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Now im confused (KOTFE ch1 SPOILERS!!)


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Does the former sith emperor have one identity? Is it Vitiate or Valkorion?? Anyone else feel that the emperor is too convoluted for a character , first its "hes worse than darkness or evil, hes a void that just wants to devour all life into blackness", some real dark stuff, a darker yet more insane sith than any.


Now hes...what? A very stern and wise old man who wants to rule the galaxy in an orderly fashion with this new empire he created...why not use the one he already had? Why not keep one personality? It seems he went from chaotic evil to chaotic neutral.


Thoughts from you guys?



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I'm still confident he wants to destroy all sentient lifeforms. After everything is dead, life will begins anew eventually...circle of life and all, and Vitiate by that time, would be hella powerful. He'd be able to rule the new universe as a virtual God.


Vitiate's dead physically, but he lives on as a spirit. His servants protect his physical (quite decayed, I'd assume) body, but he must control another person to do anything. So I think Valkorion, initially, is his own self (and a good, if stern, father probably) and a fair ruler. But after the Emperor entered and took control of his body, be became hell-bent on crushing everyone else.


He might want to be an Emperor again, and when he's tired of being a ruler of the Eternal Empire, he'll wants to destroy the Eternal Empire, too. I read somewhere that Vitiate's body finally turns to dust and he became "with the Force" shortly before the Return of the Jedi film...so, still a few thousands years of story to mill out.

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I'm still confident he wants to destroy all sentient lifeforms. After everything is dead, life will begins anew eventually...circle of life and all, and Vitiate by that time, would be hella powerful. He'd be able to rule the new universe as a virtual God.


Vitiate's dead physically, but he lives on as a spirit. His servants protect his physical (quite decayed, I'd assume) body, but he must control another person to do anything. So I think Valkorion, initially, is his own self (and a good, if stern, father probably) and a fair ruler. But after the Emperor entered and took control of his body, be became hell-bent on crushing everyone else.


He might want to be an Emperor again, and when he's tired of being a ruler of the Eternal Empire, he'll wants to destroy the Eternal Empire, too. I read somewhere that Vitiate's body finally turns to dust and he became "with the Force" shortly before the Return of the Jedi film...so, still a few thousands years of story to mill out.


I'm starting to think Valk is the real manifestation of the Emperor. Could it get any deeper? As a subscriber, I would feel ripped off if this was just another possessed person by the Emperor. I wanna see the REAL dude. 4 years into this game i think it is time we see the real guy. Is he a one trick pony or what? Can only milk the "emperor" for so long.

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Well, he did his great emperor of a great nation thing with the sith as well, but since it may be a bit strenuous (or annoying) to stay on top of a meritocracy full of powerful and ambitious individuals, he might have tried an autocracy with a more servile population for a change.


When your ultimate goal is to achieve immortality, cloning your body and transfering your personality seems to be a good milestone. You still have a backup, when that immortality stuff comes with bad side effects like an insatiable thirst for blood, or when you violate some cosmic rule and are kicked out of the universe (or thrown into a reactor pit).


Part of KotFE will be to figure out what's going on.

Edited by Mubrak
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I'm starting to think Valk is the real manifestation of the Emperor. Could it get any deeper? As a subscriber, I would feel ripped off if this was just another possessed person by the Emperor. I wanna see the REAL dude. 4 years into this game i think it is time we see the real guy. Is he a one trick pony or what? Can only milk the "emperor" for so long.


This and they need to fill in the backstory now too, who did Marka Ragnos train? the real emperor or one of his thralls?

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I'm starting to think Valk is the real manifestation of the Emperor. Could it get any deeper? As a subscriber, I would feel ripped off if this was just another possessed person by the Emperor. I wanna see the REAL dude. 4 years into this game i think it is time we see the real guy. Is he a one trick pony or what? Can only milk the "emperor" for so long.


He can't be. The Old Republic: Revan says Vitiate is Sith Pureblood. Valkorion obviously isn't. Therefore, Valkorion is not the original form of Vitiate, but is just another possessed guy. Unless Bioware's just decided to say "Screw it, we're not canon anymore we'll just ignore the EU and write whatever we want."

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He doesn't just want to feed on life. he wants to feed on life to avoid Death.


300 years ago his Dark Council turned on him and Revan came close to killing him. So he started commanding the Empire through a buffer. (The Voice)


This is likely when his physical self left the Sith Empire and found Zakuul, transforming it in an Empire of absolute loyalty. Sith will inevitably covet his throne so he just used the Sith Empire as another war machine to end life and feed his power. (Just like he used the Mandalorians and Revan)


Why is he a human on Zakuul? Possibly, his body still ages and he uses essence transfer to prolong his life.

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Maybe he has been Valkorion all along, and the pureblood Vitiate was just a puppet or avatar.


Perhaps the whole devour all life and Ziost incident was just a big diversion so he can go build his super fleet as Emperor Mengsk of Zuul.

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He can't be. The Old Republic: Revan says Vitiate is Sith Pureblood. Valkorion obviously isn't. Therefore, Valkorion is not the original form of Vitiate, but is just another possessed guy. Unless Bioware's just decided to say "Screw it, we're not canon anymore we'll just ignore the EU and write whatever we want."


No, that's zero proof.

The people discussing Vitiate's origins as a being named Tenebrae are Scourge and Nyriss, meaning people with no actual informations. It's all hearsay and legends. None of them ever lived at the time he arose and I'd go as far as claim that these stories were invented by Vitiate/Valkorion himself to solidify his position as Sith Emperor.

It's also possible the Entity known as Valkorion posessed the boy Tenebrae and hid his true power until he became Vitiate.

We'll have to wait and see for ourselves.

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Does the former sith emperor have one identity? Is it Vitiate or Valkorion?? Anyone else feel that the emperor is too convoluted for a character , first its "hes worse than darkness or evil, hes a void that just wants to devour all life into blackness", some real dark stuff, a darker yet more insane sith than any.


Now hes...what? A very stern and wise old man who wants to rule the galaxy in an orderly fashion with this new empire he created...why not use the one he already had? Why not keep one personality? It seems he went from chaotic evil to chaotic neutral.


Thoughts from you guys?




In my opinion, which is me just making an educated guess...it's because he lost a lot of his followers during the time he was "worse than darkness or evil, hes a void that just wants to devour all life into blackness".


Look at how many of the Empire turned against him and tried to help the Republic stop him.


I think he realizes he needs a united empire to do the things he wants to do. So basically, he's restarting...and he can't do that with the Empire anymore, because it's too late for that.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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I normally don't make my font this big, but I feel like too many people are ignoring a possible answer:


The Eternal Empire exists in Wild Space, which is slightly outside the Galaxy. I believe Vitiate intended to eat everyone in the Galaxy and then have his Eternal Empire take over the dead planets. The Sith would have been the sacrificial child for Zakul and the Republic, an annoyance turned into food.

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I normally don't make my font this big, but I feel like too many people are ignoring a possible answer:


The Eternal Empire exists in Wild Space, which is slightly outside the Galaxy. I believe Vitiate intended to eat everyone in the Galaxy and then have his Eternal Empire take over the dead planets. The Sith would have been the sacrificial child for Zakul and the Republic, an annoyance turned into food.


Yup and when the Jedi Knight character asks Lord Scourge why the Emporer would want to consume all life in the galaxy when he would be left with nothing to rule, Scourge responds with something along the lines of "This is not the only galaxy in the universe". There are other star systems out there for him to rule once we are all dead.

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Yup and when the Jedi Knight character asks Lord Scourge why the Emporer would want to consume all life in the galaxy when he would be left with nothing to rule, Scourge responds with something along the lines of "This is not the only galaxy in the universe". There are other star systems out there for him to rule once we are all dead.




The Eternal Empire is what he intended to rule for all eternity. He even states that outright "I forged the Empire of Zakuul to surmount all of my previous works. It will span eternity."


So he destroys The Republic, The Sith Empire, and Everyone Else. He rules the Empire of Zakuul and then goes on to conquer the rest of the Universe now that he's become even more OP due to eating a Galaxy.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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