

- unlocked all your legacy perks

- All characters have their perks unlocked


Bonus Round

- All Datacrons collected

- Each character has at least 5 million credits

- 5000 cartel coins banked

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access comming your way

- Romanced another

- All characters have the title you want

- All characters have the weapon you want

- Legacy level of 50

- Max social level

- Your happy with all your characters names

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like



There is more but this check list is mine and if you have at least half of it then your more than ready.


I'm only running one of my available characters through the story. Literally. Just one. So my checklist is already done.

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I'm only running one of my available characters through the story. Literally. Just one. So my checklist is already done.


Pretty much this. Except I'm gonna run 3, I think (leveling through pvp takes too long, meh), but I thoroughly prepared only 1 character for an all out KotFE playthrough.

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Here goes, sorry about your eyes:


-Just my Commando at 60, but have Shadow, Sentinel, Scoundrel, Sniper, and Powertech at 55+.

-Companions maxed affection for some but not all classes, haven't really touched HK or Treek.

-Characters have unique looks, but companions not so much (thanks Yavin comp gear)

-Over a million credits easily.

-Bags and cargo holds clogged with rare stuff and cartel market items, but decently organized.

-Each crew skill maxed on at least one character.

-Light side maxed on a couple, no dark side maxing yet.

-Main questlines done on all but one of my 55+ toons.

-Classes look the way I want, but still some extra costumes to unlock.

-Unlocked all the legacy perks I plan on actually using.

-All characters have most perks unlocked.



-Nowhere near max datacrons.

-Nowhere close to 5m/toon

-A couple hundred CC, that's it.

-Have Nico and his swag as well as early access.

-Romance completed on my Sniper.

-Some characters have their titles set up, others undecided.

-High level characters have cool weapons, others are still undecided also.

-Legacy 50 for like 2 years now.

-Social X on a couple characters.

-Characters are named properly.

-Strongholds are extremely messy and bare.

-Characters have a variety of cool mounts but nothing too personalized.

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Based on the following list you posted, I have a ways to go:


All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection <mostly, for all 8: 2 of my pubs still need to acquire hk>

- All characters and companions have a unique look <working on it. Doing Yavin weeklies then dyeing comp outfits>

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank <on any single char, no. in combination, yup>

- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy <you gotta be kidding....stuffed to the gills, lol.>

- All characters crew skills maxed yes

- Light Side / Dark Side maxed on all some are purposely not. My smuggler for example.

- All main quest lines done done

- All your classes look exactly as you want not yet

- unlocked all your legacy perks legacy 50

- All characters have their perks unlocked yes




Bonus Round




- All Datacrons collected no too much jumping on some of them. most collected, though

- Each character has at least 5 million credits not yet

- 5000 cartel coins banked not yet

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access comming your way I guess. have been subscribed the whole time

- Romanced another yup

- All characters have the title you want yup

- All characters have the weapon you want still need more highend mods

- Legacy level of 50 yup

- Max social level no

- Your happy with all your characters names no

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like still a work in process, haven't gotten Yavin because I don't want to give up existing one to get it.

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like

yes, although I'd like to get a few more.

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How Ready Are You?

- One of each class at 60

- All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection

- All characters and companions have a unique look

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank

- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy

- All characters crew skills maxed

- Light Side / Dark Side maxed on all

- All main quest lines done

- All your classes look exactly as you want

- unlocked all your legacy perks

- All characters have their perks unlocked


Bonus Round

- All Datacrons collected

- Each character has at least 5 million credits

- 5000 cartel coins banked

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access comming your way

- Romanced another

- All characters have the title you want

- All characters have the weapon you want

- Legacy level of 50

- Max social level

- Your happy with all your characters names

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like



There is more but this check list is mine and if you have at least half of it then your more than ready.


Everything done save the Datacrons, which I don't care about - too much effort needed for too little return :rolleyes: - the 5k Cartel Coins and the 5 millions per character. Which I don't really think I'll need anyway, I'm pretty stingy when it comes to spending... :D

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How Ready Are You?

- One of each class at 60

- All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection

- All characters and companions have a unique look

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank

- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy

- All characters crew skills maxed

- Light Side / Dark Side maxed on all

- All main quest lines done

- All your classes look exactly as you want

- unlocked all your legacy perks

- All characters have their perks unlocked


Bonus Round

- All Datacrons collected

- Each character has at least 5 million credits

- 5000 cartel coins banked

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access comming your way

- Romanced another

- All characters have the title you want

- All characters have the weapon you want

- Legacy level of 50

- Max social level

- Your happy with all your characters names

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like



There is more but this check list is mine and if you have at least half of it then your more than ready.



Going by your list:


-One of each class at 60 Done! (have 2-3 of each class actually)

- All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection Done, back before Makeb was new.

- All characters and companions have a unique look Clothing and hair for my toons yes, companions just clothing. I like their default looks.

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank Per toon, yes.

- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy Personal cargos are empty. Legacy is filled to busting.

- All characters crew skills maxed Done, every single crew skill, gathering, whatever is max 500.

- Light Side / Dark Side maxed on all Done, all toons max LS/DS 5.

- All main quest lines done Done. Companions, class stories, Ilum, Makeb, etc, etc

- All your classes look exactly as you want Semi-done. Still tweaking.

- unlocked all your legacy perks Everything I think is important like exploration/class story xp boosts.

- All characters have their perks unlocked One or two are missing one or two things.


- All Datacrons collected Been finished.

- Each character has at least 5 million credits Only one of 8 so far. Working on it, but dailies are boring.

- 5000 cartel coins banked Only if I get more referrals, I'm broke.

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access coming your way Of course, I've never ever let my sub lapse, thank you.

- Romanced another Main people are faithfully married. The other 14, wooboy.

- All characters have the title you want Meh, some titles I can't get unless I do like NiM DF or something. No big.

- All characters have the weapon you want They would if people weren't price gougers.

- Legacy level of 50 Pfft. I got this back in early 2012.

- Max social level Some have this.

- Your happy with all your characters names I would be if the ones who took their names finally deleted their toon.

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like Some are, but again, price gougers.

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like Some do, others are looking for cheaper ones.


Alot of the above I did back in 2012, some just now, like 2.1's customization.

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Check on all except:

- Light Side / Dark Side maxed on all

Why would I want this? I played half of my characters neutral, why should i max them exactly.

- Your happy with all your characters names

Haven't been happy with mains name ever since server merge because name wipes and lost it.

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like

Not before they give us more hooks :p

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How Ready Are You?


- One of each class at 60


- All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection

(All are maxed except for companions I never run with, really dislike, and HK/Treek)


- All characters and companions have a unique look

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank

- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy


- All characters crew skills maxed

(On characters I rarely play on, I didn't take crew skills at all. On my mains, all crew skills are maxed)


- Light Side / Dark Side maxed on all

(I have a full Light and Full Dark character, the rest are either neutral, or varying degrees of light/dark)


- All main quest lines done

- All your classes look exactly as you want

- unlocked all your legacy perks

- All characters have their perks unlocked



Bonus Round


- All Datacrons collected

- Each character has at least 5 million credits

- 5000 cartel coins banked

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access comming your way

- Romanced another

- All characters have the title you want

- All characters have the weapon you want

- Legacy level of 50

- Max social level

- Your happy with all your characters names

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like[/left]



I'd say I'm in pretty good shape for the expansion, and I am happy about where I'm at in the grand scope of my characters. :)

Edited by Staavis_SC
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How Ready Are You?

- One of each class at 60 - check. plus an additional number of characters. bought another slot the other day for jedi consular, only have one of these, having a second would mean i double up on all classes, even triple up on 2 classes.

- All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection - not every toon, but i could do it, however it will be a drain on my interest levels. the chances are a number of my toons will have hk and treek and the rest will not. as if its a big deal.

- All characters and companions have a unique look -characters, sure. comps im not that bothered with that much.

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank - can hardly keep the funds and i usually dont hold that much anyways but i also consider money evil so i have little use for it if its just for keeps.

- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy - no need for any of this really. never had much use for this stuff.

- All characters crew skills maxed - dont care about grinding crafting stuff. never have.

- Light Side / Dark Side / Neutral are where you want them to be on your characters - still to work on these, one of my toons is 300 ds short of unconcorruptable. not sure how to find the rest, i suspect its within dailies before kotfe.

- All main quest lines done - check. however i am unable to complete oricon on any of my toons because df and dp are ops and i have never done any ops before. thats the only botch in the book.

- All your classes look exactly as you want - check.

- unlocked all your legacy perks - im still looking to get rocket booster 2 upgrade, ship mail and gtn ability, otherwise i got some of what i want from this.

- All characters have their perks unlocked - i dont care about this aspect.


Bonus Round

- All Datacrons collected - check. done long ago.

- Each character has at least 5 million credits - all characters with 5 million each? maybe in a fantasy world! no way i can do this, i would be lucky to scrape together a few hundred k in credits before kotfe launches, but i doubt it would matter that much.

- 5000 cartel coins banked - dont really care about this aspect.

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access comming your way - check.

- Romanced another - check. minus 2 or so characters who are looking elsewhere for their fix.

- All characters have the title you want - dont care about this aspect.

- All characters have the weapon you want - dont care about this aspect much. a few central characters have the waeapon they started with and even color crystal. others have had a few changes since.

- Legacy level of 50 - check. done long ago.

- Max social level - never cared about this feature at all in the past. it advances nothing so i couldnt care less about it.

- Your happy with all your characters names - pretty much made up my mind when i typed them in and accepted.

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like - only have one on DK, and thats just a little over half built. however the decoration stuff costs a fortune. so that has not gone anyyway since the free anniversay stuff a while ago.

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like - dont care that much about this aspect.

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Actually just waiting for pertinent information to be released (the nonsense post about the nonsense change to commendations doesn't count). Then,and only then will some arbitrary list about arbitrary accomplishments have any bearing on being ready to play through another storyline in the game. Edited by TravelersWay
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've done everything on my main that needs to be done and will run it through the story first. At that point I'll decide whether I want to take any other characters through it.


If I do, the only thing I'm missing is maxing affection on companions, which is easy to do.

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How Ready Are You?

- One of each class at 60

- All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection

- All characters and companions have a unique look

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank

- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy

- All characters crew skills maxed

- Light Side / Dark Side / Neutral are where you want them to be on your characters

- All main quest lines done

- All your classes look exactly as you want

- unlocked all your legacy perks

- All characters have their perks unlocked


Bonus Round

- All Datacrons collected

- Each character has at least 5 million credits

- 5000 cartel coins banked

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access comming your way

- Romanced another

- All characters have the title you want

- All characters have the weapon you want

- Legacy level of 50

- Max social level

- Your happy with all your characters names

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like



There is more but this check list is mine and if you have at least half of it then your more than ready.


According to your list probably not. According to mine yes.

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- One of each class at 60


- All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection


- All characters and companions have a unique look

Mostly. Companions I don't use or have a decent/lore looking starting gear stay in them.

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank


- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy

Always! :p

- All characters crew skills maxed


- Light Side / Dark Side / Neutral are where you want them to be on your characters

I don't do neutral :cool:

- All main quest lines done


- All your classes look exactly as you want

Double check!

- unlocked all your legacy perks

Not all but the ones I need.

- All characters have their perks unlocked

Why on earth would I want to do that? :eek:



Bonus Round

Bring it! :p


- All Datacrons collected

Exept Rishi ones - don't plan to do them, too time cosuming or so I hear.

- Each character has at least 5 million credits

That would mean I would need well over...1b credits? I doubt I picked up so many since I started playing those few years ago :D

- 5000 cartel coins banked

1200 :o

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access comming your way


- Romanced another

On a few toons :)

- All characters have the title you want


- All characters have the weapon you want


- Legacy level of 50

Of course :)

- Max social level

On two main chars.

- Your happy with all your characters names


- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like

Too poor for that :p

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like




There is more but this check list is mine and if you have at least half of it then your more than ready.

I am so glad! ;)

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How Ready Are You?

- One of each class at 60 - 24 chars - check

- All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection - crafting chars check and mapped out where the others are up to

- All characters and companions have a unique look The important ones yes may have a few less desirables all rocking the mountain explorer set

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank 100+ On imp main, 10 mil on Pub main - targeting 50k on the rest (still some grind to do)

- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy All but those chars with sellables I'm still trying to get rid of and I need to sort out the legacy hold

- All characters crew skills maxed Crafters yes, a few holes on a few chars who wwere levelled during xp bonus time

- Light Side / Dark Side / Neutral are where you want them to be on your characters Not all maxed out due to bonus time, but not seen as essential

- All main quest lines done Skipped a few planetary's during x12 but seen the planetary mainline at least 4 times under vanilla

- All your classes look exactly as you want 3 characters to finish off outfits on - namely due to acquiring the dyes

- unlocked all your legacy perks All that are necessary/that I want

- All characters have their perks unlocked as previous


Bonus Round

- All Datacrons collected All but fleet rishii and yavin (if there are any on yavin)

- Each character has at least 5 million credits see above

- 5000 cartel coins banked - come payday there will be

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access comming your way - not sure as the sub lapsed for about 4 hours by accident

- Romanced another all romances covered

- All characters have the title you want Needs double checking

- All characters have the weapon you want might need to replace a few odds and sods for something more fitting on some

- Legacy level of 50 done well before SoR

- Max social level not even close

- Your happy with all your characters names For the most part - it's more about finding a free name with the "iel" suffix I like usiing

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like Only use the tat and needs a little re-adjustment thanks to the item limit increase

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like Working on it at present



There is more but this check list is mine and if you have at least half of it then your more than ready.


My edits/answers in red

Edited by Forgettableone
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